Silicon Road: Great engine games series, by Matthew Sadler (original) (raw)
Silicon Road: Great Engine Games! Entrenched squares! This is the new video by GM Matthew Sadler, covering Leela-Ethereal TCEC Swiss 7
It’s a lovely opsitional squeeze from Leela starting from an opening position that suits its style down to the ground. An early (book) advance of the g-pawn in a Budapest Gambit secures Leela the f4-square for its pieces in perpetuity. Leela uses this asset beautifully to extract more and more concessions from Ethereal culminating in a tale of 2 rook’s pawns in a 2 bishops against 2 knights endgame: Leela’s rook’s pawn on h6 is invulnerable and crippling, Ethereal’s a4-pawn is weak and open to attack! The game is viewable here:
More: Leela Chess Zero wins TCEC Swiss 7 / Leela-Obsidian TCEC Swiss 7 (video) / Slicing and dicing the Budapest: Alekhine’s 4.e4… with a twist!