Mike Krüger ist Liebe, Mike Krüger ist Leben (original) (raw)

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2024.11.18 21:10 TheFilmVault Calling for your Top 5

Calling for your Top 5 This week, Anderson and Bryan are revisiting the Top 5 Dinner Scenes. The Last Time they did this, they were flick-fessing ‘Short Term 12’ and ‘A Million Ways to Die In The West.’ I wonder who reviewed what? Hmmmm… Let us know which scenes would be on your list! submitted by TheFilmVault to thefilmvault [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 21:09 Critical_Loss_1679 IM TWEAKING RIGHT NOW

1:Rock Lee 2:Goku 3:Sonic 4:Naruto 5:Kakashi 6:Sasuke 7:Miles Morales 8:Madara 9:Pit 10:Eggman

submitted by Critical_Loss_1679 to deathbattle [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 21:03 5teiniator Reihen, Gamma und Besselfunktion

Reihen, Gamma und Besselfunktion Hallo schwarmintelligenz, ich denke ich habe in der b die Reihe richtig als y(t) = Summe(n=0 bis unendlich) t3n /(3n)! Identifiziert, auch wenns für den Nenner wirklich grob übern Daumen ist, die einzelnen Glieder dafür wären 6, 180, 1440, 12960. Jetzt komme ich aber nicht weiter in der c, hab versucht den Ansatz irgendwie in meinen Nenner einzubauen indem ich die einzelnen Terme aus der Fakultät nehme aber dann bleibt da nur quatsch über. Wäre für jede Hilfe dankbar :) submitted by 5teiniator to mathe [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 21:03 CIA-Bane When the vyvanse wore off

2024.11.18 21:02 Plisskensington ⭐️Reddit Community Countdown zur VORLETZTEN Folge um 0 Uhr auf Freevee!🎊

Willkommen zum Countdown der neuen Folge! Um 0 Uhr Mitternacht ist es wieder soweit, die (Vorletzte!) 15. Folge von 7 vs. Wild Staffel 5 wird auf Freevee erscheinen! Hier findet ihr alle relevanten Infomationen und könnt euch im Vorfeld zur neuen Folge austauschen. Werden die Teilnehmer die 14 Tage aushalten oder wird es zum Kollektivabbruch kommen? Teilt eure Theorien, Hoffnungen und Erwartungen mit der Community und lasst uns gemeinsam diskutieren!


Zusätzlich zu dem Sammelbeitrag gibt es ab 0 Uhr die Möglichkeit, an der Community-Watchparty im Community Chat teilzunehmen. Den ihr entweder direkt durch klicken des Links erreicht, oder in der rechten Infoleiste unter „Community Chat Channels“ als 7vsWild Chat findet.
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Um den Moderationsaufwand möglichst gering zu halten, sind nur Accounts, die älter als 30 Tage sind und positives Karma haben, für den Community Chat zugelassen. (Karma sind alle eure gesammelten Upvotes, nach Abzug der Downvotes.

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submitted by Plisskensington to 7vsWild [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 21:00 Negative_Comment_651 Looking for some story rich games, with some side content and exploration

I am currently looking for some story rich games, that also have at leat some side exploration and side quests and stuff like that. Doesn't really matter which genre it is, as i have enjoyed games in every genre. I will leave a list of games i have enjoyed and another of games i own but have yet to play.
Here's a list of games that i have really enjoyed: Ghost of tsushima
cyberpunk 2077
all 3 tomb raider remakes
dying light 1 and 2
god of war 2018 and ragnarok
sekiro shadows die twice
days gone
uncharted 4
Bioshock 1, 2 and infinite
Jedi fallen order
Gta 5 story
Death stranding
The callisto protocol
Scars above
Here's a list of games that i own, but havent played yet:
batman arkham trilogy
metro exodus and the other two older games from metro series
Mirrors edge catalyst
Alan wake
Mass effect games
sleeping dogs
the witcher 3
If anyone has a few games that are really good or absolute gems, i would really appreciate it if you let me know.

submitted by Negative_Comment_651 to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:58 PossessionBusy9479 Another rant about the update

The game is shit now and it’s gonna be dead in the water. Honestly wtf are these brain dead developers doing.
The update has created a new type of bullshit player instead of spammers. And they’re worse than spammers lol. For example just had a fight against a wilder who just ran around the ring and threw the occasional pot shot at my body because they wanted to rely on me gassing and taking advantage of that. It’s not even how wilder fights lol guy was on the back foot like Muhammad Ali the whole time. it was honestly the most boring experience of my time on this game. Btw On top of the fact 70% of my punches that should land didn’t, so it’s hard enough to hit someone who just wants to run around the ring, holding block and not fight but when I do hit them the game doesn’t count it.
Funny enough the new meta to win fights is to just do nothing for 5 rounds. It’s boring, the games dying at a quicker rate than before the patch. It’s as if these developers don’t test their fucking game.
I personally loved the game before, don’t get me wrong removing the stagger and nerfing the push needed to be done, but I really don’t think there was much of a problem with people power punching. At the end of the day if u was good at the game it was easy to beat spammers lol.
They should of just made it so your overall stamina bar drained quicker when u power punch but left everything else the same because im gassing in like round 3 just throwing normal combinations and about 5/6 power punches a round.

submitted by PossessionBusy9479 to undisputedboxing [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:55 arun2118 Fish scratching against the floor

2024.11.18 20:54 mount_sunrise A few helpful resources on the Fundamentals for both Laning and Jungling that have managed to help me get better by A LOT.

Hi, guys! I’ve seen lots of recurring questions on both this subreddit and the LoL subreddit on what resources are good to get better at the game.
First off, I am going to preface this by saying that if you are an ABSOLUTELY NEW PLAYER, steer away from this post and this subreddit. I like to classify absolutely new players as matching at least one of the following: 1.) you are not able to play Ranked yet, 2.) you have less than maybe 200-300 games (against actual people), and/or 3.) you do not have even just a very slight grasp of what certain champions are or what they can do; an example of this would be Malphite and knowing he is an engage tank.
The reason why I am telling these types of players to get off this subreddit is because they do not need guides at this moment. What they need is FAMILIARIZATION with how the game works. They need to understand that there are “objectives” in this game like dragons or Baron, or that certain champions are tanks or ADCs or fighters. Just a general sense of what the game works. A lot of guides, either here or on YouTube, operate with the assumption that they understand how the game works at the MOST BASIC LEVEL.
I can tell you with full honesty that when I started playing DotA 2, I had no idea I was dying to minions. It took me tons of 1v1s with my friend to know that I can’t brute force everything. It also took me way longer to realize that there are lots of things that work together in a single game to lead you to a win. By KNOWING these things exist through familiarization, you pave the way to understanding. You cannot understand if you do not know what you need to understand, basically. So if you fit the criteria, go and play until you know what you’re seeing and struggling with. Come back to this subreddit or on YouTube to learn after that.
Now, without further adieu, these are some of the personal resources I’ve used throughout the years that have helped me TREMENDOUSLY to become consistent.
For brief context, I am a mid laner. After using these resources and a bit of focused learning discipline, I got to Diamond 5 in S4 with a 70% winrate. That’s roughly 50 games. In the succeeding seasons, I would naturally cruise to Diamond even after taking long breaks. I eventually managed to reach Master elo as well after dedicating a bit more time since the game is STILL a grind despite a person’s winrate.
I won’t be linking things since I’m not sure if links are allowed, but I’ll enumerate them:
1.) Phroxzon’s LeagueCraft videos, particularly Trading Stance and Retaliation Stance. These weren’t the exact resources I used to learn the importance of CSing and trading, but these encapsulate what I learned and applied succinctly. If I had to recommend any mandatory videos to watch if you want to get better at laning, this would be it. You learn about CD management, proper positioning when trading (and why even the exact placement of your champion in lane matters), and why psychology surprisingly plays a large part in LoL.
2.) Dopa’s TF vs Fizz video. This is legendary and extremely memeable for anyone that was around when Dopa was still popular. He quite literally says, “this lane is over,” or something like that all because Fizz hit the minion ONCE during the first wave. This is an excellent video to learn wave control, why the smallest things matter like how many times you hit a minion, and also shows how to effectively do things like trading as well as CSing.
3.) LS’ old coaching videos. Before LS became the streamer he is now, he used to post a lot of coaching videos on YouTube. They’re full game VODs so you can choose whichever part of the game you want to view, but if you want to get better at laning, he has lots of stuff that go over lane positioning, which side of the lane to hug, how to punish the enemy, and so on. My most favorite video of his was when he coached a Morgana player I believe and explained to him the psychology of landing skillshots. A shoutout to King Nidhogg as well; I didn’t watch his video in entirety but I believe he has a video on landing skillshots as well. Give that a watch if you have the time.
4.) Coach Curtis’ videos. I’m gonna place a disclaimer first here and say that I have not watched his videos that much. By the time he got popular, I was already high ranked enough that I know what to improve on by myself. He, however, has a LOT of videos that I believe are extremely well-detailed and educational.
Again, these are mostly for mid lane but the concepts here apply extremely well to laning in general. You can watch these videos first then watch videos of a top lanebot laner of your choice to adjust how these concepts operate in your laning phase. I’d say it works closely with top (I used to mid/top), but with bot you do need to exercise a bit of caution due to the support.
Roughly last year, I swapped to jungle. I had been a mid laner since 2014 but decided to swap for fun. I reached Master’s elo the same split I decided to swap. I’ll admit I am not that good of a jungler and I don’t understand the fundamentals quite clearly just yet, but if you need any guides, here are the following:
1.) LS’ old coaching videos. I will not 100% recommend this since it’s extremely outdated, but one of the reasons why I adjusted so quickly was because a lot of macro knowledge I learned came from LS’ old videos. I was able to translate some of the old things he was saying to the present meta, but again, these videos are OLD. Regardless, I thought of sharing it anyway since it gives a glimpse of history and how decision-making as a jungler should go.
2.) Perryjg’s videos. I kid you not, I only saw this guy a few days ago per someone’s mention of him in a comment. I am subconsciously aware of what is “good jungling,” but that isn’t enough since understanding is the goal. He has made EVERYTHING I needed to know as well clear as day when it comes to fundamentals; he has also made any doubts that I had when jungling go away which obviously negatively affected how I played to win. If there is any one guy you need to watch for jungling fundamentals, this should be the guy since he goes over it completely like how Phroxzon, LS and Dooa did for me when I first started learning how to lane.

submitted by mount_sunrise to summonerschool [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:53 joydeepnath Best spy movies according to me

Best Spy Movies (List)🍿🍷

  1. The Courier (2020)
  2. The Bourne Identity (2002)
  3. The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
  4. Enemy of the State (1998)
  5. Bridge of Spies (2015)
  6. Skyfall (2012)
  7. Duplicity (2009)
  8. Argo (2012)
  9. Sneakers (1992)
  10. Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
  11. Mission: Impossible (1996)
  12. Mission: Impossible — Fallout (2018)
  13. North by Northwest (1959)
  14. Spies in Disguise (2019)
  15. Three Days of the Condor (1975)
  16. Spy Game (2001)
  17. A Most Wanted Man (2014)
  18. Lust, Caution (2007)
  19. Allied (2016)
  20. Casino Royale (2006)
  21. Burn After Reading (2008)
  22. D.E.B.S. (2004)
  23. Atomic Blonde (2017)
  24. Charlie Wilson’s War (2007)
  25. Safe House (2012)
  26. Hanna (2011) 27.nThe Good Shepherd (2006)
  27. Die Another Day (2002)
  28. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
  29. Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
  30. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (1986)
  31. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
  32. Munich (2005)
  33. True Lies (1994)
  34. M. Butterfly (1993)
  35. Salt (2010)
  36. Snowden (2016)
  37. The Sum of All Fears (2002)
  38. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)
  39. The Conversation (1974)
  40. RED (2010)
  41. Shining Through (1992)
  42. Spy Kids (2001)
  43. Spy (2015)
  44. The 355 (2021)
  45. Black Widow (2021)
  46. The Gray Man (2022)
  47. Red Notice (2021)
  48. Tenet (2020)
  49. No Time to Die (2020)

submitted by joydeepnath to televisionsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:53 Optimal_Fuel6568 Gibts bei A1 eine abschlussrechnung?

Ich hab anfang August das Festnetz abgemeldet und dann eine volle Rechnung für August und dann noch 5€ für die paar Anrufe im September bekommen. Jetzt hab ich eine Rechnung von 34€ bekommen für September?
Ist das die abmelde Gebühr oder was kann das sein? Ich schätze die eine muss ich noch zahlen und die nächste Rechnung werd ich dann ignorieren, was würde denn passieren? Können die mich zwingen ein Gerät das abgemeldet ist weiter zu bezahlen oder sperren sie dann den abgemeldeten Anschluss?

submitted by Optimal_Fuel6568 to Austria [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:53 Jonframe1 What canonical and anti-canonical/excluded artefacts are used by experts to prove the case for historical Jesus, and where can I go see them?

As well as the canonical Jesus we're all advertised, I've seen online media making various references to anti-canonical (for want of a better term)/excluded artefacts about a historical Jesus such as:A- He is the merger of multiple preachers of the time, each claiming to be heir to prophecies, performing different miracles and taking credit for others as well;B- He had a younger half-brother (as Joseph wasn't his biological father, but step-dad) and step-sister(s) from step-dad's previous relationship(s), and even had his own children, all of whom were written out;C- None of The Nativity is true, just a later retcon to move birth from Nazareth to match prophecies;D- He was nothing more than a dissident cult leader touring the Levant between 30-33BCE with "disciples" some of whom might not of historically existed either, with Judas's gospel explaining only he realised,albeit late, that Yeshua was really claiming to be son of a new/divergent god and NOT the god of Judaism which he'd fooled the others into believing.
On a scale of 0 to 4 (where 0 = none and 4 = the only truth ever) how much accuracy can be derived from contemporaneous evidence (excluded or canonical) when Josephus's account is decades later taken from biased believers who never met JC or any of the disciples because they had all died before Josephus's interviewees were even born?
If you ask Atheists or Anti-theists, the answer you get 0. If you ask Prof. Francesca stavrakopoulou, she'd say 0.1 it's all myth but concede something must been catalyst but doesn't show her calculations. If you ask Dan McClellan, he'd say 0.5 some of it happened, without showing artefacts, but everyone's in denial about how wrong they are anyway. If you ask a historian, they'd say 1 yes he was real and it all happened. If you ask an informal believer, they'd say 2, it was all real inc. the implausible bits. If you ask a U.S. Christian, they'd say 4 it's the only truth ever, and he was a white skinned, blonde, patriotic 'Merican
So I want to go to a museum to see artefacts and evidence with my own eyes, where specifically can I go to see which artefacts that can prove what parts of a historical Jesus's existence?

submitted by Jonframe1 to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:52 Positive_Pepper_3630 To my level 10 and 5 Battle Brothers who ran ruthless Extermination with me

Context - i joined in progress a level 5 heavy and level 10 tactical. I was running a level 25 assault (tag is NightKnight). I wish you had not left mid mission, as even though you were downed multiple times - including full on dying twice each, I did not for one second get upset with you. I carried our brothers gene seed from start to finish and would have carried you through to the end. I relish the challenge in tackling xeno hordes in your honor. I only wish to let you both know your sacrifices were not in vain, as your Battle Brother NightKnight completed the mission and destroyed the bio titan. For the Emperor, and the Khan!

submitted by Positive_Pepper_3630 to Spacemarine [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:51 Sufficient_Matter_66 [s2 act 2 spoilers] Jayce Theory

Just want to point out all the subtle hints the show has given us that Jayce is the one in the right not Viktor. (Not saying Viktors bad just blinded)

  1. When he and Salo are talking we can only see Jayce’s breath, in ep3 we could see jayce and ekko’s breath in the chamber. This signifies that jayce is still human while salo is something else.
  2. When jayce has his flashes it’s always around the members of the commune and he sees a more alien like form of them potentially what they progress into if left unchecked.
  3. The episodes jayce experiences get worse the closer he gets towards his goal. If he really was being controlled then the thing controlling him wouldnt make the task more difficult. We can see him clearly struggling against it when hes trying to kill viktor.
  4. Jayce is corrupted yes but only partially, my guess is it was the only way to get back which would explain why it’s just him here since there was no point in ekko and heimer also risking themselves. Hes integrated with the wild rune enough to use its power but not enough to completely lose his mind to it.
  5. When jayce kills viktor we get an Ariel view of the commune, it’s shaped in the same alien pattern jayce keeps seeing in his flashes.
  6. If viktor really was just healing people then they wouldnt die the moment he did they would simply revert. Because they died it makes more sense that what viktor was really doing was replacing them with whatever the arcane is. They still have the memories of their former selves but thats not who they are. If you pay attention to their mannerism’s you’ll notice they all act the exact same way, there’s no individuality. All of them lack emotions to some extent as well.

Lastly it’s been clear since season 1 that the hexcore has influence over viktors mind and that was before he fully integrated with it. I think the hexcore shows viktor what it wants him to see and that viktor doesnt truly understand what it’s doing when he “heals” people. Viktor is blinded by the image of sky and all the good things that are happening around him.
Side note: its also probably not Jayce’s fault that vander lost control, we see singed standing in the hut they left vander alone in holding the device he was going to use to turn vander into the beast for good with. So jayce did provide a distraction i dont think vander would have been lost just cuz viktor died, he clearly didnt react while the other commune members were reacting as he doesnt have the same level of integration.

submitted by Sufficient_Matter_66 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:47 Apprehensive-Pie8553 I want to kill myself

omd this annoying ugly ass bitch 5 head looking freak kept staring at me and laughing then i told her she wasnt funny and she started shouting like stfu you look like a neek im so mad i wish ppl would leave me alone and stop making fun of me. I hate my life here and want to die

submitted by Apprehensive-Pie8553 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:47 popcornnoodles meant to be

2024.11.18 20:46 snakesnakesnake2 Temps when I go bioactive

I have a semi-bioactive setup for my BP but my plants keep dying so I bought an Arcadia jungle dawn LED bar for them since it plugs into my UVB. The problem is, it seems to raise the temps across the enclosure 5 to 10 degrees F, which puts it into the 90s not just on the hot side. Does anyone have any experience with what to do here? I want to provide the plants with light and snakey with UVB. Are those temps ok if just use it for a few hours a day? Is there a way to block the heat somewhat without reducing light? Are there any other good solutions that don't require me to drill holes in the enclosure to feed power in?
I have a 4x2x2 PVC from Focus Cubed Habitats that has UVB, DHP, and Halogen, all from Arcadia, along with a separate LED just for lighting purposes.

submitted by snakesnakesnake2 to ballpython [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:45 Shame8891 Season 5 what a shit show.

Lincoln- After Michael died Linc ended up doing the same shit he did in season 1 instead of going back to Panama and being with LJ and Sophia. The only times Panama is even mentioned is when Sarah tells link that little Mike loves stories of Panama.
Sarah- She was useless useless during Scylla, and she's useless during 5 as well except for giving blood to Michael.
Sucre- Says he can't get a decent job cause of his record. 7 years pass between 4 and 5 and in that 7 years he can't think of anything else that would allow him to stay with Maricruz and his daughter?
T-Bag- I've always loved T-Bag, but they really fucked him over. When he kidnapped Susan and her kids and takes them to his family home, he told Susan he couldn't have kids. Then in 5 he has a son he never knew about. He's finally finding happiness, and trying to turn his life around only for said son to get shot and die, but he also goes back to prison. Done dirty.
Mahone- Where TF's Alex? Alex was an essential team member in 4 and unless I missed it he wasn't even mentioned in 5. After some looking up I see why he wasn't written in, but it would've been nice to have a in show reason for him not being there.
There are so much more, but season 5 was such a struggle to watch.

submitted by Shame8891 to PrisonBreak [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:42 Tstyle90 Pinkelproblem

Hallo zusammen!
Wir haben seit kurzem "wieder" ein Pinkelproblem mit unserer Katze. Kurze Randinfos: Die Katze ist 9 Jahre alt und seitdem sie ein paar Monate alt war bei uns (vom Bauernhof gerettet). Sie ist recht scheu und ängstlich, aber auch sehr verschmust. Wir haben noch eine zweite Katze (12 Jahre alt und auch schon von jung auf bei uns) - jedoch zanken sich die beiden ab und an mal. Beide sind kastriert und Haus/Wohnungskatzen.
Die jüngere bzw. etwas ängstliche Katze pinkelt bei jeder Gelegenheit die sie aktuell bekommt in das Kinderbett unseres Sohnes. Das Problem gab es schonmal vor ca. 2 Jahren, haben wir dann mit einem zweiten großen offenen Katzenklo und Enzymreiniger für die Bettwäsche + Zimmertüre schließen hinbekommen.
Seit Kurzem hat das Ganze wieder angefangen, jedoch gibt es keine Art von Verhaltensveränderungen oder Sonstiges, die Katze ist fit, spielt und schmust auch mit unserem Sohn, wenn auch bei weitem nicht so oft wie unsere ältere Katze. Ich hatte vermutet, dass ihr evtl ein Rückzugsort fehlt, da wir nur einen großen Kratzbaum hatten und die beiden Katzen sich darauf ab und an mal um einen Platz gezankt haben - haben jetzt also einen neuen Kratzbaum besorgt. Ihre Reaktion war auch sehr positiv auf den neuen Kratzbaum (der alte steht auch noch) auf dem sie mittlerweile fast ausschließlich schläft. 5 Tage hat sie jetzt auch nicht mehr ins Bett von meinem Sohn gepinkelt (haben aber auch häufig die Türe geschlossen gehabt), heute hat sie jedoch wieder zugeschlagen.
Das Streu ist ebenfalls frisch gewechselt gewesen, genauso wie die Tage zuvor - die Katzenklos sind praktisch immer sauber.
Ich hatte jetzt noch überlegt ein drittes Katzenklo anzuschaffen, aber bin nicht sicher ob der Platz dafür ausreicht. Wir haben aktuell zwei große offene Katzenklos, und benutzen feines Streu, welches beide Katzen von den bisher zuvor getesteten am Besten akzeptiert hatten (Biokat's diamond care).
Hatte auch gelesen dass es evtl. mit unserem Weichspüler zusammenhängen kann, jedoch vermute ich dass sie dann auch in unser Bett pinkeln würde, oder auch auf frisch gewaschene Decken.
Die Kleine ist etwas traumatisiert von Tierärzten (hatte mal einen längeren Aufenthalt in einer Klinik, als sie noch klein war), ist topfit, spielt, frisst normal und rennt wie bekloppt durch die Wohnung, weshalb ich einen Tierarztbesuch vorerst noch meiden möchte.
Ansonsten weiß ich aktuell auch nicht mehr weiter. Würde mich um andere Erfahrungen und Ratschläge freuen.
Danke vorab!

submitted by Tstyle90 to Katzengruppe [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:41 PetitPea87 Sleep and alcohol

Hello all, (This will be a long post I’m afraid, I’m a bit drunk, sleep deprived and rambling, need to get things out of my system, sorry for whoever is reading this will be messy)
Occasional lurker, finally posting. I’ve been insomniac for basically as long as I can remember ( since I’ve been 6 yo perhaps?).
So my insomnia comes and goes with obvious signs ( like if I’m stressed about an upcoming event, I’ll stress and forget how to sleep, or if I’m in PMS (37F btw) I’ll have more trouble le sleeping. However since a trip to Peru and a couple Aya ceremonies ( I was there as a doc assistant, the ceremonies weren’t truly planned by me or thought out) and me being an employee I was sleeping kind of ok, with the occasional sleepless night. But nothing too bad.
Since then I’ve become the boss of a small rural business in rural France where I make food, run a bar with the best employee I could ask for, run a lot of other tasks ( selling groceries, running a small post office, tobacco shop, news stand, bakery, and gas station) with my loving and helping husband. We were really good in the beginning, despite a somewhat heavy alcohol consumption on my part ( I’m never drunk during the day, but I do drink on the evenings as part of a night routine, I know it’s shitty and stupid but struggle to behave differently, I have a doctors appointment but had to wait 3 months to find someone available), but nothing that would damage the business, and the occasional sleepless night as aforementioned.
In may, my mom was celebrating her 60th birthday, she invited a bunch of people she loves and spent a significant amount of money to host every one ( 16 guests or so, in lovely wooden cabins) . My husband and I as well as our 2 dogs were to sleep in tents as supposedly dogs weren’t allowed, which was ok by us, we do that even in the midst of winter. My sister and her husband also came over and put their dog in someone else’s care as my mom said no dogs allowed. My sisters’dog is dying slowly, she’s 13 and only has a few months, and my brother in law is doing everything in his power to spend as much time with her as he can.
We realised that the place was full (hence us sleeping in tents) and that animals were fully allowed reading the place’s rules (hence my sis and boyfriend organising a dog sitter when they would have préfèred to bring their greatly trained big dog over, but my mom had to keep the lie consistent I guess?).
We spent two evenings there (Fri and sat), on Saturday we all had planned little surprises, songs from her life long friends, little attentions, my sister and I wrote something to honour mom. And that is kind of when shit hit the fan. There was tension before, cause mom likes things to be organised “her way” and dad does not really care about anything really. It’s been ongoing for years, but when we all started to say nice things about mom ( in a celebratory, joke-y way, serious and thankful but at the same time recognising flaws in everybody’s behaviours and attention) my dad went to a corner to play on his phone. I am not exaggerating I swear, he’s been doing that for years. Then my mom forgot him when she thanked everyone for being here and a part of the event and part of her life.
It was very uncomfortable, I think everyone felt the tension. O spoke to my uncles and aunts who said they wish they brought a chainsaw to cut that shit ( we have a strange sense of humour). This happened in the only week I took off this year, since I have to work a lot to cover my expenses as a new business , took that week right before the summer holidays to be fit then, and my sister had just given birth to her second child. It was weird, I had wanted to send a message to my parents to let know I was taking some distance and was uncomfortable with their puerile behaviour, when my father decided to go in the forest near my house with scalpels from my moms bag ( she’s a nurse) and cut his neck multiple, multiple times to try and kill himself. He was unsuccessful, crawled back well injured and bloodied home. My mom immediately called the ambulance who were there asap, then called me on advice of the people there. “I did not want to call you, the fireman thought it would be better”. It was around 23:00. When she called. I was high and quite tipsy then, not out of it really, but too affected to drive or for my husband to drive. We live in very rural France and roads are windy as fuck, and we did not quite see the point in rushing and taking a physical as well as legal risks to get there 2 hours early. Better go to bed ( obviously I couldn’t sleep but at least sobered up) , and get there early. We woke at 5, were at my parents by 6:30. I spent my whole “one week of holiday” worrying sick about whether my dad was ok, and afterwards when he got sectioned in psych hospital, how they would treat him, if they would be actually good to him and if meds were appropriate.he got out after less than a month, because “it wasn’t really serious”
As a side note I used to be a med student, I dropped late as I was not agreeing with the methods used to treat patients in psychiatry. I am currently a bar and restaurant owner, doing ok for the first year though not great, but I feel like my mom is disappointed in my choices. I don’t think my dad cares. My parents are loving people, but I don’t think dad really wanted to have kids to take care of, and mom was busy working. They’re generous materially but I would rather have actual attention.
Since then I haven’t really been able to sleep as I’m always scared my phone will ring to let me know my dad killed himself, or my mom ( she tried to stab herself when I told she had been a bad mom sometimes), or my sis. It’s been bad my entire life, but these days are thé worst. I can drink AND take benzos AND smoke weed AND sleeping pills , and it still feels like the inside of my brain is like ( don’t ever fall asleep, danger danger danger, I wouldn’t know how to articulate it better). At this stage I fear death less than this state of Angst, but I have responsibilities towards my hisband, towards my friends( I include coworkers)towards my animals that I don’t want to give up. I get pleasure in what I do, I love the people that make my place lively, but the fucking swing of emotion makes it difficult to follow.
I drink way too fucking much. I’m actually trying to cut out , but struggling. When I’m drunk in the evenings I wake up feeling like shit, but at least I wake up, as opposed to all the other days were I eventually hear the alarm as I’m reshuffling in bed.
I don’t really know ow what I’m asking. Or if I’m asking. I m content I wrote this. I’m still drunk writing this and really shouldn’t be for the fucking sake of me. Monday afternoon for fucks sake.
The very thought of going to bed tonight freaking terrifies me, but I’m working tomorrow and I will need to get as much rest as possible.
It was my mums birthday yesterday, wrote to her, she was happy.
Sorry this post turned to incomprehensible whatever. I’m sad, I’m confused, I’m very sleep deprived, and I have no idea what I’m looking for. And top things of I’m French…
To whoever finds the time to read this POS, I’ll gladly answer, I know it’s a mess.

submitted by PetitPea87 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:41 Cosmic_Meditator777 Homebrew Subclass spell lists for all pre-tasha sorcerers, including the elemental UA ones (+new homebrew spells). You're welcome.

Draconic Bloodline

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Draconic Bloodline Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an evocation or a necromancy spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
Sorcerer Lv1: Disguise Self, Chromatic Orb Sorcerer Lv3: Dragon’s Breath (XGE), Enlarge/Reduce Sorcerer Lv5: Fly, Incite Greed (Ac. Inc.) Sorcerer Lv7: Polymorph, Leomund’s Secret Chest Sorcerer Lv9: Summon Draconic Spirit (FTD), Bigby’s Hand

Wild Magic Sorcery

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Wild Magic Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be a conjuration or a transmutation spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
Sorcerer Lv1: Chaos Bolt (XGE), Color Spray Sorcerer Lv3: Freezerburn (Homebrew, see below), Nathair’s Mischief (FTD) Sorcerer Lv5: Blink, Enemies Abound Sorcerer Lv7: Confusion, Chaos Storm (Homebrew, see below) Sorcerer Lv9: Chaos Beam (Homebrew, see below), Animate Objects

Shadow Sorcery

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Shadow Magic Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature (except for Darkness) with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be a conjuration or a necromancy spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
Sorcerer Lv1: false life, arms of hadar Sorcerer Lv3: [darkness], darkvision Sorcerer Lv5: summon shadowspawn (TCE), vampiric touch Sorcerer Lv7: blight, shadow of moil Sorcerer Lv9: negative energy flood (XGE), enervation (XGE)

Divine Soul

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Divine Soul Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an enchantment spell from the sorcerer, warlock, cleric, or wizard spell list.
Sorcerer Lv1: Guiding Bolt Sorcerer Lv3: Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon Sorcerer Lv5: Revivify, Spirit Guardians Sorcerer Lv7: Death Ward, Guardian of Faith Sorcerer Lv9: Holy Weapon, Flame Strike

Storm Sorcery

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Storm Magic Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an evocation or an illusion spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
Sorcerer Lv1: Thunderwave, Witch Bolt (2024) Sorcerer Lv3: Shatter, Gust of Wind Sorcerer Lv5: Thunder Step (XGE), Lightning Bolt Sorcerer Lv7: Ice Storm, Storm Sphere (XGE) Sorcerer Lv9: Shout (Homebrew), Control Winds (XGE)

Pyromancy/Phoenix Sorcery

This feature may be applied to either the Pyromancy or the Phoenix Sorcery Origins. You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Fire Magic Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an evocation or a transmutation spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
Sorcerer Lv1: Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke Sorcerer Lv3: Heat Metal, Scorching Ray Sorcerer Lv5: Fireball, Melf’s Minute Meteors Sorcerer Lv7: Wall of Fire, Summon Greater Demon (XGE) Sorcerer Lv9: Flame Strike, Immolation

Sea Sorcery

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Sea Magic Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an abjuration or an illusion spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
Sorcerer Lv1: Create or Destroy Water, Longstrider Sorcerer Lv3: Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm, Hold Person Sorcerer Lv5: Tidal Wave (XGE), Water Walk Sorcerer Lv7: Control Water, Freedom of Movement Sorcerer Lv9: Maelstrom (XGE), Telekinesis

Stone Sorcery

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Stone Magic Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an evocation or an abjuration spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
Sorcerer Lv1: Catapult, Earth Tremor Sorcerer Lv3: Aid, Barkskin Sorcerer Lv5: Erupting Earth (XGE), Leomund’s Tiny Hut Sorcerer Lv7: Stoneskin, Stone Brawn (Homebrew) Sorcerer Lv9: Transmute Rock (XGE), Wall of Stone

Sorcerer Spells

evocation cantrip Casting time: 1 action range: 90ft / 270ft components: V, S duration: instantaneous
You create a javelin-sized icicle in your hand and hurl it at a creature or object within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 piercing + 1d4 cold damage.
This spell creates more than one icicle when you reach higher levels: two at 5th level, three at 11th level, and four at 17th level. You can direct the icicles at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each icicle.
available to artificers, druids, sorcerers, and wizards
1st level evocation Casting time: 1 action range: touch components: S, M (a copper wire)duration: instantaneous
You touch a creature that has a creature type other than ooze or construct and attempt to electrically overload the neurons in its brain. It then takes 2d6 lightning and psychic damage each, or half as much on a successful constitution save. On a failure, the creature is also knocked prone
When you cast this spell using a slot of 2nd level or higher, the lightning and psychic damage increase by 1d6 each for lever level above 1st.
available to bards, sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards
2nd level evocation Casting time: 1 action range: 60ft. components: S, M (a vial of mercury) duration: instantaneous
You wave your hand in the direction of a creature within range, whose body then begins violently and rapidly alternating between flaming hot and freezing cold temperatures, and must make a constitution saving throw. The target takes 2d4 fire damage and 2d4 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
If the fire damage rolled is greater than the cold damage, then the target takes another 2d4 fire damage at the start of it's next turn. If however the cold damage dealt is greater, then it's movement speed is reduced by 10ft until the start of the caster's next turn. If the values rolled are the same, then the caster chooses which effect occurs.
When this spell is cast with a slot of 3rd level or greater, the initial fire and cold damage each increase by 1d4 for every level above 2nd.
available to clerics and druids
3rd level transmutation Casting time: 1 action range: 120ft components: V, S, M (a hand-sized rock, consumed in casting) Duration: instantaneous
You touch a hand-sized rock and throw it to a point oyu choose within range. The rock then detonates, sending deadly shards flying and creating a burst of thunderous sound that can be heard up to 300ft away. Creatures within 10ft of the rock take 4d6 thunder damage and are deafened for 1 minute, and creatures within 5ft of the rock also take 4d8 piercing damage. Creatures within either range that pass a Constitution save take half damage and are not deafened.
Casting this spell using a slot higher than 3rd level increases the thunder damage by one die on every even-leveled slot and the piercing damage by one die on every odd-leveled slot.
available to bards, sorcerers, and wizards.
4th level transmutation Casting time: 1 action range: touch components: S, M (a chunk of granite and a pugilist's glove) duration: 1 hour, concentration
You touch a willing creature, and for one hour their arms transform into solid granite. Their strength score becomes 20 if it wasn't higher already, and their unarmed strike becomes 2d8 (or 2d10 if the strike with two free hands) plus strength modifier. They also gain the ability to, as an action, pound the ground to force all creatures within 5ft that aren't flying or levitating to take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Unless they are at least two size categories larger than the target, they must also make a strength saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or be knocked back 5ft. Due to the increased weight of the arms of the spell's target, jumping height and distance are halved for the duration of the spell, and any flight or levitation capabilities are temporarily nullified for the duration of the spell. This spell interferes with the ki flow in a monk's body, and as such this spell does not modify the damage of their flurry of blows ability.
available to druids, sorcerers, and wizards.
4th level Evocation Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 90ft (20ft radius sphere) Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous
You point your finger to a point you choose within range, which then erupts into a warbling mass of chaotic energy. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a dexterity saving throw. A target takes 1d4+1d6+1d8+2d10+1d12 damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. After rolling, choose one of the d10s. The number rolled on that die determines the spell's damage type, as shown below:
1:acid 2:cold 3:fire 4:force 5:lightning 6:poison 7:psychic 8:thunder 9:radiant 10:necrotic
If you roll the same number on both d10s, the spell's magic is magnified. Reroll the spell's damage and add the new value to the first roll, determining the damage type as per the table above. This new roll can potentially magnify the spell again.
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, each target takes an extra 1d6+1d4 damage every time damage is rolled, for each slot above 4th.
available to: sorcerers
5th level evocation Casting time: 1 action. Range: 60ft. Components: V, S. Duration: 1 minute, Concentration.
You glance at a target within range, and bright beams of light fire from your eyes to the target, which must make a wisdom saving throw. The target takes 4d12+1d8 Force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. On a failed save, the target also comes under an effect from the table below, determined by the number rolled on the d8:
1: The target is Paralyzed for the duration of the spell. 2: The target is Stunned for the duration of the spell. 3: The target is Restrained for the duration of the spell. 4: The target is Blinded for the duration of the spell. 5: The target is Frightened of you for the duration of the spell. 6: The target is Charmed by you for the duration of the spell. 7: The target is Poisoned for the duration of the spell. 8: The target is Deafened for the duration of the spell.
At the end of each of it’s turns, the target can make another wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.
When this spell is cast with a spell slot of 6th level or greater, the damage increases by 1d12 for every level above 5th.
Available to: Sorcerers.
5th level evocation casting time: 1 action range: 30ft components: V, M (a preserved sliver of ulcerous animal stomach) duration: instantaneous classes allowed: sorcerer, wizard, cleric, druid
When you cast this spell, choose a single target within range. they immediately inflate and swell up as acid materializes and builds up in boils and abscesses on and under their skin. The target then makes a constitution save. On a failure, they take 9d4 acid and 9d4 slashing damage as the boils and abscesses tear away at their insides, and on a success they take half damage. On a failure, their skin also tears open, spraying acid within a 15ft sphere centered on the original target, dealing 2d6 acid damage to all creatures in that area other than the original target.
When this spell is cast with a spell slot of 6th level or greater, the acid and slashing damage to the initial target increases by 1d4 each for every level above 5th.
5th level evocation Casting time: 1 action range: self (60ft. cone) components: V, M (a preserved eardrum) duration: instantaneous
You scream as loud as you possibly can. Every creature in a 60ft cone in front of you must pass a Charisma save or take 8d6 thunder damage, or half as much on a success. Any creature that fails the save is also deafened and frightened of you until the end of your next turn
When this spell is cast with a slot of 6th level or greater, the damage increases by 1d6 for every level above 5th.
available to bards, sorcerers, and wizards

submitted by Cosmic_Meditator777 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.18 20:40 orfl1234x Guys are so confusing

This guy has never been overly kind to me but then he started to be and now he’s back to being obnoxious. I go to a boarding school and the guys decided to run a 3v3 basketball tournament after school. I went up there as the only girl playing (as usual cause I’m the only girl who plays seriously) and the guys don’t usually mind cause I can keep up and I’m even better than some of them. So basically when we were waiting for everyone to arrive, we are were just shooting hoops and this man decides to take my ball and play monkey in the middle. So I ask for it back and he would pretend to give it back just to throw it over my head. (He can easily do this because he’s like 6ft-something and I’m 5’3). I just got another ball and he left me alone and I thought that was the end of it. But then it came time for the varsity players to choose their teammates (the varsity players had to pick the people not on varsity to be their teammates first before other varsity players). He chose me first and then some other freshman kid. He announced/yelled to the whole group of about 30–40 in the gym people that he wanted me on his team. Then when we were picking out our team name he just named our team after me. He left after we lost but it’s whatever. Now today our school was at the mall and he just started bugging me and asking about me and his friend (who is just a friend and I don’t like him romantically). I told him nothing was going on and then left it at that. He saw me when we started getting ready to leave the mall and he said “speak of the devil” as I walked by and then had the audacity to ask why I was giving him dirty looks. Why won’t he leave me alone?!
P.S this guy is kinda known to be either nice or not nice. But he usually doesn’t usually talk to girls or people outside his friend group in general from what I know of. Also, I’m kinda like a nobody at school cause I just stick to myself. I’m not alone all the time or a loser or anything just tend to stick to my two close friends and that’s it.
Edit: I confronted him and told him to please back off because I am dealing with things, such as my aunt dying of cancer. He genuinely apologized and said he wouldn't do it again. He also made a nice joke that wasn't mean and has been sweet to me since then and also leaving me alone for a bit too

submitted by orfl1234x to dating_advice [link] [comments]