10 Most Passionate Pixar Characters (original) (raw)

Pixar movies offer various characters with all sorts of characteristics, but many have at least one thing in common: their passion. Passionate characters are not hard to spot, offering enthusiasm and determination in the face of life's many obstacles.

Pixar is exceptionally adept at writing characters who ooze passion from every pore. However, while the majority of Pixar characters are passionate about what they are interested in, there are truly only a handful who stand out as a cut above the rest. From the passion shared among families in Turning Red or Brave to the determination held by a single emotion in Inside Out, many Pixar characters set the bar for passion.

10 Meilin's Passion Differed From Her Mother's And Caused A Tense Relationship

Mei Lee in Pixar's Turning Red

In the film Turning Red, Meilin discovers she can turn into a red panda. This discovery is at first frightening but later becomes a real asset in obtaining tickets to see her and her friends' favorite band, 4*Town.

However, as determined as Meilin is, her mother, Ming, doesn't understand her interest in the boys, and Meilin quickly gets in trouble for her red panda scheme. Meilin's passion and desire to be the red panda continuously confuse Ming. The movie shows this disconnect of passions in the final act of the film, with Ming's red panda causing havoc.

9 Carl Fredricksen's Love For His Wife Led To A New AdventureCarl Fredricksen In Up

The first few minutes of Up show Carl and Ellie's love story, and viewers can immediately feel the palpable love that the two share. Young Carl was interested in adventure, and upon meeting Ellie, that passion for adventure increased tenfold.

Of course, Carl and Ellie's love story comes to an end with her passing, but Carl's passion and love for both the home they built together and the adventure led him on an amazing journey to South America. It was clear that some of Carl's passion was twinged with sadness, but he eventually realized that love takes different forms and that his passion and love can be transferred into becoming a father figure for someone like Russel.

Lightning McQueen posing for cameras, Cars

In the Cars franchise, many cars showed their love for racing. Racing in the cars' world is a big sport similar to football or soccer in the real world. This meant cars like Lightning McQueen were all in, both on and off the field.

Lightning McQueen was portrayed as an arrogant car in the first film, whose passion for racing was a hindrance. His naiveté and gung-ho attitude kept him from believing there was value in a place like Radiator Springs. Fortunately, he eventually saw the community for what it was: a warm, inviting family.

7 Merida Achieved Her Independence With Her Fiery PersonalityBrave Merida shooting arrow

For many reasons, Merida from Brave is iconic, but one of her most notable actions in the film is shooting for her own hand. Merida was a princess that demanded agency in her own right and was fortunately granted that after the magical experience she shared with her mother.

More specifically, Merida's personality was drenched in passion from the beginning. With her three brothers being little menaces and Merida's tense relationship with her mother, Merida's only way to get away from it all was through her passion for archery.

6 Joy's Unshakable Love For Riley Kept Her Going

Joy daydreams on the couch

Riley's emotions are all dedicated to helping her to become a better person, but Joy expresses her dedication in bigger ways than the others did in Inside Out. Joy used to think happiness was all Riley needed until Sadness showed her otherwise.

Joy's love for Riley and Sadness' guidance helped her see that pure joy 24/7 was doing more harm than good for Riley. Also, Joy's passion kept her and Sadness from fading into the recesses of Riley's mind. Sadness' personality was something Joy saw as challenging, but once again, her love for Riley set Joy straight and helped her see the value in Sadness.

Ian Lightfoot Onward

Ian Lightfoot from Onward so desperately wanted to remember his father since he had passed when he was very young and was ecstatic when he found out that there was a way to do so using magic. However, not everything goes according to plan, leading to an exciting adventure with the bottom half of his father and his older brother, Barley.

While on the journey, everything that Ian got to do everything he wanted to do with his Dad with Barley, and he saw that his brother, the one who could actually remember their dad, deserved to see him the most. Had Ian's passionate want to see his dad been ignored, Barley would've never gotten to say his goodbyes.

4 Miguel's Passion For Music Helped Him Unmask A Villain

Miguel plays the guitar

Coco's Miguel knew that music in his family was forbidden but simply could not let that part of himself go. Miguel's family despised music due to Coco's father, Héctor, apparently abandoning the family to pursue a music career, but, as it turns out, that was not the case.

Because of Miguel's passion for music, he ended up stealing a guitar and playing it, making him go to the land of the dead. There, he uncovered that Ernesto killed Coco's father and that Ernesto stole those songs from him. If Miguel's love for music were squashed by his family's anger, his family would have never known about Héctor's innocence.

3 Remy's Fervent Love For Cooking Shone Brightly In Paris

Remy holding a spice container

Ratatouille introduced Disney audiences to Remy, the rat that fell in love with cooking. Remy's love for cooking was a place of stress with his father, but Remy knew who he was despite his community not seeing it yet.

The passion Remy had for cooking led to him becoming the best chef in Paris, and while that dream didn't last long with Gusteau's shutting down, his influence was felt by those around him. Remy mended things with his father, Linguini, and even made Anton Ego feel real emotions.

2 Mike Wazowski Went To Scare School With Sheer Passion Alone

Mike arrives at college

In Monsters University, audiences were gifted with the backstory of both Mike and Sully. In the movie, Mike is seen aspiring to be a scarer despite his physical appearance lacking in the scary department, but that would never stop him.

Mike's determined spirit kept him going and even got him into one of the best schools for scaring. While he was continuously challenged for his right to be there, he persevered. And even though both Mike and Sully were kicked out, viewers knew they would end up on the Scare Floor at Monsters Incorporated.

1 Joe's Relationship To Music Was Both Beautiful And Inspiring

Joe Gardner from Pixar's Soul

In the movie Soul, Joe is shown to be an incredibly passionate individual. Joe's love for jazz was illustrated beautifully in the animation and the evocative musical sequences that brought viewers into his world.

Joe's passion positively impacted 22 in the Great Before, helping her finally see the joy in living; inversely, she helped him see it too. Joe's inspiring strides even helped him get a second chance at life and continue inspiring others as the jazz musician he always wanted to be and the teacher he always was.

NEXT: 10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Pixar Films