Search Results: Subject equal to 'Religions' (original) (raw)


Scallion, Gordon Michael

Full Title

Future Map of North America.


Scallion, Gordon Michael

Full Title

The Future Map of North America.

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(Covers to) Guide to the route map of the Mormon pioneers from Nauvoo to Great Salt Lake, 1846-1847. Millroy & Hayes, Map publishers. 233 State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.


31 pages guide to the route map of the Mormon pioneers, bound in beige paper covers, with the view of Brigham Young monument, introductory note: In presenting this guide to the "route map of the Mormon Pioneers" we desire to acknowledge the Kindness of Apostle Franklin D. Richards ..." and text. Date taken from the map. "Price 10 cents. Copies of the pictorial map, with guide book, packed in tubes, ready for mailing to any part of the world ..." See our 11143.000 for a copy of the Route map of the Mormon Pioneers.

Full Title

(Title Page to) Guide to the route map of the Mormon pioneers from Nauvoo to Great Salt Lake, 1846-1847. Millroy & Hayes, Map publishers. 233 State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.


31 pages guide to the route map of the Mormon pioneers, bound in beige paper covers, with the view of Brigham Young monument, introductory note: In presenting this guide to the "route map of the Mormon Pioneers" we desire to acknowledge the Kindness of Apostle Franklin D. Richards ..." and text. Date taken from the map. "Price 10 cents. Copies of the pictorial map, with guide book, packed in tubes, ready for mailing to any part of the world ..." 31 pages guide to the route map of the Mormon pioneers, bound in beige paper covers, with the view of the Brigham Young monument, introductory note: See our 11143.000 for a copy of the Route map of the Mormon Pioneers.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Guide to the route map of the Mormon pioneers from Nauvoo to Great Salt Lake, 1846-1847. Millroy & Hayes, Map publishers. 233 State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.


31 pages guide to the route map of the Mormon pioneers, bound in beige paper covers, with the view of the Brigham Young monument, introductory note: In presenting this guide to the "route map of the Mormon Pioneers" we desire to acknowledge the Kindness of Apostle Franklin D. Richards ..." and text. Date taken from the map. "Price 10 cents. Copies of the pictorial map, with guide book, packed in tubes, ready for mailing to any part of the world ..." See our 11143.000 for a copy of the Route map of the Mormon Pioneers.

Full Title

(Composite text) Guide to the route map of the Mormon pioneers from Nauvoo to Great Salt Lake, 1846-1847. Millroy & Hayes, Map publishers. 233 State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.


31 pages guide to the route map of the Mormon pioneers, bound in beige paper covers, with the view of the Brigham Young monument, introductory note: In presenting this guide to the "route map of the Mormon Pioneers" we desire to acknowledge the Kindness of Apostle Franklin D. Richards ..." and text. Date taken from the map. "Price 10 cents. Copies of the pictorial map, with guide book, packed in tubes, ready for mailing to any part of the world ..." See our 11143.000 for a copy of the Route map of the Mormon Pioneers.


[Beardshaw, John, Leonard, C.W.]

Full Title

Bacon's Chronological and Geographical Family Guide to The Holy Bible.


[Dingle, Edwin J., Institute Of Mentalphysics]

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Guide To Correct Diet, Health, Happiness And Beauty


Jerusalem Publications

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Jerusalem At Large.

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Cathedrals of France.


[Hickmann, Anton Leo, 1834-1906, Fischer, Alois, b. 1894]

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Die Religionen der Erde. Die Religionen Europas. G. Freytag & Berndt A.G., Wien. (to accompany) Prof. Hickmann's Geographisch-statistischer universal-atlas, 1927.


Statistical diagrams. Showing the religions of the world and the religions of Europe. Charts showing the spread Jewish people in and Mosaic people in Europe and in the world.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Sprachen und Religionen. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXI.


Map of the world, with 4 insets. Showing the distribution of the languages,religions and races.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Europa und Mitteleuropa : Sprachen, Religionen, Bevölkerungsverteilung in Mitteleuropa. Gotha : Justus Perthes. Sydow-Wagners method. Schul-Atlas. XXI.


5 maps of Europe and Central Europe on 1 sheet. Showing languages, religions, population distribution in Central Europe.

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Map of the Presbyterian Church In The United States. Reduced From the Large Map Published by the New York Evangelist.


Anteplius, Georgius Bagdadius

Full Title

Chronologia Romanorum Pontificum / A S. Petro Ad Seculum XVIII. Iohanni Baptistae Rezzonico Clementis XIII fratris filio praefecto Palatio Apostolico et Magno Priori Ordinis Hierosolymitani Viro Omnibus Meritis Ilustri Nobilitate Iustitia Clementia Conspicuo et a Primo Aestatis Flore Probato. Georgius Bagdadius Anteplius Monachus Armenus. Seriem Chronologicam Pontificum Romanorum D. D. D. [Chronology of the Popes. From St. Peter to 18th Century…]


Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986

Full Title

Sprachen -- Konfessionen.


Two maps of Switzerland, featuring languages and religions, in 1969. Maps show the areas where German, French, Italian and Romansh are spoken, as well as the areas inhabited by Protestants, Catholics and Jews. Maps include latitudinal and longitudinal lines, legends, bar scales and explanatory notes. Colored lithograph. Together, maps are 29 x 17 cm, on sheet 33 x 22 cm. Maps appear in section entitled Schweiz : Thematische Karten [= Switzerland : Thematic Maps].


[Marks, A.J., Holy Land Publishing Co.]

Full Title

Bird's Eye View of the Holy Land


Dangeau, abbe de, 1643-1723

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(View) Plan de la Seance de l'Assemblee du Clerge en 1680 (France).


Wyld, James, 1790-1836

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Chart of the World Shewing the Religion, Population and Civilization of Each Country.


Scallion, Gordon Michael

Full Title

Future Map of the World.


Scallion, Gordon Michael

Full Title

Future Map of the United States: 1998-2001.


[Aitchison, R.T., Mentholatum Company]

Full Title

The Holy Land From the Patriarchs to Paul's Journeys.


[Kilchenmann, André, Steiner, Dieter, Matt, Otto F., Gächter, Ernst, Universität Zürich. Geographisches Institut]

Full Title

22 Konfession protestantisch in Prozent der Wohnbevölkerung = Confession Protestant as per cent of resident population. 1970. = 23 Konfession römisch-katholisch in Prozent der Wohnbevölkerung = Confession Roman catholic as per cent of resident population. 1970. Kümmerly + Frey, Bern 1972. Geographisches Institut, Universität Zürich.


Two black and white maps of Switzerland, featuring proportions of Protestant and Roman Catholic residents within the population in 1970. Maps utilize data visualization to represent geographic information. Maps include a legend and explanatory notes. Titles appear in parallel, with German and English translations. Together, maps are 25 x 18 cm, on sheet 30 x 21 cm. Accompanying descriptive text on pages 16-17.


[Hölzel, Eduard, 1817-1885, Ed. Hölzel (Firm), Toula, Franz, 1845-1920, Chavanne, Josef, 1846-1902, Ritter, Franz, -1932]

Full Title

Die Vertheilung der Bevölkerung nach Religionsbekenntnissen dargestellt auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Volkszählung vom 31. December 1880 : Vertheilung der Katholiken Römisch-Katholische und Griechisch-Unirte zusammengenommen -- Vertheilung der Griechischen und Armenisch Orientalischen (Nicht Unirten) -- Vertheilung der Evangelischen Ausburger und Helvetischen Confession zusammengenommen -- Verbreitung der Israeliten / v. Franz Ritter von Le Monnier.


Four statistical maps of Austria-Hungary. Maps represent the distribution of religious denominations for Austria-Hungary. Denominations divided into the categories: Roman Catholic and Greek combined, Greek and Armenian, Evangelical and Helvetic Confession, as well as Jewish. Maps show political boundaries, cities, railways, valleys, lakes, drainage, coastlines and islands. Each map includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as a legend. Colored lithograph. Each map is 21 x 29 cm (together, 45 x 60 cm), on double sheet 49 x 65 cm. Descriptive text for Nr. 16 follows maps.


[Bacon, George Washington, Gresswell, Edward, 1797–1869, Mimpriss, Robert]

Full Title

Bacon's family guide to the life and ministry of Christ : illustrated with 100 pictures from the old masters according to Greswells Harmony of the four Evangelists. Delineated by R. Mimpriss. London, G.W. Bacon & Co. John Beardshaw, Cincinnati, Ohio. Entered according to act of Congress in the year of 1873 by John Breadshaw ... Southern District of Ohio.


Booth, Albert Edward

Full Title

A Chart on the Course of Time from Eternity to Eternity. "From Eternity to Eternity thou Art God" - PSA. XC.2 (HEB.) Desinged by A.E. Booth. Reprinted of Seventh edition Revised. 8 M. 6-52. Loizeaux Brothers, Bible Truth Dept, 19 West 21st. Street, New York 10, N.Y.

Full Title

Tav. V. Circoscrizione delle province ecclesiastiche e diocesi negli stati della santa sede.


Hand-colored, engraved map showing the ecclesiastical provinces and dioceses of Italy. Text in delicate script circling land. Accompanied by descriptive text on facing page. In Volume I.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Tav. V. Stato della santa sede (1).


Descriptive text to accompany map showing the ecclesiastical provinces and dioceses of Italy, on facing page. In Volume I.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Tav. V. Stato della santa sede (2).


Descriptive text to accompany map showing the ecclesiastical provinces and dioceses of Italy, on prior page. In Volume I.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Tav. V. Stato della santa sede (3).


Descriptive text to accompany map showing the ecclesiastical provinces and dioceses of Italy, on prior page. In Volume I.


Egypt. Maṣlaḥat al-Misāḥah.

Full Title

Map of Cairo showing Mohammedan Monuments.


"This exceedingly high-quality map depicts ‘Old Cairo’, the parts of the city that were founded during medieval times, located on the highlands above the ‘newer’ neighbourhoods along the Nile. It was created by the Survey of Egypt, then one of the most professional mapping agencies in the World, predicated upon the synergy of the most authoritative topographical and urban mapping combined with the latest archaeological surveys. Cairo was the greatest centre of culture, learning and commerce during the ‘Islamic Golden age’. Commencing in the early 20th Century professional archaeologists as well as art and architectural historians became interested in scientifically recording Cairo’s sensational Islamic buildings and monuments. The map employs colours to denote sites built across the city during the eras of the three great Islamic empires that controlled Cairo prior to the arrival of the Ottomans in 1517: the ‘Fatimid and Pre-Fatimid Monuments’ (909 - 1171), shaded in Red; the ‘Aiyubid [Ayyubid] Monuments’ (1171 - 1260), shaded in Green; and the ‘Mameluke Monuments’ (1260 - 1517), shaded in Blue. These mosques, palaces, madrassas, and fortifications appear amidst the otherwise buff-coloured city which generally consisted of buildings built during the subsequent Ottoman and British Protectorate periods. The map shows that many of the greatest edifices from the periods of the three great Islamic empires have survived, although only traces of the vast Fatimid Place can be found amongst the foundations of newer buildings. Each of the historical sites is named in Gothic script and features a corresponding numeral which refers to that which appears upon the plaques affixed to each building by the civic authorities. The two insets on the left-hand side showcase sites in areas outside of the city proper. We understand that the first edition the map was issued in 1924, while an Arabic language version was published in 1948. The present revised, official edition was issued in 1950-1 (correction, this copy is the first edition, issued in 1924), while several facsimile (unofficial) versions have been issued since then. The Survey of Egypt followed the initial production of the present issue of the map with a small booklet, Index to Mohammedan monuments appearing on the special 1:5000 scale maps of Cairo (Cairo, 1951), that is not present here, but seems to have been issued with the latter-releases of the map. Cairo during the ‘Islamic Golden Age’ Cairo was traditionally the largest and most culturally and economically important city in the Islamic world. The Muslim conquest of Byzantine Egypt occurred between 639 and 646 AD. While the Cairo area has been settled for thousands of years, with the key Ancient Egyptian cities of Giza and Memphis located nearby, the city proper was not founded until 969, when it became the principal city, and sometimes capital, of the Fatimid Caliphate, a Shia Muslim empire which controlled much of North Africa, the Levant and Hejaz between 909 and 1171. Cairo rapidly rose to become a centre of great wealth, at the nexus of global trade routes as well as home to some of the world’s foremost centres of education and the arts. Befitting tis importance, great monuments of Islamic architecture were built across the city. The Al-Azhar Madrassa (no. 97 on the map), which later grew into a university, was founded in 970-2 and today remains the world’s most prestigious institute of Islamic learning. The map notes some Islamic monuments made before 969, as the pre-Cairo rural landscape featured some small mosques, houses and fortifications. The Fatimids were replaced by the Ayyubid Dynasty (1171 - 1260), a regime of Kurdish origin, founded by the legendary conqueror Saladin, whereupon Cairo remained the prosperous centre of an empire spanning much of the Middle East. The Mamelukes were an elite class of soldier-bureaucrats descended from former Christian slaves. In 1250, they took over Egypt, the Levant and Hejaz, forming the Mameluke Sultanate, with its capital in Cairo. It was during the early part of their regime that Cairo reached its zenith as the principal centre of the Islamic Golden Age. The epicentre of a global trading network that spanned from India to Spain, Cairo far surpassed all European cities in wealth and cultural sophistication, and many exquisite works of architecture were built to reflect this glorious state. The Mameluke Sultanate was conquered by the Ottomans in 1517 and Cairo ceased to be an imperial capital. However, while technically subject to the Sublime Porte, Egypt maintained a high degree of autonomy and was the wealthiest and most prosperous part of the Ottoman Empire; Cairo remained a highly important centre. Fortunately, as the repent map reveals, the survival rate of Cairo’s great works of Islamic architecture from the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mameluke periods is impressively high, and many sites can be visited today. References: OCLC: 17543226." (Alexander Johnson, 2020)


[Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-1884, Sohr, Karl, Flemming, Carl]

Full Title

Geog. verbreitung des Christlichen Staaten Systems auf der Ganzen Erde. Lith. Druck und Verlag von C. Flemming in Glogau. (to accompany) Vollstandiger Universal-Handatlas der neueren Erdbeschreibung ,,, Heinrich Berghaus ... 1859.


Full color map of the world showing spread of the Christian state system on the earth. Includes color coded keys to The American state system and European State system.


[Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-1884, Sohr, Karl, Flemming, Carl]

Full Title

Geogr. Verbreitung des Mohammedanischen Staaten-Systems. Druck und Verlag von C. Flemming in Glogau. (to accompany) Vollstandiger Universal-Handatlas der neueren Erdbeschreibung ,,, Heinrich Berghaus ... 1859.


Hand colored in outline map, showing spread of Islamic state system in Eastern Hemisphere. Includes reference. Prime meridian is Paris.


[Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-1884, Sohr, Karl, Flemming, Carl]

Full Title

Geograph. Verbreitung des Buddhaistischen Staaten-Systems. Lith. Druck und Verlag von C. Flemming in Glogau. (to accompany) Vollstandiger Universal-Handatlas der neueren Erdbeschreibung ,,, Heinrich Berghaus ... 1859.


Hand colored in outline map, showing spread of Buddhism state system in Asia. Includes color coded key and reference. Prime meridian is Paris.

Full Title

The Road from Earth to Heaven. W. J. Dittmar.


Pictorial map in black and orange brown tone by W. J. Dittmar, An illustrator of Ragtime music sheets in the early 20th century. First published in 1932 in black and white for the Union Gospel Press. Depicts road through life which is portrayed as a theme park: people arriving at the entrance (lower left) in buses, cars or on foot (on in the case of the Speed Mad in the wreckage of a car) with the ultimate destination being the plane trip from Heaven's Station to Eternity With The Lord. Most of the arrivals are sucked up in the glittering Pit or the inviting entrance "Do the Best You Can. An Easy Way." Many of those traveling further find themselves dumped into the River of Failures by stops at "Friendly Card Game" and the "Social Glass" or loitering at the "Mutual Admiration Society" to mention just a couple of the trials along the way.


Woodward, Elwin J.

Full Title

Historic and prophetic diagram of the world : God's plan of salvation for law breakers. (Text) The Story of the Ages from Creation to Redemption key to historic and prophetic diagram of the world ... By J. Elwin Woodward. Historic and Prophetic Publishing Company, Not Inc. Chicago, Ill., U.S.A. Copyrighted, 1912 by J. Elwin Woodward, London, England.


Colored lithograph historical timeline on sheet 53x71, issued to accompany Woodward's "The Story of the Ages ..." Bound in green cloth with pictorial labels pasted to front and back boards. The diagram organized along a timeline from 4004 B.C. to 1912 A.D. with depictions of the beasts from the books of Daniel and Revelation, the Ark of the Covenant, the Jewish tabernacle; creation, the baptism, crucifixion and ascension of Christ, the early and latter rain, 1st resurrection, the new earth; the three angels of Revelation, the Great Image from Daniel. Bracketed by the "Eternity of the Past" and "Eternity of the Future." In his Introduction, Woodward notes that “great truths and important lessons are quickly and easily grasped by the mind, through the aid of illustrative diagrams ..."

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Cover. Title Page

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Momijiyama omiya (Momijiyama) (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)

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Momijiyama omiya (Momijiyama) (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) (opaque)

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Taitokuin-sama gobutsuden gobyo (Mausoleum for Taitokuin) (inside Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo))

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Taitokuin-sama gobutsuden gobyo (Mausoleum for Taitokuin) (inside Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo)) (opaque)

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Hyakunin bansho (Hyakunin bansho guardhouse) (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)

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Hyakunin bansho (Hyakunin bansho guardhouse) (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) (opaque)


Cretineau-Joly, Jacques

Full Title

Arbre Geographique, contenant Les Etablissements des Jesuites par toute la Terre et la Nombre des Sujets qui composen cette Societe, Tire d'un Catalogue envoye de Rome en 1762 ... Historire le la Companie de Jesus, par J. Cretineau Joly. Lith. Che. Villain, Paris.


Broadside Geographical Tree, first published in 1762. This is a later issue in 1844. This pictorial map depicts a geographical tree containing Jesuit institutions throughout the earth listed in a catalog sent to Rome in 1762. With explanation of the government of the Jesuits which is divided into 5 "Assistancea", which include 39 provinces, 24 Professional Houses, 669 colleges, 61 novitiates, 176 seminars, 335 residences, 223 missions, 22,787 Jesuits, 11,010 of whom are priests. Includes text and 2 statistical tables.


[Woodbridge, William C., Willard, Emma]

Full Title

Chart of the Inhabited World, Exhibiting the prevailing Religion, form of Government, degree of Civilization & Population of each Country.


Foldout. Palestine's Jewish population.

Full Title

Manuṣyaloka (मनुष्यलोक) (Cosmological Diagram - The World of Mortals.)


1850 date estimated. Cornell, below, dates their copy 18th century. LOC dates their copy 189? From a description of a similar Jain painting at the Johnson Museum at Cornell University: "This large painting consists of a map-like rendering of the middle world, one of three worlds that comprise the Jain universe. Located between the celestial realm and the lower world of the damned, this middle world is where mortals and all sentient beings live and is the place from which liberation becomes possible. The composition takes the form of a series of concentric circles representing continents and oceans. In the center lies the continent of Jambudvipa, location of India and Mount Meru, surrounded by two oceans and two-and-a-half more continents. The oceans are filled with various aquatic creatures, while the continents contain humans, animals, rivers, and land features, including the five cosmic mountains, shown along the horizontal axis of the painting as yellow disks with pairs of multicolored, arch-like forms. Enshrined Jinas occupy the vertical axis of the continents and also appear in the four corners of the painting." Our Jain map is similar, it also depicts Jambudvipa with the region of Mahavideha, bounded north and south by mountain ranges with Mount Meru at its center and "elephant tusk" shaped mountains encompassing the regions of Uttarakuru to the north and Devakuru to the south. At the lower part of the map is the bow-shaped region of Bharata, representing India itself. For the Cornell painting, see "Jainism is an Indian religion, which was founded by Vardhamana Mahavira, a spiritual leader called the Jina (conqueror), in the sixth century B.C. Jainism teaches nonviolence towards all living beings. Its philosophy and practice rely mainly on the effort of advancing the soul on the spiritual ladder to divine consciousness in a universe that has no beginning or end. Jainism has its own version of geography and cosmology, in which the universe is divided into three kingdoms: the upper is the realm of the heavens and the celestials; the middle is the domain of humans, animals, and plants; and the lower, which belongs to the damned and the disorderly. This 19th-century cosmological diagram of the manuṣyaloka (the human world), comes from western Rajasthan, a state in India with one of the largest Jain populations. The chart shows the Adhai-dvipa, or the two and a half continents inhabited by mortals. The continents are shown as concentric circles surrounded by ring-shaped oceans filled with swimmers and fish, complex networks of rivers and lakes, and mountain ranges. The continent Jambudvipa (rose-apple tree island) is shown in the center of the chart, encircled by a blue ring that represents the Lavana Samudra (Salt Ocean). The next ring corresponds to the continent Dhatakikanda bounded by Kalodadhi (Black-Water Ocean). The outermost band represents half of the third continent, Pushkaradvipa (lotus island).This final band is surrounded by the multi-colored peaks of the mountain range that delimits mortal space, while the pavilions at the corners of the chart represent celestial guardians of the human world." World Digital Library.

Full Title

Epitome of Ecclesiastical History. By David J. Rowland, Late Minister of the First Church in Windsor, Connecticut.


Perhaps the earliest American timeline. Uses a stream metaphor, time and events flowing toward the bottom. Middle Ages shows the "dark shades of error" as the truths of Christianity became obscured. Lots of historical text including key events and descriptions of various Christian sects.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

Geographie des Hebreux ou tableau de la dispersion des enfans de noe et des principaux peuples dont ils sont la souche par A. Brue, Geographe du Roi. (with) Pays de Canaan avant l'arrivee des Israelites. Paris, 1821. Chez l'Auteur, rue des Macons-Sorbonne, no. 9, et chez les principaux marchands de geographie.


Hand colored engraved map. Relief shown by hachures.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

Carte de la Palestine sous la domination romaine, dressee par A. Brue, Geographe du Roi, d'apres les observations astronomiques et les voyages le plus recente. (with) Les douze tribus. Paris, 1828. Chez l'Auteur, rue des Macons-Sorbonne, no. 9, et chez les principaux marchands de cartes geographiques. L'Eau-forte des montagnes par E.P. Michel.


Hand colored engraved map. Relief shown by hachures. Includes descriptive note.

Full Title

Duodecim Tribus Israelis ... 1825.

Full Title

The Places Recorded in the Five Books of Moses. Thackara Sculpt. Published by A. Finley Philada. 1827. (with) Two inset maps: Canaan Aram & c. and The Eastern Countries as mentioned by Moses.


Each map in full color with the main map detailing the route of Moses in the desert after the flight from Egypt.

Full Title

The Land Of Moriah Or Jerusalem and the Adjacent Country. H.S. Tanner. Published by A. Finley Philada. 1827.


Full color map of Jerusalem showing the area including Bethlehem, Gibeon, and Mount Calvary. A key explains the places of note and Biblical passages are included next to significant landmarks.

Full Title

St. Francis Church and Rectory, Naugatuck, Conn. (Drawn by) Caughey. (D.H. Hurd & Co., Boston. 1893)


Illustration, b&w showing buildings, carriage, human figures, etc. Inset: View looking from the south.

Full Title

St. Rose's Church, parochial residence, convent and schools, Meriden, Conn. (Drawn by R.) Caughey. (D.H. Hurd & Co., Boston. 1893)


Illustration, b&w showing buildings, carriage, etc. Includes inset.

Full Title

Church of the Assumption, B.V.M., Ansonia, Conn. Rev. Joseph Synnott, rector. (Drawn by) Bert Poole. (Copyright 1893 by D.H. Hurd & Co., Boston).


Illustration, b&w showing church buildings, carriage, human figures, etc. Includes inset of (earlier?) buildings.

Full Title

Church of the Immaculate Conception, schools, convents and library building, Waterbury, Conn. (Drawn by R.) Caughey. (Copyright 1893 by D.H. Hurd & Co., Boston).


Illustration, b&w showing church and pastoral residence. Includes 4 insets: St. Mary's School -- Notre Dame Convent -- St. Mary's Convent -- St. Patrick Hall.


Johnston, Alexander Keith

Full Title

Moral & Statistical Chart, Showing the Distribution of Man According to the Prevailing Forms of Religious Belief & the Proportional Number of Each Creed in the Principal States of the Globe.


Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871

Full Title

Moral & statistical chart showing the geographical distribution of man according to religious belief, with the principal Protestant mission stations in the middle of the 19th century. By A. Keith Johnston, F.R.S.E. Engraved & printed in colours by W. & A.K. Johnston, Edinburgh. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh & London. 1st May, 1854. (1856)


Col. lithographed map. Inset maps: Distribution of man in Europe according to language. Scale [ca. 1:17,000,000] -- Mission stations of India. Scale [ca. 1:20,500,000] -- Prevailing forms of religion in Europe. Scale [ca. 1:17,000,000] -- Mission stations of British Nth. America -- Missions stations of South Africa. Includes statistical charts of population by religion and school enrollment. "Phytology & zoology no. 11."


Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871

Full Title

Moral and Statistical Chart of the Globe.


Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871

Full Title

Moral and Statistical Chart of the Globe. (continued)


Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871

Full Title

Moral and Statistical Chart of the Globe. (continued)


Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871

Full Title

Moral and Statistical Chart of the Globe. (continued)


Delamarche, Charles Francois

Full Title

Carte des 12 tribus d'Israel. A Paris, chez Delamarche, Geog., avec priv. (ca. 1800)


Engraved map. Outline hand coloring. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian: Ferro.


Delamarche, Charles Francois

Full Title

Carte des regions et des lieux dont il est parle dans le Nouveau Testament. (with) Plan de Jerusalem du tems le N.S.J.Ch. (with) Judee sous Herode le Grand et sous ses 3 fils Archelaus, Herode Antipas et Philippe. A Paris, chez Delamarche, Geogr., ca. 1800)


Engraved map with 2 insets. Outline hand coloring. Prime meridian: Ferro.

Full Title

The Places Recorded in the Five Books of Moses. Engraved for Mayo's Ancient Geography & History. Thackara. Sculpt. (to accompany) An Atlas Of Ten Select Maps Of Ancient Geography Both Sacred And Profane; With A Chronological Table Of Universal History & Biography. (with 2 inset maps) Canaan Aman. and The Eastern countries as mentioned by Moses.


Hand painted outline map by region. Showing the route of Moses in the desert after the flight from Egypt on the main map. Relief shown by hachures and pictorially.

Full Title

The Land of Moriah or Jerusalem and the Adjacent Country. Engraved for Mayo's Ancient Geography & History. H.S. Tanner. (to accompany) An Atlas Of Ten Select Maps Of Ancient Geography Both Sacred And Profane; With A Chronological Table Of Universal History & Biography.


Hand painted map of Jerusalem. Showing the significant landmarks, including Bethlehem, Gibeon, and Mount Calvary and Gihon. A key explains the places of note and Biblical passages. Relief shown by hachures.


Mitchell, Samuel Augustus

Full Title

Palestine under the judges and kings with the distribution of the twelve tribes. The routes of the Israelites from Egypt through the desert, Canaan at the time of the conquest. (with) Environs of Jerusalem. (with) Mountains of Sinai. (By S. Augustus Mitchell. 1880)


Two hand colored maps with 2 insets. Relief shown by hachures. Shows settlements, routes, rivers, etc. Includes key to the twelve tribes and to battlefields. "Copyright secured."

Full Title

Adobe church--Zuni. (1895)


[Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598, Vrients, Jan Baptista]

Full Title

Geographia Sacra. Ex Conatibus geographicis Abrahami Ortelij, Cum priuilegio Imp. Regis, et Cancellari�� Brabanti��, ad decennium. mdxcviii.


Part of the Parergon.


[Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598, Vrients, Jan Baptista]

Full Title

Palestinae Sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stella Sigenensi. Cum privilegio.


Part of the Parergon. Prior to 1595, the earlier version of this map (Van den Broecke 171) appeared in the Theatrum.


[Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598, Vrients, Jan Baptista]

Full Title

Typus Chorographicus, Celebrium Locorum In Regno Iudae Et Israhel. arte factus �� Tilemanno Stella Sigenensi. Privilegio Imperiali, et Belgico, ad decennium. Abrahamus Ortelius in hanc formam minorem redigebat. Anno M.D.LXXXVI.


Part of the Parergon.


[Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598, Vrients, Jan Baptista]

Full Title

Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Corographicus. In quo et novi testamenti, in primis autem apostolorum historiae, a Sancto Luca descriptae, omnia fere loca geographica, oculis inspicienda, exhibentur. Cum privilegio Imp. et Regiae Maiestatis. Abraham Ortelius describebat 1579.


Part of the Parergon.


[Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598, Vrients, Jan Baptista]

Full Title

Abrahami Patriarchae Peregrinatio, Et Vita. Abrahamo Ortelio Antverpiano auctore. Privilegio Imperiali, Regno, et Belgico decennali. 1586.


Part of the Parergon.

Full Title

Religions of the World. (with) Distribution of Europeans. (with) Distribution of Chinese. (with) Distribution of Negroes. (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1895)


Three color maps with 3 ancillary maps. Shows Protestant and Roman Catholic mission stations and 5 religious groupings: Christian, Mohammedan, Buddhist, Brahman and Heathen.

Full Title

Isothermal and winds chart of the World. Religions of Europe. (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1895)

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Chokugakumon (inside Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo))

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Chokugakumon (inside Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo)) (opaque)

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Taiyuin-sama gobutsuden (Mausoleum for Taiyuin) (inside Rinnoji temple (Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture))

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Taiyuin-sama gobutsuden (Mausoleum for Taiyuin) (inside Rinnoji temple (Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture)) (opaque)

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Gen’yuin-sama gobutsuden (Mausoleum for Gen’yuin) (inside Kan’eiji temple (Taito-ku, Tokyo))

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Gen’yuin-sama gobutsuden (Mausoleum for Gen’yuin) (inside Kan’eiji temple (Taito-ku, Tokyo)) (opaque)

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Jotokuin-sama gobutsuden (Mausoleum for Jotokuin) (inside Kan’eiji temple (Taito-ku, Tokyo))

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Jotokuin-sama gobutsuden (Mausoleum for Jotokuin) (inside Kan’eiji temple (Taito-ku, Tokyo)) (opaque)

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Bunshoin-sama gobutsuden (Mausoleum for Bunshoin) (inside Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo))

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Bunshoin-sama gobutsuden (Mausoleum for Bunshoin) (inside Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo)) (opaque)

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Bunshoin-sama gobutsuden (located inside Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo))

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Bunshoin-sama gobutsuden (located inside Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo)) (opaque)

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Taiyuin-sama zuishin tsutome (location of official guards in Taiyuin mausoleum) (Rinnoji temple (Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture))

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Taiyuin-sama zuishin tsutome (location of official guards in Taiyuin mausoleum) (Rinnoji temple (Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture)) (opaque)

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Gen’yuin -sama zuishin tsutome (location of official guards in Gen’yuin mausoleum) (Kan’eiji temple (Taito-ku, Tokyo))

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Gen’yuin -sama zuishin tsutome (location of official guards in Gen’yuin mausoleum) (Kan’eiji temple (Taito-ku, Tokyo)) (opaque)

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Jotokuin-sama zuishin tsutome (location of official guards in Jotokuin mausoleum) (Kan’ei temple (Taito-ku, Tokyo))

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Jotokuin-sama zuishin tsutome (location of official guards in Jotokuin mausoleum) (Kan’ei temple (Taito-ku, Tokyo)) (opaque)

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Yushoin-sama gobutsuden (Mausoleum for Yushoin) (inside Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo))

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Yushoin-sama gobutsuden (Mausoleum for Yushoin) (inside Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo)) (opaque)

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Ueno Onshozokujo (office in Ueno which provided official attire) (Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo)

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Ueno Onshozokujo (office in Ueno which provided official attire) (Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo) (opaque)

Full Title

Kyoho jusan boshin jugatsu Dojoji ni okeru Bunshoin-sama 17-kai ongi hoji zuishin tsutome (Location of official guards at the 17th anniversary of Bunshoin’s death ceremony, at Zojoji temple, October 1728) (Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo)

Full Title

Kyoho jusan boshin jugatsu Dojoji ni okeru Bunshoin-sama 17-kai ongi hoji zuishin tsutome (Location of official guards at the 17th anniversary of Bunshoin’s death ceremony, at Zojoji temple, October 1728) (Zojoji temple (Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo) (opaque)

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