Justice League: 10 Things We Know About The Knightmare After The Snyder Cut (original) (raw)

Zack Snyder's Justice League debuted on HBO Max last week and it's fair to say that it exceeded everyone's expectations. The four-hour runtime may have been a bit long but it served a purpose, adding key elements to the plot and giving a lot of the characters more of a backstory. One of these characters was Steppenwolf, the main villain, who was fleshed out more and explained why he wanted the mother boxes.

Steppenwolf was trying to conquer Earth and gain control of the mother boxes to redeem himself to his master, Darkseid. Darkseid is known for destroying worlds in the search of the Anti-Life equation and this was foreshadowed in Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice when Bruce Wayne dreams that Darkseid had taken over Earth and possessed Superman. In ZSJL, this "Knightmare" sequence is given more depth and provides a lot more information on why this world could exist.

This Article Contains Major Spoilers For Zack Snyder's Justice League

10 Wonder Woman Is Dead And The Amazon's Are Captured

wonder woman snyder cut

Maybe one of the scariest moments in the whole film is when Cyborg communicates with the mother box and sees a dark future. This seems to be part of the Knightmare world and shows Amazons, including her mother, crying over the death of Wonder Woman. Darkseid sits on his throne and watches as Wonder Woman burns on a wooden plank, her eyes covered in coins.

It's not revealed if evil Superman or Darkseid himself killed her but it had to be one of them. The Parademons wouldn't be able to kill an Amazon with the blood of the old gods. However it happened, this future would be truly bleak without the powerful and beautiful Diana of Themyscira.

9 Darkseid Raided Atlantis And Killed Aquaman

darkseid aquaman snyder cut

Another part of Cyborg's dark future is Darkseid shown in Atlantis and spearing Arthur Curry, aka Aquaman, against the ocean wall. It seems as if Wonder Woman isn't the only casualty and it's later confirmed that Aquaman is dead. In Aquaman, it's revealed that Arthur embraced his Atlantean heritage and became the new King of the ocean.

Mera stays by his side at the end of Aquaman and the later Knightmare sequence in ZSJL shows Mera with the remaining members of the Justice League. She wants Darkseid to find them so she can kill him and get payback for him killing Arthur.

8 Justice League Headquarters On Wayne Manor Is Destroyed

hall of justice snyder cut

Toward's the end of Cyborg's vision he sees an evil Superman floating over a destroyed Justice League headquarters. At the end of ZSJL, the plan was for Bruce to turn Wayne Manor into the team's headquarters, which is known as the Hall of Justice in the comics. As the camera pans up we see Aquaman's trident stuck in the ground next to a huge stone wall with the words Justice League carved into it.

Perhaps the most frightening part of this vision is that Superman is floating above the destruction with Batman's mask (and maybe his head?) in his hands. It's assumed that Superman destroyed the headquarters, maybe after the Knightmare sequence in Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, in which Superman ripped out Batman's heart.

7 There Was A Green Lantern In The Justice League

green lantern snyder cut

In the rubble of Wayne Manor's Hall of Justice lays a dead Green Lantern. It hasn't been confirmed but it looks a lot like Kilowog, an alien Green Lantern. However, he's not known for wearing a mask that looks like that so no one knows for sure. Zack Snyder did confirm that he wanted Ryan Reynolds to cameo as Hal Jordan, but Warner Brothers denied his request.

It was still cool to see Yalan Gur fight alongside Amazons, Atlanteans, and humans in the first battle against Darkseid, which is told by Diana to Bruce. Snyder obviously had bigger plans for the Green Lanterns, even shooting a sequence with fan-favorite John Stewart that Warner Brothers said they didn't want.

6 Batman, Cyborg, And Flash Are Alive And Have New Teammates

knightmare batman snyder cut

Batman is shown sneaking around this destroyed version of Earth, compliments of Darkseid. He calls out that it's clear and Cyborg, Flash, Mera, and Deathstroke come out of hiding. Obviously, with Wonder Woman and Aquaman dead, Batman needed more help and recruited some former enemies.

Cyborg seems to be carrying something important, maybe parts to the cosmic treadmill? Flash has on the armor from Bruce's dream in BvS: DOJ and it's known he goes back to warn Bruce so the cosmic treadmill is a good bet. Mera is there to get vengeance for Arthur's death but why is Deathstroke? Maybe he knew that Earth would be lost to everyone if he didn't help Batman. There's also a clown with them but more on that later.

5 Lois Died In Superman's Arms And Darkseid Comforts Him

superman lois snyder cut

In a brutal shot, a disintegrated face and body are being held by a black suit Superman. He's crying and looks devastated which means it's most likely Lois Lane. As Superman holds her body, Darkseid shows up and puts his hand on Superman's shoulder. There's no confirmation on how she died but for her to be so disintegrated, many assumed it was Darkseid's Omega Beams.

Yet, Superman blames Batman for her death so who really knows? Joker later confirms that Batman let Lois die, so maybe Darkseid technically killed her but somehow Batman's actions led to it. Either way, this moment pushed Superman over the edge and is the reason he joins Darkseid.

4 Harley Quinn Died In Batman's Arms

batman harley snyder cut

Joker is poking and prodding Batman by commenting on the loss of someone close to him, to which Joker was responsible. Batman responds to Joker's distasteful comments with some of his own. He tells Joker that Harley Quinn died in his arms and she told Batman to make sure and kill Joker. In Birds Of Prey, Harley is newly single after being dumped by her Puddin, Mr. J. Somehow there has to be more to the story than Joker just breaking up with Harley.

Maybe she finally realized that it was his fault that she went crazy and lost her job as a psychiatrist? Joker tells Batman that he's good because he almost got him to break. However, he doesn't and gives Bruce a Joker card, signifying their truce.

3 Batman May Destroy Earth In Every Timeline

batman knightmare bvss

Joker claims that Lois dying is Batman's fault but what did he do to cause her death? Joker even adds that because Bruce is too stubborn to really die, he will most likely destroy Earth in every timeline. Batman is a hero without powers so maybe he experiments with alien technology, alas the Kryptonite weapons in BvS: DOJ, but somehow this time it goes awry and causes more problems than solutions.

Batman is one of the most determined and passionate heroes ever so it's not unfathomable to think he would go to great lengths to prevent any more attacks on Earth. Batman not dying and his obsession with controlling everything could definitely lead to many alternate timelines ending up like this Knightmare dream.

2 Batman Sent Robin To Stop The Joker

batman robin joker snyder

The Joker also expands on a lingering issue from Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice. In B V. S: DOJ, an old Robin costume is shown with the words "hahaha jokes on you Batman," painted on it. ZSJL Knightmare scene confirms that The Joker killed Batman's "adopted son" and pondered why he would send a "boy wonder" to do a man's job.

Obviously trying to get under Batman's skin, the Joker is talking about the traumatic loss of Dick Grayson. Zack Snyder confirmed that this Robin was Dick and even made a tombstone with Richard Grayson on it. In the comics, the second Robin, Jason Todd, was killed by the Joker but Snyder changed it to Dick for the DCEU.

1 Superman Is Working With Darkseid And Is Wearing The Red & Blue Suit

superman darkseid snyder cut

Evil Superman descends on Batman and his Knightmare team, eyes glowing in red and ready to laser all of them to death. Interestingly, Superman is not wearing his black suit anymore and has returned to his original blue and red costume. Obviously reeling from the death of Lois, Superman joined with Darkseid to destroy all of Earth and kill all of the Justice League.

Superman's mom must have died beforehand because even if Lois had been killed, he would have wanted to live and stay good for Martha. Having lost his mom and Lois, Superman must have lost all hope and decides if his world is ruined, then everyone's should be too.

NEXT: Justice League: 10 Ways The Snyder Cut Saved Superman