My Hero: Series 2, Episode 3 - Car - British Comedy Guide (original) (raw)

Thermonan's defrocked superhero cousin, Arnie, wants his powers back. George agrees to intercede with the Ultron High Council on condition that Arnie behaves himself and will take care of saving the world while George saves up for a car for Janet. Sadly though, temptation is too much for Arnie, and when he steals the Crown Jewels things have to revert to the way they were. But Janet still gets her car in the end...

Broadcast details


Monday 28th May 2001






30 minutes

Cast & crew


Ardal O'Hanlon George Sunday
Emily Joyce Janet Dawkins
Geraldine McNulty Mrs Raven
Hugh Dennis Dr Piers Crispin
Lill Roughley Ella Dawkins
Philip Whitchurch Tyler
Lou Hirsch Arnie
Tim Wylton Stanley Dawkins

Guest cast

Deborah Winckles Mrs. Dawlish
Eva Marie Bryer First Customer
Randal Herley Second Customer
Andy Greenhalgh Actor

Writing team

Paul Mendelson Writer
Paul Mayhew-Archer Writer

Production team

John Stroud Director
John Stroud Producer
Geoffrey Perkins Executive Producer
Marcus Mortimer Producer
Jed Leventhall Associate Producer
Barrie Westwell Associate Producer
Graham Hutchings Editor
James Dillon Production Designer
Tracey Gillham Casting Director
Sally Plum Costume Designer
Marella Shearer Make-up Designer
Derek Constable Lighting Designer
Philip Pope Composer
Keith Reed Location Lighting Director
Julie Sykes 1st Assistant Director