Copenhagen Capacity (original) (raw)

We attract international companies, investment, and professional talent to ensure continuous, sustainable growth in Denmark and in the Greater Copenhagen Region.

We do this by promoting our metropolitan region and country globally and using our network and experience across industry, academia, and the public sector to guide our customers through their opportunities.

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From the moment you are considering Denmark as an option, to the moment you are ready to expand your business here, we guide you every step along the way. As experts within the Life Science, Tech, and Green Transition sectors – we hook you up with our exclusive networks in the Greater Copenhagen Region.

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We help you find, onboard and retain the world’s best in a highly competitive labour market!

Our talent team is working relentlessly to nurture a competitive talent pool and match your business with the right highly qualified international professionals that will take your business to the next level.

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One of our core tasks is to brand Denmark and the Greater Copenhagen Region as attractive places to set up a business and for professionals to build a career.

We do so through strategic place branding initiatives and digital campaigns highlighting our core values and business structure.

You might recognise us from a series of masterful campaigns and established place brands such as the Greater Copenhagen Region, State of Denmark,Headstart, Medicon Valley, and Copenhagen Goodwill Ambassadors, to name a few!