The Clone Wars Wallpaper (1024 x 768 Pixels) (original) (raw)

To use this Star Wars: The Clone Wars picture as your desktop wallpaper, right-click with your mouse on the picture and then select "Set
as Windows Wallpaper" or "Set as Background", or whatever similar option your particular browser provides in the right-click pop-up menu.

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" desktop wallpaper (1024 x 768 pixels)

View a 1280 x 800 pixels version of the above wallpaper picture >>

View a 1280 x 1024 pixels version of the above wallpaper picture >>

View a 1920 x 1200 pixels version of the above wallpaper picture >>

View the "Star Wars Movie Poster Wallpaper" >>

Play the "Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Fierce Twilight" game >>

Play the "Star Wars: Jedi vs. Jedi" game >>

Play the "Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Flash" game >>

Play the "Star Wars: TIE Fighter Battle" game >>

Play the "Star Wars: Lightsaber Practice" game >>

Go to the "Star Wars Soundboard" page >>

Click here for some more Star Wars online fun and games >>

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