The Cockcroft Institute | Accelerator Science and Technology (original) (raw)

Centre of Excellence

The Cockcroft Institute’s cross-cutting applications programme allows its expertise to be used to address global challenges in health, security, energy, manufacturing and the environment, and to train the next generation of accelerator experts.

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Frontier Accelerators

The Cockcroft Institute is carrying out a lot of its research in collaboration with large scale research facilities, such as CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.

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Medical Accelerators

CI researchers are carrying out developments into particle beam based cancer therapy and lead the European network OMA. Source: Thomas Kästenbauer

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PhD Opportunities

The Cockcroft institute is looking for bright and enthusiastic individuals with degrees in Physics, Engineering or Mathematics and with an interest in accelerator science and technology

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Outreach at the Cockcroft Institute

The Cockcroft Institute is committed to the public understanding of science, and the communication of the scientific work of the Institute to the wider community. We can provide scientific talks and visits to clubs and education establishments by Institute staff, and will organise outreach activities at the Institute throughout the year.


Business & Industry

The Cockcroft Institute works closely with industry to apply its knowledge, skills and facilities to industrial challenges.

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