CPT Members - CPT - www.coe.int (original) (raw)

CPT members serve in their individual capacity, are independent and do not represent the State in respect of which they have been elected.

Medical doctor
Former Commissioner, Scottish Human Rights Commission
Past-Chair, Independent Prison Monitoring Advisory Group, Scotland

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Medical doctor
Professor of Medicine, University of Geneva
Physician-in-chief of the Division of Prison Health, University Hospitals of Geneva
President of the Conference of Swiss Prison Doctors
President of the clinical ethics committee of the Geneva University Hospitals

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Legal Director, DIGNITY – Danish Institute against Torture
National Expert to the United Nations Sub-Committee on Prevention of Torture (SPT)
Expert to the OSCE Human Dimension Mechanism (Moscow Mechanism)

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Advisor on Pharmaceutical Policies, Ministry of Social Affairs
Former member of the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT)

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Physio- and Psychotherapist
Lecturer of crisis psychology at the Open University at Åbo Akademi University
Consultant for EU-RAN

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Practising lawyer
Researcher at the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon in the field of criminal law and criminal procedure

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027


Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Professor of Criminology at the Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC), KU Leuven

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Inspector General, Inspectorate General of Judicial Services, Ministry of Justice
Former monitor for the Controller General of Places of Deprivation of Liberty (CGLPL)
Former penitentiary judge

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Head of National Preventive Mechanism - Expert on juveniles in detention and juvenile delinquency

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Practising lawyer
Founding member of the Committee of Duty Solicitors

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Police constable working for the Crime Scene Unit within the Cyprus Police
University lecturer in criminology
Doctor in Criminal Justice

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Criminologist and psychologist
Former Head of OPCAT NPM Department, Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights
Former senior officer at the Hungarian Prison Service
Former prison social worker (educator) and psychologist, Budapest Medium and High Security Prison

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist
Adjunct Professor at the University of Limerick

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Degree in Criminology
Former Deputy Director General of the Grand Ducal Police

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, Uppsala University
Chairperson of the Research Committee and the Board of the Centre on Police Research at the Faculty of Law
Secretary General of the International Association of Constitutional Law

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

President of the association “Lithuanian Disability Forum”
Board member of European Disability Forum
National WHO Quality Rights expert

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Director of the Latvian State Probation Service
Member of the Expert group on Technology in Probation of the Confederation of European Probation

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Senior adviser at the NPM (National Preventive Mechanism), Office of the Public Defender of Rights (Ombudsman)

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Teaching Assistant at the Union University School of Law
Co-ordinator of the Asylum and Migration Programme at the Centre for Research and Social Development (IDEAS)
Former legal expert of the National Preventive Mechanism

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Human Rights Defender of Armenia (Ombudsperson)
Member of the Council on Constitutional Reforms
Associate professor at the Department of Constitutional Law of Yerevan State University

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Medical doctor, specialist in forensic medicine
Head of Department of Forensic Medicine, University Multiprofile Hospital For Active Treatment And Emergency Medicine “N.I.PIROGOV”, Sofia

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Medical doctor
Specialist in Forensic Medicine, Council of Forensic Medicine, Istanbul

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Holder of degree from the Faculty of Law at Zagreb University (Programme of social work)
Former Head of International Cooperation, Prison Administration of Slovenia
Former prison governor

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Self-employed psychologist
Former Member of Parliament

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Senior legal advisor and project manager at the European Judicial Training Network

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Judge (membro effettivo) at the Constitutional Court of San Marino
Former Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Judge, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Doctor in Law, Professor at the Department for Constitutional Law, Baku State University

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Police Superintendent
Lecturer at the Norwegian Police College
Researcher at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Prosecutor, the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice
Former Deputy of the General Prosecutor
Professor of law at the University of Iasi
Former Agent of the Romanian Government for the Court of Justice of the European Union and for the European Court of Human Rights

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Lawyer, social worker and consultant on ethics in healthcare

Head of Commission for Burgenland and Lower Austria of the National Preventive Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture at the Austrian Ombudsperson’s Board (NPM)
Lecturer at the University of Vienna and the University for Applied Sciences in Vienna

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Head of the Centre for Mental Health Promotion and International Co-operation at Kotor Specialised Psychiatric Hospital
Member of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM)

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Clinical Psychologist at the Security and Forensic Psychiatric Unit, Landspítali University Hospital, Reykjavík

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Law academic and practitioner in Human Rights Law and Public International Law

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Deputy Team Leader, European Union Technical Assistance Penitentiary and Probation Support Project

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Human rights lawyer
Member of supervisory boards of healthcare institutions
Former vice-president of the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights
Former judge, public prosector and advocate general

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025


Professor of Psychology and Clinical Psychology, Protestant University of Applied Sciences, Freiburg
Specialist in Forensic Psychology
Former Senior Researcher, Department of Criminology, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Lecturer at the Donetsk National University (Criminal Justice, Political Sciences, Public Administration)

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Chair of Legal Aid Board, Moldova
Former member of the SPT (2013-2020)

Term of office expires: 19/12/2025

Treasurer of “Hands Off Cain”
Board member of "Prison Insider"
Former member of parliament

Term of office expires: 19/12/2027

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Malta, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic.

au 05/04/2024