10 Biggest Differences Between The Snyder Cut & The Original Justice League (original) (raw)

Whether Zack Snyder's Justice League is better than the original or not is up to the fans to debate, but there is no doubt that the 4-hour version of the film is certainly different than 2017's original Justice League.

From the moment the movie begins, there is a different tone to the film, for some fans, it was amazing to see and felt like vindication after years of campaigning. While others tuned in feeling indifferent to either version of the movie. It is a divisive movie among fans but has already inspired a whole new online campaign for Restoring the Snyderverse.

Spoilers for The Snyder Cut below.

10 Darkseid Is Arriving In The DCEU

Zack Snyder Justice League Darkseid

Seeing Darkseid finally make his film debut was an amazing moment for all fans. He brought all the fear and fire that people would expect from the Lord of Apokolips.

Although his part was still smaller than fans wanted, it was everything viewers could have dreamed of. If the "Restore the Snyderverse" campaign gets what it wants then fans will be seeing a lot more of him.

9 Cyborg Is A Technological God

Cyborg holding up his first and crushing his father's tape recorder

One of the biggest improvements from the Snyder Cut is Cyborg's characterization. He is given a huge power boost, even being shown that he can hack into any bank account or defense grid on the entire planet.

Cyborg is portrayed as a tech god in the Snyder Cut instead of a MacGuffin like he was in the 2017 version of the movie. Fans of the character were happy to see him used to his full potential.

8 Steppenwolf Has An Actual Backstory And Purpose

Steppenwolf snyder cut Cropped

In 2017, Steppenwolf was a terrible character as he was undeveloped and lacked any kind of clear motivation. It was hard to get behind a villain that was completely one-dimensional, it didn't help a movie that was already hurting from other issues.

Luckily the Snyder Cut saves Steppenwolf, it gave him an entire backstory as well as more motivation for why he was invading Earth. Improving Steppenwolf gave the whole plot more depth and nuance.

7 Martian Manhunter Reveals Himself To Batman

Martian Manhunter In Zack Snyder's Justice League

A huge moment for Zack Snyder's Justice League was the reveal of Martian Manhunter, it was the first time that the all-powerful character made an appearance in film and not on TV.

Fans loved seeing him transform from Martha Kent to J'onn J'onzz. Then when he descended from the sky to talk to Batman and declare his intention to join the heroes of Earth, it just made people want to see a Justice League sequel even more.

6 This Version Has A More Cohesive Story

Justice League Flag

The first cut of the Justice League was a disjointed story that left fans more confused than satisfied. The pieces didn't fit together within the context of the film or within the wider DCEU that Snyder had established up to that point.

This new version of the movie works a lot better as a whole and the story has a better flow. It fits perfectly with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman and makes them feel like a trilogy, even if it is unfinished.

5 Flash Learns How To Time Travel

Barry Allen Dressed As The Flash In The Snyder Cut Justice League

When the climax of the Snyder Cut hits, it seems like the heroes are about to lose it all and Darkseid is going to invade the Earth. But the Flash steps up and saves the day.

He enters what is presumed to be the Speed Force and turns back the clock. He allows the heroes a second chance at victory and without him, all would have been gone and the nightmare that Batman experienced would have come to pass.

4 The Anti-Life Equation Is On Earth

Darkseid heads towards the Justice League

Darkseid's main purpose for conquering the galaxy is to find the Anti-Life Equation, (the formula that allows him to dominate all free will in the universe.)

The Snyder cut makes the big reveal that the Anti-Life Equation is on Earth. Steppenwolf finds it and it immediately garners the attention of Darkseid, it set the stage for his whole invasion of Earth and the Knightmare reality that would follow.

3 There Is More Explanation For The Knightmare Reality

Superman In The Knightmare Future In Zack Snyder's Justice League

Since Batman v Superman fans have been baffled by Bruce's dreams of a terrifying future, dubbed the Knightmare future. In Justice League this becomes more fleshed out through explanations as to what causes this future, as well as an epic scene between Batman and the Joker.

It is the extended Knightmare sequences that really help drive this grim reality home with the fans and make them ache for more of it.

2 Superman's Death Had An Actual Impact

Superman's Death At The Beginning Of Zack Snyder's Justice League

Superman's death was almost meaningless in the original cut of the Justice League. It tried to show the impact of his death across the world, but it just didn't land with the fans. In the Snyder Cut, the whole opening of the movie was dedicated to showing the ripple effects that his death had across the Earth and across the wider universe.

It made it so that fans could actually understand why his death meant so much and how it kicked off the events that followed.

1 The Cliffhanger Ending Will Haunt Fans For Years

Snyder Cut Epilogue A Father Twice Over

The cliffhanger of this movie is what will haunt fans for years to come. It sets up so much, from Batman v Deathstroke to the official Darkseid invasion of Earth. Some could argue that the cliffhangers were left on purpose in order to try to get fans to hope and campaign for more films and if so, it definitely worked.

Because of those cliffhangers, a lot of people would tune in to see those loose ends get tied up.

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