Criteo Supply Partner Guidelines | Criteo (original) (raw)

If you are looking for the Criteo Advertising Guidelines, please click here.

Criteo and its affiliated platforms, including BidSwitch, operate through the highest-quality network. For this reason, Criteo’s supply partners (“Publishers”) must at all times adhere to and comply with these guidelines.

To ensure a trustworthy advertising ecosystem, Criteo requires all its supply partners to uphold high ethical standards. Each of Criteo’s supply partners is responsible for ensuring that their content, products, or services comply with applicable laws and regulations, including applicable data protection and privacy laws and regulations.

“Sites” include webpages, mobile apps, and any other source of advertising inventory that is provided to Criteo by the Publisher. To learn more about your obligations related to the information of users and collection of consent, please click here.

Advertising must not endanger the security of Criteo Platform or its affiliated platforms or their users or make a call to a service which endangers the security of the Criteo Platform or its affiliated platforms or their users.

The topics listed below are not exhaustive. Criteo and its affiliated platforms, reserve the right to reject or remove Publishers or Sites from their network at Criteo’s sole discretion or to suspend access to the Criteo Platforms temporarily or permanently, at its sole discretion.

Criteo reserves the right to detail, modify or update this policy at any time. Criteo will post these changes directly on this page.

1. Content Prohibitions

Sites that display ads must not contain any content listed under the prohibited category. These include:

1.1 Commercial Incentives and Financial Services

The site should not contain content which:

1.2 Harassment, Hate Speech and Violence

This includes but is not limited to, content that:

1.3 Children’s Sites

This includes, but is not limited to, content that:

Nota Bene: For BidSwitch Demand Partners to enter COPPA=1 trading (see our Advertising Guidelines here), BidSwitch Supply Partners must ensure that COPPA=1 field is properly declared in all bid requests:

1.4 Adult Content, Nudity, Pornography, and Sexual Encounters

This includes, but is not limited to, content that:

1.5 Shocking, Offensive or Misleading Content

This includes, but is not limited to content that is intentionally designed to shock or horrify the user or generate attention through intentionally misleading or grotesque claims.

Sites containing the following content are also prohibited:

1.6 Alcohol, Illegal Drugs and Paraphernalia

This includes, but is not limited to content that:

1.7 Firearms and Weapons

Sites with the following content are prohibited:

1.8 Illegal Activity or Legally Questionable Activity

Sites that carry content that fails to comply with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, Sites that contain, promote, or otherwise facilitate:

2. Content Restrictions

Sites displaying ads must not contain restricted content unless expressly approved by Criteo. Restricted content (listed below) refers to the content, products or services whose advertising may be permitted only in certain countries and under specific conditions, with the express approval of Criteo.

2.1 Gambling

2.2 Alcoholic Beverages

Content promoting or advertising of hard liquor, spirits, wine, beer, and other alcoholic beverages.

2.3 Tobacco

Content that facilitates or promotes the use of tobacco or tobacco-related products, vaping products, or related paraphernalia (including but not limited to electronic cigarettes, vapes, vaping devices, pipes, bongs, cigarettes, cigars, rolling papers, smokeless tobacco, or any other related products)

Gambling, Alcohol, Tobacco restricted categories – The MediaGrid and BidSwitch customers

For the Gambling, Alcohol, and Tobacco restricted categories, Supply Partners of Criteo’s affiliated platforms, The MediaGrid and BidSwitch, must opt-in to trade in Restricted Categories. To op-in to Restricted Categories, please reach out to your Account Manager. Supply Partner may also be required to agree to certain additional conditions relating to Restricted Categories.

3. Ad Formats, Placements, and Guidelines

All sites must comply with the following guidelines:

3.1 For Native Ads

Any native ad formats displayed on your Site must be clearly marked as an ad. Native ads must be clearly distinguishable from the rest of the Site’s content and include clearly visible text that reads “Promoted,” “Sponsored,” “Ad,” or a localized version thereof. In line with industry self- regulatory guidance provided by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), Criteo requires that all native ads display the AdChoices or similar privacy information icon and click region linking to Criteo’s privacy policy. The icon must be at least 20x20px and can be placed in any one of the four corners of the ad.

Ads should not be placed very close to or underneath buttons or any other object such that the placement of the ad interferes with a user’s typical interaction with the Site content or functionalities. In particular:

3.3 Pop-up Ads, Prohibited Interstitials and Other Disruptive Ads

Publishers must not display ads in a way that is confusing or disruptive to the user experience, including, but not limited to:

Sticky footer ads “stick” to the bottom of the mobile page, regardless of whether the user is scrolling the page. Publishers may use sticky footer ads only if they comply with the following constraints:

3.5 Incentivised or Rewarded Clicks

3.6 For Video Ads

4. Additional Guidelines Specific to Mobile Apps

4.1 Ad Density

Apps must not display ads that take up more than 30% of the vertical height of the content portion of the screen. The 30% rule applies to “sticky” ads and in-line ads, and full-screen scroll-over ads (ads that require the user to scroll through the ad to view content). Exceptions are permitted for interstitial ads if they comply with Criteo’s guidelines for interstitial ads.

4.2 Apps Permissions, Apps Outside of Official Stores

4.3 Lockscreen Ads, Screensaver Ads, and Ads Running Outside of an App Environment

Unless the Site is an app that is explicitly advertised as a lockscreen utility, Publishers may not display ads on the lockscreen of the user’s device or otherwise employ features that monetize the lockscreen.

4.4 Acceptable Interstitials (In-App Only)

In-app interstitial ads are full-screen ads appearing at natural app transition phases such as when pausing a game, before or after displaying the results of a game, or between two different activities inside the app.

App Publishers may use interstitial ads only if they comply with the following:

4.5 Close-button Guidelines

Certain ad formats such as sticky-footers or interstitials (in-app) require the display of a clear and identifiable close button to dismiss the ad. Criteo prohibits any mechanism that would delay the display of the close-button such as countdowns. Small close-button, absence of close- button or misplacement of the close-button which interferes with the ability of users to close the ad, are prohibited no matter the channel or environment.

The close button must be displayed following the guidelines below:

5. Traffic Quality Guidelines

Traffic quality is of the utmost importance to Criteo and we require Publishers to refrain from the following practices:

5.1 Invalid Clicks, Installs, Attributions and Conversions

Invalid activity includes any clicks, impressions, conversions, installs or attributions that are generated without legitimate human user intent, and that may artificially inflate an advertiser’s costs or a publisher’s earnings. Invalid activity covers intentionally fraudulent traffic as well as accidental impressions, clicks, attributions and installs. Publishers are prohibited from all forms of invalid activity, as detailed below, and Sites must not contain code that generates artificial bid requests, impressions, clicks, installs or attributions.

Invalid activity includes, but is not limited to:

5.1.1 Invalid Clicks

Clicks on Criteo ads must result from a human user with genuine interest. Any method or mechanism that artificially generates clicks or impressions is strictly prohibited, including but not limited to the following:

5.1.2 Invalid Installs and Attributions

At Criteo, we consider an install to take place once a user has opened an app for the first time after having downloaded it from an official app store. An app install and its attribution must be the result of a legitimate user activity. Publishers must not use, directly or indirectly:

5.2 Ad Rendering

Ad rendering through the following methods is strictly prohibited:

5.3 Manipulation of Personal Information

Publishers must not, directly or indirectly:

5.4 User-Agent Manipulation

Publishers must not, directly or indirectly, disguise, modify, rotate or otherwise manipulate the user’s user-agent string in any way.

Manipulation of HTTP header fields is strictly prohibited.

5.7 Auction Manipulation

Publishers must not attempt to interfere with, abuse, or otherwise seek an unfair advantage in the ad impression auction, including, without limitation:

5.7.1 ID Bridging and ID Stuffing

Publishers are prohibited from any form of manipulation of a USER ID to gain an unfair advantage in our arbitrage systems or auctions. This is including but not limited to:

5.8 URL, Domain and App ID (Bundle ID) Manipulation

5.9 Prohibited Sources of Traffic

Publishers must not use prohibited sources of traffic to generate impressions for Criteo ads. Prohibited sources include:

5.10 Malicious Site Design and Deceptive Practices

Publishers and their Sites must not, directly or indirectly:

6. Transparent Supply Chain

Criteo is committed to providing a safe and transparent ecosystem to our advertising clients and publishers alike. We support industry initiatives such as IAB (International Advertising Bureau) ads.txt and app-ads.txt that aim to improve transparency of the supply chain in programmatic advertising.

Our publishers must implement ads.txt and app-ads.txt by correctly declaring sellers (they work with and authorize to sell their inventory) in their ads.txt and app-ads.txt files.

Criteo will reserve its right to automatically filter traffic flagged as unauthorized through our monitoring systems.

Nota Bene: For BidSwitch Customers:

Updated January 2023

Previous version available here.