Search Results: Subject equal to 'Data Visualization' (original) (raw)

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The World of C3I


[Andrew, A. Piatt (Abram Piatt), 1873-1936, Aldrich, Nelson W. (Nelson Wilmarth), 1841-1915, United States. National Monetary Commission]

Full Title

Net balance of United States Treasury and Treasury deposits in the national banks, 1864-1909. Senate doc. no. 509. 61st Cong., 2d Sess. The Norris-Peters Co. Washington, D.C. National Monetary Commission.


Line graph representing the balance of United States Treasury and Treasury deposits in national banks from 1864 to 1909. Includes explanatory text. Printed in color. Graph is 24 x 126 cm, on fold-out sheet 39 x 131 cm.


[Andrew, A. Piatt (Abram Piatt), 1873-1936, Aldrich, Nelson W. (Nelson Wilmarth), 1841-1915, United States. National Monetary Commission]

Full Title

General stock of money in the United States, 1867-1909. Senate doc. no. 509. 61st Cong., 2d Sess. The Norris-Peters Co. Washington, D.C. National Monetary Commission.


Bar graph representing the forms of money in the United States from 1867 to 1909. Includes a key. Printed in color. Graph is 32 x 76 cm, on fold-out sheet 39 x 79 cm.


[Andrew, A. Piatt (Abram Piatt), 1873-1936, Aldrich, Nelson W. (Nelson Wilmarth), 1841-1915, United States. National Monetary Commission]

Full Title

Money in circulation in the United States, 1867-1909. Senate doc. no. 509. 61st Cong., 2d Sess. The Norris-Peters Co. Washington, D.C. National Monetary Commission.


Bar graph representing the forms of money in circulation from 1867 to 1909 in the United States. Includes a key. Printed in color. Graph is 32 x 76 cm, on fold-out sheet 39 x 79 cm.


[Andrew, A. Piatt (Abram Piatt), 1873-1936, Aldrich, Nelson W. (Nelson Wilmarth), 1841-1915, United States. National Monetary Commission]

Full Title

New York clearing house banks monthly movements of cash to and from interior : 1905 -- 1906 -- 1907 -- 1908 -- Average of years 1905-1908. Senate doc. no. 509. 61st Cong., 2d Sess. The Norris-Peters Co. Washington, D.C. National Monetary Commission.


Five pie charts representing the monthly movements of money between New York clearing-house banks and the interior during 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, and the average for the years of 1905-1908. Each chart includes a key, bar scale and descriptive notes. Printed in color. Together, diagrams are is 49 x 26 cm, on fold-out sheet 54 x 36 cm.


[Andrew, A. Piatt (Abram Piatt), 1873-1936, Aldrich, Nelson W. (Nelson Wilmarth), 1841-1915, United States. National Monetary Commission]

Full Title

Average gold holdings of Reichsbank, Bank of England, Bank of France, and United States Treasury, 1878-1909. Senate doc. no. 509. 61st Cong., 2d Sess. The Norris-Peters Co. Washington, D.C. National Monetary Commission.


Bar graph representing the average gold holdings of Reichsbank, Bank of England, Bank of France, and United States Treasury from 1878 to 1909. Includes a key. Printed in color. Graph is 33 x 49 cm, on fold-out sheet 39 x 53 cm.


[Linnaeus, Carl (1707-1778), Giseke, Paulus Diet.]

Full Title

Tabula Genealogico - geographica Affinitatum Plantarum. Secundum Ordines Naturales Linnaei. delineavit Paulus Dietericus Giseke. 1789.


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Title page to) Atlas Historicus oder Allgemeine HIstorische Charten darinnen... (Illustrated Eusebian Historical Table)


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Title page to) (In French) Atlas Historicus oder Allgemeine HIstorische Charten darinnen... (Illustrated Eusebian Historical Table)


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

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Sheets A, B, C


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Composite timeline of) Sheets A, Aa, Aaa. Atlas Historicus.


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Composite timeline to) Sheets B, Bb, Bbb.


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Composite timeline of) Sheets C, Cc, Ccc.


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Composite timeline to) Sheets D, Dd


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Composite timeline to) Sheets E, Ee


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Composite timeline to) Atl. Hist. P. II. Sheets D, Dd, E, Ee


Vertical joining of two composite sheets.


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Composite timeline to) Sheets F, Ff, Fff


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Composite timeline to): Sheets G, Gg, Ggg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Composite timeline to) Atlantes Historici Pars III. Sheets F, Ff, Fff, G, Gg, Ggg, H, Hh, Hhh


Vertical joining of three composite sheets.


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

(Composite timeline to) Sheets H, Hh, Hhh


Pictorial Charts Service

Full Title

The Backward Areas I.


Pictorial Charts Service

Full Title

The Backward Areas II.


Bostwick, Henry, 1787-1837

Full Title

An elementary chart being a model or exemplification of Henry Bostwick's improvement called a new method of representing by lines consistent with a scale of time the kindred, genealogy, chronology and succession of persons distinguished in history & fable. Secured by patent. Entered according to Act of Congress 8th. August 1826 by Henry Bostwick of the state of New York.


Genealogical chart representing the data visualization style of Henry Bostwick. Show genealogy and chronology, with certain historical and mythological figures given as examples. Hand-colored engraving. Diagram is 23 x 29 cm, on sheet 35 x 46 cm.


Bostwick, Henry, 1787-1837

Full Title

No. 1. A historical, chronological and genealogical chart, comprising map of ancient countries, and exhibiting on a scale of time the origin and revolutions of states, and the principal persons known in sacred and profane history for 4000 years from the creation to the birth of Jesus Christ, with a representation of the degrees of kindred by a new method consistent with the scale of time. Entered according to Act of Congress the 2nd. day of January 1827 by Henry Bostwick of the state of New York.


Map and genealogical chart and timeline representing the empires of Italy, Greece, Turkey, and the Middle East from "Adam" to 4,000 CE. Map shows political boundaries, select cities, bodies of water, drainage, islands, and coastlines. Hand-colored engraving. Together, map and diagram are 62 x 39 cm, on double sheet 66 x 45 cm.


Bostwick, Henry, 1787-1837

Full Title

No. 2. A historical and mythological chart showing on a scale of time the origin and revolutions of states from about 2500 A.M. to 3000, exhibiting the principal persons known in sacred and profane history for the same period and also the fabulous deities and characters of heathen mythology with a representation of the degrees of kindred by a new method consistent with the scale of time. Entered according to Act of Congress the 5th. day of April 1827 by Henry Bostwick of the state of New York.


Genealogical chart and timeline representing the empires of Italy, Greece, Sparta, Rome, current-day Turkey, and Israel, from 2500 to 3000 AM. Hand-colored engraving. Diagram is 39 x 61 cm, on. double sheet 46 x 65 cm.


Bostwick, Henry, 1787-1837

Full Title

No. 3. A historical, chronological and genealogical chart, shewing on a scale of time the origin and revolutions of states from the year 3000 A.M. to 3500, and exhibiting the principal persons known in sacred and profane history for the same period, with a representation of the degrees of kindred by a new method consistent with a scale of time. Entered according to Act of Congress the 9th. day of October 1826 by Henry Bostwick of the state of New York.


Genealogical chart and timeline representing the chronology and genealogy of the empires of Italy, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, and Persia, from 3000 to 3500 AM. Hand-colored engraving. Diagram is 40 x 61 cm, on double sheet 46 x 65 cm.


Bostwick, Henry, 1787-1837

Full Title

No. 4. A historical, chronological, and genealogical chart shewing on a scale of time the revolutions of states and empires from 3,500 A.M. to the birth of Christ, and exhibiting for that period and the 80 succeeding years, the principal persons known in sacred and profane history with a representation of the degrees of kindred by a new method consistent with the scale of time. Entered according to Act of Congress the 2nd. day of June 1827 by Henry Bostwick of the state of New York.


Genealogical chart and timeline representing the chronology and genealogy of kings in the empires of Rome, Athens, Persia, Macedonia, Turkey, Syria, and Armenia, from 3500 AM to the Common Era. Hand-colored engraving. 39 x 60 cm, on double sheet 46 x 66 cm.


Bostwick, Henry, 1787-1837

Full Title

No. 5. A historical, chronological and genealogical chart, exhibiting on a scale of time the principal persons & events of civil & ecclesiastical history from the birth of Christ to the year 840, presenting an arrangement of historical matter and a method of genealogical representation entirely new. Entered according to Act of Congress the 29th. day of April 1828 by Henry Bostwick of the state of New York.


Genealogical chart and timeline representing the history, chronology, and genealogy of the Roman Empire from 0 to 840 CE. Hand-colored engraving. Diagram is 30 x 39 cm, on sheet 35 x 46 cm.


Bostwick, Henry, 1787-1837

Full Title

No. 6. A historical, chronological & genealogical chart, exhibiting on a scale of time the principal persons and events of modern history both civil and ecclesiastical, from the year 400 of the Christian era to the present time. Entered according to Act of Congress the 28th. day of May 1828 by Henry Bostwick of the state of New York.


Genealogical chart and timeline representing the history, chronology, and genealogy of the empires of Scotland, Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, and the Middle East from 400 to 1860 CE. Hand-colored engraving. Diagram is 39 x 61 cm, on double sheet 45 x 66 cm.


[Naumienko, Teodor, Polska. Wojsko Polskie. Służba Topograficzna]

Full Title

Ludnosc. Atlas Swiata. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe : Warszawa 1962.


Folded population map of the world. Showing population, races, languages, urbanization, demographic regions and agricultural employment. Includes charts and legends.


[Naumienko, Teodor, Polska. Wojsko Polskie. Służba Topograficzna]

Full Title

Gestosc zaludnienia. Atlas Swiata. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe : Warszawa 1962.


Population density map of the world. Showing population, races, languages, urbanization, demographic regions and agricultural employment. Includes legends.

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