Search Results: World Area equal to 'Arctic' (original) (raw)


Wit, Frederick de (1629-1706)

Full Title

Poli Arctici, et Circumiacentium Terrarum Descriptio Novissima. Per Fredericum de Wit Amstelodami


Wit, Frederick de (1629-1706)

Full Title

Septentrionaliora Americae à Groenlandia, per Freta Davidis et Hudson, ad Terram Novam. | De Noordelyckste Zee kusten van America van Groenland door de Straet Davis ende Straet Hudson tot Terra Neuf.

Full Title

Routes De Guerre Du Pole. Jac Mercier. Dessinateur.


Date estimated from text.


Wyld, James, 1812-1887

Full Title

(Covers to) Chart of the Arctic Regions From the Admiralty Surveys. Published by James Wyld . . . To Lady Franklin, This Sketch is Dedicated by her Obliged Servant James Wyld. Third Edition.


Wyld, James, 1812-1887

Full Title

Chart of the Arctic Regions From the Admiralty Surveys. Published by James Wyld . . . To Lady Franklin, This Sketch is Dedicated by her Obliged Servant James Wyld. Third Edition.

Full Title

The Ge-Organon or World Delineated; a Substitute for the Terrestrial Globe. Part. 1st Invented by B. Donne


Bristol, published by the author as the act directs, March 25th 1788.


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]

Full Title

Composite North Pole 6 Sheets World Aeronautical Charts Polar Sterographic Projection.


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]

Full Title

Composite 43 World Aeronautical Charts. Robinson Projection.


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]

Full Title

North Polar Region


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Prima. Libro Terzo.


Van Ewyk, Nicolaas

Full Title

Nouvelle Carte de la Moitie Septentrionale du Globe Terrestre montrant la Variation du Compas, ou le Merveileux accord enchaine des mouvemens regles et ne jamais cessans du vivant pourvoir Magnetique; telles qu'on les a trouvez l'An 1750 (A new map of the southern half of the earth's globe : shewing the variation of the compass, or the marvelous concatenated concurrence of the regular and never ceasing motion of the living magnetick power, as it was found in the year 1750)


[Joerg, W.L.G., American Geographical Society]

Full Title

(Covers to) Brief history of polar exploration since the introduction of flying.


[Joerg, W.L.G., American Geographical Society, Andree, Richard]

Full Title

Physical Map of the Arctic. Translated and revised by the American Geographical Society of New York from map in Andree's Handatlas, 8th edition, 1924.


[Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Mercator, Rumold, approximately 1545-1599]

Full Title

Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptio. Per Gerardum Mercatorem Cum Privilegio

Full Title

Polar-Karte enthaltend : die lander u. meere vom nord-pol bis 50 N.Br.u.weiter; mit der Ubersicht des Russischen Reichs in Eur. As. Am und des Brittischen Nord-America: entw. Neue Bearbeitung 1832. (on upper right margin) Stielers Hand Atlas No. 41b. (to accompany) Hand-Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde, nach dem neuesten Zustande und uber das Weltgebaude.


First issued in 1816. Engraved hand colored outline map. Shows Canada, Alaska, northern Asia and northern Europe with north coast of Greenland undefined. Includes key indicating the unknown polar regions, the extent of drift ice, the northern tree line and extent of human occupation. Relief shown by hachure. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Ferro. New edition of 1832.

Full Title

Nord und Sud Pole zu Henze's Erd-Globus.


With a diameter of 43 inches, these 24 gores form the largest printed globe produced in the 19th century.Dimensions are sheet size.

Full Title

Nord und Sud Pole zu Henze's Erd-Globus.


With a diameter of 43 inches, these 24 gores form the largest printed globe produced in the 19th century.Dimensions are sheet size.


[Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, Hondius, Hendrik, 1597-1651]

Full Title

Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptio. Per Gerardum Mercatorem Cum Privilegio


[Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612]

Full Title

Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptio. Per Gerardum Mercatorem Cum Privilegio


[Gorkin, Aleksandr Fedorovich, Motylev, V.E.]

Full Title

Arktiki. (on upper margin) Arktika. (9 insets). (to accompany) Bolshoi Sovietskii Atlas Mira. Moskva 1937.


Color map of the Arctic region with 9 insets, on 2 sheets. Includes legend. Relief shown by gradient tints and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings.


Du Val, Pierre, 1619-1683

Full Title

Terres Arctiques.


[Wyld, James, 1812-1887, Wyld, James, 1790-1836]

Full Title

Northern Hemisphere. Published by Jas. Wyld. 1838. (to accompany) A new general atlas of modern geography : consisting of a complete collection of maps of the four quarters of the globe ...


Circular double page engraved map, hand colored in outline. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian is Greenwich.

Full Title

The Arctic Regions.


Countries in full color. Shows names of principal arctic navigators and dates of exploration.

Full Title

Northern Regions.


Rand McNally and Company

Full Title

North Polar Regions.


Rand McNally and Company

Full Title

North Polar Regions. South Polar Regions.


Two maps on one sheet.


Buache, Philippe, 1700-1773

Full Title

Carte marine des parties septentrionales de la Grande Mer, et de l'ocean : ou l'on a rʹeuni diverses vues phisiques, et ou l'on voit particulierement les terreins inclinʹes vers chaque mer, et dont les eaux s'y dʹechargent depuis les Chaines de Montagnes. dresseʹe et presentee a l'Acad. des Sc. le 9. Aoust 1752 par Phil. Buache. (to accompany) Considerations physique. (inset) Pole Arctique.


Engraved colored in outline map of the northern Canada, Alaska and Arctic region Map of the northern Canada, Alaska and Arctic region showing glaciers, oceans and sea currents. and sea currents. Above neat line at right: VIIe. Carte pour la 3e. Partie des considerations &c. Page 142. Includes notes. Relief shown by hachures.


[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702., Jansson, Johannes, 1588-1664]

Full Title

Nova et accvrata Poli Arctici : et terrarum circum Iacentium descriptio. Amstelodami : Apud Ioannem Ianssonium. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nico. Visscher. 1690. (half title page) Atlas Minor sive Geographia Compendiosa, qua Orbis Terrarum.


Hand colored in outline map of the North Polar regions, including Arctic North America, Scandinavia and northern Asia. Includes decorative cartouches, compass roses, vignettes of ships and Linea sub circulo Arctico. Showing cities and towns,waterways, ports, lakes and mountains. Relief shown pictorially.


[Stieler, Adolf, Berghaus, H.]

Full Title

Nr. 5. Nord - Polar - Karte.


[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann]

Full Title

Eisverbreitung, einst und jetzt. Polar Ansicht der Erde in Lambert's flachenrechter Azimuthal-projection. Entw. v. Herm. Berghaus 1884, Ausg. 1886. Gotha: Justus Perthes. (On upper margin) I. Abt. Geologie No. V. Berghaus' physikal atlas No. 5. (to Accompany) Berghaus' Physikalischer Atlas. (Begrundet 1836 durch Heinrich Berghaus) ... Gotha: Justus Perthes. 1892. (7 insets).


Color lithograph double hemisphere map with 7 insets. Depth shown by gradient tints, isoline and soundings. Relief shown by hachures. Insets: Der Rhein-Gletscher nach A. Favre -- Der Rhone Gletscher nach A. Falsan -- Seen-Gebiet in Nord-Amerika nach Chamberlin und Wright -- Die Europaischen Alpen -- Iseo-Gletscher nach Stroppani -- Der Loisach- und Inn-Gletscher n. Penck & Bayberger -- Die Sudlichen Alpen (Neu-Seeland) nach J. v. Haast. Includes legend and explanation.


[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611, Paludanus, Bernard, 1550-1633, Plancius, Petro, Doetecum, Jan van]

Full Title

Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro Multis in Locis Emendatus. Carte generale de tout l'Unevers.


Foldout. This map is among the first world maps to use highly decorated borders, setting a style of world maps that would continue for the next century.


[Janssonius van Waesberge, Johannes, Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Cloppenburg, Johannes, 1592-1652]

Full Title

Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptio. (to accompany) Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica mundi et fabricati figura. De novo multis in locis emendatus novisque tabulis auctus. Amsterodami, apud Iohannem Ianssonium van Waesberge. Anno, 1673. (insets) Frislant insula. (with) Farre insule. (with) Scetland insulae.


Engraved map of the Arctic Region. Relief shown pictorially.


Jansson, Johannes, 1588-1664

Full Title

Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et terrarum Circum Iacentium Descriptio.


Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638

Full Title

Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula.

Full Title

Map of the Countries Round the North Pole By A. Arrowsmith. London. Published 1. Feb. 1818, by A. Arrowsmith, Hydrographer to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 10 Soho Square. Engraved by Sidney Hall.


On the verso is written "Benj Vaughan, Arctic Pole." This is the first edition of a long run of editions extending down to Stanford's 1875 last issue. Referring to this first edition, Verner says "At that time it was the best available map of the Arctic and showed everything that was known, using the most advanced cartographical techniques." In full color. Relief shown by hachures.


Koversky, Eduard Avraamovich

Full Title

Karta Aziatskoi Rossii i smezhnykhi s neiu vladenii : S ukazanem puti sldovaniia Gosudaria Imperatora v 1890-91 gg. v bytnost Ego velichestva nasldnikom tsesarevichem i Velikoi Sibirskoi zhelznoi dorogi. (cover title in French) Carte de la Russie d'Asie et des pays limitrophes. (with inset and 11 views).


Map of the Asian part of Russia and Possessions Adjacent, with the Route of Transit of the Emperor in 1890-91, during the stay of His Majesty's successor, the Tsarevitch, and the Great Siberian Railroad. Rare Russian map commemorating the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Nicholas II's Embassy to Japan and Grand Tour inspecting progress of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway and displaying the Arctic explorations of Nordienskold circa 1896, and Nansen circa 1894. This map was issued by the Cartographical Institution of the Military and Topographical Department of the General Staff of the Russian Army in St. Petersburg. It is based on the cartography devised by the department's chief, Major General E. A. Koversky. With brilliant chromolithographic color. dissected into 12 section and mounted on linen on sheet 106 x 131, folded in light brown case 30 x 45. with title "Carte de la Russie d'Asie et des pays limitrophes" in gold. Relief shown by spot heights. Includes legend in French, showing details the locations of various settlements, different types of mines and topographical features such as the Taiga (tundra), and various manmade aspects such as the locations of churches, naval ports and even the Great Wall of China. Also details the routes of recent voyages of exploration across Siberia, both by Russian (with solid green lines) and foreign (solid red lines) parties, as well as important recent voyages in the Arctic Ocean (shown with pink lines).


Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598

Full Title

Typus Orbis Terrarum. Franciscus Hogenbergus sculpsit. Cum Privilegio. Quid ei potest videri magnum in rebus humanis, cui aeternitas omnis, totiusque magnitudo. Cicero:

Full Title

Map Of The North Polar Region. The Graphic Co. 39 & 41 Park Place, N.Y. Wm. Bauman del. (inset profile) Wrangell Land ... As seen from Bark Nile of New London, Capt. Th. Long. Aug. 14th, 15th & 16th 1867, 15 to 18 miles distant. From U.S. Hydrographic Office Chart No. 68. U.S.N. Pac. Surv'g. Expedition in 1855. Comdr. John Rodgers U.S.N.


Printed outline color. Dissected into 15 sections and mounted on linen. Folds into blue marbled paper end sheets 22x17.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

Carte generale de la Russie d'Asie et des regions polaires boreales, par A.H. Brue, Geographe de S.A.R. Monsieur. A Paris, Chez l'Auteur, rue des Macons-Sorbonne, no. 9, et chez les principaux marchands de geographie. Aout 1821.


Hand colored engraved map. Relief shown by hachures. Includes inset. Prime meridian: Paris.

Full Title

Northern Regions. Published by J.H. Colton And Co. 172 William St. New York. Entered ... 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. ... New York. No. XII.


A polar projection lacking color.

Full Title

Northern Regions. Southern Regions. Published by J. H. Colton. No. 172 William St. New York.


Map showing Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington D. C. Printed in black and white.

Full Title

Northern Regions. Southern Regions. Published by G. W & C. B. Colton & Co., No. 172 William St. New York.


Map showing Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington D.C.

Full Title

A Chart of North and South America, including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with the nearest Coasts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Chart containing part of the Icy Sea with the adjacent Coast of Asia and America. Chart comprizing Greenland with the Countries and Islands about Baffins Bay and part of Hudsons Bay. Publish'd ... 10 June 1775, by Robt. Sayer & J. Bennett ... Fleet Street. No. II.


In outline color. Map has extensive notes and charts noting variations in latitudes and longitudes noted by different observations.

Full Title

The Russian Discoveries, from the Map Published by the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg. London, Printed for Robt. Sayer, Map & Printseller, No. 53 in Fleet Street. Published as the Act directs March 2d, 1775.


In outline color. Exploration ships' courses shown.


Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871

Full Title

The Arctic Basin: Its Limits, Features, Drainage, Currents, Winds, and Climates.


Includes map in North Polar Projection showing various isotherms and other features above latitude 50 degrees north.


Polish Army Topography Service

Full Title

The Arctic. Pergamon World Atlas. Pergamon Press, Ltd. & P.W.N. Poland 1967. Sluzba Topograficzna W.P.


Shows routes of scientific expeditions before 1957, bathymetry, and topography.

Full Title

Stieler's Hand-Atlas ... No. 41b. Polar-Karte.


Revised from 1832, 1855 and 1868 editions.


[Stieler, Adolf, Habenicht, H., Berghaus, H.]

Full Title

5. Nord-Polar-Karte.


Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673

Full Title

Regiones Svb Polo Arctico


60 Milliaria Germanica communia / pro 60. latit. Gradu = 3.2 cm [et al.]


Jansson, Johannes, 1588-1664

Full Title

Pascaart Vande Zee-Custen ... Tabula Hydrographica Orea Maritimae seu Littorum.

Full Title

A chart of the discoveries of Captains Ross, Parry & Franklin in the Arctic Regions in the years 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821 & 1822. (with) Capt. Franklin's journey from Coppermine River to the head of Bathurst Inlet & return by Hood's River. J. Aspin delt. Hewitt sc., Buckingham Place. (Drawn & engraved for Thomson's New general atlas) (1822?)


Engraved map with inset. Hand colored. David Rumsey Collection copy has the names "Mag. Pole" and "C. Garry" added in pencil. An added sheet.


Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)

Full Title

(North Polar Calotte 25, Terrestrial Globe)

Full Title

North Polar Regions. (with) Novaya Zemlya. (with) Spitzbergen and Bear Island. (with) Coast of east Greenland between 720 and 770 north latitude. (with) South-west Greenland. (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1895)


Circular color map with 4 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights.


[Touring club italiano, Funk & Wagnalls Company.]

Full Title

Terre polari. (Propr. Artistico-letteraria del T.C.I. Ufficio cartografico del T.C.I. 1929)


Two color maps. Relief shown by spot heights.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Seconda. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Terza. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Quarta. Libro Terzo.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

Box2_10 plate 1 & 2

Full Title

Extreme Limits of Ice, 1998 - 1938, April - August


Shows five types of ice: permanent polar pack, unnavigable sea and land-fast ice, icebreaker penetrable, navigable by heavily built vessels, and navigable by unreinforced vessels. Shows extent of ice by average extent, extremes, vicinity of icebergs and/or growlers, and exceptional positions. Scales shown by direction (north-south, east-west, and diagonal) for various latitudes.


[Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Hondius, Iodocus, 1563-1612]

Full Title

Polus Arcticus cum vicinis regionibus. (insets) Farre insule. (with) Frislant insula. (with) Scetland insulae. (to accompany) Atlas minor Gerardi Mercatoris.


Map of North Pole with neighboring countries. includes decorative borders and 3 inset maps. Relief shown pictorially.


[Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, Saltonstall, Wye]

Full Title

The North Pole. Polus arcticus : cum vicinis regionibus. (insets) Farre insule. (with) Scetland insulae. (with) Frislant insula. (to accompany) Historia mundi : or Mercator's atlas. London Printed for Michaell Sparke, and are to be sowld in Greene Arboiure, 1637. Second edytion.


Copper-engraving, uncolored map map of the Arctic region. The North Pole is shown as a rocky island surrounded by 'indrawing seas' between four huge islands, and inset maps of the Faeroes, the Shetlands and the mythical Frisland in the corners. Relief shown pictorially.

Full Title

53-III. Nouvelle Carte des Decouvertes faites par des Vaisseaux Russiens (New Map of the Discoveries made by Russians vessels).

Full Title

(44). Carte des Nouvelle Decouvertes au Nord.


Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)

Full Title

Terre Artiche.


Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)


[Stieler, Adolf, Haack, H.]

Full Title

3. Nordpol. (insets) (Islands of the northern seas).


[Bartholomew, J.G., Buchan, Alexander]

Full Title

Plate 4. Isotherms - North Polar.


[Bartholomew, J.G., Buchan, Alexander]

Full Title

Plate 13. Isobars & Winds - North Polar.


[Boisseau, Jean, Jollain, G.]

Full Title

Pole Arctique.


[Schraembl, Franz Anton, Roberts, Heinrich]

Full Title

107. Karte von den N.W. Amerikanischen und N.Oe. Asiatischen Kuesten, Nach den Untersuchungen les Kapit: Cook in den Jah: 1778 und 1779. entwurfen von Heinrich Roberts Lieut: Neue herausgegeben v. F.A. Schraembl. MDCCLXXVIII.


Bröuckner, Isaak, 1686-1762.

Full Title

Carte marine, de la Be de Baffin, et une partie d'Hudson, d'Island et Groenland. l'Annee 1749. (to accompany) Nouvel Atlas De Marine... Par Isaac Brouckner ... Approuve par l’ academie Royale des Sciences a Berlin l’ Annee 1749.


Hand colored in outline nautical chart.


[Naumienko, Teodor, Polska. Wojsko Polskie. Służba Topograficzna]

Full Title

Arktyka. Atlas Swiata. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe : Warszawa 1962.


Map of Arctic region on folded sheet. Relief shown by gradient tints and spot heights. Depth shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings. Includes routes of scientific expeditions to 1958 and legend.


Stieler, Adolf, 1775–1836

Full Title

Polar-Karte enhaltend: die Lander u. Meere vom Nord-Pol bis 50° N. Br. u. weiter : sowie Übersicht des Russischen Reichs. Stieler's Hand-Atlas No. 10. Gez. v. Ad. Stieler 1832. Nachtrage v. Hrm. Bghs. v. 1853-1874. Gestochen v. Carl Poppey. Gotha : Justus Perthes. 1875.


Map of Arctic Region, with inset map of Erebus & Terror Bay in Nord Devon.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

Carte generale de la Russie d'Asie et des regions polaires boreales. Par A.H. Brue. Chez l'Auteur ... 1821. (to accompany) Atlas physique et politique des cinq parties du monde, par H. Brue.


Outline hand color engraved map of Russia in Asia and Arctic region. Inset: Complement des regions polaires boréales. In upper right margin: "Atlas Universel Pl. 26."


[Berezin, A.D., 9]

Full Title

Osvoyenie sovetskoy arktikiperevozka morskikh gruzov. 3. Transport. (to accompany) Sotsialisticheskoe Stroitel'stvo Soyuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik.


Statistical pictograms and diagrams, showing the development of the sea cargo transportation in the Soviet Arctic. Includes view of the Arctic Sea.


[Berezin, A.D., 9]

Full Title

Osvoyeniye Sovetskoy Arktiki. 3. Transport. (to accompany) Sotsialisticheskoe Stroitel'stvo Soyuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik.


Pictorial map, showing the development of the Soviet Arctic. Includes legend.


[Berezin, A.D., 9]

Full Title

Grazhdanskiy besposadochnyy perelet geroyev sovetskogo soyuza... Transarctic flight USA-USSR... Transarkticheskiy perelet geroya sovetskogo soyuza... 3. Transport. (to accompany) Sotsialisticheskoe Stroitel'stvo Soyuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik.


3 Color maps on folded sheet, showing not stop civil flights of the heroes of the Soviet Union; Transarctic flight USA-USSR; Transarctic flight of the heroes of the soviet union. Includes text.


[3, Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

Арктика. Антарктика = Arktika. Antarktika. 281-282. 283. Antarktida. Atlas Mira : 1954.


2 maps of Arctic and Antarctic on 1 sheet. Showing ocean currents, shipping and exploration routes. Relief shown by gradient tints and spot heights. Depths shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings.


[Geological Survey (U.S.), Friis, Herman R. (Herman Ralph), 1905-1989, United States. National Archives and Records Service]

Full Title

Arctic geographic expeditions from the United States : 1850-1909 -- 1910-1941 -- 1942-1968 / Herman R. Friis, National Archives and Records Service; compiled from the official records and publications in the National Archives, Washington, D. C. 1968.


Three historical maps representing the Arctic, featuring voyages of exploration from the Untied States, from 1850 to 1968. Maps show the routes of explorers, bodies of water, coastlines and islands. Maps include legends, as well as a scale statement. Presented with Azimuthal Equal Area Polar Projection. Colored lithograph. Together, maps are 42 x 31 cm, on sheet 49 x 35 cm. Accompanying descriptive text on page 129. Maps appear in Special subject maps section, subsection History.


[Andree, Richard, Scobel, Albert]

Full Title

Nordpolargebiete. Okt. 1905. (insets:nebenkarten) Nowaja Semlja. Sudwest-Gronland ; Spitzbergen und die Bareninsel ; Kuste von Ost Gronland.


Full color map with 3 insets on 2 pages, showing North Polar Region. Relief shown by hachures, shadings and spot heights. Depth shown by gradient tints and soundings. Prime meridian is Greenwich.

Full Title

Karte der Nordpolarregion. (with) Nowaja Semlja. (with) Spitzbergen und die Baren Insel. (with) Sud-west Gronland. (with) Kuste von Ost-Gronland zwischen 72 u. 770 nordl. Br. Nach den Aufnahmen der zweiten Deutschen Nord-Pol Expedit. 1869-1870. (Richard Andree. Herausgegeben von der Geographischen Anstalt von Velhagen & Klasing in Leipzig. 1881)


Colored map with 4 insets. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. "VIII.1879."

Full Title

Karte der Sudpolarregion. Polynesische Inselgruppen: Viti-Fidschi, Inseln. Hawaii-Sandwich, Inseln. Samoa-Schiffer, Inseln. (with) Victoria-Land. (Richard Andree. Herausgegeben von der Geographischen Anstalt von Velhagen & Klasing in Leipzig. 1881)


Four color maps with 2 insets. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. "IX.1879."

Full Title

Northern Regions. Southern Regions. Published by G. W & C. B. Colton & Co., No. 182 William St. New York.


Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington D.C. Map showing Arctic and Antarctic Regions.

Full Title

(Index to) Arctic Ocean, Greenland. Polar Azimuthal Equidistant Projection. 1:12,500,000.


Uncolored index map. Key to adjoining areas.

Full Title

Arctic Ocean, Greenland. The Geographical Institute Edinburgh. Edited by John Bartholomew, M.C., LL.D. (Copyright), John Bartholomew & Son, LTD. (inset maps) Greenland Coastal Settlements, 1:5,000,000.


Full color map. Arctic Ocean located at 90 00 N, 0 00 E . , and Greenland located at 72 00 N, 40 00 W. Depth shown by gradient tints and soundings. Prime meridian is Greenwich. No. 1721, and May, 59 marked on the lower corners of plate. The Times Atlas on the upper left corner.

Full Title

(Index to) Canada and Arctic America. Chamberlin Trimetric Projection, (By courtesy of the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C.), Standard Parallels 33 (degrees) and 45 (degrees) N. 1:12,500,000.


Uncolored index map. With key to adjoining areas.

Full Title

Canada and Arctic America. The Geographical Institute Edinburgh. Edited by John Bartholomew, M.C. LL. D. Copyright - John Bartholomew & Son, LTD. (inset map) Aleutian Islands, On the same scale.


Full color map. Relief shown by shadings and spot heights. Depth shown by gradient tints and soundings. Prime meridian is Greenwich. No. 1440 and Dec. 55 marked on the lower corners of plate. The Times Atlas on the upper left corner.

Full Title

North Circumpolar Regions.


USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

Full Title

248-249. The Arctic, The Antarctic. The World Atlas.


The Antarctic at a scale of 1:40,000,000.

Full Title

A map of the countries situate about the North Pole as far as the 50th degree of north latitude.


Polar projection in full color.

Full Title

North Pole lands. The Arctic Ocean encircled by North America and Eurasia, the largest land mass in the world. (copyright) G.P. Ltd. (inset) Map of Iceland, showing part of the remains of the last Ice Age.


Relief map and text. Relief shown by gradient tints. With 2 views.


[Bory de Saint-Vincent, M. (Jean Baptiste GeneviFve Marcellin), 1778-1846, Desmarest, Nicolas, 1725-1815, Vincent]

Full Title

Carte des glaces, circompolaires boreales. Grave par Berthe. (A Paris, Chez Mme. veuve Agasse, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue des Poitevins, no. 6. M.DCCCXXVII)


Engraved map. Shows routes of Phipps 1773, Hearn 1772 and Cook 1776-1780.


[Cram, George Franklin, Murray-Aaron, Eugene, 1852-1941.]

Full Title

Map of the polar Regions : Showing the recent discoveries. (by Geo. F. Cram). (to accompany) Cram's atlas of the world, ancient and modern : new census edition -- indexed.


Color map. Shows the routes followed by the principal explorers and date of exploration. Each route is marked as a red line on the map. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian is Greenwich.

Full Title

Arctic Ocean. 9471. Antarctica. Pacific Ocean. 2426.


Routes of exploration shown. Pacific Ocean map at scale 1:37.867,000.


Harrison, Richard Edes

Full Title

Arctic Arena. Orthographic Projection. (to accompany) Look At The World: The Fortune Atlas For world Strategy. By Richard Edes Harrison. Text by Editor of Fortune. New York: Alfred A. Knopf 1944. (on verso) Copyright 1944 by Time Incorporated.


Full color map. Includes text, legend and inset map of "The other half" of the globe showing Antarctica. Atlas contains 66, (2) page text, index, statistics, color, and black and white maps (some folded) and plans. Covers are teal blue with the title "Look at the world: the Fortune Atlas For world Strategy. By Richard Edes Harrison. Text by Editor of Fortune. New York: Alfred A. Knopf." in center.


Harrison, Richard Edes

Full Title

Eight Views Of The World. (by) Richard Edes Harrison 1943. Exhibiting the location of The U.S. Islands. Europe. Africa. Argentina. Australia. Alaska. And Asia. (to accompany) Look At The World: The Fortune Atlas For world Strategy. By Richard Edes Harrison. Text by Editor of Fortune. New York: Alfred A. Knopf 1944. (on verso) Copyright 1944 by Time Incorporated.


Full color maps. Atlas contains 66, (2) page text, index, statistics, color, and black and white maps (some folded) and plans. Covers are teal blue with the title "Look at the world: the Fortune Atlas For world Strategy. By Richard Edes Harrison. Text by Editor of Fortune. New York: Alfred A. Knopf." in center.


Harrison, Richard Edes

Full Title

Great Circle Airways. Natural scale at point of tangency 1:81,000,000. North Polar Gnomonic Projection. (inset) North Polar Azmuthal Equidistant Projection. (inset) South Polar Genomonic Chart. (to accompany) Look At The World: The Fortune Atlas For world Strategy. By Richard Edes Harrison. Text by Editor of Fortune. New York: Alfred A. Knopf 1944. (on verso) Copyright 1944 by Time Incorporated.


Full color map. Includes text. Atlas contains 66, (2) page text, index, statistics, color, and black and white maps (some folded) and plans. Covers are teal blue with the title "Look at the world: the Fortune Atlas For world Strategy. By Richard Edes Harrison. Text by Editor of Fortune. New York: Alfred A. Knopf." in center.


[Bartholomew, J. G. (John George), 1860-1920, John Bartholomew and Son]

Full Title

North Polar regions. The Edinburgh Geographical Institute, John Bartholomew & Son, Ltd. "The Times" atlas. (London: The Times, 1922)


Col. map. Depths shown by hypsometric tints; soundings in fathoms. Shows extreme limit of floating ice, limit of pack ice, explorers routes with dates, currents, etc.


[Instituto Geographico di Agostini, Bayer, Herbert]

Full Title

Regioni Polari Artiche. (insets) Spitzberg; Stretto di Bering; Ie. Diomede; I.D. Orsi; Arc. Franc. Giuseppe; Isfjord (Spitzberg). Regioni Polari Antartiche. (insets) Sandwich Austr.; Orcadi Austr.; Ie. Pr. Edward; Ie. Crozet; Ie. Heard; Kergurlen; Georgia D. Sud; Ross Ice Shelf; Edsel Ford Ranges.


Relief shown as combined hachures, shaded relief, and hypsometric tints; bathymetry also tinted.

Full Title

Polar-Karte enthaltend: die Lander u. Meere vom Nord-Pol bis 50 (degrees) N. Br. u. weiter, sowie Ubersicht des Russischen Reichs. Gez. v. Ad. Stieler 1832. Nachtrage v. Hrm. Bghs v 1853-1874. Gestochen v. Carl Poppey. Gotha: Justus Perthes 1875.


A full color polar projection from the North Pole above 50 degrees North. Polar exploration routes shown. Small inset map of Erebus & Terror Bay in Nord Devon.

Full Title

No. VIII. Stieler's Hand-Atlas (No. 41b). Polar-Karte ....


Revision of 1832 edition.


[Thomson, John, Wyld, James, 1790-1836]

Full Title

Discoveries Capts. Ross, Parry & Franklin in the Arctic Regions. in 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821 & 1822. (Published by John Thomson & Co. Edinburgh.) (to accompany) A General Atlas, Containing Maps illustrating some important periods in Ancient History; and distinct Maps of the several Empires, Kingdoms and States In The World, From Original Drawings according to the latest Treaties by J. Wyld and Engraved by N.R. Hewitt. Edinburgh, Printed for John Thomson & Co for Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, London & John Cumming, Dublin.


Engraved print in black with hand-colored highlighing along coast lines and expedition routes. With 4 vignettes "View of Coppermine River, View of Scoresby's Sd., Burnets inlet Barrows Strait, and Iceberg in Baffins Bay." The atlas is the second edition and includes the extra map of the Arctic and two extra maps of Australia. The text adds a section on Voyages of Discovery. Two additional maps are laid in, one of South America, the other of Mexico. Each map has a small vignette illustrating a subject related to the map. Half leather paper-covered boards with label pasted on front printed with title. Prime meridian is Greenwich. Relief shown by hachures.

Full Title

A map of the countries situate about the North Pole as far as the 50th degree of north latitude.


Polar projection in outline color. Prime meridian Philadelphia.

Full Title

Stieler's Hand-Atlas No. 10. Nord-Polar Karte. (insets) Various Islands.

Full Title

A Map of the Countries situate about the North Pole as far as the 50th Degree of North Latitude. W. Barker sculp. Engraved for Carey's Edition of Guthrie's Geography improved.

Full Title

A Map of the Countries situate about the North Pole as far as the 50th Degree of North Latitude. W. Barker sculp. Engraved for Carey's Edition of Guthrie's Geography improved.


Fullarton, A. & Co.

Full Title

Arctic Regions. The Arctic Regions, showing the North-West Passage as determined by Cap. R. McClure and other Arctic Voyagers. Compiled by J. Hugh Johnson, F.R.G.S. (with) Wellington Channel, Melville Island &c. from Admiralty Chart. III. Engraved by A. Fullarton & Co. A. Fullarton & Co. London and Edinburgh.


In full color. Maps are surrounded by local scenes, wildlife, and depictions of local people.


Rand McNally and Company

Full Title

Rand, McNally & Company's indexed atlas of the world map of North Polar Regions. Copyright 1892, by Rand, McNally & Co. (Chicago. 1897)


Col. map. Relief shown by hachures.

Full Title

A new & accurate map of the North Pole, with all the countries hitherto discovered situated near or adjacent to it, as well as some others more remote. Drawn from the latest and best authorities and regulated by astronoml. observatns. By Eman. Bowen. (London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge ... M.DCC.XLVII)


Engraved map. Includes geographic notes and ornamental cartouche. Relief shown pictorially.

Full Title

Northern Regions.

Full Title

A map of the countries situate about the North Pole as far as the 50th degree of north latitude.


Polar projection in outline color.

Full Title

Northern Regions. Southern Regions. Published by G. W & C. B. Colton & Co., No. 172 William St. New York.


Prime meridians are Washington D.C. and Greenwich. Map showing Arctic and Antarctic Regions.


Marzolla, Benedetto

Full Title

Carta generale del Polo Artico. Benedetto Marzolla, Napoli 1844, esegui col pennello su pietra, Real Litografia Militare.


Hand col. lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures. Includes notes. Prime meridian: Paris.


[Schrader, Vivien St Martin, L.]

Full Title

Regions Polaires. Carte 80. Dresse par M. Chesneau et Ch. Bonnesseur. 2-31. Imp. Dufrenoy. Librarie Hachette. Grave par R. Lobrot. La lettre par A. Rabin.


Five views of the polar regions represented at various scales. Number and title also on outside front of sheet. Lithographed. Folded. Full color. Relief shown by shading and hachures. Meridian Paris.


Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856

Full Title

Neueste Karte vom Nord Pol. Hildburghausen, Verlag vom Bibliogr. Institut, (1860)


Hand col. circular engraved map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows explorers' discoveries with dates, etc. Prime meridian: Ferro. "Meyer's Handatlas No. 50."

Full Title

Northern Regions. Southern Regions. Published by G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co., No. 172 William St. New York.


Map showing Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Prime Meridian is Greenwich. Printed in black and white.

Full Title

A Map of the Countries situate about the North Pole as far as the 50th Degree of North Latitude. W. Barker sculp. Engraved for Carey's Edition of Guthrie's Geography improved.


Uncolored except for a few islands.

Full Title

No. VIII. Stieler's Hand-Atlas (No. 41b). Polar-Karte ....


Revision of 1832 edition.


[Edward Stanford Ltd., Stanford, Edward]

Full Title

Map of the countries round the North Pole. London atlas series. Stanford's Geographical Estabt., London. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27 Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)


Countries in full color. Shows names of principal Arctic navigators and dates of exploration.


Moll, Herman, d. 1732

Full Title

A map of the North Pole with all the territories that lye near it, known to us &c. According to the latest discoveries, and most exact observations. Agreeable to modern history. By H. Moll Geographer. Printed for Tho: Bowles next ye Chapter House in St. Pauls Church Yard, & John Bowles at the Black Horse in Cornhill, London (1736?)


Hand col. engraved map. Relief shown pictorially. Includes geographic note.


Hayes, Isaac Israel

Full Title

Baffin Bay, illustrating an Arctic boat journey in 1854. I.I. Hayes. (1855?)


Black and red pen-and-ink on tracing paper. Shows routes of Dr. Hayes, Dr. Kane (1855), prevailing direction of ocean currents, etc. Includes inset. Laid in: Atlas encyclopedique ... 1827 (our no. 1801)

Full Title

Chart of the Polar Seas. Engraved for Harpers Family Library, by (G.B.?) King. (185-?)


Engraved map. Oceans outlined in light blue watercolor. Laid in: Atlas encyclopedique ... 1827 (our no. 1801)

Full Title

The Polar Regions. George Philip & Son, Ltd. The London Geographical Institute. (1922)


Color lithographed double hemisphere map. Contents: Arctic Regions -- Antarctic Regions. Depths shown by layer tints. Shows explorers' routes, ocean routes, etc. Ancillary map at 1:2,500,000 scale: West Spitsbergen. Ancillary maps at 1:10,000,000 scale: Northern Greenland and Ellesmere Island -- Spitsbergen and Franz Josef Land -- The Bering Strait and Lower Yukon -- South Shetlands and Graham Land -- Victoria Land.


Ruhle von Lilienstern, August

Full Title

Laender um den Nordpol. Berlin 1824. von R.v.L. Die Berge grav. von H. Bock.

Full Title

Atlas des ganzen Erdkreises in der Central-Projection entworfen von C.G. Reichard. Fuinfte Tafel. 1803.


Engraved hand colored map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows settlements, rivers, continents in outline color, etc. Prime meridian: Ferro.


[Bayer, Herbert, Container Corporation of America]

Full Title

North Polar Regions. South Polar Regions.


Includes brief history and description of regions' features. Relief depicted by hachures and hypsometric tints.


Rand McNally & Company

Full Title

Rand McNally Popular map of Polar Regions. Copyright by Rand McNally & Company, Chicago. Made in U.S.A.


Full color map, outline color by regions. Shows exploration dates and explorers. Relief shown by spot heights. No 90123456 on the lower right corner of the map.


[Martova, K. B., Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

39. Russkie Otkrytiya i issledovaniya v Severnom Ledovitom i Tikhom Okeanakh v pervoy polovine XVIII b.: a. Vazhneyshie Zkspeditsii k Beregam Severnoy Ameriki ... 1:15,000,000. b. Russkie Zkspeditsii na Dal'nem Vostoke ... 1:20,000,000. B. Issledovaniya Beregov Severnogo Ledovitogo Okeana v 1734-1742. 1:12,000,000. (to accompany) Atlas Istorii Geograficheskikh Otkrytiy i Issledovaniy. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MVD SSSR. Otvetstvennyi Redaktor K. B. Martova. 1959.


Three maps on two pages. Showing Russian discoveries and research in the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. Each map includes legend.


[Martova, K. B., Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

72. Vazhneishie Zkspeditsii k Severnomy Polyusu s 1850 po 1917 g. mashtab 1:20,000,000.(to accompany) Atlas Istorii Geograficheskikh Otkrytiy i Issledovaniy. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MVD SSSR. Otvetstvennyi Redaktor K. B. Martova. 1959.


Includes inset and legend.


[Martova, K. B., Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

77. Issledovaniya i Osvoenie Severnogo Morskogo puti b 1917-1941 gg. (to accompany) Atlas Istorii Geograficheskikh Otkrytiy i Issledovaniy. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MVD SSSR. Otvetstvennyi Redaktor K. B. Martova. 1959.


Showing trading routes via Kara Sea. Includes legend, and inset.


[Martova, K. B., Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

78. Vazhneishie Zkspeditsii v Arktike, v 1917-1948 gg. (to accompany) Atlas Istorii Geograficheskikh Otkrytiy i Issledovaniy. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MVD SSSR. Otvetstvennyi Redaktor K. B. Martova. 1959.


Includes legend, and inset.


[Martova, K. B., Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

79. Sovetskie Issledovaniya v Arktike v 1948-1958 gg. (to accompany) Atlas Istorii Geograficheskikh Otkrytiy i Issledovaniy. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MVD SSSR. Otvetstvennyi Redaktor K. B. Martova. 1959.


Includes legend, and inset.

Full Title

Polar-Karte enthaltend : die lander u. meere vom nord-pol bis 50 N.Br.u.weiter; mit der Ubersicht des Russischen Reichs in Eur. As. Am und des Brittischen Nord-America: entw. v Ad. St. 1823. (on upper right margin) Stielers Hand Atlas No. 41b. (to accompany) Hand-Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde, nach dem neuesten Zustande und uber das Weltgebaude.


First issued in 1816. Engraved hand colored outline map. Shows Canada, Alaska, northern Asia and northern Europe with north coast of Greenland undefined. Includes key indicating the unknown polar regions, the extent of drift ice, the northern tree line and extent of human occupation. Relief shown by hachure. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Ferro.


W. & A.K. Johnston Limited

Full Title

North Polar Chart.


[Wenschow, Karl, Denoyer-Geppert Company]

Full Title

Nordpolargebiet Sudpolargebiet, Wenschow-Reliefkart.


Date is estimated based on explorers' dates listed at the South Pole. Suitable for use in a standard classroom; viewable up to 40 feet. Language(s): German. Map is paper on muslin. Mounted on wood rods. Prime Meridian is Greenwich. Projection is not specified. Length of rolled wall map is 180 cm. Topics include: topography, hydrography, internal/external political boundaries, bathymetry. Department of Geography, University of California at Berkeley, Call Number 30-A-1.


Carlberg, Berthold

Full Title



Date estimated. Suitable for use in a large lecture hall; viewable to and beyond 40 feet. Language(s): German. Map is paper on muslin. Mounted on wood rods. Prime Meridian is Greenwich. Projection is not specified. Topics include: topography, hydrography, ocean currents, political boundaries, cities. Department of Geography, University of California at Berkeley, Call Number 31-A-1.


[Klett-Perthes, Haack-Painke]


Suitable for use in a large lecture hall; viewable to and beyond 40 feet. Language(s): German. Map is paper on muslin. Mounted on wood rods. Prime Meridian is Greenwich. Projection is not specified. Topics include: topography, hydrography, ocean currents, pack Ice, cities (population), Internal/external political boundaries. Department of Geography, University of California at Berkeley, Call Number 500-A-2.

Full Title

No. 33. Nordpolarkarte.


[Haack, H., Stieler, Adolf]

Full Title

3. Nordpol. North Pole. (insets) (Various Northern Islands).


[Pinchon, J.P., Perpillou, A.]

Full Title

(Text Page with Map) Regions Polaires.


Text and corresponding map with lavish vignettes of historic events, activities, crops, modes of transportation, structures, etc.


[National Geographic Society, Berann, Heinrich Caesar (1915-1999)]


[National Geographic Society, Berann, Heinrich Caesar (1915-1999)]

Full Title

Arctic Ocean Floor.


Rand McNally & Company

Full Title

Rand McNally World Portrait Map.


Quad, Matthias, 1557-1613

Full Title

77. Polus Arcticus (North Pole).


[Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667, Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1703)]

Full Title

Les Deux Poles: Arcticque ou Septentrional, et Antarcticque ou Meridional (Two Poles: Arctic and Antarctica).

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