10 Things You Didn't Know Were Refilmed For Joss Whedon's Justice League (original) (raw)

Justice League


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Superman, The Flash, and Batman and Wonder Woman cover

Most audiences don't realize how much of 2017's Justice League consisted of reshoots_._ The theatrical release loosely followed Zack Snyder's vision, but huge portions of the movie were rewritten and reshot, including most of the third act.

Things like dialogue, action, and even costumes were changed for Joss Whedon's Justice League. S0me changes were small, while others were more extensive. Some of Snyder's work is in the film, but most scenes in Justice League (2017) are courtesy of Joss Whedon.

10 The Russian Family

The Flash after saving the Russian Family

The audience is introduced to a Russian family in the third act of the film. The family lives near the area where Steppenwolf intends use the motherboxes to start the destruction of earth. The viewers watch as the family hides from parademons, but are eventually saved by The Flash. This family never existed in Snyder's version of the film and were added in later by Whedon.

9 The Opening Scene

Superman recorded on an iPhone

In the beginning of the movie, a child is filming Superman and asks him how many people he's saved and what the S on his suit stands for. Superman answers the latter and references his late father from Man of Steel (2013). Some fans might already know this scene was a reshoot, as the CGI for Henry Cavill's mustache removal was met with heavy criticism. The CGI upper lip was a giveaway to those who knew Cavill only had the mustache after Snyder had left the film.

8 Lois And Martha's Chat

Lois Lane sits across from Martha Kent at the Daily Planet

In the 2017 film, Martha Kent goes to the Daily Planet to visit Lois Lane and tell her she lost the farmhouse. They have a conversation about Clark in a conference room. There is an awkward moment where Martha tells Lois Clark told her she was the thirstiest woman he knew. This scene was not originally in the film. There was actually supposed to be a conversation between Martha and Lois at Lois' apartment, which is included in the Snyder Cut.

7 The Flash's Concern During The First Battle

The Flash looking concerned

During the fight in the sewers, The Flash panics and admits to Batman he has never fought anyone, just pushed people and ran away. Batman encourages him to just save at least one person. This moment between the two heroes was not in the original cut, and was added in later by Whedon. The Snyder Cut features a more put-together and confident Flash who consistently pulls his weight as part of the team.

6 Much Of Superman's Resurrection

Superman choking Batman midair

After Superman is resurrected by the Justice League, he has a bout of memory loss which causes him to be aggressive towards the heroes. They try to fight him off but are overpowered. Luckily for them, Batman had Lois Lane brought to the site which triggered Clark's memories.

They go back to the Kent farm and talk in the cornfield. While both scenes started out as Snyder's, a lot of the dialogue was changed by Whedon – including Superman asking Batman if he bleeds, and most of Lois and Clark's conversation in the cornfield. The Snyder Cut's version is comparatively more condensed and downplays Batman's role.

5 The Batcave Meeting

Batman Cyborg and Wonder Woman in the Batcave

The scene where the Justice League all meet up in the Batcave to discuss their plan of action is actually all Whedon. Gal Gadot was not available at the time because of Wonder Woman 1984, so a body double was used in the scene.

Some of the moments that were reshot include Bruce referencing Steve Trevor and the discussion of the Motherboxes' powers – both moments absent from the Snyder Cut.

4 Diana And Bruce's Moment

Diana helping Bruce with his injured arm in the Batcave

After the battle with Superman, Bruce retreats to the batcave with an injured arm. Wonder Woman shows up and helps him fix his injury. Some fans interpreted this scene as romantic and were excited about a possible future for the two, while others hated the flirting and felt it was out of character. The scene was added in per Whedon and the Snyder Cut features a more platonic relationship between Diana & Bruce.

3 The Infamous Faceplant Scene

The Flash laying on Wonder Woman's chest

As many viewers know, Joss Whedon directed two Marvel movies before he came on as the new director for Justice League. Avengers fans might have had deja vu while watching Justice League because of a certain controversial moment.

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Bruce Banner accidently faceplants into Natasha Romanoff's chest. In Justice League, the same "joke" is used with The Flash and Wonder Woman. It goes without saying that the scene is not present in the Snyder Cut.

2 Most Of Superman In The Third Act

Batman Superman and Wonder Woman

After Superman is resurrected and reconciles with Lois, he decides to join the League to help them defeat Steppenwolf. All of Superman's dialogue from here on out was written by Whedon, completely diverging from Snyder's intended arc for the character. Not just that, Superman was supposed to be in his black suit for Justice League's finale, but Whedon switched him back to his original red and blue suit.

1 The Flash And Superman's Post-Credit Race

The Flash and Superman preparing to race

The first end credit scene sees Flash and Superman playfully challenge each other to a race to see who is truly the "fastest man alive." The audience gets to see them take off, but never gets to find out the winner. This scene was added in by Whedon, as there was only supposed to be one end credit scene. That scene being Deathstroke's meeting with Superman's nemesis Lex Luthor, which is now a part of the Snyder Cut proper.

Next: 10 Justice League Episodes To Watch Before The Snyder Cut