Search Results: Pub Type equal to 'Atlas' and Type equal to 'Title and Page' (original) (raw)

Full Title

(Title page to) Vogel's Schul - Atlas mit Randzeichnungen


Langlumé, Pierre, 1790-

Full Title

(Title Page to) Plans des principales villes maritimes du royaume de France et des fonderies de la marine, 1827.


Manuscript title page to Plans des principales villes maritimes du royaume de France et des fonderies de la marine. With a stamp from the library of the Eçole militaire du génie on the bottom right.

Full Title

(Title page to) 東京各方面全図 (Tokyo Kakuhōmen Zenzu) Complete Map of Various Areas of Tokyo (with red title) 東京名所案内 (Tōkyō Meisho Annai) (Guide to Famous Places in Tokyo)


Philips, Caspar Jacobsz

Full Title

Title page to) Verzaameling van alle de huizen en prachtige gebouwen langs de Keizers en Heere-Grachten der stadt Amsteldam


[Geographisches Institut (Weimar), Weiland, Carl Ferdinand, 1782 -1847]

Full Title

(Title page to) Supplement oder Erweiterung nach Westen der Topographisch=militairischen Charte von Teutschland in 204 Sectionen


R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside

Full Title

(Title Page to) A chronological and historical chart of modern Europe, from the year A.D. 827 to 1830; showing, in parallel columns, the kings, queens, etc., of each country, with all the remarkable events, notable characters, etc. in each reign. London : Published by R.B. Seeley and W. Burnside; and sold by L.B. Seeley and Sons, Fleet Street. Printed by Mills, Jowett, and Mills, Bolt-Court, Fleet-Street. MDCCCXXXII.


Title page to A chronological and historical chart of modern Europe. Includes a dedication and statement of responsibility. Printed in black.


Edward Stanford Ltd.

Full Title



Title page to STANFORD'S LONDON ATLAS OF UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY WHITEHALL EDITION. Includes a description of contents, statement of responsibility, and imprint.


Edward Stanford Ltd.

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) A list giving latitude and longitude of the principal mountains, rivers, capes, bays, islands, towns, villages, &c. of the world.


Section title page to supplemental index of Stanford's London atlas of universal geography "Whitehall" edition.

Full Title

(Title Page) Description et Connoissance Generale des Constellations avec un Catalogue de L'Ascension Droite et de la Declinaison de 17240 Etoiles, Doubles, Nebuleuses et Amas D'Etoiles. ... par J.E. Bode ... Berlin 1801 ... A Berlin, Chezx L'Auteur. 1801.


[Naumienko, Teodor, Polska. Wojsko Polskie. Służba Topograficzna]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Sluzba Topograficzna Wojska Polskiego : Atlas Swiata. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe : Warszawa 1962. (on verso) Druk -Wojskowe Zaklady Kartograficzne.

Full Title

(Title Page to) Carey's General Atlas, Improved And Enlarged; Being A Collection Of Maps Of The World And Quarters, Their Principal Empires, Kingdoms, &c. ... Philadelphia: Published By M. Carey. 1814. T.S. Manning, Printer, N.W. Corner of Sixth & Chestnut Streets.


[Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945, Arntz, Gerd, 1900-1988]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Die bunte Welt. Mengenbilder für die jugend. Veröffentlichungen des Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseums. Artur Wolf Verlag, Wien.


Title page to Die bunte Welt. Mengenbilder für die jugend. Title translates to: The colorful world. Quantity pictures for the youth. Printed in black. [Page number inferred.]


Perrot, A. M. (Aristide Michel), 1793-1879

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas de toutes les parties du monde pour fervir à l'étude de la geographie & de l'histoire. Dressé d'aprés les derniers traités de paix et les relations les plus récentes des voyageurs par Perrot. À Paris chez Ménard & Desenne. Libraires Rue Git le Caur No. 8. 1824.


Title page to Atlas de toutes les parties du monde pour fervir à l'étude de la geographie & de l'histoire. Title translates to: Atlas of all parts of the world to fervor the study of geography & history. Drawn up according to the latest peace treaties and the most recent reports from travelers by Perrot. Engraving. Printed in black.


Ministère de l'Intérieur et des cultes, Service de la Carte de France et de la Statistique Graphique (France)

Full Title

(Title Page to) Album de statistique graphique, 1882. Ministère de l'Intérieur et des cultes, Service de la Carte de France et de la Statistique Graphique.


Title page to Album de statistique graphique. Printed in black.


Chaix, Napoléon, 1807-1865

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas des Chemins de Fer. Publié par Napoléon Chaix. Paris. Imprimerie et Librairie Centrales des Chemins de Fer de Napoléon Chaix Et Cie. Rue Bergère, 20, près du Boulevard Montmartre. 1858.


Title page to Atlas des Chemins de Fer. With a black and white illustration of a train with workers. Title translates to: Atlas of Railways. Published by Napoléon Chaix. Paris. Central Printing and Bookstore of the Napoléon Railways Chaix and Co. Rue Bergère, 20, near Boulevard Montmartre. 1858.


Jaeger, Johann Wilhelm Abraham

Full Title

(Title page to) (Feuille I) Grand Atlas D'Allemagne En LXXXI Feuilles.

Full Title

Plate XX. A View of Fountains Abby. (Inset) A Plan of Scarborough.


[Troshin, Nikolaĭ, Ammosov, M. K. (Maksim Kirovich), 1897-1938, Ivliev, I.V., Popov, V.I., Khalatov, Art., 1896-1938]

Full Title

(Title Page to) О Железнодорожном Транспорте СССР. ТРАНСЖЕЛДОРИЗДАТ • 1935. ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН, СОЕДИНЯЙТЕСЫ.


Title page to О Железнодорожном Транспорте СССР от шестого к VII съезду советов. Text translates to: "About Railway Transport of the USSR. TRANSZHELDORIZDAT • 1935. PROLETARIANS OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE." Printed in color.


[Troshin, Nikolaĭ, Ammosov, M. K. (Maksim Kirovich), 1897-1938, Ivliev, I.V., Popov, V.I., Khalatov, Art., 1896-1938]

Full Title

(Title Page to) от шестого к VII съезду советов.


Continuation of title page to О Железнодорожном Транспорте СССР от шестого к VII съезду советов. Title translates to: "From the Sixth to the Seventh Congress of Soviets." Printed in gold with cut-outs spelling "VII" by green paper on verso.


[Turquan, Victor, Claude, M. N., France. Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas de statistique graphique, dressé sous la direction de M. N. Claude (des Vosges), Sénateur, par M. Victor Turquan, Chef du bureau de la Statistique gènérale de France au Ministère du Commerce et de l'Industrie. Annexe XVII au rapport fâit. Au nom de la Commission d'Enquête sur la Consommatuon de l'Alcool en France (1) ...


Title page to Atlas de statistique graphique : Annexe XVII au rapport fâit. Au nom de la Commission d'Enquête sur la Consommatuon de l'alcool en France. Includes notes.


[Abdullaev, I. K., Institut geografii. Akademiia nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas Azerbaidzhanskoi Sovetskoi Sotsialisticheskoi Respubliki. Akademiia nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR. Institut geografii. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii Gosudarstvennogo Geologicheskogo Komiteta Baku ; Moskva SSSR 1963. Redaktsionnaya Kollegiya : Abdullaev, I. K.; Giul’, K. K.; Ibragimov, A. I.,..


Imprimerie nationale (France)

Full Title

(Half Title Page to): Ministère Des Finances, Direction Générale Des Contributions Directes, résultats de l'évaluation des propriétés baties prescrite par la loi du 8 aout 1885 (Art. 34), atlas statistique. Paris Imprimerie Nationale, 1891.


Half title page to Ministère Des Finances, Direction Générale Des Contributions Directes, résultats de l'évaluation des propriétés baties prescrite par la loi du 8 aout 1885 (Art. 34).


Imprimerie nationale (France)

Full Title

(Title Page to): Ministère Des Finances, Direction Générale Des Contributions Directes, résultats de l'évaluation des propriétés baties prescrite par la loi du 8 aout 1885 (Art. 34), atlas statistique. Paris Imprimerie Nationale, 1891.


Title page to Ministère Des Finances, Direction Générale Des Contributions Directes, résultats de l'évaluation des propriétés baties prescrite par la loi du 8 aout 1885 (Art. 34). Includes a description of contents, statement of responsibility, and imprint.


Metsker, Charles Frederick

Full Title

(Title Page and Index Map to) Metsker's Atlas Of Multnomah County Oregon. Dated April 1944. Scale 1 In. = 1000 Ft. Compiled By Chas. F. Metsker, 1020 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. 111 So. Tenth St., Tacoma, Wash. 514 S.W. Oak St. Portland, Ore. ... Note- This Atlas Is Carefully Compiled From Government, City, County And State Records And The Most Authentic Data Obtainable. Any Constructive Criticism Or Corrections Will Be Gratefully Received. "Metsker The Map Man." Copyright By Chas. F. Metsker.


Caldwell, J. A. (Joseph A.)

Full Title

(Title Page to) Caldwell's illustrated historical centennial atlas of Washington Co. Pennsylvania. From actual surveys by & under the directions of J.A. Caldwell, assisted by C.T. Arms, Sr C.E., J.A. Underwood, C.E., C.T. Arms, Jr, P.L. Mason., W.J. Kerstetter., J.S. Wall, C.E., W.F. Arms, C.E. H. Cring, C.E., E. Bott, Artist. Published by J.A. Caldwell, Condit, Ohio. 1876. Engraved, lithographed & printed by Otto Krebs, Pittsburgh, PA.


Title page to Caldwell's Illustrated Historical Centennial Atlas of Washington Co. Pennsylvania. Includes an extensive statement of responsibility, as well as an imprint. With a pictorial vignette featuring cartographic instruments, and a decorative border. (Page number inferred.)


[Lepsius, Richard, Vogel, Carl]

Full Title

(Title page to) Geologische Karte Des Deutschen Reichs


Haussmann, George Eugene. 1809-1891

Full Title

(Title page to) Plan general des conduites d'eaux de la ville de Paris et de ses environs : execute sur le plan a l'echelle de 1/5000


[Vogel, Carl, Langhans, Paul]

Full Title

(Title page to) Vogels Karte de Deutschen Reichs und der Alpenlander im Masstab von 1:500 000

Full Title

(Title Page to) Portulano de las cóstas de la peninsula de España, islas adjacentes, y parte de la costa de Africa. Construído y publicado en la direccion Hidrografica Cadiz año 1813.


Title page to Portulano de las cóstas de la peninsula de España, islas adjacentes, y parte de la costa de Africa. Title translates to Portolan of the coasts of the peninsula of Spain, adjacent islands, and part of the coast of Africa. Includes imprint.


Arrowsmith, John, 1790-1873

Full Title

(Title Page to) The London atlas of universal geography, exhibiting the physical & political divisions of the various countries of the world, constructed from original materials. Is most respectfully dedicated to his venerable friends John Middleton Esqr. as a testimony of gratitude and esteem, by his much obliged & humble servant, John Arrowsmith, F.R.G.S. & R.A.S. 10, Soho Square, London. London, pubd. by J. Arrowsmith, 10 Soho Square, 1858.


Title page to The London atlas of universal geography.

Full Title

(Title page to) Karte Des Deutschen Reichs


Sheets dated from 1891 to 1893.


[Tully, R. Brent, Fisher, J. Richard, Manoa Mapworks]

Full Title

(Title page to) Nearby Galaxies Atlas


Hughes, William, 1818-1876

Full Title

(Title Page to) Philips' general atlas of the world; a series of new and authentic maps, engraved from original drawings, compiled from national surveys and the woks of eminent travellers and explorers. Edited by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Accompanied by a valuable index of reference. London: George Philip and Son, 32, Fleet Street; Liverpool: Caxton Buildings, South John Street.


Title page to Philips' general atlas of the world. Includes a description of contents, statement of responsibility, and imprint.

Full Title

(Title page to) The Instructive Atlas of Modern Geography


[Rizzi Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio (1736-1814), Trama, Salvatore, Guerra, Giuseppe]

Full Title

(Title page to) Atlante Marittimo delle Due Sicilie Disegnato per ordine del Re da D. Gio: Antonio Rizzi-Zannoni Geografo Regio dell’Accademia Elettorale di Baviera, di quelle di Gottinga, di Padova, & c. | e scandagliato dal Piloto di Vascello il Tenente D. Salvatore Trama.. Parte prima che contiene il Perimetro Littorale del Regno di Napoli MDCCXCII


[Sartine, Antoine, Depot de la Marine]

Full Title

(Title page to) Neptune Americo-Septentrional contenant les Cotes, Îles et Bancs, les Baies, Ports, et Mouillages, et les Sondes des Mers de cette partie du Monde, depuis le Groenland inclusivement, jusques et compris le Golfe du Mexique avec les Îles de Sous-le-Vent et du Vent, accompagné de Plans particuliers des Ports les plus fréquentés. Ou Recueil de Cartes Hydrographiques à l'usage des Vaibeaux du Roi, Redige d'apres les Cartes Françoises et Etrangeres les plus estimées Rectifie d'apres des Plans Manuscrus authentiques, et assujetti aux Observations astronomiques. Dressé au Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine, et Publie par Ordre du Roi.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas elémentaire fait pour Monsieur A. Logerot, elève au Pensionnat Professionnel de M. Ph. Pompeé pour servir au cours professé por M. Chatteau. 1856-1857, Ivry sur Seine, 1er et 2th anviée.


Title page to Atlas elémentaire ... Handwritten in ink with pencil underlines. (Page number inferred.)


[Stockdale, John (1749-1814), Neele, Samuel John, 1758-1824]

Full Title

(Title to) IV Map Of England And Wales From The Latest Surveys.


Dimensions are sheet sizes.


[Stockdale, John (1749-1814), Neele, Samuel John, 1758-1824]

Full Title

(Title to) I Map Of Scotland From The Latest Surveys.


Dimensions are sheet sizes.


[Stockdale, John (1749-1814), Neele, Samuel John, 1758-1824, Chauchard, Captain Jean Baptiste Hippolyte]

Full Title

(Index Map and Title page to) A General Map of The Empire of Germany, Holland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, The Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia.


Dimensions are sheet sizes.


[Stockdale, John (1749-1814), Neele, Samuel John, 1758-1824, Chauchard, Captain Jean Baptiste Hippolyte]

Full Title

(Title page to) A General Map of The Empire of Germany, Holland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, The Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia.


Dimensions are sheet sizes.


[Stockdale, John (1749-1814), Neele, Samuel John, 1758-1824, Chauchard, Captain Jean Baptiste Hippolyte]

Full Title

(Title to) XXIII A General Map of The Empire of Germany, Holland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, The Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia.


Dimensions are sheet sizes.

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas of Cuyahoga County Ohio from actual surveys by and under the direction of D.J. Lake, C.E. Assisted by B.N. Griffing, F.L. Hayes. Assisted by C.H. Edwards, J.P. Edwards, A.C. Ferry. Published by Titus, Simmons & Titus 31 South Street. Philadelphiam 1874. Engd by Worley & Bracher, 31 Sth Sixth St. Philadelphia. Printed by Fred Bourquin, 29 & 31 Sth Sixth St. Philada.


Engraved title page to Atlas of Cuyahoga County Ohio. Includes statement of responsibility and imprint. "Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1874 by Titus, Simmons & Titus in the Clerks Office of the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington D.C." (Page number inferred.)


Puységur, A.-H.-A. de Chastenet (Antoine-Hyacinthe-Anne), comte de, 1752-1807

Full Title

(Title Page to) Le pilote de L'Isle de Saint-Domingue et des débouquemens de cette isle, comprenant une carte de L'Isle de Saint-Domingue et une Carte des Débouquemens, depuis la Caye d'Argent jusqu'à la partie Ouest de Placet des Isles Lucayes. Publié par ordre du Roi. A Paris, de L'Imprimerie Royale. M. DCCLXXXVII.


Title page to The pilot of the Isle of Saint-Domingue and the outflows of this island. Title translates to: The pilot of the Isle of Saint-Domingue and the outflows of this island, including a map of the Isle of Saint-Domingue and a map of the outflows, from Caye d'Argent to the western part of Placet des Isles Lucayes. Published by order of the king. In Paris, from the Royal Imprimerie. 1787. Includes imprint and engraved seal.


Duval, Henri (Henri Louis Nicolas), 1783-1854

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas universel des sciences, par Henri Duval, Chevalier de la Légion-d'Honneur; Professeur d'Histoire, de Géographie, de Belles-Lettres, etc., etc. Adopté par le Conseil Royal de l'Instruction Publique pour les Établissements Universitaires, et par let Grand Chancelier pour les Maisons royales d'Éducation de la Légion-d'Honneur. Paris. Terzuolo, Imprimeur-Libraire, Rue Madame, No 30. MDCCCXXXIX.


Title page to Atlas universel des sciences. Title translates to: Universal Atlas of Sciences. Includes imprint, as well as an ornamental image of a globe and a volume entitled "Atlas des Sciences".


Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514)

Full Title

(Title page to) (Nuremberg Chronicle) Register DES BUCHS DER CRO=NICKEN und geschichten mit figure…


[Gutiérrez, Tonatiúh, 1929-, Mexico. Secretaría de Industria y Comercio, Mexico. Comisión Nacional Consultiva de Pesca, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Biológico Pesqueras (Mexico), Mexico. Dirección General de Pesca e Industrias Conexas]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas pesquero nacional. Tonatiuh Gutierrez. México, 1965. Secretaría de Industria y Comercio, Comisión Nacional Consultiva de Pesca, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Biológico Pesqueras, Dirección General de Pesca e Industrias Conexas.


Title page to Atlas pesquero nacional by Tonatiúh Gutiérrez, published in Mexico, 1965. Title translates to: National fishing atlas. Includes imprint, as well as seal: Estados Unidos Mexicanos.


Survey of India Department

Full Title

(Title Page to) Statistical atlas of India. (Second edition, 1895.) Calcutta: Printed by the Superintendent of Government Printing, India. Maps by the Survey of India Department, 1895.


Title page to Statistical atlas of India. Includes text: Copies of this work may be procured through Mr. Edward Stanford, 26 and 27, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, and through the following booksellers in India : Messrs. Thacker, Spink & Co., Calcutta .. With two stamps: Royal Agriculture Society of England, 10 Nov. 1896 -- Disposed of by the Commonwealth Institute. Also, with two stamps on verso: School of Oriental and African Studies, London -- SOAS Library, withdrawn. (Page number inferred.)


[Spruner von Merz, Karl, 1803-1892., Menke, Heinrich Theodor]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Spruner-Menke Hand-Atlas fur die Geschichte des Mittelalters und der neuren Zeit. Dritte Auflage von Dr K. v. Spruner's Hand-Atlas, neu bearbeitet von Dr T. Menke. 90 colorirte Karten in Kupferstich mit 376 Nebenkarten. Gotha : Justus Perthes, 1880.


Rizzi Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio (1736-1814)

Full Title

(Title Page to) No. 2. Atlante geografico del regno di Napoli : Delineato Per Ordine Di Ferdinando IV. Re Delle Due Sicilie &C &C. da Gio. Antonio Rizzi-Zannoni. Geografo di Sua Maesta e terminato nel 1808. (1820). Gius. Guerra Inc. Nap. 1806.


Vignette title page, with uncolored map. Shows provinces, cities, towns, villages, roads and rivers. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian is Napoli. Title of plates supplied by cataloger.


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

Full Title

(Title page to) Mala vlastiveda [The Little Civics Reader]


Vsesoi︠u︡znyĭ nauchno-izdatelʹskiĭ institut izobrazitelʹnoĭ statistiki (Soviet Union)

Full Title



Title page to MOCKBA PEKOHCTPУИPУETCЯ. Title translates to: Moscow under reconstruction : An album of diagrams, maps and photos on reconstruction in Moscow. With slogan, "ПPOЛETAPИИ BCEX CTPAH, COEДИHЯЙTECЬ!" [= Workers of the world, unite!], a rallying cry from The communist manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.


Fry, Herbert, 1830-1885

Full Title

(Title page to) London in 1885. Illustrated by 18 Bird's-Eye Views Of The Principal Streets.


[Arrowsmith, Aaron, Lopez de Vargas Machuca, Tomas (1730-1802), Tofino de San Miguel, Vicente, 1732-1795]

Full Title



Twelve single sheets with contemporary hand coloring, mounted on tabs, which would assemble to form one great 63 x 82” map. With information gathered from a variety of sources, this map contains an extraordinary amount of topographical information as well as the careful delineation of cities, towns, fortified towns, principal villages, villages, and inns. We were unable to find any records for any edition having sold at auction in ABPC or RBH.


Aleksandr Mikhailovich Wilbrecht [Александр Михайлович Вильбрехт] (1757 - 1823)

Full Title

[Титульный лист: Российский атлас…1800]. [Title Page: Russian Atlas, 1800].


[Norman, William, -1807, Carleton, Osgood, 1742-1816]

Full Title

(Title Page to) The American Pilot : Containing the navigation of the sea coast of North America, from the streights of Belle Isle to Cayenne, including the island and banks of Newfoundland, the West India islands, and all the islands on the coast. With particular directions for sailing to, and entering the principal harbours, rivers, &c. Describing also the capes, head lands, rivers, bays, roads, havens, harbours, straits, rocks, sands, shoals, banks, depths of water, and anchorage. Shewing the courses and distances from one place to another, the ebbing of the sea, the setting of the tides and currents, &c. With many other things necessary to be know in navigation. Likewise necessary directions for those who are not fully acquainted with the use of charts. Boston September 10th. 1794. Teacher of the Mathematics. Boston. Printed and sold by Wm. Norman at his office no.75 Newbury Street MDCCXCIIII. Where may be had Huddards St. Georges Channel - Thompsons North Sea - British Channel - Bay of Biscay - Coast of Spain and Portugal - Mediteranean Sea - Nantucket Harbour.


Engraved title page to The American Pilot. Includes a description of contents, certificate of accuracy, statement of responsibility, and imprint. With a of the Great Seal of the United States. With an inscription underneath the title: Daniel Anthony Junior. "Published according to Act of Congress."


[Ministerstvo putey soobshcheniya USSR, Anatol'yev L.N.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) SSSR. Ministerstvo putey Soobshcheniya Glavtransproekt. Al'bom skhem Zheleznykh Dorog SSSR. Moskva 1952 g. Redaktor Anatol'yev L.N. Sostavleno Transkarografiey Glavtrans Proyekta. Otpechatano na Kartograficheskoy Fabrike No. 107.


At upper right: Zkz. No. 1785.


Bacler d'Albe, Louis-Albert-Ghislain, 1761-1824

Full Title

Feuille No. XXVI Carte Générale du théâtre de la guerre en Italie et dans les Alpes


Bacler d'Albe, Louis-Albert-Ghislain, 1761-1824

Full Title

Feuille No. 1 Carte Générale des Royaumes de Naples, Sicile & Sardaigne


Andriveau-Goujon, Eugene

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas classique et universel de geographie ancienne et moderne : contenant les decouvertes et les divisions les plus nouvelles dans les cinq parties du monde pour servir a la lecture des voyages, des ouvrages historiques et des meilleurs traites de geographie. publie par E. Andriveau-Goujon. Nouvelle edition. A Paris : Chez l'editeur, Pres le pont Royal. 1863.


Title with ornamental boarders. Paris: Impte. de Louis Antoine.


Radó, Sándor, 1899-1981

Full Title

(Title Page to) Alex Radó. Atlas für politik Wirtschaft Arbeiterbewegung. 1. Der Imperialismus vorwort von Th. Rothstein. Verlag für Literatur und Politik Wien/Berlin.


Title page to Atlas für politik Wirtschaft Arbeiterbewegung. Text printed in black and orange. Title translates to: Atlas for politics economy labor movement. Includes imprint. Verso has copyright notice: Alle Rechte, insbesondere die des Nachdrucks, vorbehalten. Copyright 1930 by Verlag für Literatur und Politik Wien/Berlin ... (Page number inferred.)

Full Title

(Title page to) History of the United States, or, Republic of America


For full text of this book see\_3/page/n5/mode/2up


[Gorshkov, Sergei Georgievich, Soviet Union. Voenno-Morskoĭ Flot]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Ministrstvo Oborony SSSR, Voenno - Morskoy Flot. Atlas okeanov : Atlanticheskiy i Indiyskiy Okeany = Atlas of the Oceans : Atlantic and Indian Oceans. 1977. Glavnoe upravlenie navigat︠s︡ii i okeanografii Ministerstva Oborony SSSR.


Playfair, William, 1759-1823

Full Title

(Title page to) The commercial and political atlas


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Sydow-Wagners methodischer Schul-Atlas. Bearbeitet von H. Haack u. H. Lautensach. 23., von O. Stollt kartographisch durchgesehene Auflage : 62 Haupt- und 260 Nebenkarten. auf 61 Tafeln ; mit einem Namenverzeichnis. Justus Perthes in Gotha, 1944.


Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673

Full Title



[Glavnoe Upravlenie Navigat︠s︡ii i Okeanografii Ministerstva Oborony SSSR., Soviet Union. Voenno-Morskoĭ Flot.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Ministrstvo Oborony SSSR, Voenno - Morskoy Flot. Atlas okeanov : Tikhiy Okean = Atlas of the Oceans : Pacific Ocean. 1974. Glavnoe Upravlenie Navigat︠s︡ii i Okeanografii Ministerstva Oborony SSSR.


Cram, George Franklin, 1841-1928

Full Title

(Title Page to) Cram's standard American railway system atlas of the world. Accompanied with a complete and simple index of the United States showing the true location of all railroads, towns, villages and post offices ... Maps of the United States are the largest scale and clearest print of any maps published. Foreign maps are compiled largely from charts of the Royal Geographical Society and are geographically correct. Published by Geo. F. Cram, 89 Fulton Street, New York; 61-63 Plymouth Place, Chicago, 1899.


Title page to Cram's standard American railway system atlas. Includes extended description of maps, as well as imprint. (Page number inferred.)


Andriveau-Goujon, E. (Eugène), 1832-1897

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas universel de géographie moderne. Publié par E. Andriveau-Goujon, Paris: Rue du Bac, 4.


Title page includes table of contents for 25 maps in atlas. Text at bottom of sheet: Paris. - Typ. G. Chamerot. - 8658.

Full Title

(Title page to) Atlas Sur la Suisse & l'Italie.


[Instituto de Geografía (Academia de Ciencias de Cuba), Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut geografii.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Natsional'nyi Atlas Kuby : V oznamenovanie desi︠a︡toy godovshchiny revoli︠u︡tsii; Akademiya Nauk Kuby. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Gavana, 1970.


Wilme, Benjamin P.

Full Title

(Title Page to) A Hand book for plain and ornamental mapping, and engineering drawing : consisting of every style of embellishment and writing used by surveyors and civil & mechanical engineers ; containing many original designs and sketches for hills, trees, cliffs, rocks, north-points, scrolls, borders, & titles for estate & parish maps, railway plans, and sections, and every description of ornament required in the above professions. By Benjamin P. Wilme, Civil –Engineer & Surveyor. London, Published by John Weale, Martin Taylor … 1841. Gardner, Zincographer, 19, Giltspur St.


Handbook, with descriptive text, 2 engraved title pages and 43 plates, sketches, charts, maps, some folded and colored. Showing designs and sketches for hills, trees, cliffs, rocks, north-points, scrolls, borders, railway plans, sections and titles for estate & parish maps. With additional, engraved, title-page with title "A hand-book for mapping, engineering, and architectural drawing ... engraving, lithographing, and zincographing. By B. P. Wilme … London : Published for the author, by John Weale, 1846." Bound in brown worn marbled paper-covered boards, half leather bound with title "Wilme's Mapping" in gilt on spine.


Wilme, Benjamin P.

Full Title

(Title Page to) A hand-book for mapping, engineering, and architectural drawing, in which maps of all descriptions are analyzed, and their several uses fully explained : intended for the use of civil engineers, architects, and surveyors : also for naval and military academies, engineering schools and colleges, and draughtsmen : illustrated with forty-three large plates and thirty-nine woodcuts, among which will be found examples of a parliamentary railway plan, section, and cross sections, prepared in compliance with the standing orders of the House of Commons, with plain instructions for lithographing and zincographing maps and drawings, and an exposition of the relative cost and merits of engraving, lithographing, and zincographing. By B. P. Wilme … London : Published for the author, by John Weale, 1846.


Handbook, with descriptive text, 2 engraved title pages and 43 plates, sketches, charts, maps, some folded and colored. Showing designs and sketches for hills, trees, cliffs, rocks, north-points, scrolls, borders, railway plans, sections and titles for estate & parish maps. With additional, engraved, title-page with title "A hand-book for mapping, engineering, and architectural drawing ... engraving, lithographing, and zincographing. By B. P. Wilme … London : Published for the author, by John Weale, 1846." Bound in brown worn marbled paper-covered boards, half leather bound with title "Wilme's Mapping" in gilt on spine.


[Barabashov, Nikolai Pavlovich, Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Akademiia Nauk SSSR : Atlas Obratnoi Storony Luny. Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR Moskva 1960. (Recto of title page) Obrazovaniia, vyiavlennye na obratnoi storone Luny po fotografiiam, poluchennym avtomaticheskoi mezhplanetnoi stantsiei 7-go oktiabria 1959 goda. (verso of title page) Podredaktsiei : N.p. Barbashova. A.A. Mikhailova. IU.N. Lipskogo.


Atlas of the Far Side of the Moon, the first ever made photographs of the far side of the moon. In 149 pages, including illustrations, charts, diagrams, tables, text, map of the moon in 4 pages, and 20 plates containing 30 photographs, including 2 large folded photographs at rear. Bound in blue cloth, printed black label to front cover with silver and blind stamped lettering, and silver spine lettering.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Sydow-Wagners methodischer Schul-Atlas : 21 Auflage. Bearbeitet von H. Haack und H. Lautensach. 67 haupt - und 232 nebenkarten auf 64 tafeln mit einem namenverzeichnis. Berichtigter Neudruck 1940. Justus Perthes in Gotha.


[Ravenstein, August, Berlin Geographisch-Artistische Anstalt Ernst Schotte]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Plastischer Schul-Atlas für vie erste Stufe des Unterrichts in der Erdkunde. Enthaltend die Karten von Deutschland, Europa, Asien, Afrika, Nord- und Süd-Amerika und Australien, nebst einem Ideal-Bild der physisch-geographischen Verhältnisse. In Relief geprägt und nach der physisch-geographischen Beschaffenheit (in einer besonderen Beigabe auch nach der politischen Eintheilung) der Länder in Farben gedruckt. Vierte ganz umgearbeitet Auflage. Herausgegeben von Aug. Ravenstein. Frankfurt am Main, 1864. Stich, Vrägung, Druckt und Verlageben B. Dondorf.


Title page to Plastischer Schul-Atlas. Includes imprint and legend pertaining to maps. Appears on verso to front cover of box that houses atlas.


[Pelet, Paul, 1849-1927, Challamel, Augustin, 1818-1894]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Nouvel atlas des colonies Françaises dressé par ordre de l'Admiistration des Colonies par Paul Pelet, Professeur de Géographie Coloniale a l'École des Sciences Politiques Membre du Comité Géographique des Colonies. Paris, Augustin Challamel, Éditeur, Librairie Coloniale. 5, rue Jacob, et Rue Furstenberg, 2. 1891.


Title page to Nouvel atlas des colonies Françaises by Paul Pelet, published in Paris, 1891. Title translates to: New atlas of the French colonies drawn up by order of the Administration of the Colonies by Paul Pelet, Professor of Colonial Geography at the School of Political Sciences, Member of the Geographical Committee of the Colonies. Includes imprint. Facing page has printing credit: Typographie Firmin-Didot et cie. Mesnil (Eure).


W. & A.K. Johnston Limited

Full Title

(Title Page to) Dedicated to Her Most Gracious Majesty The Queen. The Edinburgh cabinet atlas comprising maps illustrating the modern geography of every country of the world and the most interesting portions of ancient geography; constructed from the latest & most authentic sources. Edinburgh, W. & A.K. Johnston Engravers & Printers to The Queen. Glasgow Robert Weir; Lumsden & Son: London, Whittaker & Co. Dublin, John Cumming: Paris J.P. Aillaud. 1839.


Title page to Edinburgh cabinet atlas by W. & A.K. Johnston Limited, 1839. Includes a dedication to the Queen of England, the imprint and an engraved illustration of a unicorn and lion.


Cartographic Establishment of A. Ilyin

Full Title

(Title Page to) Климатологический Атласъ Российской Империи, Изданный Николаевскою Главною Физическою Обсерваториею въ Память Пятидесятилѣтней ея Дѣятелньости 1849-1899. 89 Kapтъ и 15 гpaфичecкиxъ тaблицъ. C.-Пeтepбypгъ. Kapтoгpaфчecкoe зaвeдeниe A. Ильинa. 1900.


Title page to Климатологический Атласъ Российской Империи. Title and imprint translate to: Climatological Atlas of the Russian Empire, Published by the Nikolaev Main Physical Observatory in Memory of its Fifty Years of Activity 1849-1899. 89 Maps and 15 graphic tables. St. Peterburg. Cartographic establishment of A. Ilyin. 1900.


Philip, George, 1870-1937.

Full Title

(Title page to) Philips' General Atlas of the World.


Le Rouge, Georges-Louis, 1712-1790

Full Title

(Title page to) Recueil des fortifications, forts et ports de mer de France.


Date estimated. Dimensions are sheet size.


Gormaz, Francisco Vidal, 1837-1907

Full Title

(Title Page to) Esploracion hidrográfica de la costa i rios de la Araucanía, comprendidos entre la Punta Cauten por el norte i la Punta Chanchan por el sur, hecha de órden del Supremo Gobierno, por el Teniente 1o. de Marina, don Francisco Vidal Gormaz. Imprenta Nacional, Calle de la Moneda, Núm. 46. 1867.


Title page to Esploracion hidrográfica de la costa i Ríos de la Araucanía. Title translates to: Hydrographic exploration of the coast and rivers of Araucanía. Includes imprint. With library stamp: Biblioteca de Francisco A. Lobos Santiago.


Gormaz, Francisco Vidal, 1837-1907

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) Continuacion de los Trabajos de Esploracion del Rio Valdivia i sus afluentes por el Capitan Graduado de Corbeta Francisco Vidal Gormaz. Santiago de Chile. Imprenta Nacional, Calle de la Moneda, No. 46. Julio de 1869.


Section title page to the second section of Esploracion hidrográfica de la costa i Ríos de la Araucanía. Title translates to: Continuation of the Exploration Works of the Valdivia River and its tributaries. Includes imprint.


Gormaz, Francisco Vidal, 1837-1907

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) Reconocimientos de la costa comprendida entre la rada de Los Vilos i el Rio Chopa, i del Rio Valdiva i costa comprendida entre el Morro Bonifacio i el Rio Maullin, verificados de órden del supremo gobierno por Francisco Vidal Gormaz, Capitan graduado de Corbeta. Santiago de Chile. Imprenta Nacional, Calle de la Moneda, No. 46. 1870.


Section title page to the third section of Esploracion hidrográfica de la costa i Ríos de la Araucanía. Title translates to: The coast between Los Vilos and the Choapa River, and the Valdivia River and the coast between the Morro Bonifacio [headland located in Los Lagos] and the Maullín River. Includes imprint.

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas. Amstelædami, Chés J. B. Elwe.


Title page to Atlas der wereld. Features a scene of Poseidon and other figures observing a terrestrial globe, with Atlas holding a celestial globe in the background, and cherubs in flight above, together holding a banner with the title. Hand-colored engraving. Imprint at bottom.


[Gorshkov, Sergei Georgievich, Soviet Union. Voenno-Morskoĭ Flot]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Ministrstvo Oborony SSSR, Voenno - Morskoy Flot. Atlas okeanov : Severnyy ledovityy Okean. 1980. Glavnoe upravlenie navigat︠s︡ii i okeanografii Ministerstva Oborony SSSR.


Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, -1625

Full Title

(Title Page to) Descriptio Indiæ Occidentalis per Antonium de Herrera regium Indiarum et Castellæ historiographum.


Title page to Descriptio Indiæ Occidentalis per Antonium de Herrera regium Indiarum et Castellæ historiographum, the first part of Nieuwe werelt anders ghenaempt West-Indien. Title translates to: A description of the West Indies by Antonius de Herrera, the royal historian of the Indies and Castile. Includes an engraved map of the Western Hemisphere, which features the earliest known published image California as an island, a cartographic myth that persisted until the 18th century. Decorated with engraved Castilian coat of arms, and eight vignettes showing Aztec gods and scenes of Nova Hispania [Mexico], including a temple.


Ordóñez de Ceballos, Pedro, approximately 1545-approximately 1630

Full Title

(Title Page to) Eyghentlijcke Beschryvinghe van West-Indien : Hoe die Landen en Provientien Gheleghen zijn, op wat maniere datmen die door reysen sal : Ende wat Buckdommen van gout en silver elcke plaetse begrupt : Ghedaen. Van Pedro Ordonnez, de Cevallos, priester. Die de Landen met groote neersticheyt doorreylt en besichticht heeft. Tot Amsterdam, by Michiel Colijn, Boeck-vercooper op't water, in't huys-boeck. Anno 1621.


Title page to Eyghentlijcke Beschryvinghe van West-Indien, the second part of Nieuwe werelt anders ghenaempt West-Indien. Title translates to: Description of the West Indies. Includes a woodcut vignette of a landscape with an animal.


Le Maire, Jacques, 1585-1616

Full Title

(Title Page to) Spieghel der Australische navigatie, door dey wijt bermaerden ende cloeckmoedighen Zee-heldt / Jacob Maire, President ende Overste over de twee Schepen ... 14 Juni 1615. t'Amsterdam, by Michiel Colijn, Boeck-vercooper op't water, by de Dude Brugh, in't huys-boeck. Anno 1622.


Title page to Spieghel der Australische navigatie, the third part of Nieuwe werelt anders ghenaempt West-Indien. Title translates (loosely) to: Southern navigation. Includes an engraved map of the world, featuring California as an island.

Full Title

(Title page to) Petit Atlas De Geographie En Relief.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas physique et politique des cinq parties du monde, par H. Brueì, contenant aussi un choix de cartes de geìographie ancienne et modern, dresseìes par divers auteurs. Paris, Chez J. Goujon, Geographe-Editeur.


Titel page includes table of contents.


[George F. Cram Company collection 1845-1955, National Highways Association]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Auto Trails and Commercial Survey of the United States. Complete series of state maps with county colors for commercial reference---individual auto-trails map for each state, indicating the auto trails in distinct color---double page United States map---pole markers in original colors---Federal Reserve banking districts map---parcel post rating and other special features---Ready reference index locating cities, towns, and villages with population in accordance with the latest census figures. Highway information and statistics by courtesy of the National Highway Association. The George F. Cram Co. Chicago Ill.


Gallardo y Rionda, J.P.

Full Title

(Title page to) Cartilla Geografica del Distrito Federal (Geographical booklet of the federal district, arranged expressly for schools, by the engineer J.P. Gallardo y Rionda... corrected and enlarged. Sixth edition. 1888)

Full Title

(Title page to) The Young Geometrician; or Practical Geometry without Compasses.



Full Title

(Title page to) De la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs, et de l’Assortiment des objets colorés.


[IRISH RAILWAY COMMISSION, HARNESS, Henry Drury (1804 - 1883), Griffith, Richard John (1784-1878), LARCOM, Thomas Aiskew (1801 - 1879)]

Full Title

(Title page to) Irish Railway Commission. Maps / Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1838. [Atlas to accompany 2d. Report of the Railway Commissioners, Ireland].


[Instituto de Geografía (Academia de Ciencias de Cuba), Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut geografii.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas nacional de Cuba : en el decimo aniversario de la Revolucion ; Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Academia de Ciencias de la URSS. La Habana 1970.



Full Title

(Title page to) 大日本帝国地産要覧圖 [Dainipponteikoku chisan yōran] / Agricultural Production of the Japanese Empire: Atlas.


[Visconti, Sigismond, Dufour, Auguste-Henri (1798-1865)]

Full Title

(Title page to) Precis du Systeme Astronomique.


[Visconti, Sigismond, Dufour, Auguste-Henri (1798-1865)]

Full Title

(Title page to) Precis du Systeme Astronomique.


Cook, James, active 1762-1775

Full Title

(Title Page to) The North-American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labradore, the Gulf and River St. Laurence : Being a collection of sixty accurate charts and plans, drawn from original surveys : taken by James Cook and Michael Lane, Surveyors, and Joseph Gilbert, and other Officers in the King's Service. Published by permission of the Right hon. the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Chiefly engraved by the Late Mr. Thomas Jeffreys, Geographer to the King. On thirty-six large copper-plates. London: printed according to Act of Parliament, and sold by R. Sayer and J. Bennett, No. 53, in Fleet-Street. M.DCC.LXXV.


Title page to The North-American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labradore, the Gulf and River St. Laurence ... Includes imprint. "N. B. of whom may be had, the sailing directions for the above charts."


[Vlast’ Sovetov, Novikov, N., Zagumennykh, M., Svirinovskaya, S.]

Full Title

(Title page to) ЖЕНЩИНЫ В СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКОМ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ СОЮЗА ССР [Women in Socialist Construction of the Soviet Union].


Vallardi, Francesco

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlante oro-idrografico corografico e storico dell'Italia. Casa Editrice Dottor Francesco Vallardi, Corso Magenta, 48. Milano ... Alessandria d'Egitto.


Title page to Atlante oro-idrografico corografico e storico dell'Italia. Includes imprint, including a list of numerous cities, from Bari to Alessandria d'Egitto [Alexandria, Egypt]. Title translates to: Chorographic, orographic, hydrographic and historical atlas of Italy.


Cook, James, active 1762-1775

Full Title

(Title Page to) The North-American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labradore, the Gulf and River St. Laurence : Being a collection of sixty accurate charts and plans, drawn from original surveys : taken by James Cook and Michael Lane, Surveyors, and Joseph Gilbert, and other Officers in the King's Service. Published by permission of the Right Hon. the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Chiefly engraved by the Late Mr. Thomas Jeffreys, Geographer to the King. On thirty-six large copper-plates. London: Printed according to Act of Parliament, and sold by R. Sayer and J. Bennett, Map, Chart and Print Sellers, and Globe Manufacturers, No. 53, in Fleet-Street. M.DCC.LXXXIV.


Title page to first volume of The North-American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labradore, the Gulf and River St. Laurence ... Second edition. Includes imprint. "N. B. sailing directions accompany the above charts."


Cook, James, active 1762-1775

Full Title

(Title Page to) The North-American Pilot for New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia; also the two Carolinas, and Florida, drawn from original surveys, taken by Capt. John Gascoigne, Joshua Fisher, Jacob Blamey, and other officers and pilots in his majesty's service. (Part the second). London: Printed and sold by R. Sayer and J. Bennett, Map, Chart and Print Sellers, No. 53, Fleet-Street. M.DCC.LXXXIII.


Title page and table of contents to second volume of The North-American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labradore, the Gulf and River St. Laurence ... Second edition. Includes imprint. With table of contents, which lists titles with associated plate numbers, given in Roman numerals.

Full Title

(Title page to) A map of the County of Devon, with the city and county of Exeter, delineated from an actual survey, on twelve sheets of Imperial paper, the scale an inch to a mile


[Raddatz, Werner, Bollmann Bildkarten Verlag, Bollmann, Hermann (1911-1971)]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Bildatlas des Landkreises Peine.


Title page to Bildatlas des Landkreises Peine. Title translates to: Image atlas of the district of Peine. Includes printed coat of arms for Peine, showing two wolves, standing on their hind legs, back-to-back. (Page number inferred.)


[Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Hall and Macdonald, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Commission]

Full Title

(Title Page) Regional Rapid Transit; a Report to the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Commission, 1953-1955. Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Hall and Macdonald. Engineers. New York.


[Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Hall and Macdonald, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Commission]

Full Title

(Text Page) San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Commission.


Lowell, Percival, 1855-1916

Full Title

(Title Page to) Mars by Percival Lowell. Fellow American Academy; Member Royal Asiatic Society, Great Britain and Ireland, etc. Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin and Company; The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1895.


Title page to Mars. Includes statement of responsibility and imprint, as well as the seal of the printer, with an illustration of a piper seated at the tree of knowledge, surrounded by the French motto: Tout bien our rien [= All good or nothing]. (Page number inferred.)


Playfair, William, 1759-1823

Full Title

(Title Page to) An inquiry into the permanent causes of the decline and fall of powerful and wealthy nations, illustrated by four engraved charts. By William Playfair, author of notes and continuation of an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations, by Adam Smith, L.L.D. and inventor of linear arithmetic, &c. Designed to shew how the prosperity of the British Empire may be prolonged. London: W. Marchant, Printer, 3, Greville-Street, Holborn. Printed for Greenland and Norris, 2, Finsbury-Place, Finsbury-Square. 1805.


Title page to An inquiry into the permanent causes of the decline and fall of powerful and wealthy nations. Includes statement of responsibility and imprint. (Page number inferred.)


Cadolle, August (1782-1849)

Full Title

(Title page to) Vues de Moscou. Dediees a Sa Majeste Alexandre 1er. Empereur et Autocrate de Toutes Les Russies, Roi de Pologne, etc., etc. Dessinees par A. Cadolle...Avec Texte.


[Rizzi Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio (1736-1814), Trama, Salvatore, Guerra, Giuseppe]

Full Title

(Title page to) Atlante marittimo delle Due Sicilie: Parte prima che contiene il Perimetro Littorale del Regno di Napol

Full Title

(Title page to) Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae. Das ist: Ein Reisebuch, Uber die gantze heilige Schrifft, in zwey Bücher geteilet... Zuvor gemehret mit einem Büchlein De monetis et mensuris... Insonderheit aber mit einer feinen nützlichen Erklerung des Buchs Josua... Mit einer Vorrede des Herrn D. Martini Chemnitii. [with:] Harmonia Evangelistarum...


[Confederazione generale dell'industria italiana, Associzaione fra le società italiane per azioni]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Lo sviluppo dell'industria italiana. Confederazione generale fascista delliIndustria Iialiana, Associzaione fra le società italiane per azioni. 1929-VII. Litografia del Genio Civile, Roma.


Title page to Lo sviluppo dell'industria italiana. Title translates to: The development of Italian industry.


[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]

Full Title

Fac-Simile Des Monumens Coloriés De L'Égypte D'après Le Tableau De C.L.F. Panckoucke, Chevalier De La Légion d'Honneur, Editeur De La Description De l'Egypte, 2.E Edition. 1825. Antiquites Tome Premier.


[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]

Full Title

(Title page to) Description De L'Égypte.


[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]

Full Title

(Title page to) Antiquites Tome Premier. Description De L'Égypte. : Ou, Recueil Des Observations Et Des Recherches Qui Ont Été Faites En Égypte Pendant L'expédition De L'armée Française. Seconde Edition. Dediee Au Roi, Publiée Par C. L. F. Panckoucke. Paris, C. L. F. Panckoucke


La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, 1701-1774

Full Title

(Title Page to) Journal du voyage fait par ordre du roi, a l’équateur, servant d’introduction historique à la mesure des trois premiers degrés du méridien. Par M. de la Condamine. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale. M. DCCLI.


Title page to Journal du voyage fait par ordre du roi, a l’équateur. Title translates to: Diary of the voyage made by order of the king, to the equator. "I, demens, & sævas curre per Alpes. Juven. Sat. X." [= I, mad and cruel, run through the Alps ... ]


La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, 1701-1774

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) Section Title: Histoire des pyramides de Quito, élevées par les académiciens envoyées sous l'Equateur par ordre du Roi. M. DCCLI.


Section title page to the second part of Journal du voyage fait par ordre du roi, a l’équateur. Title translates to: History of the pyramids of Quito, by the academicis sent below the Equator by order of the King. "Etiam periêre ruinæ. Lucan." [= They even have lost their ruins.]


La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, 1701-1774

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) Section Title: Mesure des trois premiers degrés du méridien dans l'hémisphere austral, tirée des observations de Mrs. de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, Envoyés par le Rois sous l'Équateur : Par M. de la Condamine. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale. M. DCCLI.


Section title page to the third part of Journal du voyage fait par ordre du roi, a l’équateur. Title translates to: Measurement of the first three degrees of the meridian in the southern hemisphere, taken from the observations of the Royal Academy of Sciences, sent by the King, to the Equator, by M. de la Condamine. "Fuit alter descriptsit radio medium qui gentibus Orbem. Virgil." [= It was the other radio center that registered the nations of the world.]


Pershing, John J. (John Joseph), 1860-1948

Full Title

(Title Page to) Final report of Gen. John J. Pershing, Commander-In-Chief, American Expeditionary Forces.


Title page to Final report of Gen. John J. Pershing. Includes imprint. With the seal of the United States of America War Office. (Page number inferred.)

Full Title

(Title Page to) Sonder-Katalog für die Gruppe Statistik der wissenschaftlichen Abteilung der Internationalen Hygiene-Ausstellung, Dresden 1911 = Catalogue spécial du Groupe Statistique de la Section scientifique de l'Exposition Internationale d'Hygiène Dresde 1911. Eine Einführung in die Ergebnisse der internationalen Bevölkerungs- und Medizinalstatistik. Mit 17 farbigen Reproduktionen graphischer Darstellungen. Bearbeitet von Dr. E. Roesle, Vorstand des statistischen Bureaus der Ausstellung. Verlag der Internationalen Hygiene-Ausstellung Dresden 1911.


Title page to Sonder-Katalog für die Gruppe Statistik der wissenschaftlichen Abteilung der Internationalen Hygiene-Ausstellung, Dresden 1911. With title in parallel German and French. Title translates to: Special catalog for the statistics group of the scientific department of the International Hygiene Exhibition, Dresden 1911. An introduction to the results of international population and medical statistics. Edited by Dr. E. Roesle, Head of the Statistical Bureau of the Exposition. With 17 color reproductions of graphic representations. Decorative border. With inscription in blue ink.


[Dormoy, Émile, Administration des Mines]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Topographie souterraine du Bassin Houiller de Valenciennes par M. Émile Dormoy, Ingénieur au Corps Impérial des Mines : Cartes et plans. Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, MDCCCLXIX.


Title page to Topographie souterraine du Bassin Houiller de Valenciennes. Includes imprint. Title translates to: Underground topography of the Valenciennes Coal Basin by Mr. Émile Dormoy, Engineer at the Imperial Corps of Mines : Maps and plans.


[Dormoy, Émile, Administration des Mines]

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) Carte topographie souterraine du Bassin Houiller de Valenciennes réuni au bassin du Couchant de Mons dressée par M. Émile Dormoy, Ingénieur au Corps Impérial des Mines, 1867.


Section title page to Topographie souterraine du Bassin Houiller de Valenciennes. Includes imprint. Title translates to: Underground topography map of the of Valenciennes Coal Basin, joined to the "Couchant de Mons".


Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas öfver Finland, 1910. Sällskapet för Finlands geografi.


Title page to Atlas öfver Finland, 1910. Includes authorship.


[Association universitaire de recherches cartographiques et géographiques, France. Délégation à l'aménagement du territoire et à l'action régionale]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas de Paris et de la Region Parisienne. Préface de M. Paul Delouvrier, Préfet de la Région Parisienne. Editions Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1967. Association universitaire de recherches cartographiques et geographiques. (Atlas)


Title page to Atlas de Paris et de la Region Parisienne, atlas volume. Includes imprint.


Central Executive Committee of the U.S.S.R.

Full Title



Title page to ATЛAC COЮ3A COBETCKИX COЦИAЛИCTИЧECKИX PECПУБЛИK [= Atlas of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics]. Includes imprint. With emblem of the U.S.S.R, as well as the slogan, "ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН, СОЕДИНЯЙТЕСь!" [= Workers of the world, unite!"].

Full Title

(Covers /Title Page to) جۇڭگو ئاتلسى = Jongu atlasi = Atlas of China. Ottura : Mektepler Uqün. Hormetler Neshriyâti. 1sr. edition, June 1984.


Pictorial covers and title page to 1984 Atlas of China.


[Nasmyth, James, Carpenter, James]

Full Title

(Title page to) The Moon: Considered As A Planet, A World, and A Satellite. Second Edition.


Page dimensions are full sheet.


[Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667, Mariette, Pierre-Jean, 1603-1657]

Full Title

(Title page to) Cartes Exactes & Particulieres de La Flandre ou des Pays Catholiques ou sont les Duches de Brabant, LImbourg Luxembourg; &c. les Comtes des Flandres, Artois Haynaut, Namur &c. & les Estats de Treves, Cambray, & Lyege . . . . Par Nicolas Sanson . . . M. DC. LVIII


[Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667, Mariette, Pierre-Jean, 1603-1657]

Full Title

(Title page to) Cartes Exactes & Particulieres de Picardie, Champagne, & Lorraine, &c. Les Dioceses Des Archevesches & Evesches . . . Pars Nicolas Sanson . . . M. DC. LVIII


Northern & Central France


Weiland, C. F. (Carl Ferdinand), 1782-1847

Full Title

(Title Page to) Hand-Atlas über alle Theile der Erde zunächst für Bürgerschulen und Zeitungsleser bestimmt. Weimar, im Verlag des Geographischen Instituts.


Title page to Hand-Atlas über alle Theile der Erde zunächst für Bürgerschulen und Zeitungsleser bestimmt. Title translates to: General hand-atlas for all parts of the world, initially intended for public schools and newspaper readers. Text presented in ornate font. Includes imprint.


Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-1884

Full Title

(Title/Advertisement to) Atlas von Asien


This advertisement for the Atlas von Asien appeared in the 1834 edition of Bericht uber Stieler's Hand-Atlas.


Greenleaf, Jeremiah

Full Title

(Title Page to) A New Universal Atlas; Comprising Separate Maps Of all the Principal Empires, Kingdoms & States Throughout the World: and forming a distinct Atlas Of The United States. Carefully Compiled from the best Authorities Extant by Jeremiah Greenleaf. a new edition revised and corrected to the present time. 1849


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

(Title Page to) [Seyr-i sefâinde müstamel kevâkib atlasi : Kevâkib ne sûretle bulunur ve pusula tashihi ile mevkii-yi sefine tayininde nasil istimâl olunur].


Title page to [Seyr-i sefâinde müstamel kevâkib atlasi : Kevâkib ne sûretle bulunur ve pusula tashihi ile mevkii-yi sefine tayininde nasil istimâl olunur]. In Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). With engraved floral symbol.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) [= Map ... ].


Section title page to the celestial charts within [Seyr-i sefâinde müstamel kevâkib atlasi : Kevâkib ne sûretle bulunur ve pusula tashihi ile mevkii-yi sefine tayininde nasil istimâl olunur]. In Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters).


[Ulloa, Antonio de, 1716-1795, Juan, Jorge, 1713-1773]

Full Title

(Half Title Page to) Relacion historica del viage hecho de orden de S. Mag. a la America Meridional. Primera parte, Tomo primero.


Half title page to the first volume of Relacion historica del viage hecho de orden de S. Mag. a la America Meridional. Title translates to: Historical relation of the voyage made by order of S. Mag. to South America.


[Ulloa, Antonio de, 1716-1795, Juan, Jorge, 1713-1773]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Relacion historica del viage a la America Meridional hecho de orden de S. Mag. para medir algunos grados de meridiano terrestre, y venir por ellos en conocimiento de la verdadera Figura, y Magnitud de la Tierra, con otras varias Observaciones Astronomicas, y Phisicas : Por Don Jorge Juan, Comendador de Aliaga, en el Orden de San Juan, Socio correspondiente de la Real Academica de las Ciencias de Paris, y Don Antonio de Ulloa, de la Real Sociedad de Londres : ambos Capitanes de Fragata de la Real Armada. Primera parte, Tomo primero. Impressa de orden del Rey Nuestro Señor en Madrid por Antonio Marin, ano de M. DCC. XLVIII.


Title page to the first volume of Relacion historica del viage hecho de orden de S. Mag. a la America Meridional. Title translates (loosely) to: Historical relation of the trip to South America made by order of S. Mag. to measure degrees of the terrestrial meridian, and to come by them in knowledge of the true figure and magnitude of the Earth, with several other astronomical and physical observations. Text printed in red and black. Includes an engraved illustration of figures, horses and a ship.


[Robinson, E. (Elisha), Ryan, George E., Pidgeon, R. H. (Roger H.)]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas of the city of Denver, Colorado.


Title page to Atlas of the city of Denver, Colorado. Engraved lettering. Includes imprint. With decorative border.


[Thailand. Krom ʻUtuniyomwitthayā, Thailand. Kō̜ngthap Rư̄a]

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) Yearly typhoon track : period 1947-1956.


Section title page to An investigation of typhoons and tropical depressions. Introduces the maps of typhoons that follow.

Full Title

(Title Page to) جغرافیای عمومی اطلسی .اثر حسين = Atlas of general geography. By Hussein : Rushdieh Askarieh Schools of Geography, Military Service. Istanbul 1300 (1923).

Full Title

(Title Page to) Un libro de mapas. Filadelfia : Roberto Desilver 110 Walnut Street, 1827.


Title page to Un libro de mapas. Includes list of ten maps within volume.


[El Lissitsky, Rodionov, F. E.]

Full Title

(Title page to) Raboche-Krest’ianskaia Krasnaia Armiia. [Red Army of Workers and Peasants].


[El Lissitsky, Rodionov, F. E.]

Full Title

(Title page to) Raboche-Krest’ianskaia Krasnaia Armiia. [Red Army of Workers and Peasants].

Full Title

(Title Page to) The dispatch atlas. London : published at the "Weekly Dispatch" Office, 139, Fleet Street, London, and sold by all booksellers and news agents. 1863.


Title page to The dispatch atlas, Vol. I : British. In addition to title, includes imprint, as well as a seal with the logo: History, literature, politics.


Statistischen Reichsamt

Full Title

(Title Page to) Deutscher Landwirtschaftsatlas bearbeitet im Statistischen Reichsamt. Berlin 1934, verlag von Reimar Hobbing in Berlin SW 61.


Title page to Deutscher Landwirtschaftsatlas. Title translates to: German agricultural atlas. Includes imprint. With German coat of arms. (Page number inferred.)


[Pantoflíček, Jaroslav, Česká akademie věd a umění.]

Full Title

(Title page to) Atlas Republiky Československé = Atlas de la Republique Tchecoslovaque. Vydala Ceska akademie ved a umeni za podpory ministerstva zahranicnich veci republiky Ceskoslovenské. Nakladem akc. spol. Orbis v. Praze XII. 1935.


Santo, Alcides Aray

Full Title

(Title Page to) Plano catastral de la ciudad de Santiago por Alcides Aray Santos 1915 con los detalles siguientes: Superficie de cada terreno, numeración de las casas. Nombre del propietario y avalúo municipal. Clasificación de los edificios y murallas. Ancho de calles y colocación de grifos para incendio. Numeración de las manzanas según el Plano Oficial de la Asociación Chilena de Aseguradores.


Title page to Plano catastral de la ciudad de Santiago. Title translates to: Cadastral map of the city of Santiago by Alcides Aray Santos, 1915, with the following details : Surface of each plot, numbering of the houses; name of the owner and municipal appraisal; classification of buildings and walls; width of streets and placement of taps for fire; numbering of the blocks according to the Official Plan of the Chilean Association of Insurers. Includes note: La clasificación de los edificios y murallas se ha hecho bajo la dirección y vigilancia del Sr. Eduardo Guerrero Vergara, Inspector de la Asociación Chilena de Aseguradores contra Incendio =[ The classification of buildings and walls has been done under the direction and supervision of Mr. Eduardo Guerrero Vergara, Inspector of the Chilean Association of Fire Insurers]. With scale statement (1:600) and imprint: Soc. Imprenta y Litografía Universo - Santiago.


Lewis, Samuel, 1782-1865

Full Title

(Title Page to) Topographical dictionary of Scotland, comprising the several countries, islands, cities, burgh and market towns, parishes, and principal villages, with historical and statistical descriptions: embellished with a large map of Scotland, and engravings of the seals and arms of the different burghs and universities. By Samuel Lewis. Supplementary volume: Map of Scotland. London : Published by S. Lewis and Co., 13, Finsbury Place, South. 1846.


Munster, Sebastian, 1448–1552

Full Title

(Title page to) Cosmographiae Universalis Lib. VI In Quibus Iuxta Certioris Fidel Scriptores...


Munster, Sebastian, 1448–1552

Full Title

(Title page to) Cosmographiae Universalis...


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Title page to) حديد اطلس ترجمه سى Cedid Atlas Tercümesi [Translation of the New Atlas].


[Roussin, Albin-Reine, baron, 1781-1854, Depot General de la Marine]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Le pilote du Brésil, ou description des côtes de l'Amerique Meridionale, située entre l'ile Santa Catarina et celle su Maranhao; cartes et plans de ces cotres et instructions pour naviguer dans les mers du Brésil, composé sur les documens recueillis dans la campagne hydrograhique entreprise par ordre du Roi et exécutée en 1819 et 1820 sur la Corvette la Batadere et le Breg le Favori, par M. le Bon. Roussin, Contre-Amiral, Membre du Conseil d'Amirauté, Commandeur de l'Ordre Royal del la Légion d'Honneur, Chevalier de Saint-Louis et de Saint-Wolodimir de Russie, Commandant de l'Expédition. Publié sous le Ministère de M. le Cte. de Chabrol de Crouzol, Pair de France, Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies. Paris. De l'Imprimerie Royale. M. DCCC. XXVI.


Title page to Le pilote du Brésil, ou description des côtes de l'Amerique Meridionale. Title translates (loosely) to: The pilot of Brazil, or description of the coasts of South America, located between the Island of Santa Catarina and that of Maranhão; maps and plans of these cutters and instructions for navigating in the seas of Brazil, composed from the documents collected in the Hydrographic campaign undertaken by order of the King and carried out in 1819 and 1820 on the Corvettes Batadere and Breg le Favori, by M. le Bon. Roussin, Rear-Admiral, Member of the Council of Admiralty, Commander of the Royal Order of the Legion of Honor, Knight of Saint-Louis and Saint-Wolodimir of Russia, Commander of the Expedition. Includes imprint and engraved seal. Appears in Première partie.


[Depot General de la Marine, Roussin, Albin-Reine, baron, 1781-1854]

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) Le pilote du Brésil, deuxième partie : Cartes et plans des côtes de l'Amérique Méridionale, situées entre l'Île Santa-Catarina et celle de Maranhaõ; levés dans la campagne hydrographique entreprise par ordre du Roi, sous le ministère de M. le Bon. Portal, et exécutée en 1819 et 1820, sur la Corvette la Bayadère et le Brig le Favori, par M. le Bon. Roussin, Contre-Amiral, Membre du Conseil d'Amirauté, Commandeur de l'Ordre Royal del la Légion d'Honneur, Chevalier de Saint-Louis et de Saint-Wolodimir de Russie, Commandant de l'Expédition. Publié sous le Ministère de M. le Cte. de Chabrol de Crouzol, Pair de France, Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies. 1826.


Section title page to second part of Le pilote du Brésil, ou description des côtes de l'Amerique Meridionale. Title translates (loosely) to: The pilot of Brazil, second part: Maps and plans of the coasts of South America, situated between the Island of Santa Catarina and that of Maranhaõ; surveyed in the hydrographic campaign undertaken by order of the King ... Appears in Deuxième partie.


Geological Survey (U.S.)

Full Title

(Title Page to) The national atlas of the United States of America. United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 1970.


Title page to The national atlas of the United States of America. Includes title and imprint. Text printed in blue. With seal of the United States. (Page number inferred.)


Playfair, William, 1759-1823

Full Title

(Title Page to) Tableaux d'arithmétique linéaire, du commerce, des finances, et de la dette nationale de l'Angleterre. Par M. W. Playfair. Suivis d'un Essai sur la meilleure manière de faire les emprunts publics; d'après la comparaison des emprunts perpétuels et des annuités de quinze années, en Angleterre; par le même auteur. Le tout traduit de l'Anglois. Avec douze Planches enluminées. A Paris, Chez Barrois l'aîné, Libraire, Quai des Augustins. 1789.


Title page to Tableaux d'arithmétique linéaire. Title translates to: Linear arithmetic, trade, finance, and national debt tables of England. By Mr. W. Playfair. Followed by an Essay on the best way to make public loans; according to the comparison of perpetual loans and annuities of fifteen years, in England by the same author. All translated from English. With twelve illuminated plates. (Page number inferred.)


Miṣr. al-Jihāz al-Markazī lil-Taʻbiʼah al-ʻĀmmah wa-al-Iḥṣāʼ,

Full Title

(Title Page to)ال أطلس الإحصائي للجمهورية العربية المتحدة : الثورة في خمسة عشر عاما ١٩٥٢ـ١٩٦٦ = al- Aṭlas al-iḥṣāʼī li-l-Ǧumhūrīya al-ʻarabīya al-muttaḥida : at̲-T̲aura fī ḫamsa ʻašar ʻāma 1952-1966. al-Jumhuriat al-Arabiyah al-Mutahida : al-Jihāz al-Markazī lil-Taʻbiʼah al-ʻĀmmah wa-al-Iḥṣāʼ. July 23, 1967. Sadar ean al-Jihaz al-Markazi lil-Ta'bi'ah al-'Ammah wa-al-Ihsa' : al-Qāhirah. Matabie Dar al Maaref, Misr.


Miṣr. al-Jihāz al-Markazī lil-Taʻbiʼah al-ʻĀmmah wa-al-Iḥṣāʼ,

Full Title

(Title Page to) السكان = Population. (to accompany) الأطلس الإحصائي الجمهورية العربية المتحدة = al-Aṭlas al-iḥṣāʼ al-Jumhūrīyah al-ʻArabīyah al-Muttaḥidah. July 23, 1967.


Pictorial title page, with descriptive text.


Miṣr. al-Jihāz al-Markazī lil-Taʻbiʼah al-ʻĀmmah wa-al-Iḥṣāʼ,

Full Title

(Title Page to) العمالة و الأجور = al amalah wa al'ujur. (to accompany) الأطلس الإحصائي الجمهورية العربية المتحدة = al-Aṭlas al-iḥṣāʼ al-Jumhūrīyah al-ʻArabīyah al-Muttaḥidah. July 23, 1967.


Pictorial title page, with descriptive text.


Dangeau, abbe de, 1643-1723

Full Title

(Title Page) Nouvelle Metod de Geografie Historique Pour aprende facilement, & retenir long-tems. La Geografie moderne & l'anciene, L'Histoire moderne & l'anciene, Le Gouvernement des Etats. Les Interets des Princes, leurs Genealogies, &c. A Paris, De Imprimerie d'Antoine Lambin ... MDCXCVII.


[Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura, Tilgmann, Ferdinand, 1832-1911]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas öfver Finland. Sällskapet för Finlands geografi, Helsingfors 1899, Aktiebolaget F. Tilgmanns bok- och stentryckeri.


Title page to Atlas öfver Finland. Title translates to: Atlas of Finland. Includes imprint. With coat of arms of Finland, printed in red. (Page number inferred.)


[Ptolemy, Claudius, Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Pirckheimer, Willibald, Mylius, Arnold]

Full Title

(Title page to) Geographiae Libri Octo : recogniti iam et diligenter emendati cum tabulis geographicis ad mentem auctoris restitutis ac emendatis


[Ptolemy, Claudius, Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Pirckheimer, Willibald, Mylius, Arnold]

Full Title

(Title page to) TABVLAE GE OGRAPHICAE Cl: Ptolemei ad mentum & emendate. Per Gerardum Marcatorem

Full Title

(Title Page to) Thomas Bros. new block book of Palo Alto and vicinity. Compiled & published by Thomas Bros Map publishers, Oakland. (Cover title) Thomas Bros. Book block.


Title Page and color key map.


Borghi, Bartolomeo, 1750-1821

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlante generale dell'Ab. Bartolomeo Borghi, corredato di prospetti istorici-politici-civili-naturali di ciascheduno stato. Publicato a spese di Rosa Parigi, e del cre. Giulio Cesare Bertolini sotto la ditta Aristide Parigi e compo. e dai medesimi dedicato alla loro patria. Firenze 1819.


Title plate to Atlante generale. Includes title, authorship and imprint, all in ornamental script. Title translates to: [General atlas].


[Shear, G Willard, Bryant Literary Union]

Full Title

(Title page to) Panorama of the Hudson : showing both sides of the river from New York to Albany : first photo-panorama of any river ever published : one hundred and fifty miles of continuous scenery accurately represented from eight hundred consecutive photographs ...


Rand McNalley & Company

Full Title

Rand McNally road atlas of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Rand McNally & Company, New York, Chicago, San Francisco.


Includes Indexes: State and province maps -- City Maps. Table of contents lists: A guide to places of interest -- Mileage map of the United States -- Mileage chart of the United States -- Mileage chart of Mexico -- Motoring in Canada and Mexico. Copyright 1948 by Rand McNally & Company, Chicago. Made in U.S.A.


[Fauve, L., Seine. Direction des travaux]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas municipal des vingt arrondissements de la ville de Paris : dresse sous l'administration de M. Oustry, préfet. sous la direction de M. Alphand, Inspr. gal. des ponts et chaussees, directeur des travaux de Paris, par les soins de M.L. Fauve, geometre en chef, avec les concours des Geomettres du Plan de Paris (son. cle.).1883.

Full Title

(Title Page - Decorative) Speculum Solis ....

Full Title

(Title Page) Speculum solis : das ist: Sonnen-Spiegel, oder kunstständiger ... Bericht von den Sonnen Uhren ... vormals ... in zweyen Theilen beschrieben, nunmehr aber mit dem dritten Theil, allerhand neuer Erfindungen vermehret ...

Full Title

(Title Page - Decorative) Astrolabium ....

Full Title

(Title Page) Astrolabium, Das ist: Gründliche Beschreibung und Unterricht, wie solches herrliche und hochnützliche Astronomische Instrument, auff allerley Polus Hoeh, so wol auch nach eines jeden selbst gefaelligen Groess auffgerissen, und verfertigt werden soll : Darnach wie dasselbe vielfältig zu gebrauchen: Mit Kupferstücken verfertiget. Durch M. Franciscum Ritter, N.E.S.P. (by Franz Ritter).


Nolin, Jean Baptiste, 1648-1708

Full Title

(Title Page to) Cartes generales des Royaumes de l'Europe et des particuliers de France. A Paris, Chez J. B. Nolin sur le Quay de l’Horloge du Palais Vers le Pont Neuf, a lEnseigne de la Place des Victoires. 1693.


Title page to Cartes generales des Royaumes de l'Europe et des particuliers de France. Appears in a combination of printed engraving and manuscript, with print pasted onto sheet and hand-drawn foliage continuing the printed flora. With dedication: Dedié a Louis Le Grand Roy de France et de Navarre. Par son très Humble serviteur, et Fidelle Sujet. Avec Privilege du Roy. Illustration shows a group of figures looking at a map, with a globe in the background. Title translates to: General maps of the Kingdoms of Europe and of France.


[Haussmann, George Eugene. 1809-1891, Seine (France). Service des eaux et de l'assainissement.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas administratif des 20 arrondissements de la ville de Paris. Publie d'apres les ordres de M. le baron C.E. Haussmann. Senateur perfet de la Seine 1868. Ce plan est une reproduction du plan generale a l'echelle de 1/5000 dresse par les geometres du Service municipal du plan de Paris. Imp. Jason R. Antoine Dubois, 6, Paris.


[Kilchenmann, André, Steiner, Dieter, Matt, Otto F., Gächter, Ernst]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Computer-Atlas der Schweiz : Bevölkerung / Wohnen / Erwerb / Landwirtschaft; eine Anwendung des GEOMAP-Systems für thematische Karten = Computer atlas of Switzerland : Population / housing / occupation / agriculture; an application of the GEOMAP-system for thematic maps. Kilchenmann / Steiner / Matt / Gächter. Kümmuerly + Frey.


Title page to Computer-Atlas der Schweiz. Includes parallel title in English: Computer atlas of Switzerland : Population / housing / occupation / agriculture; an application of the GEOMAP-system for thematic maps. With stamps: Hochschule St. Gallen für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftern Bibliothek [= St. Gallen University of Economics and Social Sciences Library] -- Forschungsstelle für Wirtschaftsgeographie und Raumplanung [= Research center for economic geography and spatial planning]. (Page number inferred.)


Mexico. Direccion de Estudios Geográficos y Climatologicos

Full Title

(Title Page 1) Atlas geografico de la Republica Mexicana : Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento : Direccion de Estudios Geograficos y Climatologicos 1919-1921.


Thirty-two numbered maps, most followed by a relief map and a geologic map. Full color. Some maps, 2nd edition. Maps were also issued separately. Cover - title page shows full color view of Southwestern Coast of North America, with decorative Mayan illustration on the background, and a Maya Indian drawing map. Seccion de cartografia: Jefe: Ing. Sotero Prieto. Jefe Ing. Luciano Lopez Sorcini. Zincografos: Antonio Hernandez , et al. Seccion de calculos: Jefe. Ing. Ricardo Toscano.


Mexico. Direccion de Estudios Geográficos y Climatologicos

Full Title

(Title Page 2) Tipos y signos convencionales usados en el Atlas geografico de la Republica Mexicana : construido y editado en la Direccion de Estudios Geograficos y Climatologicos.


Thirty-two numbered maps, most followed by a relief map and a geologic map. Full color. Some maps, 2nd edition. Maps were also issued separately. Cover - title page shows full color view of Southwestern Coast of North America, with decorative Mayan illustration on the background, and a Maya Indian drawing map. Seccion de cartografia: Jefe: Ing. Sotero Prieto. Jefe Ing. Luciano Lopez Sorcini. Zincografos: Antonio Hernandez , et al. Seccion de calculos: Jefe. Ing. Ricardo Toscano.


[Mount, John, Page, Thomas, 1704-1762]

Full Title

(Title Page to) The English pilot : Part V. Describing the sea-coast, capes, head-lands, bays, roads, harbours, rivers and ports; with the exact appearances and representations of the most principal marks, lands, &c. together with the soundings, sands, shoals, rocks and dangers on the west-coast of Africa : from the straits of Gibralter to the Cape of Good Hope, Viz. The Coasts of Barbary, Gualta, Arguin, Hoden, Falofi, Gambia, Melli, Benni, Malegete, Grain, Ivory, or Tooth, Band, Quaqua and Gold Coast, Bight of Bennin, Biafra, Gabon, Loango, Congo, Angola, Cimbebas and Caffrary : with the adjacent Islands of the Canary, Madera, and those off the Cape Verde. Shewing the courses and distances from one place to another : the setting of the tides and currents; the ebbing and flowing of the sea, with many other things useful in the art of navigation. Done according to the best observations and informations, with the late improvements of several able navigators of our own and other nations. The Seventh Edition, with new additions. London : printed for J. Mount and T. Page, on Tower-Hill, M,DCC,LXVI.


Title page to The English pilot : Part V. Includes extensive description of the atlas, along with imprint and an engraved seal featuring a crowned lion and chained unicorn.


[Hölzel, Eduard, 1817-1885, Ed. Hölzel (Firm), Toula, Franz, 1845-1920, Chavanne, Josef, 1846-1902]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Physikalisch-Statistischer Hand-Atlas von Osterreich-Ungarn.


Title page to Physikalisch-Statistischer Hand-Atlas von Osterreich-Ungarn. Title translates to: Physical-statistical hand atlas of Austria-Hungary in 25 sheets with explanatory text with the assistance of Dr. Jos. Chavanne ... Includes extended statement of responsibility, crediting contributors. With imprint. Stamp in purple ink: Lehrkanzel der Landw. Betriebslehre an der K. K. Hochschule für Bodenkultur in Wien [= Lecturer in agricultural management at the K. K. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna]. Upper right corner stamped with "St 135". Penciled inscription above title: B. H.


[Commercial Club of Chicago. Civic Committee, Burnham, Daniel Hudson, 1846-1912, Bennett, Edward H. (Edward Herbert), 1874-1954, Moore, Charles]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Plan of Chicago prepared under the direction of The Commercial Club during the years MCMVI, MCMVII and MCMVIII by Daniel H. Burnham and Edward H. Bennett, architects, edited by Charles Moore, corresponding member American Institute of Architects. Chicago : The Commercial Club, MCMIX.


Title page to Plan of Chicago. Text printed in black and red. Includes black and white engraving of Commercial Club of Chicago logo. (Page number inferred).


Péron, François, 1775-1810

Full Title

(Title Page to) Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes, exécuté par ordre de Sa Majesté l'Empereur et Roi, sur les corvettes le Géographe, le Naturaliste, et la goelette le Casuarina, pendants les années 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804; publié par décret impérial, sous le Ministère de M. de Champagny, et rédigé par M. F. Péron, Naturaliste de l'expédition, correspondant de l'Institut de France; de la Société de l'École de Médecine de Paris, des Sociétés Philomatique et Médicale de la même ville. Tome premier. Á Paris, de l'Imprimerie Impériale. M. DCCC. VII.


Title page to Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes : Tome I. Title translates to: Voyage to the Southern Territories ... during the years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 and 1804 : Volume I. Facing page includes text indicating place where atlas is sold: Se vend à Paris, Chez Arthus Bertrand, Libraire, rue Haute-Feuille, n.° 23, acquéreur de Fonds de M. Buisson.


[Péron, François, 1775-1810, Freycinet, Louis Claude Desaulses de, 1779-1842]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes, exécuté sur les corvettes le Géographe, le Naturaliste, et la goëlette le Casuarina, pendant les années 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804; publié par ordre de son Excellence le Ministère Secrétarie d'État de l'Intérieur. Historique : Tome second. Rédigé en partie par feu F. Péron, et continué par M. Louis Freycinet, Capitaine de frégate, Chevalier de Saint-Louis et de la Légion d'honneur, Correspondant de l'Académie royale des Sciences de Paris, de la Société des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Rochefort, de la Sociétés Philomatique, &c.; Commandant du Casuarina pendant l'expédition. Á Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale. 1816.


Title page to Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes : Tome II. Title translates to: Voyage to the Southern Territories ... during the years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 and 1804 : Historique : Volume I. Written in part by the late F. Péron, and continued by M. Louis Freycinet. (Page number inferred.)


[Péron, François, 1775-1810, Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1778-1846, Aubert, L., Milbert, Jacques Gérard, 1766-1840]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes, exécuté par ordre de S. M. l'Empereur et Roi. Partie historique rédigée par M. F. Péron. Atlas par Mm. Lesueur et Petit. Écrit par L. Aubert ; dirigé par J. Milbert ; Imprimé par Langlois.


Title page to Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes : Atlas I. Title translates to: Voyage to the Southern Territories ... Historical part. Includes an engraved seal with a scene of an Australian park inhabited by kangaroos. (Plate number inferred.)


[Péron, François, 1775-1810, Freycinet, Louis Claude Desaulses de, 1779-1842, Aubert, L.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes : Historique. Atlas deuxième partie. Rédigée par Mr. L. Freycinet, Capitaine de Frégate, Commandant le Casuarina pendant l'Expédition. Paris 1811. Écrit par L. Aubert père ; gravé par P. A. F. Tardieu, Place de l'Estrapade No. 1 ; Imprimé par Langlois.


Title page to Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes : Atlas II. Title translates to: Voyage to the Southern Territories : History : Atlas, part two.


Péron, François, 1775-1810

Full Title

(Title Page to) Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes : Navigation et géographie. Exécuté sur les corvettes le géographie, le Naturaliste, et la goëlette le Casuarina, pendant les années 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804; sous le commandement du Capitaine de Vaisseau N. Baudin. Publié par ordre de Son Excellence le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies; et rédigé par M. Louis Freycinet, Capitaine de frégate, Chevalier de Saint-Louis et de la Légion d'honneur, Correspondant de l'Institut de France, et de la Société des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Rochefort, &c.; Commandant du Casuarina pendant l'expédition. (Avec un atlas.) Á Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale. 1815.


Title page to Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes : Navigation et géographie. Title translates to: Discovery trip to the Southern Territories : Navigation and geography ... during the years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 and 1804 ... (With an atlas.) Facing page includes text indicating place where atlas is sold: Se vend à Paris, Chez Desray, Libraire, rue Haute-Feuille, No. 4. (Page numbers inferred.)


[Péron, François, 1775-1810, Freycinet, Louis Claude Desaulses de, 1779-1842, Lale, Giraldon, active 1800-1815, Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1778-1846]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes : Partie Navigation et géographie : Atlas. Exécute par ordre de S. M. l'Empereur et Roi sur les corvettes le Géographe, le Naturaliste et la goëllette le Casuarina, pendant les annés 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, & 1804. Publié par décrèt impérial sous le Ministère de Son Excellence le Vice-Amiral comte decrès, Grand Officer de l'Empire, Inspecteur Général des Côtes de la Méditérannée, Grand Aigle, chef de la Xème Cohorte de la Légion d'Honneur ayant le Département de la Marine et des Colonies. Rédigée par Louis Freycinet, Capitaine de Frégate, Commandant le Casuarina pendant l'Expédition. Ecrit par L. Freycinet ; gravé par Lale et Giraldon. A Paris, 1812.


Title page to Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes : Partie Navigation et géographie : Atlas. Title translates to: Voyage to the Southern Territories : Navigation and geography section : Atlas. Includes an engraved illustration of the globe, surrounded by clouds, with the light of the North Star shining down onto Australia. With statement of responsibility: Lesueur delt.


[Koch, Wilhelm, Opitz, C.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Verkehrs-Atlas von Europa : mit einer in sechs Farben ausgeführten Weltverkehrs-Karte nebst einer Übersichtskarte der transsibirischen Eisenbahn. Unter Benutzung von Dr. W. Koch und C. Opitz: Eisenbahn- und Verkehrsatlas von Deutschland, Russland und der Schweiz. Enthaltend 80 Sektionen in vier- bis achtfachen Farbendr., 6 Übersichtskarten, 34 Nebenkarten, mit einem alphabetischen Stationsverzeichnis von Europa, nebst einer alphabetischen ubersicht selbstandiger Eisenbahnen und Bahnbetriebe Europa ; und einem separaten Verkehrshandbuch ... Verlag von J.J. Arnd in Leipzig. 1905.


[Koch, Wilhelm, Opitz, C.]

Full Title

(Index Page to) Ubersichtsplan zu Dr. W.Koch und C. Opitz : Eisenbahn und verkehrs - Atlas vom Deutschen Reich. 1. Erklarungen. Eisenbahn und verkehrsatlas von Europa. Section 1. Deustches Reich.


Index map and title page of railway and traffic of the German Empire. Includes list of inset maps.


Vuillemin, Alexandre

Full Title

(Covers/Title to) Atlas de geographie commercial et industriel.


Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638

Full Title

(Title Page to) Het Licht der Zee-vaert daerinne claersyck beschreven ende afghebeeldet werdé, alle de Custen end Havenen; vande Westersche, Noordsche, Oostersche ende Middelandsche Zee'n. Dock van vele Landen, Eylanden ende plaetsen van Guinea, Brasilien, Oost ende West-Indien. Wt de alderbeste Zeebeschryvers gheschriften (als Locas Ians z. Waghenaer ende meer andere) eenfdeels vergadert: maer uyt vele ervarene Zeevaerders schriften ende mondtlycke verclaringhen van alle verlopen ghebetert, ende met veel nieuwe beschryvinghen ende Caerten seer vermeerdert. Alles ghedeelt in vier boecken, waer van yders inhoudt voor elck uytghedruckt staet. Hier zyn byghevoeght (beneffens eene onderwysinghe in de conste der Zeevaert) nieuwe tafelen van der zonnen declinatie, gherekent uyt de observation van Tyche Brahe, ende gherecht op de Meridiaen van Amsterdam. Midsgaders nieuwe tafelenende onderwys van't recht ghebruyck der Noordsterre ende andere vaste sterren alle Zeevarende luyden te nut ghedaen. Door Willem Ians Zoon. Tot Amsterdam. Anno 1620.


Title page to Het Licht der Zee-vaert. Includes an engraved illustration of two figures, as well as a view showing the port of Amsterdam. Title translates (loosely) to: The Light of the Sea, which is described and depicted; all the coasts and the ports of the Western, Northern, Eastern and Mediterranean Seas. Docks of many countries, islands and the places of Guinea, Brazil, East and the West Indies. With the best sea writings … with many new descriptions … Everything is divided into four books … Here are new tables of the sun’s declination, based on the observation of Tyche Brahe …


Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) Eerste boeck van't Licht der Zee-vaert, daer inne beschreven ende afghebeeldet werden, alle de Custen ende havenen van de Westersche Zee : namentlijck van Hollandt, Zeelandt, Dlaenveren, Vlanckrijck, Spaengien ende Barbarien. Item van de Eylanden van Canarien, Madera, ende de Vlaemsche Eylanden. Mitsgaders de Zuyd en West-custen van Yrlandt ende Enghelandt. Van nieus oversien, vermeerdert ende verbetert. Tot Amsterdam, Ghedluckt by Willem Jansz ... Anno 1619.


Section title page to "Eerste boeck" - first book - of Het Licht der Zee-vaert. Title translates (loosely) to: All the coasts and the ports of the Western Seas ... Includes an engraved view of ships in the sea, with the sun, moon and stars above. (Page number inferred.)


Bertillon, Louis-Adolphe, 1821-1883

Full Title

(Title Page to) La démographie figurée de la France ou étude statistique de la population française avec tableaux graphiques traduisant les principales conclusions. Mortalité selon l'âge, le sexe, l'état-civil, &, & en chaque département et pour la France entière comparée aux pays étrangers par le docteur Bertillon. Paris : G. Masson, éditeur. Libraire de l'Académie de Médecine. 17, Place de l'École-de-Médecine, 1874.


Title page to La démographie figurée de la France. Title translates to: The figurative demography of France or statistical study of the French population with graphic tables reflecting the main conclusions. Mortality by age, sex and marital status, in each department and for the whole of France compared to foreign countries. Includes statement of responsibility and imprint.


Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain)

Full Title

(Title Page) The Family Atlas Containing Eighty Maps, Constructed By Eminent Geographers, And Engraved On Steel, Under The Superintendence Of The Society For The Diffusion Of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), Including The Geological Map Of England And Wales, By Sir I. Murchison, F.R.S., The Star Maps By Sir John Lubbock, Bart. And The Plans Of London And Paris, With The New Discoveries And Other Improvements To The Latest Date. And An Alphabetical Index. London: Edward Stanford, 6 & 7, Charing Cross. 1872.


[Canet Alvarez, Gerardo A., 1911-, Raisz, Erwin, 1893-1968, Harvard University. Institute of Geographical Exploration, Cuba. Ministerio de Agricultura]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Altas de Cuba por Gerardo Canet, Profesor de Geografía en el INstituto de la Víbora, La Habana. Bacario de la John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Representante Nacional de la Comisión de Cartografía del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia. Con la colaboración de Erwin Raisz, Cartógrafo del Instituto de Exploraciones Geográficas Universidad de Harvard. Preparado en el Instituto de Exploraciones Geográficas de la Universidad de Harvard y publicado en cooperación con el Ministerio de Agricultura de la República de Cuba. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 1949.


Title page to Altas de Cuba. Includes extensive statement of responsibility and imprint. (Page number inferred.)


Pittman, Philip, active 1760-1770

Full Title

(Title Page to) The present state of the European settlements on the Missisippi; with a geographical description of that river. Illustrated by plans and draughts. By Captain Philip Pittman. London, printed for J. Nourse, Bookseller to His Majesty. MDCCLXX.


Title page to The present state of the European settlements on the Missisippi. Includes statement of responsibility and imprint. (Page number inferred.)


[Glinka, Grigorii Viacheslavich, 1862-1934, Russia. Pereselencheskoe upravlenīe.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas Aziatskoi Rossii. Izdanie. Pereselencheskogo Upravleniya Glavnogo Upravleniya : Zemleustroystva i Zemledeliya, 1914. (on verso) Izdano pod blizhaĭshim obshchim rukovodstvom G.V. Glinki. Tekst redaktirovan I.I. Tkhorzhevskim. Tovarishchestvo A. F. Marks St. Peterburg Izmailovsky.


Pictorial title page with coats of arms by S. Kushchenko.


[Berezin, A.D., Arkadʹev, A. A.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Sotsialisticheskoe Stroitel'stvo Soyuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik. Vsesoyuznyy Institut Izobrazitel'noy Statistiki (Izostat) Tsunkhu Gosplana Moskva 1936. Obshchee rukovodstvo i redaktsiia: A.L. Berezin, et al. Risunki khudozhnikov : Dobrokovskogo; Karachemtseva; Sherman, I.G. et al.


[Berezin, A.D., 9]

Full Title

(Title Page to) 1. Obshchiye pokazateli. (to accompany) Sotsialisticheskoe Stroitel'stvo Soyuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik.


Title page to section 1.


Hermelin, Samuel Gustaf Benzelstierna

Full Title

(Title Page to) Geografiske kartor ofver Swerige : utgifne af Friherre S.G. Hermelin. Stockholm, 1805.


Title page 51x40 on sheet 62x69, with table of contents to parts 1-3.


Hermelin, Samuel Gustaf Benzelstierna

Full Title

(Title Page to) Geographiske chartor ofver Swerige : med Hans Maje. Konung Gustaf den Fjerde Adolphs allernadigste tillstand : utgifne af Friherre S.G. Hermelin. Forsta Ufdelningen, De Norda Landsorter. Stockholm 1797. (to accompany) Geografiske kartor ofver Swerige. 1805.


Title page to the 1st. department: The Northern Countryside. Consists of maps 1-5. Includes view of Kadrija jock waterfall in northern countryside Sweden. Drawn by C. Wallman. Engraved by Fr. Akrel and dedication statement.


Hermelin, Samuel Gustaf Benzelstierna

Full Title

(Title Page to) Geografiske chartor ofver Swerige : med Hans Majts Konung Gustaf den fjerde Adolphs allernadigste tillstand, utgifne af Friherre S.G. Hermelin. Andra afdelningen: Storfurstendomet Finland. Stockholm 1799. (to accompany) Geografiske kartor ofver Swerige. 1805.


Title page to the 2nd. department: Grand Duchy of Finland. Consists of maps 6-11. With view of Wermasvuori to Sjoarne Jokijar and Umolanselka, drawn by C.P. Hallstrom. Engraved by J.F. Martin.


[Boetti, Alighiero, 1940-1994, Sauzeau Boetti, Anne-Marie]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Classifying the thousand longest rivers in the world. Alighiero Boetti, Anne-Marie Sauzeau-Boetti.


Title page to Classifying the thousand longest rivers in the world by Alighiero Boetti and Anne-Marie Sauzeau-Boetti, published in Milan, 1977. Includes statement of responsibility.


Tsylov, Nikolai Ivanovich,1801-1879

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas goroda Tsarskogo Sela. S planami: goroda i imperatorskikh sadov i parkov. S podrobnym pokazaniem ulits, pereulkov, kazennykh i obyvatelʹskikh domov i vodoprovodov. Sostavil polkovnik i Tsylov. 1857 goda.


[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Cosmographica Petri Apiani, per gemmam Frisium apud Lovanienses Medicum & Mathematicum insignẽ, iam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac nonnullis quoque locis aucta, figurisque nouis illustrata: Additis eiusdem argumenti libellis ipsius Gẽmæ Frisii. Parisiis. Væneunt apud Viuantium Gaultherot, via Iacobę: sub intersignio D. Martini. 1553.


Title page to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Includes title and imprint. Title translates to: Title translates to: Apian’s Cosmography, by means of a physical & mathematical … With a celestial woodcut map, entitled "L inferieure partie de la sphere" [= The lower part of the sphere], in the shape of a globe, held by a hand. Map includes illustrations of constellations, longitudinal lines and two bar scales. With inscription, in ink, beneath imprint.


Masi, Giovanni Tommaso

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlante dell'America contenente le migliori carte geografiche, e topografiche delle principali città, laghi, fiumi, e fortezze del nuovo mondo con una succinta Relazione dei diversi Stabilimenti Europèi in quella parte di Globo, e principalimente dei Luoghi, che servono adesso di Teatro alla present Guerra fra i Coloni Inglesi, e la Madre Patria. Livorno MDCCLXXVII. Presso Gio. Tommaso Masi, e. comp. Con approvazione.


Title page to Atlante dell'America, published by Masi in Livorno, 1777. Title translates to: Atlas of America. Includes title and imprint with Roman numerals, accompanied by handwritten annotation, in pencil, translating the numbers as 1777. With an engraved view of a reclining nude woman admiring herself in a handheld mirror, and attended by two cherubs. Banner with text above and authorship cited below: C. Coltellini pinx. Gio Lapi scul. View is 8 x 10 cm. (Page number inferred.)


Deseilligny, J., 1868-1918

Full Title

(Title Page to) Un site lunaire : (Le Palus Putredinis). J. Deseilligny. 1re Série. Journal.


Title page to "Journal" volume of Un site lunaire : (Le Palus Putredinis). Includes authorship and brief description of contents: 1re Série. Journal [= 1st Series. Journal]. Title translates to: A Lunar Site: (The Palus Putredinis). With a signature, in ink, at bottom right corner.


Deseilligny, J., 1868-1918

Full Title

(Title Page to) Un site lunaire : (Le Palus Putredinis). J. Deseilligny. 1re Série. Planches I.


Title page to "Planches I" volume of Un site lunaire : (Le Palus Putredinis). Includes authorship and brief description of contents: 1re Série. Planches I [= 1st Series. Plates I]. Title translates to: A Lunar Site: (The Palus Putredinis).


Heather, William, 1764-1812

Full Title

(Title Page to) The new Mediterranean Harbour pilot : Containing Two Hundred and Twenty-four Accurate Plans of the Principal Harbours, Bays, Roadsteads, and Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Including Those in the Gulf of Venice, Archipelago, Sea of Marmora, & the Levant; with addition of a large plan of Cadiz, the Straits of Gibraltar, Bonifacio, &c. drawn from the latest English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Venetian surveys and corrected from the journals and observations of several distinguished navigators. By William Heather. A new edition, Improved by J. W. Norie, Hydrographer, &c. London : Printed for and published by J.W. Norie and Co., 1814.


Chile. Servicio de Mensura y Clasificación de Tierras

Full Title

(Title Page to) Ministerio de Fomento, Departamento de Tierras y Colonizacioìn, Servicio de Mensura y Clasificacioìn de Tierras : Mapa de Chile. Escala 1:500,000. Edicioìn con la divisioìn administrativa aprobada por decretos nos. 8582 y 8583 de 30 de diciembre de 1927. Ano 1928.


[Pasa, Ali Sere, Esref, Hafiz Ali]

Full Title

(Covers;Title Page to) Yeni cografya atlasi - ىگى جغرافىا آطلسى = New geographical atlas. Saheb va nashir Hasan Ferid. Matba'a-i 'Amire = مطبعه عامره, Dersa'adet (Istanbul), 1307-1309 (1891-1893).


[Ptolemy, Claudius, D'Angelo, Jacopo, Regiomontanus, Joannes, Pirckheimer, Willibald, Grueninger, Johann]

Full Title

(Title page to) Claudii Ptolemaei geographicae enarrationis libri octo Bilibaldo Pirckeymhero interprete : annotationes Ioannis de Regio Monte in errores commissus a Iacobo Angelo in translatione sua.


[Pawley, Neele, Samuel John, 1758-1824, Neele, George, Pinnock and Maunder]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Pawley's minor atlas, consisting of a complete set of maps compiled from the best authorities and including all the new discoveries. Engraved by Samuel & George Neele. London : published by G. & W. B. Whittaker, Ave Maria Lane, 1822.


Title page to Pawley's minor atlas. Includes imprint. With inked signature in upper right margin: D. D. Churchill.


[Enthoffer, Joseph, 1818-1901, Bastert, A., Donegan, P. H.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Map of the City of Washington : Showing the Sub-Divisions, Grades and General Configuration of the Ground in equidistances from 5 to 5 feet altitude. Compiled with the assistance of the City Sur. P.H. Donegan by A. Bastert and J. Enthoffer. Published by A. Petersen and J. Enthoffer of the U.S. Coast Survey 1872 : For sale by Philp & Solomons.


Title page and plan of the City of Washington.

Full Title

(Covers; Title Page) Umumi jughrafia atlasi = Atlas of general geography. Assar Muhammad Ramzi, Maktab Harbiye Matbaa si. Mulayiyuh sanah 1328 (1910).

Full Title

(Title Page to) ) Yeni atlas = First atlas. Mülâzim-i evvel Hafız Ali Eşref. Baltarsim, Tash Ozrineh Tajumeh, Itemsadder. Paris. 1285 (1868).


Title Page Includes table of contents.


[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Geography rectified: or, a description of the world : In all its kingdoms, provinces, countries, islands, cities, towns, seas, rivers, bayes, capes, ports; their antient and present names, inhabitants, situations, histories, customs, governments, &c. As also their commodities, coins, weights, and measures, compared with those at London. Illustrated with above sixty new maps. The whole work performed according to the more accurate discoveries of modern authors. By Robert Morden. London, printed for Robert Morden and Thomas Cockeril. At the Atlas in Cornhill, and at the three Legs in the Poultrey over against the Stock-Market. 1680.


Title page to Geography rectified. Text printed in red and black. Includes imprint. With ink stamp: Ex Biblioteca Edmundi Duaci. Centered inside the stamp are the penciled letters: Hn.


[Spain. Dirección de Trabajos Hidrográficos, Ferrer y Cafranga, Joaquín María de, 1777-1861]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Portulano de la America Setentrional. Construido en la Direccion de trabajos hidrograficos. Dividido en quarto partes. Madrid 1809. Aumentado y corre-gido en 1818.


Title page to Portulano de la America Setentrional. Title translates to: Portulan of North America. Built in the Direction of Hydrographic Works. Divided into quarter parts. Madrid 1809. Increased and corrected in 1818.


Aspioti-ELKA (Firm)

Full Title



Title page to The sacrifices of Greece in the Second World War. With parallel titles in Greek, French, English and Russian. (Titles in all capitals for each of the scripts presented).

Full Title

(Title Page to) Devoirs de géographie. Première partie. France : Ses montagnes -- Ses eaux. Eugénie Giraud. 14 ans. Elève des Religieuses de Sains-Charles à Chouzé-sur-Loire. 1877.


Title page to first part of manuscript school atlas, drawn by Eugénie Giraud in Indre-et-Loire (France), 1877. Title translation: Geography homework. First part. France : Its mountains -- Its waters.

Full Title

(Section Title Page to) Devoirs de géographie. Deuxième partie. Principale production de la France en général.


Section title page to second part of manuscript school atlas, drawn by Eugénie Giraud in Indre-et-Loire (France), 1877. Title translation: Geography homework. Second part. Main production of France in general.


Silishchensky, Mitrofan Ivanovich 1878 - 1944

Full Title

(Title Page to) Geograficheskiy atlas Chast 1. Sostavil Prof. M. I. Silishchenskiy pod redaktsiyey N. N. Baranskogo i V. A. Kamenetskogo : Nauchno-pedagogicheskoy Sektsiyey Gosudarstvennogo Ucheta Soveta dopushchen v kachestve posobiya dlya shkol'nykh bibliotek. Aktsionernoye obshchestvo "Sovetskaya entsiklopediya" Moskva, 1929.


Silishchensky, Mitrofan Ivanovich 1878 - 1944

Full Title

(Title Page to) Geograficheskiy atlas Chast 1. Sostavil Prof. M. I. Silishchenskiy pod redaktsiyey N. N. Baranskogo i V. A. Kamenetskogo. Aktsionernoye obshchestvo "Sovetskaya entsiklopediya" Moskva, 1929.


Second title page with physical map of the world.

Full Title

(Title Page to) Küçük Coğrafya = (School atlas of geography). ikinci kisim. Murtabi M. Abdulqader. Suhib ve nashir Saadet Kitabkhaneh. 1325 (1907).


Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594

Full Title

(Title page to) Galliae / Tabule Geogra-/ phicae / Per / Gerardum Mercatorem / Illustrissimi Ducis Julie / Clivie Montis / & cm / Cosmographum / Duysburgi Clivorum / editae (1585). Cum Gratia et Privilegio.


[Horikiri, Zenjirō (1884-1979) 堀切善次郎, Tokyo City Government]

Full Title

(Title page to) Teito Fukkō Jigyō Zuhyō 帝都復興事業図表 (Statistical Graphics Illustrating the Imperial Capital Reconstruction Project).


[Reymann, Daniel Gottfried, Flemming, Carl]

Full Title

2 Netz und Arcona


[France. Ministère des travaux publics. Administration des routes, France. Direction des cartes, plans et archives et de la statistique graphique]

Full Title

(Title Page to) Atlas des ports étrangers. Première livraison. Ministère des Travaux Publics. Direction des Cartes, Plans et Archives et de la Statistique Graphique. Paris. Imprimerie Nationale. MDCCCLXXXIV.


Title page to first section of Atlas des ports étrangers, published in Paris, 1884. Title translates to: Atlas of foreign ports, first delivery. Includes statement of responsibility and imprint. With an embossed stamp in top-left corner: Ministère des Travaux Publics. Direction des Cartes et Plans. (Page number inferred.)


[Grigorovich, Alexander S., Sautin, Ivan V., Ivanitsky, Ivan P., Podgornova, Valentina M., Lissitzky, Lazar M.]

Full Title

(Half title Page to) USSR. Soiuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Scientific Publishing Institute of Pictorial Statistics. USSR : An album illustrating the state organization and national economy of the U.S.S.R. Editors of the album: Ivan V. Sautin ; Ivan P. Ivanitsky. Compilors: Valentina M. Podgornova ; Valentine S. Iuniev ; Georgi N. Serebrebikov. Artists: Alexander S. Grigorovich ; Lazar M. Lisitsky ; Mikhail V. Nikolaev.


Half title page in Russian and English. Includes state emblem of the Soviet Union.


[Grigorovich, Alexander S., Sautin, Ivan V., Ivanitsky, Ivan P., Podgornova, Valentina M., Lissitzky, Lazar M.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) USSR. Soiuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Scientific Publishing Institute of Pictorial Statistics. USSR : An album illustrating the state organization and national economy of the U.S.S.R. Editors of the album: Ivan V. Sautin ; Ivan P. Ivanitsky. Compilors: Valentina M. Podgornova ; Valentine S. Iuniev ; Georgi N. Serebrebikov. Artists: Alexander S. Grigorovich ; Lazar M. Lisitsky ; Mikhail V. Nikolaev.


[Grigorovich, Alexander S., Sautin, Ivan V., Ivanitsky, Ivan P., Podgornova, Valentina M., Lissitzky, Lazar M.]

Full Title

(Title Page to) 1. State organization of the USSR. (to accompany) USSR. Soiuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Scientific Publishing Institute of Pictorial Statistics.


Title page with window opening to Stalin & Lenin Embossed portrait.


Stieler, Adolf, 1775–1836

Full Title

(Title to) Adolf Stieler’s Hand – Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde und über das Weltgebaude. Neu Bearbeitet von Dr. Aug. Petermann, Dr. Herm. Berghaus und Carl Vogel. 90 colorirte karten in kuperstich in 30 lieferungen a 1 M. 50 Pf. 9. Lieferung. Gotha : Justus Perthes. 1872..


Title page to 1872 printing of Stieler's Handatlas.


Stieler, Adolf, 1775–1836

Full Title

(Title to) Karte der Alpen aus Mayr's Alpen - Atlas : zusammengestellt und vollständig umgearbeitet von Dr. Herm. Berghaus. Acht colorirte Blatter. Gotha : Justus Perthes. 1873.


Title page to 1873 map of Alps, from Mayr's Alpen - Atlas: in 8 color maps, compiled and completely revised by Hermmann Berghaus. Published by J. Perther in 1873. Includes inset: "Karte der Alpen".


Stieler, Adolf, 1775–1836

Full Title

(Title to) Adolf Stieler’s Hand – Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde und uber das Weltgebaude. Neu Bearbeitet von Dr. Aug. Petermann, Dr. Herm. Berghaus und Carl Vogel. 90 colorirte karten in kupferstich in 30 lieferungen a a 1 M. 50 Pf. Erganzunsheft VI ... A. Petermann: Specialkarte von Australien in 9 blattern. Gotha : Justus Perthes. 1875.


Title page to 1875 Stieler's handatlas, supplement IV, special map of Australia in 9 sheets, by A. Petermann.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Nouveau Plan de la Ville et des Faux-Bourgs de Paris


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 1 Premier Quartier. Recherches Sur La Ville de Paris.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 1 Recherches Critiques, Historiques et Topographiques Sur La Ville de Paris.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 1 II. Quartier. Recherches Sur La Ville de Paris.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 1 Recherches Critiques, Historiques et Topographiques Sur La Ville de Paris.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 1 III. Quartier. Recherches Sur La Ville de Paris.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 1 Recherches Critiques, Historiques et Topographiques Sur La Ville de Paris.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 2 Quatrieme Quartier. Le Louvre, our S. Germain-L'Auxerrois.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 2 Recherches Critiques, Historiques et Topographiques Sur La Ville de Paris.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 2 Cinquieme Quartier. Le Palais Royal


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 2 Recherches Critiques, Historiques et Topographiques Sur La Ville de Paris.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 2 Sixieme Quartier. Montmartre.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 2 Recherches Critiques, Historiques et Topographiques Sur La Ville de Paris.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 2 Septieme Quartier. Sainte-Eustache.


Jaillot, Jean Baptise Michel

Full Title

(Title page to) Vol 2 Recherches Critiques, Historiques et Topographiques Sur La Ville de Paris.

Full Title

(Title Page to) México y sus alrededores. Coleccion de monumentos, trajes y paisajes dibujados al natural y litografiados por los artistas mexicanos. C. Castro, J. Campillo, L. Auda y G. Rodriguez, bajo la direccion de Decaen Editor. Establecimiento Litográfico de Decaen, Editor, Portal del Coliseo Viejo. Mexico, 1855 y 1856.


Title page to México y sus alrededores. Coleccion de monumentos, trajes y paisajes dibujados al natural y litografiados por los artistas mexicanos. Includes a list of contributing authors. (Page number inferred.)

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