Dare.org - Sonic the Hedgehog Desktop Wallpapers (original) (raw)

Click here or here to play over 150 Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario Brothers Flash and Java online games in one place.

This site also includes pages of images, animated GIFs, free Flash online arcade games and music of some more of my favourites: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Super Mario Brothers, Futurama, Red Dwarf, The Banana Splits, Hanna-Barbera, Tom and Jerry, The Simpsons, Megaman and Thunderbirds

There are also 5 pages of Dan Dare animated GIFs in this site - click on this link to go to the first one: Dan Dare Animated GIFs

There is a page all about the Dan Dare CGI (computer-generated cartoon) TV series, including free movie clips and free music MP3s, at Dan-Dare.org's "sister" site, Dan-Dare.net - click on this link to view it: Dan Dare TV Series

Website Copyright © 2003 - 2020 Peter J. Inns