Community Feedback Mechanisms & Resources (original) (raw)

When Something Isn't Right in Our Community

The Allen School is committed to an inclusive community where everyone can thrive. When we fall short, it’s important for you to take action so others on campus can help you. Unfortunately, a university is a complicated place where the array of options to report and tackle a problem can be dizzying. We recognize a lack of clarity on how to report issues is itself one barrier to equity and inclusion. On this page, we aim to provide pointers for various members of our community on how to report different types of problems. For feedback on this page itself, please contact Vice Director Dan Grossman ( and Director Magda Balazinska (

Note emails and other written documents are generally subject to public-records requests, meaning they may not remain confidential, but student-privacy laws mean that student names and other identifying information are likely to remain confidential if you are a student. (This web page was not written by lawyers.)

Choose the section under Allen School Resources that is right for you and/or see Campus-level Resources below.

Allen School Resources

Students and TAs in CSE Courses

Undergraduate Allen School Majors

Ph.D. Students


5th-Year Masters Students

Professional Masters Students



Campus-level Resources

Campus level resources not specific to the Allen School include: