GCD :: Issue :: The American Legion #v94#5 (original) (raw)

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Table of Contents

    1. ["If I'm to teach you how to play, you have to get used to the feel of the clubs."]
    1. ["Sorry for the delay but our credit manager keeps breaking into fits of hysterical laughter."]
    1. ["Has anybody seen my little blue purse - the one with my mugger money in it?"]
    1. ["It's interesting enough, but I don't like the ending."]
    1. ["I notice 'receive' is still giving you problems, Mrs. Radcliff. Just try to remember it's i before e except after c."]
    1. ["Say - you're right! That is a nasty looking tongue!"]
    1. ["Good news, honey! I'm getting a salary cut that lowers the tax bite that gives me a pay boost!"]
    1. ["...and stop humming 'We Shall Overcome'."]
    1. ["Wonder if I could borrow a cup of sugar from you?"]
    1. ["Shall we watch that last call on instant replay?"]

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