Dare.org - Red Dwarf Wallpaper (1024 x 768 Pixels) (original) (raw)

To use this Red Dwarf picture as your desktop wallpaper, right-click with your mouse on the picture and then select "Set as
Windows Wallpaper" or "Set as Background", or whatever similar option your particular browser provides in the right-click pop-up menu.

This site also includes pages of images, animated GIFs, free Flash online arcade games and music of some more of my favourites: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Brothers, Hanna-Barbera, Tom and Jerry, The Simpsons, Megaman and Thunderbirds

There are also 5 pages of Dan Dare animated GIFs in this site - click on this link to go to the first one: Dan Dare Animated GIFs

There is a page all about the Dan Dare CGI (computer-generated cartoon) TV series, including free movie clips and free music MP3s, at Dan-Dare.org's "sister" site, Dan-Dare.net - click on this link to view it: Dan Dare TV Series

Website Copyright © 2003 - 2020 Peter J. Inns