Search Results: Pub List No equal to '10130.000' (original) (raw)


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Covers to) (Manuscript Wall Map of the World)


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Interactive Globe) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, and the fifth ring of 18 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Key sheet) (Manuscript Wall Map of the World)


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Page Index) (Manuscript Wall Map of the World)


Index to numbering of the pages in the assembled map. Prepared by Chet Van Duzer.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Prima. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Seconda. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Terza. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Quarta. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Quinta, Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Prima. Libro Terzo.


The note box has been cut out, indicating perhaps an intended revision that did not occur.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Sesta, Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Prima. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Setima, Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Seconda. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Ottava, Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Seconda. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola Nona, Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Terza. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola X Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Terza. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XI Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Quarta. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XII Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Quarta. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XIII Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Quinta. Libro Terzo.


The note box has been cut out, indicating perhaps an intended revision that did not occur.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XIIII Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. V. E. VI. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XV. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Sesta. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XVI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Settima. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XVII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola VII. E. VIII. Libro Terzo.


The note box has been cut out, indicating perhaps an intended revision that did not occur.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XVIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Ottava. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XVIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Nonaa. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XX. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. VIIII.E.X. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. Decima. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XI. Libro Terzo.


The note box has been cut out, indicating perhaps an intended revision that did not occur.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XI.E.XII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXV. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXVI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XIII. E.XIIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXVII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XIIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXVIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XV. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXVIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XV. E.XVI. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXX. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola .XVI. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola .XVII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola .XVII. E.XVIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

vola XXXIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XVIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XVIIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXV. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XIX. E.XX.. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXVI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XX. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXVII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXI. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXVIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXI. E.XXII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXVIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXII. Libro Terzo.


The long legend describes the first circumnavigation of the globe by Magellan, 1519-1522.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXX. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXIII. E.XXIIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXIIII. Libro Terzo.


The legend on the left is a sonnet about the map and on the right side another legend in an elaborate frame explaining the shape of the world map and dating the work at 1587. Below the frame is an oval portrait of Monte at the age of 45, which covers another portrait of Monte slightly altered and at age 43. The existence of the top portrait at age 45 would indicate that some alternations of the 1587 work may have been made in 1789. This image shows the portrait age 45. See 10130.045 for the portrait age 43.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXIIII. Libro Terzo.


The legend on the left is a sonnet about the map and on the right side another legend in an elaborate frame explaining the shape of the world map and dating the work at 1587. Below the frame is an oval portrait of Monte at the age of 45, which covers another portrait of Monte slightly altered and at age 43. The existence of the top portrait at age 45 would indicate that some alternations of the 1587 work may have been made in 1789. This image shows the portrait age 43. See 10130.044 for the portrait age 45.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXV. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXVI. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXV. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXVII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXVI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXVIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXVII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXVIIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXVIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXX. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXVIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXI. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola L . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LI . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXIIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LIII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXV. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LIIII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXVI. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LV . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXVII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LVI . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXVIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LVII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXVIIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LVIII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXX. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LVIIII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXXI. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LX . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXXII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

De i venti, et cagione della fredezza, et caldezza loro, in molte parti del mondo. Libro Quarto


Large legend that is placed in the lower right corner of the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola e conto de i miglia... Scale per Trouare la grandezza... Libro Quarto


Explanation of various scales used on the map. Not placed on the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Eight small legends) Libro Quarto.


These small legends are placed two each in the four corners of the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Eight medium legends) Libro Quarto.


These medium legends are placed two each in the four corners of the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Wind Chart). Libro Quarto.


Chart showing wind directions throughout the year. Placed in the lower right corner of the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Wind Chart). Libro Quarto.


Chart showing wind directions throughout the year. Placed in the upper left corner of the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola de i paraleli et de i chimi con la elevatione del Polo... Libro Quarto.


Large legend that is placed in the upper right corner of the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Seconda Parte de i Paraleli et de i chimi con la elevatione el polo... Libro Quarto.


Large legend that is placed in the lower left corner of the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

De i Gradi et Diferenza loro in molte parte del mondo. Libro Quarto.


Large legend that is placed in the upper left corner of the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Eclisse del sole. Libro Quarto.


Diagram showing the eclipse of the sun by the moon as seen from the earth. Placed in the upper right corner of the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Eclisse de la Luna. Libro Quarto.


Diagram showing the eclipse of the moon by the earth as seen from the earth. Placed in the lower left corner of the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

come rispondano i Gradi alle hore del sole in ogni parte della Terra. Libro Quarto.


Diagram showing how different parts of the earth respond to the amount of sunshine. Not placed n composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Ruota dove si vede la grandezza de i Giorni e della notti Tutto L'ano. Libro Quarto.


Diagram showing the length of days and nights during the year. Not placed on the composite map.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-4. (Map of the World)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-4. (Map of the World) (Rotated 180 degrees)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole. Rotated 180 degrees.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-12. (Map of the World)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole and the second ring of 8 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-12. (Map of the World) (Rotated 180 degrees)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole and the second ring of 8 sheets. Rotated 180 degrees.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-24. (Map of the World)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, and the third ring of 12 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-24. (Map of the World) (Rotated 180 degrees)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, and the third ring of 12 sheets. Rotated 180 degrees.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-42. (Map of the World)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, and the fourth ring of 18 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-42. (Map of the World) (Rotated 180 degrees)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, and the fourth ring of 18 sheets. Rotated 180 degrees.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, and the fifth ring of 18 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World) (Rotated 180 degrees)


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, and the fifth ring of 18 sheets. Rotated 180 degrees.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World) (with additional spheres and labels in the four corners).


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, the fifth ring of 18 sheets, and the legends and diagrams in the four corners.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World) (with additional spheres and labels in the four corners). (Rotated 180 degrees).


Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, the fifth ring of 18 sheets, and the legends and diagrams in the four corners.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World) (Re-projected in Cordiform used by Oronce Fine, 1514)


Re-projected in Cordiform used by Oronce Fine, 1514, simulated here with a Bonne projection using central latitude of 90 degrees. Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, and the fifth ring of 18 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World) (Re-projected in Cordiform used by Bernardus Sylvanus, 1511)


Re-projected in Cordiform used by Bernardus Sylvanus, 1511, simulated here with a Bonne projection using central latitude of 45 degrees. Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, and the fifth ring of 18 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World) (Re-projected in Pseudocylindrical used by Abraham Ortelius, 1570)


Re-projected in Pseudocylindrical used by Abraham Ortelius, 1570, simulated here with a Robinson projection. Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, and the fifth ring of 18 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World) (Re-projected in Mercator used by Gerardus Mercator, 1569)


Re-projected in Mercator used by Gerardus Mercator, 1569. Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, and the fifth ring of 18 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World) (Re-projected in Plate Carree or Geographic, Marinus of Tyre, Ptolemy)


Re-projected in Plate Carree or Geographic, Marinus of Tyre, Ptolemy. Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, and the fifth ring of 18 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

(Composite map of) Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World) (In Google Earth)


In Google Earth. Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, and the fifth ring of 18 sheets.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Composite: Tavola 1-60. (Map of the World) Rotating


Monte"s map rotating as he intended it to do on a wall. Image rotation made by Chet Van Duzer. Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, and the fifth ring of 18 sheets.

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