Search Results: World Area equal to 'Europe' (original) (raw)


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

Migrationes Gentium (with) Orbis Antiqua Facies


Hagelgans, Johann Georg

Full Title

Mutatus ab Aususto Imp. ad Carolium M. uique Rerum Status (with) Nova Orbis Facies Primis a Carolo M Saeculis


Bostwick, Henry, 1787-1837

Full Title

No. 1. A historical, chronological and genealogical chart, comprising map of ancient countries, and exhibiting on a scale of time the origin and revolutions of states, and the principal persons known in sacred and profane history for 4000 years from the creation to the birth of Jesus Christ, with a representation of the degrees of kindred by a new method consistent with the scale of time. Entered according to Act of Congress the 2nd. day of January 1827 by Henry Bostwick of the state of New York.


Map and genealogical chart and timeline representing the empires of Italy, Greece, Turkey, and the Middle East from "Adam" to 4,000 CE. Map shows political boundaries, select cities, bodies of water, drainage, islands, and coastlines. Hand-colored engraving. Together, map and diagram are 62 x 39 cm, on double sheet 66 x 45 cm.


Bostwick, Henry, 1787-1837

Full Title

A map representing the origin, movements, and incursions of barbarous nations. D. R. Harrison, S.C.


Map representing various ethnic groups such as the Moors, and their origins and movement through Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Shows political boundaries, select cities, bodies of water, drainage, islands, and coastlines. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, and bar scales given in Roman and statute miles. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 27 x 43 cm, on sheet 35 x 46 cm.


Edward Stanford Ltd.

Full Title

Europe. London : Edward Stanford, Ltd., 12, 13, & 14, Long Acre, W.C.


Map representing Europe. Shows political boundaries, cities, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with hachures. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as bar scales given in miles and English miles. Colored lithograph. Map is 25 x 31 cm, on sheet 30 x 37 cm.


[Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945, Arntz, Gerd, 1900-1988]


Two maps representing the Western and Eastern hemispheres, with a diagram representing the population of Europe. Population is illustrated by the flags of each country. Map shows continents and coastlines, with the select countries highlighted. Color lithograph. Together, maps and diagram are 11 x 17 cm, on sheet 15 x 21 cm.


[Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945, Arntz, Gerd, 1900-1988]

Full Title

Die kämpfenden des Weltkriegs 1914-18.


Map representing the number of combatants in World War I in Europe from 1914 to 1918. Population represented by country. Map shows political boundaries and coastlines. Color lithograph. Map is 15 x 21 cm, on sheet 15 x 21 cm.


[Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945, Arntz, Gerd, 1900-1988]

Full Title

Regierungsformen in Europa.


Map representing the political forms of the countries of Europe. Map shows political boundaries and coastlines. Color lithograph. Map is 15 x 21 cm, on sheet 15 x 21 cm.


Perrot, A. M. (Aristide Michel), 1793-1879

Full Title

Europe. Par A.M. Perrot. 1824.


Map representing Europe. Shows political boundaries, select cities, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with hachures. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as bar scales given in French leagues and myriameters. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 20 x 25 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.


Cram, George Franklin, 1841-1928

Full Title

Cram's Political Map of Europe. Superior Series.


Chaix, Napoléon, 1807-1865

Full Title

Nouvelle carte des chemins de fer de l’Europe. Publiée par Napoléon Chaix et Cie., editeurs Rue Bergère, 20, à Paris. 1858. Déposé. Imprimerie Centrale des Chemins de fer Napoléon Chaix et Cie. Rue Bergère 20, à Paris. près le Bt. Montmartre.


Map representing railways in Europe. Shows political boundaries, cities, railways, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Includes a legend, a decorative border, and a bar scale given in kilometers. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 65 x 82 cm on double sheet 69 x 96 cm.

Full Title

U-Boat Fleet Major Menace to an Allied Front in Europe,


C.S. Hammond & Co.

Full Title

Hammond. Superior Map of Europe and the Near East.


Johnston, W. & A.K.

Full Title

W. & A.K. Johnston's Visual Relief Map of Europe


[Klinger, Johann Georg, 1764-1806, Müller, Johann Wolfgang]


Map representing Europe. Map shows political boundaries, drainage, bodies of water, coastlines, and islands. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines. Hand colored engraving. Map is 9 x 10 cm, on card 9 x 11 cm. Appears in I. Européens.


Cantos, Paulo de (1892-1979)


Cantos, Paulo de (1892-1979)

Full Title

Europa politica, a branca esfinge...

Full Title

Karta glavneishikh lechebnykh mest Evropy [Map of Major Healing Places in Europe].


News Map of the Week, Inc.

Full Title

World News of the Week : Monday, May 8, 1944. Covering period Apr. 28 to May 4. Volume 6, No. 36. Published and copyrighted (weekly), 1944, by News Map of the Week, Inc., 1512 Orleans Street, Chicago, Illinois. Published in two sections : Section one. Lithographed in U. S. A.


Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from April 28 to May 4, 1944. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Ft. Norman - Whitehorse oil pipeline opened. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With inset map: (European communication networks). Also, with two diagrams: (Photo flash bomb) -- Bombing tons dropped on Axis Europe. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.


News Map of the Week, Inc.

Full Title

World News of the Week : Monday, May 15, 1944. Covering period May 5 to May 11. Volume 6, No. 37. Published and copyrighted (weekly), 1944, by News Map of the Week, Inc., 1512 Orleans Street, Chicago, Illinois. Published in two sections : Section one. Lithographed in U. S. A.


Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from May 5 to 11, 1944. Relief illustrated with hachures. Includes a key indicating the alignment of warring nations (United, Axis, and neutral). Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Nazis note Anzio activities; flood Pontine Marshes. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With four inset maps: (Where Allies concentrate bombers in Europe) -- (Pontine Marshes) -- (China) -- Great Britain and Land-Lease in reverse. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.


Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514)

Full Title

(Europe) Nuremberg Chronicle) Register DES BUCHS DER CRO=NICKEN und geschichten mit figure…


"The map includes one of the earliest depictions of Scandinavia and the Baltic Coast, extending to Russia in the east and Ireland and England in the west. In the south, the map extends south of the Alps to Istanbul, Venice and the northernmost coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Schedel's map is a cartographic landmark. As noted by Ginsberg, Schedel's map is perhaps best characterized as: The first modern map of northern and central Europe. The map ranges from the British Isles to Constantinopel. The designer has been identified as Hieronymus Munzer (1437-1508), who trained as a physician . . . The Munzer map is one of the earliest to depict the Scandinavia peninsula. Nordenskold credits the map of the north in the Zamoyski codes as the prototype for this map. The source for the Central European portion is a manuscript ma circa 1460 of Germany by Cardinal Nicolas Cusanus, printed posthumously at Eystatt in 1491." (Ruderman, 2021)


Wit, Frederick de (1629-1706)

Full Title

Totius Europae Littora Novissimè edita. Pascaert vertoonende alle de See-custen van Europa.


Desnos, Louis Charles

Full Title

Carte Helio-Seleno-Geographique D'Europe Dans laquelle ou voit la Projection que l'ombre de la Lune tracera sur la surface de cette partie de notre Globe dans la celebre Eclipse centrale et annulaire du Soleil qui arrivera le 1r. Avril 1764 . .


Hamm, Wilhelm Philipp Ritter von (1820-1880)

Full Title

Weinkarte von Europa.


[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]

Full Title

Europa zur Zeit Odovacars (476-493). Von Th. Menke. B. H. del. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 1. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1874.


Historical map of Europe at the time of Odoacer (476-493). Inset: Sudwestliches Europa um 525.


[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]

Full Title

Die Lander des Islam : zur Zeit der Bûjiden 945-1055. Von Th. Menke. Gezeichnet von F, Hein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 82. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1877.


Map of Islamic countries, 945-1055. With 4 insets.

Full Title

Chart of Knowledge.


Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892

Full Title

Imperium Romanorum, latissime patens. Gothae : Justus Perthes. (to accompany) C. Spruneri atlas antiquus No. IX. Editio secunda ... Anno MDCCCLV (1855). (half title page) Dr. Karl von Spruner's Historisch-geographischer Hand-Atlas ...


Outline hand colored map of Roman Empire. Shows political divisions, major cities and towns. Relief shown by hachures.

Full Title

(Sheet 2) Weltcharte in Mercators Projection; von Christian Gottlieb Reichard.


Scale is at the Equator.


Šafaìrik, Pavel Jozef

Full Title

Slovanský Zeměvid [Slavic Map.]


Aero Service Corporation

Full Title

The Aero Relief Map Of Europe. Published by Aero Service Corporation Photogrammetric Engineers Relief Model Division.


3D plastic relief map.


Orgovanyi-Hanstein, Britta

Full Title

Geschichtsbaum Europa (History Tree of Europe)


Image is copyright Britta Orgovanyi-Hanstein 2003.


[Stiles, Ezra C., Bowman, Paul C.]

Full Title

Historical Map American Expeditionary Force Showing Battle Lines Base Points Communications And Allied Zones.


Blondeau, active 18th century-19th century

Full Title

Carte d'Europe. Blondeau sculpt.


Map of Europe. Shows continental and national boundaries, cities, topography, coastlines, major lakes, drainage, islands and water routes. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as two bar scales. Relief shown pictorially. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 18 x 23 cm, on sheet 22 x 26 cm.


Gulf Refining Company

Full Title

European air transport route : Rand McNally Airway map of Europe. Copyright by Rand McNally & Company, Chicago. 11-35. (to accompany) 1935-1936, Aviation Atlas. Fourth Edition.


Color map. Showing air routes in Europe. Relief shown by shadings.


[Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720, Bernard, J.F.]

Full Title

L'Europe Suivant les Nouvelles Observations De De L'Academie Royale Des Siences


[Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720, Bernard, J.F.]

Full Title

L'Europe Suivant les Nouvelles Observations De De L'Academie Royale Des Siences

Full Title

Europe divided into its kingdoms, etc. 1766. By J. Spilsbury.


Andriveau-Goujon, Eugene

Full Title

(Composite Map) Carte orographique, hydrographique et routiere de L'empire Francais : comprenant le bassin du Rhin et la region des Alpes occidentales, d'apres les etats-majors Francais et etrangers. Publee par E. Andriveau-Goujon. Rue du Bac. 21. Paris. 1861. Dressee et dessinee par A. Vuillemin. Le chemins de fer par Alfred Potiquet. Grave par Acier, le trait par Smith; la topographie par Gerin; les Ecritures par P. Rousset. Les Eaux par Fontaine. (to accompany) Atlas classique et universel de geograparphie ancienne et moderne ... Nouvelle edition. 1863.


Composite map: 1 hand color map on 4 sheets


Radó, Sándor, 1899-1981


Political map of Europe, in color, showing the international boundaries - including colonies - in 1929. Includes a legend and a bar scale. Title in lower margin; translates to: Europe (1929). 21 x 24 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text on facing page.


Radó, Sándor, 1899-1981

Full Title

Der Friedensvertrag von Versailles -- Der Friedensvertrag von Lausanne -- Der Friedensvertrag von Neuilly.


Three political maps of Europe and the Middle East, in black and white, showing the international boundaries established by the peace treaties of Versailles [1920], Lausanne [1923] and Neuilly [1912/13]. Each map includes a legend and a bar scale. Scale of each map, respectively: 1:6,250,000 -- 1:41,666,667 -- 1:5,555,556. Titles beneath each map, translate to: The Peace Treaty of Versailles -- The Peace Treaty of Lausanne -- The Peace Treaty of Neuilly. Together, maps are 31 x 23 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text on facing page.


Andriveau-Goujon, E. (Eugène), 1832-1897

Full Title

Carte de l'Europe Orientale comprenant la Russie d'Europe L'Empire Ottoman et la Grèce. Paris, E. Andriveau-Goujon, éditeur, 21 Rue du Bac, 1860.


Andriveau-Goujon, E. (Eugène), 1832-1897

Full Title

Empire Ottoman. Publie Par E. Andriveau-Goujon Rue Du Bac, 21 Paris 1860. Gravé le trait par Smith; la topographie par Gérin; les escritures par P. Rousset; les eaux par Mme. Fontaine


Andriveau-Goujon, E. (Eugène), 1832-1897

Full Title

(Composite map of) (North half and Southern half) Carte de l'Europe Orientale comprenant la Russie d'Europe L'Empire Ottoman et la Grèce. Paris, E. Andriveau-Goujon, éditeur, 21 Rue du Bac, 1860. Gravé le trait par Smith; la topographie par Gérin; les escritures par P. Rousset; les eaux par Mme. Fontaine


Andriveau-Goujon, E. (Eugène), 1832-1897

Full Title

Navigation à vapeur dans le bassin de Méditerranée et chemins de der de 'Europe centrale. Publiée par E. Andriveau-Goujon, Rue du Bac, 21. Paris, 1860, Impie. de Louis Antoine; le trait gravé par Smith; les escritures par P. Rousset.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa : Ubersicht des relief. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXII.


Geologic map of Europe. Bonnesche projektion.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa : Geologie, Tektonic. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXIII.


Geologic map of Europe, Bonnesche projektion. With inset map: Tektonische Karte. Includes color coded reference to rock formations and land features.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa : Klima. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXIII.


4 climate map of Europe. Bonnesche projektion. Showing isotherm lines throughout Europe.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa : Boden, Vegetation, landwirtschaft, Verkehr. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXIII.


4 maps of Europe on 1 sheet. Showing Soil classification, natural vegetation, agricultural zoning, roads and transportation.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa : Verteilung der Bevolkerung 1935. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXIII.


Map of Europe. Showing distribution of the population, 1935. Albers equal-area conic projection.

Full Title

Nouvelle carte d'Europe avec toutes les dernières annexions.


This map is the same as the map used in "Europaelsch-Geographlsche Spiel-charte" but appeared in the book "Catholischer Raphael/ Das 1st: Cathollsches Rels-Bet-Buchlein..." published in 1677.


Andriveau-Goujon, E. (Eugène), 1832-1897

Full Title

(2) Carte de l'Europe et du Bassin de la Méditerranée. Publiée par E. Andriveau-Goujon, 4, Rue du Bac. Paris, 1879. Paris, Impie. Alfred Chardon Jeune; gravée: la géographie par Smith; les escritures par P. Rousset; les eaux par Mm. Fontaine.


Hand-colored, engraved map of Europe and the greater Mediterranean Region, showing political boundaries, roads and railroads (on double plate with decorative border). Includes legend, as well as 10 bar scales and a scale statement. Handwritten annotation in blue ink traces a route in southwestern Germany. "No. 2" in upper right.


[Hickmann, Anton Leo, 1834-1906, Fischer, Alois, b. 1894]

Full Title

Ideale ansichtder bedeutendsten hohen und Tiefen und Tiefen der erde. G. Freytag & Berndt A.G., Wien. (to accompany) Prof. Hickmann's Geographisch-statistischer universal-atlas, 1927.


4 views on 1 sheet. Including comparative view of the Heights of the Principal Mountains and depths of seas in the world. With comparative view of the elevations of the Alps and the depth of the Mediterranean Sea. Relief shown by spot heights. Depth shown by soundings.


[Hickmann, Anton Leo, 1834-1906, Fischer, Alois, b. 1894]

Full Title

Volkische verhältnis I: Europa und die großen europäischen Staaten. Volkische verhältnis II: Die kleineren Europaischen Staaten die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerka (Berechnung f. ansfang 1925. G. Freytag & Berndt A.G., Wien. (to accompany) Prof. Hickmann's Geographisch-statistischer universal-atlas, 1927.


Statistical diagrams on 2 pages. Showing the national relationship in early 1925: I: comparative size, nationalities and population of Europe and the major European states. II. Comparative size, nationalities and population of the smaller European states and the United States of America.


[Hickmann, Anton Leo, 1834-1906, Fischer, Alois, b. 1894]

Full Title

Die Religionen der Erde. Die Religionen Europas. G. Freytag & Berndt A.G., Wien. (to accompany) Prof. Hickmann's Geographisch-statistischer universal-atlas, 1927.


Statistical diagrams. Showing the religions of the world and the religions of Europe. Charts showing the spread Jewish people in and Mosaic people in Europe and in the world.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Das Deutschtum auf der Erde. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas : 21 Auflage. 1940.


Map of the world, with 10 insets. Showing the spread of Germans on Earth.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa : übersicht des relief. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXI.


Geologic map of Europe. Relief shown by gradient tints, hachures and spot heights. Depth shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings. Bonnesche projektion.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa : Geologie, Tektonic. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXI.


Geologic map of Europe, Bonnesche projektion. With inset map: Tektonische Karte. Includes color coded reference to rock formations and land features.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa : Klima. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXI.


4 climate map of Europe. Bonne projection. Showing isotherm lines throughout Europe.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa : Verteilung der Bevolkerung 1935. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXI.


Map of Europe. Showing distribution of the population, 1935. Albers equal-area conic projection.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa : Ubersicht der politischen Verhaltnisse und Hauptverkehrswege. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas : 21 Auflage. 1940.


Political map of Europe. Bonne projection. Showing main roads shipping routes and distances.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa und Mitteleuropa : Sprachen, Religionen, Bevölkerungsverteilung in Mitteleuropa. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXI.


5 maps of Europe and Central Europe on 1 sheet. Showing languages, religions, population distribution in Central Europe.


[Ravenstein, August, Berlin Geographisch-Artistische Anstalt Ernst Schotte]

Full Title

Europa. Zeichnung u. Modell von August Ravenstein in Frankfurt a. M. Stich, Prägung, Druck u. Verlag von B. Dondorf in Frankfurt a. M.


Relief map of Europe. Shows geographical regions, countries, cities, railways, topography, vegetation, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines, shoals and islands. Topography shown with raised relief. Includes a legend, bar scale given in miles, latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as statistical and descriptive notes. Additional legend for map appears on title page. With a vignette of scenery, figures, fauna and flora. Colored lithograph. Map is 22 x 27 cm, within frame 24 x 28 cm. Within a series of eight maps comprising the school atlas, Plastischer Schul-Atlas.


Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-1850

Full Title

Carte d'Europe où sont tracées les limites des empires, royaumes et états souverains d'après les derniers traités de paix. 1812... 1816

Full Title

Aer Lingus Lignes Aeriennes Irlandaises.


W. & A.K. Johnston Limited

Full Title

Europe. Edinburgh; W. & A.K. Johnston ; Glasgow; Robert Weir ; Lumsden & Son.


Map of Europe and vicinity. Shows political boundaries, cities, routes, topography, drainage, coastlines and islands. Relief shown pictorially. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as a bar scale. With a statistical table featuring surface area, population, revenue and debt. Map is 21 x 29 cm, on sheet 27 x 35 cm. Hand-colored engraving. In second section of atlas, Modern maps.

Full Title

(Alpine Panorama)


Philip, George, 1870-1937.


Desjardins, Constant

Full Title

Carte politique ou tableau comparatif des états de l'Europe, avec leurs divisions administratives, par Ct. Desjardins. Paris, Lithochromie géographique del’Auteur, rue Cadet 5.


Political map of Europe. Features administrative divisions both internationally and nationally. Also shows cities, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines, islands and ocean currents. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, seven bar scales and descriptive note. Indexed, with key on the left. With inset map: [Germany]. Colored lithograph. Map is 33 x 44 cm, on double sheet 41 x 54 cm. (Date inferred.)


Desjardins, Constant

Full Title

Esquisse des eaux de l'Europe par Ct. Desjardins.


Hydrographic map of Europe. Features bodies of water, drainage and coastlines. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines. Colored lithograph. Map is 32 x 45 cm, on double sheet 41 x 54 cm. (Date inferred.)


Desjardins, Constant

Full Title

Esquisse des eaux et des montagnes de l'Europe par Ct. Desjardins. Paris. 1843.


Hydrographic and topographic map of Europe. Features topography, bodies of water, drainage and coastlines. Relief shown with shading. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines. Colored lithograph. Map is 32 x 45 cm, on double sheet 41 x 54 cm.


Desjardins, Constant

Full Title

Carte orographique ou tableau des systèmes, chaines de montagnes ou dos de pays, caps et iles de l'Europe par Ct. Desjardins. Paris, Lithochromie géographique del’Auteur, rue Cadet 5.


Orographic map of Europe. Features mountain ranges. Also shows political boundaries, cities, bodies of water, drainage and coastlines. Relief shown with shading. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as explanatory text. With profile view of mountain ranges, which provides elevation. Colored lithograph. Map is 34 x 44 cm, on double sheet 41 x 54 cm. (Date inferred.)


Desjardins, Constant

Full Title

Carte ethnographique ou tableau des peuples de l'Europe classes d'après leurs langues par Ct. Desjardins. Paris, Lithochromie géographique del’Auteur, rue Cadet 5.


Ethnographic map of Europe. Features different ethnicities, classified according to their languages. Also shows political boundaries, cities, bodies of water, drainage and coastlines. Relief shown with shading. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as explanatory text. Colored lithograph. Map is 32 x 44 cm, on double sheet 41 x 54 cm. (Date inferred.)


Desjardins, Constant

Full Title

Carte météorologique ou tableau des zônes ou climats physiques de l'Europe rèsultant d'une sèrie d'observns. thermomes par Ct. Desjardins. Paris, Lithochromie géographique del’Auteur, rue Cadet 5.


Meteorological map of Europe. Features different climate zones. Also shows countries, cities, topography, bodies of water, drainage and coastlines. Relief shown with shading. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, a compass rose with north oriented toward top of sheet, as well as explanatory text. Colored lithograph. Map is 32 x 44 cm, on double sheet 41 x 54 cm. Citation: Les auteurs consultés pour cette carte sont: al de Humbolt, Arago, School, Pouillet, Berghaus, Francoeur, etc, etc. (Date inferred.)


Desjardins, Constant

Full Title

Carte hydrographique ou tableau des versans, bassins, mers, lacs, fleuves, rivieres etc de l'Europe par Ct. Desjardins. Paris, Lithochromie géographique del’Auteur, rue Cadet 5.


Hydrographic map of Europe. Features slopes, basins, seas, lakes and rivers. Also shows cities, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines and ocean currents. Relief shown with shading. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as explanatory text. Colored lithograph. Map is 32 x 44 cm, on double sheet 41 x 54 cm. (Date inferred.)


Desjardins, Constant

Full Title

Carte de la végétation ou tableau de la répartition des produits de la nature en Europe par Ct. Desjardins. Paris, Lithochromie géographique del’Auteur, rue Cadet 5.


Vegetation map of Europe. Features vegetation types and natural resources. Also shows countries, cities, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines and ocean currents. Relief shown with shading. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as explanatory text. Colored lithograph. Map is 32 x 44 cm, on double sheet 41 x 54 cm. Citation: Auteurs consultés: Ritter, Schouw, A. S. Hilaire, Berghaus, Borg, St. Vincent, Eyriés, Oken et l'atlas physique et historique publie por l'auteur en Allemagne. (Date inferred.)


[Elwe, Jan Barend, L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726]

Full Title

Europe, composée par G. de L'Isle, et corrigée selon le plus nouvelle observations. A Amsterdam. Chés Jan. Bt. Elwe. MDCCXCII.


Map of Europe and vicinity. Shows countries, cities, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines and islands. Relief shown pictorially. Includes a compass rose with north oriented toward top of sheet, latitudinal and longitudinal lines, and descriptive notes throughout. Hand-colored engraving. Map is 47 x 58 cm, on double sheet 58 x 70 cm.

Full Title

Historische en geographische tafel. Om te leren een kort begrip vande Landen en Staaten in Europa. Haar grootheyt Besitting en alles dat tot onderricht der Lief hebbers vande Land beschryvinge dienen kan te Amsterdam. By J. B. Elwe. 1792.


Timeline of Europe. Includes information on the different countries therein. With coats of arms. Hand-colored engraving. Timeline is 48 x 57 cm, on double sheet 58 x 70 cm.

Full Title

Poliometria Europae maxime autem Germaniae ac Finitimorum Locorum. Ex offinica Jan Barn. Elwe. Amsteli.


Table of travel distances in Europe, especially Germany. Includes descriptive text. Table is 48 x 58 cm, on double sheet 58 x 70 cm.

Full Title

No. 2. Europe Physique.

Full Title

No. 3. Europe Politique.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

Orbis Romani Pars Occidentalis : Auspiciis Serenissimi Principis Ludovici Philippi Aurelianorum Ducis publici juris facta. Auctor D'Anville ... M DCCLXIII (1763). G. De-la-Haye. (to accompany) Atlas physique et politique des cinq parties du monde, par H. Brue.


Outline hand color engraved map. Western part.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

Orbis Romani Pars Orientalis : Auspiciis Serenissimi Principis Ludovici Philippi Aurelianorum Ducis publici juris facta. Auctor D'Anville ... M DCCLXIV (1764). G. De-la-Haye. (to accompany) Atlas physique et politique des cinq parties du monde, par H. Brue.


Outline hand color engraved map. Eastern part.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

Gallia (1816). Atlas Universel. Dressee par Herisson, Ingenieur Geographe. Grave par Glot. A. Paris : Chez Desray, Libraire. J. Goujon, Marchand de Cartes Geographiques. (to accompany) Atlas physique et politique des cinq parties du monde, par H. Brue.


Outline hand color map of the ancient France from Atlas Universel.


Depot De La Guerre (France)

Full Title

Carte de La France avec ses Etablissements Politiques, Militaires, Civils et Religieux Dressee au Depot general de la Guerre Par Ordre de son Excellence Le Ministre de la Guerre An Xii (1804) avec des augmentations (1808) et 1811 (Shows the Sept Isles Republic)

Full Title

Carte Physique Et Politique de L'Europe Par A.H. Brue, Geographe de S.A.R. Monsieur. a Paris. Chez J. Goujon, Editeur-Proprietaire, Rue du Bac, No. 6, pres le Pont Royal. Decembre 1821. Revue et Augmentee en 1826. a Berlin, chez Simon Schropp et Compie. a Manheim, chez Antaria. a Vienne, chez Riedl au Bureau d'Industrie. a Zurich, chez Fuessli et Compagie. a Londres chez Jas. Gardner, No. 163 Regent Street. a Milan, chez Betailli et Compie.


Vallardi, Francesco

Full Title

(Composite Map to) Carta dell'Italia, in quindici fogli, ricavata dalle migliori mappe finora publicate nella proporzione di 1. a 600,000. Milano, dalla Casa Editrice Dr. Francesco Vallardi. G. Pozzi scrisse.


Composite of 15-sheet topographic map of Italy. Features political boundaries, cities, railways, roads, topography, bodies of water, drainage, coastlines and islands. Relief shown with hachures. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines. Title, imprint, two bar scales and a scale statement appear on third sheet. Inset map on thirteenth sheet: Europa. Decorative border. Colored engraving. Map is is 225 x 180 cm, on fifteen double sheets, together 300 x 252 cm. Sheets appear consecutively. Within section entitled Gran Carta topografica dell'Italia in quincici fogli nella proporzione di 1 a 600,000.


Abbas SAHAB (1921-2000)

Full Title

اروپا [Europe]


Andriveau-Goujon, J.

Full Title

Carte Generale des Routes, Des Chemins De Fer et des principales Voies Navigables De L'Europe, Redigee d'apres les Itineraires les plus recents et des Documents fournis Par Le Ministere Des Travaux Publics. (Bureau central de Statistique.) Publiee Par J. Andriveau-Goujon, Rue du Bac, 21. Paris - 1866. Paris, Impie. de Chardon Jne. fils, Rue Racine, 3. Grave par P. Rousset.


Wyld, James, 1812-1887

Full Title

Map Of The Countries Between England & India Designed to shew the Over-Land And Sea-Routes To The East, The Line Of Communication With Our Indian Possessions and the relative position of Russia To England & Hindostan By James Wyld. London, Published by Jas. Wyld, Geographer to the Queen & H.R.H. Prince Albert, Charing Cross, East & Model of the Earth Leicester Square. (inset) Sketch From England To China.

Full Title

New Post Map Of Central Europe, Exhibiting the Great and Secondary Routes with the various Stations where Relays are obtained shewing also the Distance Between Each, According To The Measure Used In The Respective Countries, The whole forming a Complete Posting Companion for the Continental Tourist. London: Published June 1st 1827 by James Gardner, Agent for the Sale of the Ordnance Surveys, &c. 163 Regent Street. Additions to 1828. Engraved by W.R. Gardner ... (with 3 inset maps).


[Magnus, Olaus, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS)]

Full Title

Carta marina et descriptio septentrionalium terrarum (Facsimile)


News Map of the Week, Inc.

Full Title

World News of the Week : Monday, Nov. 22, 1943. Covering period Nov. 12 to Nov. 18. Volume 6, No. 12. Published and copyrighted (weekly), 1943, by News Map of the Week, Inc., 1512 Orleans Street, Chicago, Illinois. Published in two sections : Section one. Lithographed in U. S. A.


Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from November 12 to 18, 1943. Relief illustrated with hachures. Includes a key indicating the alignment of warring nations (United, Axis, and neutral). Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Nazis capture Leros island. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: Bougainville close-up -- Hitler's headache. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.


Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986

Full Title

Typische Wetterlagen : 1. Föhnlage in den Alpen ... -- 2. Westwind-Wetterlage in West- und Mitteleuropa ... -- 3. Staulage am Alpennordfuss ... -- 4. Bisenlage auf der Alpennordseite ... -- 5. Gewitterlage im westlichen Europa -- 6. Schönwetterlage in Mitteleuropa ...


Six maps of Europe, featuring various weather conditions in different areas, from 1933 to 1946. Maps show typical weather patterns, such as wind, thunderstorms and fair weather, as well as bodies of water, drainage, coastlines and islands. Maps include latitudinal and longitudinal lines, legends and explanatory notes. Colored lithograph. Together, maps are 26 x 17 cm, on sheet 33 x 22 cm. Maps appear in section entitled Schweiz : Thematische Karten [= Switzerland : Thematic Maps].


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]

Full Title

Mediterranian Sea


Playfair, William, 1759-1823

Full Title

Chart representing the extent population & revenue of the principal nations in Europe in 1804 by W. Playfair. No. 3. To face page 192.


Fold-out, hand-colored engraved chart showing population and national revenues for European nations in 1804. Includes a comparison of the total revenues of Europe, Asia, Africa, the Russian Empire, Turkish Empire and United States. In addition, square miles given for each European nation. The data appears as circles of comparative sizes within the chart. Descriptive text accompanies the circles to clarify their visual representation. Chart is 27 x 50 cm, on sheet 35 x 55, folded to 26 x 19. "Published as the Act directs."

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