Search Results: World Area equal to 'Asia' (original) (raw)


Perrot, A. M. (Aristide Michel), 1793-1879

Full Title

Asie. Par A.M. Perrot. 1824.


Map representing Asia. Shows political boundaries, select cities, topography, deserts, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with hachures. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as a bar scale given in French leagues. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 19 x 25 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.


Cram, George Franklin, 1841-1928

Full Title

Cram's Political Map of Asia. Superior Series.


C.S. Hammond & Co.

Full Title

Hammond. Superior Map of Asia and the Western Pacific.


[Andriveau-Goujon, Eugene, 1832-1897, Barrère, Henry (1865-1930).]

Full Title

Carte de l’Asie orientale et de l’archipel d’Asie


Johnston, W. & A.K.

Full Title

W. & A.K. Johnston's Visual Relief Map of Asia


[Klinger, Johann Georg, 1764-1806, Müller, Johann Wolfgang]


Map representing Asia. Map shows political boundaries, drainage, bodies of water, coastlines, and islands. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines. Hand colored engraving. Map is 9 x 10 cm, on card 9 x 11 cm. Appears in II. Asiatiques.


Cantos, Paulo de (1892-1979)


Cantos, Paulo de (1892-1979)

Full Title

Asia - Camela sob as neves da Siberia...y]

Full Title

Map Of The Countries Mentioned In The New Testament And The Travels Of The Apostles with Ancient and Modern Names from the most Authentic Sources. Published By J.H. Colton, 86 Cedar St. New York. 1852. Drawn by G.W. Colton. Engraved by D.G. Johnson. (inset) A General Map of the Countries Mentioned In The Bible.


[Hughes, William, 1818-1876, Weller, Edward, 1819-1884]

Full Title

Asia. By Edwd. Weller, F.R.G.S. George Philip & Son, London & Liverpool.


Map representing Asia. Shows political boundaries, cities, topography, roads, bodies of water, drainage, and coastlines. Relief shown with hachures. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as bar scales given in English miles and kilometers. Colored lithograph. Map is 55 x 61 cm, on double sheet 56 x 70 cm.


Johnston, Alexander Keith 1804-1871

Full Title

Stanford's Library Map of Asia


[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]

Full Title

Die Lander des Islam : zur Zeit der Bûjiden 945-1055. Von Th. Menke. Gezeichnet von F, Hein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 82. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1877.


Map of Islamic countries, 945-1055. With 4 insets.

Full Title

(Sheet 2) Weltcharte in Mercators Projection; von Christian Gottlieb Reichard.


Scale is at the Equator.


Russian Military Topographical Department of the General Staff,

Full Title

Karta Srednei Azii, Sostavlennaya po Noveyshim Sviedeniyam i Gravirovana pri Voyenno-Topografisheskom Depo v 1/420000 dolyu. 1863 g. Ispravlena po 1879 god. [A Map of Central Asia, Compiled with the New Intelligence and Engraved at the Military Topographical Depot in the 1/4,200,000 scale. 1863, updated up to 1879].


Blondeau, active 18th century-19th century

Full Title

Carte d'Asie. Blondeau sculpt.


Map of Asia. Shows continental and national boundaries, cities, coastlines, major lakes, drainage and islands. The southeastern edge of Alaska appears at upper right. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 19 x 23 cm, on sheet 22 x 26 cm.


Gulf Refining Company

Full Title

Asian, African and Australian air transport route : Rand McNally Airway map of Afric - Asia and Australia. Copyright by Rand McNally & Company, Chicago. 11-35. (to accompany) 1935-1936, Aviation Atlas. Fourth Edition.


3 color maps on 1 sheet. Showing air routes in Asia, Africa and Australia. Relief shown by shadings.


Andriveau-Goujon, Eugene

Full Title

Palestine ancienne & moderne, d'apres les sources les plus authentiques. Par E. Andriveau. Paris - 1862. E. Andriveau-Goujon. Rue du Bac. 21. Paris, Imprimie. de Louis Antoine. Grave le trait et les montagnes par Gérin; les Ecritures par P. Rousset. Les Eaux par Mme. Fontaine. (to accompany) Atlas classique et universel de geograparphie ancienne et moderne ... Nouvelle edition. 1863.


Hand color map. Insets:Sinai -- Golfe de Suez -- Cross section of the Palestine from the source of the Jordan to the Red Sea -- Panoramic view of the mountains of Palestine -- Jeusalem d'apres le plan de G. Williams. Covers portions of Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Shows roads and trails. Relief shown by hachures. Includes tables and text.


Andriveau-Goujon, Eugene

Full Title

(Composite Map) Asie Orientale comprenant L'Empire Chinois et le Japon, les Etats de L'Indo-Chine et le Grand Archipel d'Asie. (to accompany) Atlas classique et universel de geograparphie ancienne et moderne ... Nouvelle edition. 1863.


Composite map of sheets 38-39: Asie Orientale.


Propaganda Department of the Imperial Japanese Navy (海軍省海軍軍事普及部)

Full Title

海國日本圖繪 紀元二千六百年紀念 / [Depiction of Maritime Japan, to Commemorate the 2600th Anniversary of the Imperial Family].


Observatoire Central de l'Indochine

Full Title

Carte servant à suivre la marche des typhons ou dépressions signales par l'Observatoire de Phu-Liên.


Andriveau-Goujon, E. (Eugène), 1832-1897

Full Title

(16) Carte physique & politique de l'Asie. Publiée par E. Andriveau-Goujon, 4, Rue du Bac, Paris, 1881. Gravée par Ch. Smith et Gérin; les eaux par Mme. Fontaine; Paris, Impie. Ch. Chardon, ainé, 10, r. de l'Abbaye; la lettre par Isid. Dalmont.


Hand-colored, engraved map of Asia, showing showing political boundaries, roads, railroads and water routes (on double plate with decorative border). Includes legend, as well as 10 bar scales. "No. 16" in upper right. "Atlas usuel, No. 21" and "Atlas universel, No. 54" in lower left.


[Hickmann, Anton Leo, 1834-1906, Fischer, Alois, b. 1894]

Full Title

Asien. G. Freytag & Berndt A.G., Wien. (to accompany) Prof. Hickmann's Geographisch-statistischer universal-atlas, 1927.


Political map of Asia. Showing political boundaries, cities, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines, islands. railways, steamship routes and distances. Includes color reference to European and American possessions. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridian: Greenwich.


[Ravenstein, August, Berlin Geographisch-Artistische Anstalt Ernst Schotte]

Full Title

Asien. Zeichnung u. Modell von August Ravenstein in Frankfurt a. M. Stich, Prägung, Druck u. Verlag von B. Dondorf in Frankfurt a. M.


Relief map of Asia. Shows geographical regions, countries, cities, railways, topography, vegetation, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines, shoals and islands. Topography shown with raised relief. Includes a legend, bar scale given in miles, latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as statistical and descriptive notes. Additional legend for map appears on title page. With an indexed vignette of scenery, indigenous figures, fauna and flora. Colored lithograph. Map is 22 x 27 cm, within frame 24 x 28 cm. Within a series of eight maps comprising the school atlas, Plastischer Schul-Atlas.


W. & A.K. Johnston Limited

Full Title

Asia. Edinburgh; W. & A.K. Johnston ; Glasgow; Robert Weir ; Lumsden & Son.


Map of Asia and vicinity. Shows political boundaries, cities, routes, topography, drainage, coastlines and islands. Relief shown pictorially. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as a bar scale. "Longitude East from Greenwich." With a statistical table featuring surface area and population. Map is 30 x 23 cm, on sheet 35 x 27 cm. Hand-colored engraving. In second section of atlas, Modern maps.


Philip, George, 1870-1937.

Full Title

L'Asia divisée en ses empires, royaumes, et etats. Corrigée & rectisicé. A Amsterdam. Chés J. B. Elwe. MDCCXCII.


Map of Asia. Shows countries, regions, cities, topography, vegetation, deserts, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines and islands. Relief shown pictorially. Includes nine bar scales, latitudinal and longitudinal lines, and descriptive notes throughout. With a decorative cartouche. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 46 x 58 cm, on double sheet 58 x 70 cm.

Full Title

(Composite Map to) 1 Partie de la nouvelle grande carte des Indes Orientales, contenant les Terres du Mogol, Surate, Malabar, Cormandel, Bengale, Aracan, Pegu, Siam, Camboje, Tonquin, & une partie de la Chine -- 2 Partie de la nouvelle grande carte des Indes Orientales, contenant les Empires de la Chine & du Japon, les Isles Philippines, Couchin, & les Isles Marianes -- 3 Partie de la nouvelle grande carte des Indes Orientales, contenant les Isles Maldives, Ceyi, An, Malacca, Sumatra &c. avec les terres adjacentes de Couchin, Negombo, Colombo & Sourabaia -- 4 Partie de la nouvelle grande carte des Indes Orientales, contenant les Isles de Borneo, Java, Celebes, Mindanao, Gilolo, Molucques, La Nouvelle Guinée, La Nouvelle Bretagne, & les Nouvelles Philippines; avec les Isles de Sumbawa, Serbira, Solor, Bouton & Pangesane dressée avec soin, sur pluseurs cartes manuscrites, par un habile connoisseur; & publiée a Amsterdam par Jan Bt. Elwe. MDCCXCII.


Composite map of Asia, including the Mughal Empire [current-day India, Pakistan and Afghanistan], the Malabar, Coromandel, Bengal and Aracan regions, Siam [current-day Thailand], Camdodia, Tonquin [current-day Vietnam], China, Japan, the Philippines, the Mariana Islands, Maldives, Ceylon [current-day Sri Lanka], Malaysia, Sumatra (Indonesia), Borneo, Java, Celebes [Sulawesi], Gilolo [Halmahera], the Maluku Islands (Indonesia), Mindanao (Philippines) and Papua New Guinea. Shows countries, regions, cities, topography, vegetation, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines and islands. Relief shown pictorially. Includes compass roses with north oriented toward top of sheet, bar scales, latitudinal and longitudinal lines, and descriptive notes throughout. Inset maps: Carte de Royaume de Couchin de Coilan et de Cranganor -- Carte de Nigombo, Colombo -- Carte de Princepaute de Soerabaye et Terre de Grissik -- Isle de Sumbawa -- Isles de Serbira et de Solor -- Isles de Bouton et Pangesane. Hand-colored engraving. Composite map is 98 x 118 cm, on four double sheets, together 116 x 140 cm.

Full Title

Carte Physique Et Politique de L'Asie ... 1822


Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-1884

Full Title

14. Reduzirte Karte vom Chinesischen Meere; 1stes oder Sudliches Blatt. (Reduced Map of the China Sea; 1st or southern leaf..)


Inset map of the Gulf of Siam.


Johnston, W. & A.K.

Full Title

W. & A.K. Johnston's Map To Illustrate The Chinese Question. China And Japan. W. & A.K. Johnston, Engravers & Lithographers, Edinburgh & London. (inset) Islands Of Japan. (with 13 additional inset maps).


Wyld, James, 1812-1887

Full Title

Map Of The Countries Between England & India Designed to shew the Over-Land And Sea-Routes To The East, The Line Of Communication With Our Indian Possessions and the relative position of Russia To England & Hindostan By James Wyld. London, Published by Jas. Wyld, Geographer to the Queen & H.R.H. Prince Albert, Charing Cross, East & Model of the Earth Leicester Square. (inset) Sketch From England To China.


Playfair, William, 1759-1823

Full Title

Chart representing the extent population & revenue of the principal nations in Europe in 1804 by W. Playfair. No. 3. To face page 192.


Fold-out, hand-colored engraved chart showing population and national revenues for European nations in 1804. Includes a comparison of the total revenues of Europe, Asia, Africa, the Russian Empire, Turkish Empire and United States. In addition, square miles given for each European nation. The data appears as circles of comparative sizes within the chart. Descriptive text accompanies the circles to clarify their visual representation. Chart is 27 x 50 cm, on sheet 35 x 55, folded to 26 x 19. "Published as the Act directs."

Full Title

Asia Secunda Pars Terrae in Forma Pegasir [Asia in the Form of Pegasus]


"Bunting's map of Asia in the shape of the mythical winged horse Pegasus is among the earliest cartographic representations. The horse is drawn fairly realistically, with a good deal of imagination required to view the map. The head represents Asia Minor with the mouth at Istanbul. The wings portray Central Asia and Siberia. The Caspian Sea appears horizontally between the wings and the saddle. Persia is delineated on the horse blanket with the forelegs forming Arabia. The hind legs represent the Indian and Malay peninsulas." (Ruderman, 2022)


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

(Map of the Ancient World)


Appears to be a printed map with annotations in ms below.


[Baranov, Anatolij Nikolaevič, Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

Азия = Aziia. 138-139. Atlas Mira : 1954.


Physical map of Asia. Showing political boundaries. Relief shown by gradient tints, contours and spot heights. Depth shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings.


[Faden, William, 1749-1836, Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782]

Full Title

(Composite Map to) Asia and its islands according to d'Anville; divided into empires, kingdoms, states, regions &c. with the European possessions and settlements in the East Indies and an exact delineation of all the discoveries made in the eastern parts by the English under Captn. Cook. London, publish'd by Laurie & Whittle, No. 53, Fleet Street, 12th. May, 1794.


Composite map of Asia, as of 1794. Shows political boundaries, cities, roads, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines, islands and sand banks. Features European colonial states. Relief shown pictorially. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines. Decorative cartouche. Descriptive text throughout, including notes on exploration by Captain Cook. Hand-colored engraving. Composite map is 102 x 119 cm, on two fold-out sheets, together 110 x 129 cm. With stamp: Liverpool Library. Second of two sheets.


[Faden, William, 1749-1836, Roberts, Henry, 1757-1796]

Full Title

Chart of the N. W. coast of America and the N. E. coast of Asia, explored in the years 1778 and 1779. Prepared by Lieutt. Heny. Roberts, under the immediate inspection of Capt. Cook. Engraved by W. Palmer, No. 128, Chancery Lane. London : published by Wm. Faden, Geographer to the King, Charing-Cross, July 24, 1784.


Map of the northwest coast of North America and the northeast coast of Asia, as of 1779. Shows cities, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines, islands and depths. Features tracings of exploration voyages. Relief shown pictorially. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as a legend. Descriptive text throughout, including notes on exploration. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 39 x 68 cm, on double sheet 55 x 75 cm. With stamp: Liverpool Library.

Full Title

Carte L'Asie Corrigee, et augmentee, desus toutes les aultres cy devant faictes


Weiland, C. F. (Carl Ferdinand), 1782-1847

Full Title

Asien entworfen und gezeichnet von C. F. Weiland. Weimar, im Verlag des Geograph. Instituts, 1829. E. Luther sc.


Map of Asia, as of 1829. Shows political boundaries, cities, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines and islands. Relief shown with hachures. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as six bar scales. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 34 x 36 cm, on sheet 45 x 57 cm. (Plate number taken from table of contents.)


Map of Asia. Shows political boundaries, cities, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines and islands. Relief shown pictorially. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines. With title cartouche. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 32 x 34 cm, on double sheet 45 x 55 cm.


三宅秀一編 [Shūichi MIYAKE].

Full Title

萬國地誌畧暗射掲圖 / 亜細亜之部 [Topographical Record of the Nations / Asia].


[Mehmed Reşid Efendi, Haji Mehmet Nasrullah]

Full Title

مكمل اسيا خريطه سى [Map of Entire Asia]


[Tanaka, Ryozo]. 田中良三.

Full Title

The Illustration of the Graet (sic) European War. Ahumoros (sic) Atlas of the World. A humorous map of the world. No. 16 滑稽時局世界地図. 欧州大戦乱画報 (其16).


Munster, Sebastian, 1448–1552


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]


For the source map by Faden see


شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


Dimensions are sheet size.


[Ptolemy, Claudius, Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Pirckheimer, Willibald, Mylius, Arnold]


Hand colored outline map of Asia Minor. Showing landmarks, major cities and towns, rivers and parks. Relief shown pictorially.


[Ptolemy, Claudius, Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Pirckheimer, Willibald, Mylius, Arnold]

Full Title



Hand colored outline map of Asia covering the region north of the Black and Caspian Seas. Showing landmarks, major cities and towns, rivers and parks. An illustration of the Alexandrii Columne is featured near the center of the map. Relief shown pictorially.


[Ptolemy, Claudius, Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Pirckheimer, Willibald, Mylius, Arnold]

Full Title



Hand colored outline map of Asia covering region between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea extending south to include all of Armenia. Showing landmarks, major cities and towns, rivers and parks. Relief shown pictorially.

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