Search Results: World Area equal to 'Antarctica' (original) (raw)


[Hooker, Joseph Dalton, Davis, Captain John Edward, Hydrographic Office, Navy Department]

Full Title

Chart of the South Polar Sea. Publ.d according to Act of Parliament at the Hydroc. Office of the Admiralty June 1839, and sold by R.B bate 21 Poultry.


[Glavnoe Upravlenie Navigat︠s︡ii i Okeanografii Ministerstva Oborony SSSR., Soviet Union. Voenno-Morskoĭ Flot.]

Full Title

More Rossa. (To accompany) Atlas okeanov : Tikhiy Okean = Atlas of the Oceans : Pacific Ocean. 1974.


Bathymetric map of the Ross Sea, Antarctica on 2 sheets. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Depth shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings. Include elevation bar.

Full Title

Chart of the Antarctic Polar Circle, with the Countries Adjoining, According to the New Hypothesis of M. Buache. From the Memoirs of the Royal Academy at Paris. (cover) Gentleman's Magazine for January 1763. London, Printed by D. Henry, at St. John's Gate.


Uncolored chart of Antarctica, drawn by the scientific M. Buache. Folded and published by the Gentleman's Magazine in 1763.

Full Title

Chart of the Antarctic Polar Circle, with the Countries Adjoining, According to the New Hypothesis of M. Buache. From the Memoirs of the Royal Academy at Paris. (cover) Gentleman's Magazine for January 1763. London, Printed by D. Henry, at St. John's Gate.


Hand colored map of the southern Polar Region (Antarctic) , 20x23, based upon the map of Philippe Bauche, published in Paris. This map in black and white, drawn by the scientific geographer M. Buache was published in 1763 by the Gentleman's Magazine, a famous 18th century English journal, as part of an article entitled Geographical and Physical Observations, A new theory of the earth, including a Theory of the Antarctic Regions, and the frozen Sea which they are supposed to contain, according to the Hypothesis of the M. Buache. This chart centers on the South Pole and extends northwards as far as the Tropic of Capricorn. Though predating the discovery of Antarctica by more than half a century, Buache's map details a fanciful Antarctic Pole sandwiched between the tip of Cape Horn, the Cape of Good Hope, and southern Australia, which stretches northwards off the map as far as New Guinea to which the mainland of Australia erroneously attached and Indonesia in the upper left. The map also showing 17th & 18th century land and ice sightings in the southern seas, and name drops De L'Isle, Drake, Halley, and even Ortelius. Heading inward towards the Pole, the map shows a circle labeled ‘Land Yet Undiscovered,' and another within that, labeled ‘Frozen Sea as Supposed.' None of which stops it from depicting the best guesses as to what might exist there. Most interestingly, New Zealand is only the northernmost tip of a great southern continent. Buache was an academic geographer who researched his material thoroughly, relying on the most up-to-date information from voyages of discovery.

Full Title

The Ge-Organon or World Delineated; a Substitute for the Terrestrial Globe. Part. IId Invented by B. Donne


Bristol, published by the author as the act directs, March 25th 1788.


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]

Full Title

Composite South Pole 6 Sheets World Aeronautical Charts UPS South (Universal Polar Sterographic).


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXIIII. Libro Terzo.


The legend on the left is a sonnet about the map and on the right side another legend in an elaborate frame explaining the shape of the world map and dating the work at 1587. Below the frame is an oval portrait of Monte at the age of 45, which covers another portrait of Monte slightly altered and at age 43. The existence of the top portrait at age 45 would indicate that some alternations of the 1587 work may have been made in 1789. This image shows the portrait age 45. See 10130.045 for the portrait age 43.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXV. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


[Markham, Clements Robert, 1830-1916, Hamilton, Richard Vesey, Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain)]

Full Title

Antarctic regions : Maps showing present state of research. By J. G. Bartholomew. F.R.S.E. Royal Geographical Society. The Edinburgh Institute - John Bartholomew & Co. (to accompany) Antarctic exploration : A plea for a national expedition. By Sir C.R. Markham ... London: The Royal Geographical Society. 1898.


5 color maps on 1 folded sheet. By John George Bartholomew, F.R.S.E., With inset maps: Victoria Land and of Graham Land. Issued to accompany: Antarctic exploration : A plea for a national expedition. By Sir C.R. Markham. 1898. Maps showing South Pole region “Supposed outline of Continent after Murray”; Mean temperature, February, after Dr. Buchan; Isobars and winds, February, after Dr. Buchan and Sir John Murray; Oceanic deposits, after Dr. J. Murray; and Ocean Currents. Relief shown by hachures, contours and gradient tints. Depths shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings. "The Principal Explorers' Routes within South Polar Regions are marked in Red”. Includes explanation and Sea coloring notes.


Greenleaf, Jeremiah

Full Title

Southern Hemisphere.


Polar projection. Engraved. In full color by land mass. Meridian Greenwich.

Full Title

Antartide continente del giorno


[Mackay, Donald, Barnard, Charles H. (1781- c.1840)]

Full Title

A Chart of Liar’s harbor; or Yanky har.[bo]r from actual survey, by Capt C Barnerd & Do[nald] Mackay ... Lat 62 31’ S. Lon. 60 W.


Van Ewyk, Nicolaas

Full Title

Nouvelle Carte de la Moitie Meridionale du Globe Terrestre montrant la Variation du Compas, ou le Merveileux accord enchaine des mouvemens regles et ne jamais cessans du vivant pourvoir Magnetique; telles qu'on les a trouvez l'An 1750 (A new map of the southern half of the earth's globe : shewing the variation of the compass, or the marvelous concatenated concurrence of the regular and never ceasing motion of the living magnetick power, as it was found in the year 1750)


[Joerg, W.L.G., American Geographical Society]

Full Title

(Covers to) Brief history of polar exploration since the introduction of flying.


[Joerg, W.L.G., American Geographical Society]

Full Title

Bathymetric Map of the Antarctic (Southern Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans).


Hitchcock, Edward, 1828-1911

Full Title

Outline of the geology of the globe. 1853. W. C. Sharp's Lith. Boston.


Hand-colored, lithographed geologic world map. Shows the major mountain ranges, lakes, drainage and deserts, as well as geological forces and the different strata across the globe, including primary fossiliferous strata, alluvial deposits and volcanoes. Relief shown pictorially. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as a legend. With two inset maps: Supposed Antarctic Continent -- Comparative heights of continents & culminating points of mountains. First inset features Antarctic discoveries, with names of explorers and dates of voyages; second inset compares worldwide mountain elevations. Also, with a profile: [Mountain and volcano heights of the globe]. Map is 47 x 59 cm, on sheet 50 x 61 cm, folded to 20 x 11 cm. First of two maps in Hitchock's Geology of the globe.


Auerbach, Tauba, 1981-

Full Title

Map projection VII : Stereographic, Antarctica. T. A. \ Diagonal Press, 2020.


World map by artist Tauba Auerbach, featuring an alternative projection: stereographic, from the perspective of Antarctica, which stretches around the peripheries. Shows an unusual rotation of the earth within its familiar frames. Made using custom software created for Auerbach by programmer Jason Davies. The tool allows one to rotate the earth in any direction and flatten it using a wide array of projections, producing unfamiliar but mathematically accurate models of the earth. In this application, the gaze is focused on the oceans and the Southern Hemisphere. The software was originally created to generate source material for a series of paintings and GIFs, as part of the exhibition Panthalassa at Standard (Oslo) in October 2020. Title, date, artist's initials and publisher included within the exterior border of the image, each on one of four sides. Offset print in black and fluorescent green on white paper. Map is 68 x 98 cm, on sheet 69 x 99 cm, folded to 13 x 35.

Full Title

Nord und Sud Pole zu Henze's Erd-Globus.


With a diameter of 43 inches, these 24 gores form the largest printed globe produced in the 19th century.Dimensions are sheet size.

Full Title

Nord und Sud Pole zu Henze's Erd-Globus.


With a diameter of 43 inches, these 24 gores form the largest printed globe produced in the 19th century.Dimensions are sheet size.


[Bartholomew, John George, 1860-1920, Murray, John, 1841-1914, Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain)]

Full Title

Antarctic research : series of maps illustrating Dr. John Murray's address, 1893. Published by the Royal Geographical Society. G. Bartholomew, Edinr. (to accompany) The Geographical journal : Including the proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society. January, 1894. Vol. III, No. 1. London The Rpyal Geographical Society; Edward Stanford.


7 color maps on 1 folded sheet. Issued to accompany article: The renewal of Antarctic exploration. by John Murray, Ph.D., LL.D., of the "Challenger" expedition. Read at the meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, November 27, 1893. Including: South Polar Regions: Showing height of land and depth of sea. By J.G. Bartholomew, F.R.S.E., With inset maps: Victoria Land and of Graham Land, South Shetland Islands, and South Orkney Islands. Oceanic deposits, after Dr. J. Murray; Ice limits and currents; Mean temperature, February, after Dr. Buchan; Mean rainfall, annual, after Dr. Buchan and Dr. Murray; Isobars and winds, February, after Dr. Buchan and Dr. Murray; Magnetic phenomena, after Neumayer. Relief shown by contours and gradient tints. Depths shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings. "The Principal Explorers' Routes within South Polar Regions are marked in Red, thus showing what is ascertained, and what is hypothetical."


Du Val, Pierre, 1619-1683

Full Title

Terres dites Antarctiques autrement Australes et Inconnues.


[Wyld, James, 1812-1887, Wyld, James, 1790-1836]

Full Title

Southern Hemisphere. London. Published by Jas. Wyld. (to accompany) A new general atlas of modern geography : consisting of a complete collection of maps of the four quarters of the globe ...


Circular double page engraved map, hand colored in outline. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian is Greenwich.

Full Title

The Antarctic Regions.


Countries in full color. Shows names of principal antarctic navigators and dates of exploration.

Full Title

Southern Regions.


Rand McNally and Company

Full Title

North Polar Regions. South Polar Regions.


Two maps on one sheet.


Tokyo Sogensha Co Ltd.

Full Title

Nihon Nankyoku tanken-zu. (Illustration of Japanese Exploration of the Antarctic). (inset: location map).


Folding color Japanese calendar map on sheet 78x54. Featuring a map of the Antarctic with a calendar for the year 1957 printed in the lower section of the sheet. This calendar was published as a celebratory supplement on the occasion of the completion of publishing of all the 50 volumes of Sekai Shonen Shojo Bungaku Zenshu (World Literature for Young Boys and Girls Series] by Sogensha in 1957. The map shows exploration routes, dates, the locations of the existing Japanese bases, the bases they had planned for the period 1955 to 1956, and the bases of various other nations for the period from 1956 to 1957. The first Japanese Antarctic observation party on the icebreaker Soya landed on East Ongul Island on January 29th, 1957 and established their base Showa Kichi. The ship depicted on the right side of the map is the historic vessel Soya which carried the expeditors to the Antarctic and was involved in a number of journeys to the continent between 1956 and 1962.


[National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division, Grosvenor, Gilbert]

Full Title

The Antarctic regions : Compiled and drawn in the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society for the National geographic Magazine. Gilbert Grovenor, LL.D., LiTT. D., Editor. Copyright 1932 by National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. A. Hoen & Co., Lithographers, Baltimore, MD. Executed by Albert H. Bumstead and James M. Darley. (insets) Byrd's South Pole flight, Nov. 29, 1929. (with) Antarctic Archipelago. (with) King Edward VII Land and part of Marie Byrd Land.


Color map of Antarctica on Azmuthal Equidistant Projection (pole of projection at South Pole). Issued as supplement to the National Geographic, v. 62, October 1932. Shows routes of explorers, airplane routes, mountains, glaciers, distances, etc. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Includes legend. Prime meridian is Greenwich.

Full Title

Antarctic Continent: Exploration Map : Penetration Routes, Discovery Ships, Human Presence. Antarctic Continent: Exploration Map. Zagier & Urruty Publications, Argentina. Direction & design Sergio Zagier. Drawing: Andrea Munita & Andrea Daffunchio. 2005, 2015 Zagier & Urruty.


Color folded map of Antactica Continent 68 x 98, folded to 24 x 13. Published by Zagier & Urruty Publications in Argentina. Azimuthal equidistant projection. Relief shown by shading and spot heights. Depths shown by soundings. Title from folded cover. Detailed map including the historical penetration routes to the White Continent. Sites and stations. Gravures of old ships. Includes 11 insets of Exploration maps from "The Antarctic Ocean" by Russell Owen, London 1948.


[Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1723-1786, Dussy, E.]

Full Title

Hemisphere Austral ou Antarctique projette sur un horizon dont le zenith est situe a 140 degres de longit Orient de l' Isle de Fer et a 66d 32' de latit australe, dressse sous les yeux de M. Le Duc De Croy par le Sr. de Vaugondy, Geographe ord. du Roi, du feu Roi de Pologne Duc de Lorr, et de Bar, de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-lettres de Nancy et Censeur royal; publie sous l'approbation de l'Academie royale des sciences de 24 Mars 1773 et agmente en 1776 ... Grave par E. Dussy.


Hand color in outline circular map of the Southern Hemisphere according to the latest discoveries with the tracks of the Captain James Cook. Showing Cook's tracks of the recent expeditions of Cook and Bouganville on New Zealand, Australia, and the South Pacific. Also showing the routes of modern explorers, such as in 1642 Tasman, Halley in 1700, St. Louis in 1718, Bouvet in 1738, and Cook & Bougainville in 1768. Includes observation notes, table of latitude and longitude and notes.


[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A., Habenicht, H.]

Full Title

Nr. 6. Sued-Polar-Karte ... von A. Petermann.


[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann]

Full Title

Eisverbreitung, einst und jetzt. Polar Ansicht der Erde in Lambert's flachenrechter Azimuthal-projection. Entw. v. Herm. Berghaus 1884, Ausg. 1886. Gotha: Justus Perthes. (On upper margin) I. Abt. Geologie No. V. Berghaus' physikal atlas No. 5. (to Accompany) Berghaus' Physikalischer Atlas. (Begrundet 1836 durch Heinrich Berghaus) ... Gotha: Justus Perthes. 1892. (7 insets).


Color lithograph double hemisphere map with 7 insets. Depth shown by gradient tints, isoline and soundings. Relief shown by hachures. Insets: Der Rhein-Gletscher nach A. Favre -- Der Rhone Gletscher nach A. Falsan -- Seen-Gebiet in Nord-Amerika nach Chamberlin und Wright -- Die Europaischen Alpen -- Iseo-Gletscher nach Stroppani -- Der Loisach- und Inn-Gletscher n. Penck & Bayberger -- Die Sudlichen Alpen (Neu-Seeland) nach J. v. Haast. Includes legend and explanation.


[Munster, Sebastian, 1448–1552, Ptolemy, Claudius, Pirckheimer, Willibald, 1470-1530]

Full Title

Typus Orbis Universalis. (to accompany) Geographia universalis, vetus et nova, complectens Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini enarrationis libros VIII ... Basileae apud Henricum Petrum Mense Martio anno M.D. XL (1540).


Woodcut uncolored map of the world. The first map to name the pacific Ocean “Mare Pacificum”. Shows windheads around the map sea monsters, rivers and mountains. Relief shown pictorially.


[Wytfliet, Corneille, Magini, Giovanni Antonio]

Full Title

Chica sive Patagonica et Australis Terra. (to accompany) Histoire universelle des Indes occidentales et orientales, et de la conversion des Indiens : divisee en trois parties par Cornille Wytfliet & Anthoine Magin & autres historiens. Premiere Partie. A Douay, Chez Francois Fabri, l'An 1611.


Uncolored engraved double page map divided in two sections. Shows Strait of Magellan or Patagonia and at the bottom shows a polar view of the Terra Australis with Southern Africa and Madagascar. Relief shown pictorially. Includes decorative title cartouche.


[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611, Paludanus, Bernard, 1550-1633, Plancius, Petro, Doetecum, Jan van]

Full Title

Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro Multis in Locis Emendatus. Carte generale de tout l'Unevers.


Foldout. This map is among the first world maps to use highly decorated borders, setting a style of world maps that would continue for the next century.


[Ptolemy, Claudius, Gastaldi, Giacomo, Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1500-1577, Pedrezano, Giovanbattista]

Full Title

Carta Marina Nova tabula. (to accompany) Ptolemeo. La geografia di Claudio Ptolemeo alessandrino ... In Venetia, ... per Gioan. Baptista Pedrezano ... Anni x. M.D.XLVIII (1548).


Engraved nautical chart of the world with coastal detail. The chart shows America and Asia connected as one land mass. Montagna Verde appears in NY State. Tierra Del Bacalaos, Tierra el Laborador shown in North America. Tierra Del Fuego in the south. Africa shown in detail with place names. Place names shown in Mexico, Brazil and Peru.


[Michel de La Rochemaillet, Gabriel, 1561-1642, Le Clerc, Jean, (1560-1621)]

Full Title

Orbis Terrae Novissima Descriptio.


Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638

Full Title

Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

(Composite of) Mappe Monde en deux Hemispheres presentant L'Etat Acuel de La Geographie Par A.H. Brue, Geographe de S.H.R. Monsieur a Paris. Chez: l'Auteur, Rue des Macons-Sorbonne No. 9. CH les Simonneau, Rue de la Paix, No. 6. Juin 1820. Dediee a Monsieur Le baron G. Cuvier, Conseiller d'Stat ordinaire, L'Un des Quarante de L'Academie Francaise, Secretaire Perpetuel de celle des Sciences, &,&. Hommage Respectueux de l'Auteur. A' Londres, chez Cary Md. de Cartes Geog. A' Milan, chez Betailli et Compie. A' Vienne, chez Artaria Md. d'Estampes. A' Berlin, chez Simon Schropp et Compie. A' Manheim, chez Artaria. A' Vienne, chez Riedl, Bureau d'Idustrie.


Composite of four map sheets plus the titles which fit between the hemispheres.

Full Title

Map of the World on a Globular Projection, Exhibiting Particularly the Nautical Researches of Capn. James Cook, F.R.S. with all the Recent Discoveries to the Present Time, carefully drawn by A. Arrowsmith, Hydrographer to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. The Plan Work Engraved by T. Foot. The Writing by Wigzell & Mozeen. This Map Is Respectfully Dedicated To Alexander Dalrymple Esqr. F.R.S. In Testimony of his many New and Valuable Geographical Communications To His most Obedient and very Humble Servant A. Arrowsmith. January 1st 1794. Additions to 1799. Do. to 1808. London, Published as the Act direct Jany. 1st 1794, by A. Arrowsmith, No. 10 Soho Square. I. Puke Sculpt. E. Dayes del. W. Wilson sculp.


Dedicated to Alexander Dalrymple. Portraits of Cook and Dalrymple. 1st edition, 1794. Additions to 1799 and 1808. With outline color by country. Map is dissected into 24 sections, mounted on linen and edged in light blue silk. Folds into a new brown cloth folding case 34x27 with "World On A Globular Projection A. Arrowsmith 1808" stamped in gold on the spine.


Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598

Full Title

Typus Orbis Terrarum. Franciscus Hogenbergus sculpsit. Cum Privilegio. Quid ei potest videri magnum in rebus humanis, cui aeternitas omnis, totiusque magnitudo. Cicero:


Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598

Full Title

Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio.Cum Privilegio.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

(Western Hemisphere). Dressee et Redigee par A.H. Brue. Publiee en Juin 1820. Augmentee en 7 bre 1821. Gravee sous la direction de l'Auteur. a Londres, chez Cary Md. de Cartes Geog. a Milan, chez Betailli et Compie. a Vienne, chez Artaria Md. d'Estampes ... (embossed seal) Carte Encyprotipe AHB.


Untitled map of the the Western Hemisphere, with the North American geography following Lewis and Clark's discoveries. There is an advertisement explaining the author's rational for the choice of locations that are unknown. Map is dissected into 20 sections, and mounted and bordered with linen. With hand painted outline color. End sheet has a label reading "Mappemonde Amerique" in ms, "Magasin de Geographie de Chles. Simonneau Graveur. A Paris, Rue de la Paix No. 6. Hotel Mirabeau, via-a-vis le Timbre..." and dated below that, "le 15-2-1907" in ms; under the label in ms reads "Mappemonde des 2 Ameriques a Moulinard." Map folds into a new brown cloth folding case 26x20 with "Amerique Brue 1821" stamped in gold on the spine.


Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832

Full Title

Mappemonde projetee sur l'horizon de Paris et sur son antipode. Mappemonde sur la projection polaire. Dressees par A. Brue, Geographe du Roi. Paris, 1828. Chez l'Auteur, rue des Macons-Sorbonne, no. 9, et chez les principaux marchands de cartes geographiques.


Two hand colored engraved maps. Prime meridian: Paris. Contents: Hemisphere sur l'horizon de Paris -- Hemisphere sur l'horizon de l'antipode de Paris -- Hemisphere boreal -- Hemisphere austral.

Full Title

Southern Regions. Published by J.H. Colton And Co. 172 William St. New York. Entered ... 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. ... New York. No. XIII.


Antarctica using a polar projection. Routes of the explorers shown including dates of exploration. Uncolored.

Full Title

Northern Regions. Southern Regions. Published by J. H. Colton. No. 172 William St. New York.


Map showing Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington D. C. Printed in black and white.

Full Title

Northern Regions. Southern Regions. Published by G. W & C. B. Colton & Co., No. 172 William St. New York.


Map showing Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington D.C.


[Diercke, Carl, Gaebler, Eduard]

Full Title

Erdkarten in Planigloben. (to accompany) Diercke Schul-Atlas fur hohere Lehranstalten. "3" on the lower right margin.


Four color maps on 2 pages. Includes: Nordlicher planiglob. Nord-Polarkarte ; Sudlicher Planiglob. Sud-Polarkarte. Includes legend. Stereographische Polar-Projektion. Prime meridian is Greenwich.


Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826

Full Title

Southern Hemisphere. Drawn under the direction of Mr. Pinkerton by L. Hebert. Neele sculpt. 352 Strand. London: published August 31st. 1812 by Cadell & Davies, Strand & Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, Paternoster Row.


Engraved map. Full hand col. Relief shown by hachures. "Pinkerton's modern atlas."


Polish Army Topography Service

Full Title

Atlantic Ocean. Antarctica. Pergamon World Atlas. Pergamon Press, Ltd. & P.W.N. Poland 1967. Sluzba Topograficzna W.P.


Shows ocean currents, bathymetry, and topography. Antarctica map at 1:20,000,000 shows routes of scientific expeditions before 1957, bathymetry, topography, and ownership.

Full Title

Arctica. (and) Antarctica. (inset) The Arctic Winter. (inset) Greenland. (inset) Shelf Ice. (to accompany) Atlas Of Global Geography. By Erwin Raisz. Lectures in Cartography, Institute Of Geographical Exploration, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. ... Global Press Corporation, Publishers. New York, N.Y. Sole Distributors: Harper & Brothers, New York. (on verso) Copyright 1944, by Global Press Corporation.


Color maps. Accompanied by text. With paper dust jacket. On the jacket it states that this is an "entirely new kind of atlas - A beautiful and informative book of 'global' maps, giving a plane's-eye view of tomorrow's geography..."


Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain)

Full Title

(World on gnomonic projection. VI. From South Pole to 450 S. Lat.). No.6. Published by Baldwin & Cradock, 47 Paternoster Row June 1831. Under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Engraved by J. & C. Walker.


Engraved map. No. 6 of 6 sheets. Country boundaries hand col. Relief shown by hachures. Shows tidal information including cotidal isolines. Issued earlier and separately. Title from contents page.


Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain)

Full Title

South America sheet V. Patagonia. (with) Isle of Georgia. (with) The South Shetlands and Orkneys. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. London, published by Chapman & Hall, 186 Strand, April 2nd, 1838. (1844) Printed by J. & C. Walker.


Engraved map. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Boundaries hand col. Covers also the Falkland Islands. David Rumsey Collection copy incorrectly bound in atlas as no. 154 (should be 153)


[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A.]

Full Title

Stieler's Hand-Atlas ... No. 42a. Sud-Polar-Karte.


Shows routes of marine exploration.


[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A., Habenicht, H.]

Full Title

6. Sued-Polar-Karte.


[Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598, Vrients, Jan Baptista]

Full Title

Maris Pacifici, (quod vulg�� Mar del Zur) cum regionibus circumiacentibus, insulisque in eodem passim sparsis, novissima descriptio. Cum privilegiis Imp. & Reg. Maiestatum, nec non Cancellariae Brabantiae, ad decennium. Spe Et Metv Genio Et Ingenio Nobili Dn. Nicolao Roccoxio, Patricio Antverpiensi, Eivsdemqve Vrbis Senatori, Abrahamus Ortelius Regi�� Mts. geographus sub. merito dedicabat. 1589.


Jansson, Johannes, 1588-1664

Full Title

Polus Antarcticus.

Full Title

Southern Hemisphere. Kirkwood sculp. Drawn & engraved for John Thompson Co.'s New general atlas, 12 August 1814.


Engraved map. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially.


[Buchanan, George, Thomson, John]

Full Title

Southern Hemisphere projected on the plane of the horizon of London. By Geo. Buchanan. J. & G. Menzies sculpt., Edinr. Projected & engraved for Thomson's New general atlas, 20th Sept. 1816.


Engraved map. Outline hand color. Relief shown by hachures. "N.B. The scale only measures with sufficient accuracy distances in the direction of the meridians."


Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)

Full Title

(South Polar Calotte 26, Terrestrial Globe)


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

Plavanie shliupov "Vostok" i "Mirnyi" v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty. (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 1. (Page 1). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 2. (Page 2). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia.


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 3. (Page 3). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 4. (Page 4). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 5. (Page 5). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 6. (Page 6). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 7. (Page 7). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 8. (Page 8). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 9. (Page 9). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 10. (Page 10). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 11. (Page 11). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 12. (Page 12). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 13. (Page 13). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 14. (Page 14). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

List 15. (Page 15). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).


Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieg Von, 1778-1852

Full Title

(Composite map of) List 1-15. Page 1-15). Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia


Composite of all 15 maps. These images are reproductions of the images of hand drawn maps in the book, "Pervaya Russkaya Antarktischeskaya Ekspeditisyia 1819-1821 gg. i Yeye Otchetnaya Navigatsionnaya Karta," (Analysis of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition by Bellingshausen), generously provided to us by Dr. Richard C. Dehmel from his private collection. The maps show the routes of the Vostok and Mirnyi as they circumnavigated Antarctica in on their 1819 - 1821 expedition. The maps are titled "Plavanie shliupov 'Vostok' i 'Mirnyi' v 1819-1821 gg. s ukazaniem narezki listov otchetnoi morskoi karty." (Voyage of the sloops "West" and "Peaceful" from 1819-1821 showing the excerpts from inventory naval charts).

Full Title

Polynesian Groups (composed of) Fiji, Viti, Islands; Sandwich, Hawaii, Islands; Samoa or Navigator Islands. South Polar Regions. (with) Kerguelen Island. (with) Victoria Land. (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1895)


Four color maps with 3 insets. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Show settlements, etc. Includes inset of "County of Rutland" for comparison.


[Touring club italiano, Funk & Wagnalls Company.]

Full Title

Terre polari. (Propr. Artistico-letteraria del T.C.I. Ufficio cartografico del T.C.I. 1929)


Two color maps. Relief shown by spot heights.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XVIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Ottava. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XVIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola Nonaa. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXVI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XIII. E.XIIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXVII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XIIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXVIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XV. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXVIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XV. E.XVI. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXX. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola .XVI. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola .XVII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola .XVII. E.XVIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

vola XXXIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XVIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XVIIII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXV. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XIX. E.XX.. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXVI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XX. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXVII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXI. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXVIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXI. E.XXII. Libro Terzo.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXVIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXII. Libro Terzo.


The long legend describes the first circumnavigation of the globe by Magellan, 1519-1522.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXIIII. Libro Terzo.


The legend on the left is a sonnet about the map and on the right side another legend in an elaborate frame explaining the shape of the world map and dating the work at 1587. Below the frame is an oval portrait of Monte at the age of 45, which covers another portrait of Monte slightly altered and at age 43. The existence of the top portrait at age 45 would indicate that some alternations of the 1587 work may have been made in 1789. This image shows the portrait age 43. See 10130.044 for the portrait age 45.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXVI. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXV. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXVII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXVI. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXVIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXVII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXVIIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXVIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXX. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola XXXXVIIII. Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXI. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola L . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LI . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXIIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LIII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXV. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LIIII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXVI. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LV . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXVII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LVI . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXVIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LVII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXVIIII. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LVIII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXX. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613

Full Title

Tavola LVIIII . Che Ha Sua Superiore La Tavola. XXXXI. Libro Terzo.


This and the other final 18 tables of the world map depict Antarctica peopled with fantastic creatures, imaginary islands, monsters, and many legends describing the various countries of the world.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

Box2_10 plate 1 & 2


[Gorkin, Aleksandr Fedorovich, Motylev, V.E.]

Full Title

Karta Antarktiki. (on upper margin) Antarktika. (5 insets). (to accompany) Bolshoi Sovietskii Atlas Mira. Moskva 1937.


Color map of Antarctica, with 5 insets. Includes legend. Relief shown by gradient tints. Depth shown by isolines and soundings.


[Andriveau-Goujon, J., Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832]

Full Title

Carte generale du globe terrestre. par A. Brue, Geographe du Roi. Publiee pour la premiere fois en 1821 par J. Goujon ... Paris. Chez J.Goujon et J. Andriveau, Geographer-editeurs ... 1829. (to accompany) Atlas de choix ou Recueil de cartes de geographie ancienne et moderne.


Double page outline hand color engraved map of double hemisheres. Relief shown by hachures. Shows Terre de Palmer (Palmer's Land) in the Antarctica.


[Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Hondius, Iodocus, 1563-1612]

Full Title

America Meridionalis. (to accompany) Atlas minor Gerardi Mercatoris.


Map of South America with Latin text on the verso. The Strait of Magellan is shown but Tierra Del Fuego is part of the large southern continent. Relief shown pictorially.


[Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783, Rhode, Johann Christoph]

Full Title

Tabula geographica hemisphaerii Australis : ad emendatiora quae adhuc prodierunt exempla, jussu Acad. Reg. Scient. et Eleg. Litt. Boruss. descripta ; I.C. Rhode delin. (to accompany) Atlas geographicus omnes orbis terrarum regiones = Atlas geographique representant en XLI cartes toutes les regions de la terre ... Berolini : Ex officina Michaelis MDCCLIII (1753).


Hand colored copperplate engraving map of Southern Hemisphere on 2 sheets. Relief shown pictorially. Shows Tasmania and New Guinea still joined to Australia, South Africa, South America. In lower right corner: 22. Hemisphaerium Australe. Prime meridian is Ferro.


[Zatta, Antonio, active 1757-1797, Zuliani, Giuliano, Pitteri, Giovanni Marco]

Full Title

Emisfero terrestre Meridionale : tagliato su l'Equatore. Venezia MDCCXXIX (1779). Presso Antonio Zatta ... G. zuliani inc. G. Pitteri scr. (to accompany) Atlante novissimo Tomo I. Venezia. MDCCLXXIX (1779). Con privilegio dell Eccelimo Senato. (tomo I-IV).


Engraved hand-colored in outline, double-page map of Southern hemisphere. Shows political divisions, major cities, rivers and mountains. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian is Ferro. Shows exploration routes taken by Cook and Bougainville. Includes notes at lower right and lower left of map


[National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division, Garret, Wilbur E., Grosvenor, Gilbert]

Full Title

Antarctica : Produced by the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society. Gilbert M. Grovenor, president and Chairman, for the National geographic Magazine. Wilber E. Garret, Editor. John Graver, Jr., Harold E. Aber, Jr., John F. Shupe. Copyright 1987 National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. (insets) Subglacial Antarctica. (with) Antarctica Treaty. (on verso) Pinnipeds around the world. Design: John F. Dorr. Bob Prat ... Van der Grinten Projection.


Color map of Antarctica, Azmuthal Equidistant Projection. On verso: "Pinnipeds around the world" color map and text contains illustrations of the many different species of pinnipeds and text about where they live and what they eat, etc. Issued as Supplement to the National Geographic Magazine, April 1987, vol. 171, no. 6. Shows research stations, glaciers, place names, etc. Relief shown by shadings and spot heights. Includes legend, abbreviations and text.


[National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division, Garret, Wilbur E., Grosvenor, Gilbert]

Full Title

Pinnipeds around the world. Design: John F. Dorr. Bob Prat ... Van der Grinten Projection. (on verso) Antarctica : Produced by the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society. Gilbert M. Grovenor, president and Chairman, for the National geographic Magazine. Wilber E. Garret, Editor. John Graver, Jr., Harold E. Aber, Jr., John F. Shupe. Copyright 1987 National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. (insets) Subglacial Antarctica. (with) Antarctica Treaty.


Color map of Antarctica, Azmuthal Equidistant Projection. On verso: "Pinnipeds around the world" color map and text contains illustrations of the many different species of pinnipeds and text about where they live and what they eat, etc. Issued as Supplement to the National Geographic Magazine, April 1987, vol. 171, no. 6. Shows research stations, glaciers, place names, etc. Relief shown by shadings and spot heights. Includes legend, abbreviations and text.


Australia. Antarctic Division

Full Title

(Text Page to) Antarctica and the southern ocean. Edition 9. Produced in March 2011 for the Australian Antarctic Division. Map no. 13939. (Cover title) Antarctica : Map. Edition Nine. 1:20 M. (inset) Antarctic Peninsula stations. Scale 1:10 000 000.


Color map on sheet 42x59.5, folded into 30x21. Showing scientific stations, exposed rocks, ice shelves, and iceberg tongues. Polar stereographic projection. Relief shown by shading, bathymetric tints, contours and spot heights. Notes: The topography of Antarctica has been derived from the Antarctic Digital Database published by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), 1993." "The bathymetry is reproduced from the GEBCO Digital Atlas published by the British Oceanographic Centre on behalf of the IOC and IHO, 1994." On verso: Text, color photos, distance chart and map "Antarctica : claim and treaty boundaries".


Australia. Antarctic Division

Full Title

Antarctica and the southern ocean. Edition 9. Produced in March 2011 for the Australian Antarctic Division. Map no. 13939. (Cover title) Antarctica : Map. Edition Nine. 1:20 M. (inset) Antarctic Peninsula stations. Scale 1:10 000 000.


Color map on sheet 42x59.5, folded into 30x21. Showing scientific stations, exposed rocks, ice shelves, and iceberg tongues. Polar stereographic projection. Relief shown by shading, bathymetric tints, contours and spot heights. Notes: The topography of Antarctica has been derived from the Antarctic Digital Database published by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), 1993." "The bathymetry is reproduced from the GEBCO Digital Atlas published by the British Oceanographic Centre on behalf of the IOC and IHO, 1994." On verso: Text, color photos, distance chart and map "Antarctica : claim and treaty boundaries".


[Grosvenor, Melville Bell, Darley, James M., National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division.]

Full Title

Antarctica, compiled and drawn in the Cartographic Division of the National Geographic Society for The National Geographic Magazine, Melville Bell Grosvenor, editor. James M. Darley, chief Cartographer. Azimuthal equidistant projection.Lithographed by A. Hoen and Co. Baltomore, MD. September 1957, Nationa Geographic Magazine, Vol. CXII, No. 3. (insets) Relative size of Antarctica and the United States. (with) Relation of Antarctica to the surrounding continents. (with) Queen Maud Range.


Color map of Antarctica. Published as supplement to National Geographic Magazine, volume 112, No. 3, September 1957. Relief shown hachures, spot heights and shading. Depth shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings. Depth curves and soundings in Fathoms. Azimuthal equidistant projection. Map showing ocean currents and wind, glaciers, ice stations. Includes many historical notes concerning the discovery and exploration of the continent.


[Grosvenor, Melville Bell, Darley, James M., National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division.]

Full Title

Antarctica. Atlas Plate 65, February 1963. Compiled and Drawn in the Cartographic Division of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographical Magazine. Melville Bell Grosvenor, Editor ; James M. Darley, Chief Cartographer. Azimuthal Equidistent Projection. Printed by R.R. Donnelley and Sons Company, Chicago. (insets) Relative size of Antarctica and the United States. (with) Relation of Antarctica to the surrounding continents. (with) Queen Maud Range. (with) McMurdo Sound.


Color map of Antarctica. Published as supplement to National Geographic Magazine, Atlas plate 65, 1963 . Relief shown hachures, spot heights and shading. Depth curves and soundings in fathoms. Azimuthal equidistant projection. Depth shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings. Map showing ocean currents and wind, glaciers, ice stations. Includes many historical notes concerning the discovery and exploration of the continent.


[Allen, William L., Carroll, Allen, National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division.]

Full Title

Antarctica : a new age of exploration. National Geographic. Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Chairman ... Produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Magazine, National Geographic: William L. Allen, ed. in chief ; Allen Carroll, chief cartograper. Washington, D.C. February 2002. Copyright 2002 National Geographic Society. Printed December, 2001. (insets) Surface elevation. (with) Ice sheet thickness. (with) Ice flow velocity. (with) Sea ice movement and wind flow. (on verso: Relief map of Antarctica).


2 color maps of Antarctica on 1 sheet, both sides. Relief shown by spot heights and shading. Azimuthal equidistant projection. Depth shown by bathymetric tints. Map showing research stations and automatic weather stations. Includes location map, population density and many historical notes concerning the discovery and exploration of the continent. On verso: Relief map of Antarctica, text, cross section and photos.


[Allen, William L., Carroll, Allen, National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division.]

Full Title

Antarctica : a new age of exploration. National Geographic. Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Chairman ... Produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Magazine, National Geographic: William L. Allen, ed. in chief ; Allen Carroll, chief cartograper. Washington, D.C. February 2002. Copyright 2002 National Geographic Society. Printed December, 2001. (insets) Surface elevation. (with) Ice sheet thickness. (with) Ice flow velocity. (with) Sea ice movement and wind flow. (on verso: Relief map of Antarctica).


2 color maps of Antarctica on 1 sheet, both sides. Relief shown by spot heights and shading. Azimuthal equidistant projection. Depth shown by bathymetric tints. Map showing research stations and automatic weather stations. Includes location map, population density and many historical notes concerning the discovery and exploration of the continent. On verso: Relief map of Antarctica, text, cross section and photos.

Full Title

Antarctica - Physical (on verso) Antarctica - Political. First Edition. Copyright 2009 New Holland Publisher (UK) Ltd. Base map supplied by Lovell Johns, Oxford, UK. Bathymetry data supplied by the British oceanography Data Center. Flags supplied by Lovell Johns, Oxford, UK; authenticated by the Flag Research Center, Manchester, Mass. USA. (Cover title) Antarctica : Globetrotter Travel Map.


Globetrotter Travel Series. 2 color maps on one sheet 70.5x99.5, both sides, folded into covers 25x12.5. Designed as guides to both the physical and the political continent. Includes a large scale physical projection, shaded relief of the Antarctica and a detailed political map complete with up-to-date statistics. Published and distributed by New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd. London. Distributed in Africa by Map Studio. Distributed in the USA by the Globe Pequot Press. Legend in English, French and German. Maps showing international boundaries, towns, villages, airports, base camps, roads, rivers, lakes and mountains. Includes text: Facts about Antarctica, discovery and explorations, climate and vegetation. Map shows major expedition routes of explorers Scott, Shackleton and Amundsen 1902-1912.

Full Title

Antarctica - Political (on verso) Antarctica - Physical. First Edition. Copyright 2009 New Holland Publisher (UK) Ltd. Base map supplied by Lovell Johns, Oxford, UK. Bathymetry data supplied by the British oceanography Data Center. Flags supplied by Lovell Johns, Oxford, UK; authenticated by the Flag Research Center, Manchester, Mass. USA. (Cover title) Antarctica : Globetrotter Travel Map.


Globetrotter Travel Series. 2 color maps on one sheet 70.5x99.5, both sides, folded into covers 25x12.5. Designed as guides to both the physical and the political continent. Includes a large scale physical projection, shaded relief of the Antarctica and a detailed political map complete with up-to-date statistics. Published and distributed by New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd. London. Distributed in Africa by Map Studio. Distributed in the USA by the Globe Pequot Press. Legend in English, French and German. Maps showing international boundaries, towns, villages, airports, base camps, roads, rivers, lakes and mountains. Includes text: Facts about Antarctica, discovery and explorations, climate and vegetation. Map shows major expedition routes of explorers Scott, Shackleton and Amundsen 1902-1912.


[Sitwell, Nigel, Ocean Explorer Maps (Firm), PC Graphics (Great Britain) Limited.]

Full Title

Antarctic Continent. (Cover title) Antarctic explorer : visitor's map of the Antarctic Peninsula Region : includes Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), South Georgia, South Orkneys, and South Shetlands [and] map of the Antarctic Continent : includes an enlargement of the Ross Island region. Created and published by Nigel Sitwell at Ocean Explorer Maps ; produced by PC Graphics (UK) Limited. Revised edition copyright 2009 by Ocean Explorer Maps. (inset) Ross Island & McMurdo Sound.


2 color maps on 1 sheet 68 x 100, both sides. folded to 23 x 13. Polar stereographic projection, Relief shown by shadings and spot heights. Shows locations of scientific stations and historic huts. Includes text and brief biographies and portraits of explorers from many countries by Beau Riffenburgh and Liz Cruwys. On verso: Color illustrations, text and maps of South Georgia; Graham Land; Antarctic Convergence; Antarctic locator; Tierra del Fuego; the Falkland Islands (Malvinas); South Orkneys and South Shetland Islands. Includes legend


[Sitwell, Nigel, Ocean Explorer Maps (Firm), PC Graphics (Great Britain) Limited.]

Full Title

Antarctic Continent. (Cover title) Antarctic explorer : visitor's map of the Antarctic Peninsula Region : includes Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), South Georgia, South Orkneys, and South Shetlands [and] map of the Antarctic Continent : includes an enlargement of the Ross Island region. Created and published by Nigel Sitwell at Ocean Explorer Maps ; produced by PC Graphics (UK) Limited. Revised edition copyright 2009 by Ocean Explorer Maps. (inset) Ross Island & McMurdo Sound.


2 color maps on 1 sheet 68 x 100, both sides. folded to 23 x 13. Polar stereographic projection, Relief shown by shadings and spot heights. Shows locations of scientific stations and historic huts. Includes text and brief biographies and portraits of explorers from many countries by Beau Riffenburgh and Liz Cruwys. On verso: Color illustrations, text and maps of South Georgia; Graham Land; Antarctic Convergence; Antarctic locator; Tierra del Fuego; the Falkland Islands (Malvinas); South Orkneys and South Shetland Islands. Includes legend


Heiwa No Umi Kyokai

Full Title

(Covers to) Nankyoku Tairiku. (Antarctic continent map). Tokyo. Heiwa no Umi Kyokai : Seibundo Shinkosha, 1957.


Map of Antarctica, 76.5x107, folded and pasted into paper covers 26x17. Supplement to vol. 20, no. 1 (1957) of magazine, 'Kodomo no kagaku. Supervised by Kaijo Hoancho Suirobu. Includes text on back cover. Showing locations of expeditions, exploration routes, dates, the locations of the existing Japanese bases, the bases they had planned for the period 1955 to 1956, and the bases of various other nations for the period from 1956 to 1957. Includes legend and relief chart. Relief shown by gradient tints and hachures. Depth shown by bathymetric isolines and tints.


Heiwa No Umi Kyokai

Full Title

Nankyoku Tairiku. (Antarctic continent map). Tokyo. Heiwa no Umi Kyokai : Seibundo Shinkosha, 1957.


Map of Antarctica, 76.5x107, folded and pasted into paper covers 26x17. Supplement to vol. 20, no. 1 (1957) of magazine, 'Kodomo no kagaku. Supervised by Kaijo Hoancho Suirobu. Includes text on back cover. Showing locations of expeditions, exploration routes, dates, the locations of the existing Japanese bases, the bases they had planned for the period 1955 to 1956, and the bases of various other nations for the period from 1956 to 1957. Includes legend and relief chart. Relief shown by gradient tints and hachures. Depth shown by bathymetric isolines and tints.


Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702.

Full Title

Terra Australis Incognita : Polus Antarcticus. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nico. Visscher. 1690. (half title page) Atlas Minor sive Geographia Compendiosa, qua Orbis Terrarum.


Hand colored in outline engraved circular map centered on the South Pole, bordered by representations of natives, animals, birds, sailing ships. Includes parts of New Zealand, Tasmania and Australian coastlines, southern parts of South America and South Africa. Australia labelled 'Nova Hollandia -detect Anno 1644'. ,


Speed, John, 1542-1629

Full Title

A New and Accurat Map of the World.


Shown as eastern and western hemispheres.


[Briet, Philip, 1601-1668, Cramoisy, Sebastiani, Cramoisy, Gabrielis]

Full Title

Hoc est Punctum quod Inter Tot Gentes Ferro.


[Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1632?-1712, Mortier, Pierre, Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667]

Full Title

Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux Plans Hemispheres.


Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)

Full Title

Planisfero del Mondo Nuovo.


Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)

Full Title

Polo Antarctico.


Describes voyage of Ferdinand Magellan.


[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A.]

Full Title

7. Sued-Polar-Karte.


Shows southern hemisphere above 30 degrees south.


[Stieler, Adolf, Haack, H.]

Full Title

4. Suedpol. (insets) (Islands of the southern seas.)


[Naumienko, Teodor, Polska. Wojsko Polskie. Służba Topograficzna]

Full Title

Ocean Atlantycki. Antarktyda. Atlas Swiata. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe : Warszawa 1962.


2 Maps of Atlantic Ocean at scale of 1:50,000,000 and Antarctica at the scale of 1:20,000,000 on folded sheet. Showing ocean currents and ports. Relief shown by gradient tints and spot heights. Depth shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings. Includes color coded reference and legend.


Silishchensky, Mitrofan Ivanovich 1878 - 1944

Full Title

Severnyye polyarnyye strany. Antarktida. Prof. M. I. Silishchenskiy. (to accompany) Geograficheskiy atlas Chast 1.


2 maps on 1 sheet. Including Northern polar region and Antarctica. Includes legend. Depth shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings.


Stieler, Adolf, 1775–1836

Full Title

Sud-Polar-Karte. Von A. Petermann. Stieler's Hand-Atlas No. 11. Gez. v. Ernst Debes. Gez. v. H. Alt u. Stichart. Gotha : Justus Perthes. 1875.


Map of Antarctic Region, with 15 inset maps.


[Glavnoe Upravlenie Navigat︠s︡ii i Okeanografii Ministerstva Oborony SSSR., Soviet Union. Voenno-Morskoĭ Flot.]

Full Title

Moria Amundsena i Bellinsgauzena. (To accompany) Atlas okeanov : Tikhiy Okean = Atlas of the Oceans : Pacific Ocean. 1974.


Map of the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas, Antarctica on 2 sheets. Relief shown by hachures, gradient tints and spot heights. Depth shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings. Include elevation bar.


[Gorshkov, Sergei Georgievich, Soviet Union. Voenno-Morskoĭ Flot]

Full Title

More Ueddella. (to accompany) Atlas okeanov : Atlanticheskiy i Indiyskiy Okeany 1977.


Map of Weddell Sea on 2 sheets. Relief shown by gradient tints and spot heights. Depth shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings. Include elevation bar.


[3, Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

Арктика. Антарктика = Arktika. Antarktika. 281-282. 283. Antarktida. Atlas Mira : 1954.


2 maps of Arctic and Antarctic on 1 sheet. Showing ocean currents, shipping and exploration routes. Relief shown by gradient tints and spot heights. Depths shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings.


[3, Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

Антарктида = Antarktida. 283. Atlas Mira : 1954.


Map of Antarctica. Showing ocean currents. Relief shown by shadings and spot heights. Depths shown by bathymetric tints, isolines and soundings.


[Hickmann, Anton Leo, 1834-1906, Fischer, Alois, b. 1894]

Full Title

Süd-Amerika. G. Freytag & Berndt A.G., Wien. (to accompany) Prof. Hickmann's Geographisch-statistischer universal-atlas, 1927.


Political map of South America, with inset map of Antarktis (Antarctic regions). Includes color reference to European possessions. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridian: Greenwich.


[Hickmann, Anton Leo, 1834-1906, Fischer, Alois, b. 1894]

Full Title

Mitteres Süd-Amerika. G. Freytag & Berndt A.G., Wien. (to accompany) Prof. Hickmann's Geographisch-statistischer universal-atlas, 1927.


Political map of South America. Includes legend. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridian: Greenwich.


News Map of the Week, Inc.

Full Title

World News of the Week : Monday, Dec. 12, 1949. Covering period Dec. 2 to Dec. 8. Volume 12, No. 15. Published and copyrighted (weekly), 1949, by News Map of the Week, Inc., 1512 Orleans Street, Chicago, Illinois. Published in two sections : Section one. Lithographed in U. S. A.


Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and significant events from December 2 to 8, 1949. Relief illustrated with hachures. Includes information on recent air crashes across the globe, with explanation, as well as descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Oct. 28 - Air France Constellation (48 persons killed), Azores Islands. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: Timetable of Red victories -- (Antarctica : Where eleven scientists are stranded). Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.


News Map of the Week, Inc.

Full Title

World News of the Week : Monday, June 4, 1951. Covering period May 25 to May 31. Volume 13, No. 40. Published and copyrighted (weekly), 1951, by News Map of the Week, Inc., 1512 Orleans Street, Chicago, Illinois. Published in two sections : Section one. Lithographed in U. S. A.


Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and significant events from May 25 to 31, 1951. Relief illustrated with hachures. Includes information on cattle across the globe, with explanation, as well as descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Brazil : 46,400,000 head. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. With inset map: Ellsworth's Antarctic explorations. Also, with diagram: Cattle count in U. S. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.


Radó, Sándor, 1899-1981

Full Title

Die Polargebiete : Die Auftleilung der Arktis -- Die Auftleilung der Antarktis.


Two political maps, in black and white, showing the polar regions, including the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica, as well as delineating the geographical reach of the Soviet Union and the British Empire. Each map includes a legend and a bar scale. Scales, respectively: 1:35,714,286 -- 1:62,500,000. Titles beneath each map, translate to: The polar regions : The division of the Arctic -- The division of the Antarctic. Together, maps are 18 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text on facing page.


[Geological Survey (U.S.), Friis, Herman R. (Herman Ralph), 1905-1989, United States. National Archives and Records Service]

Full Title

Antarctic geographic expeditions from the United States : 1819-1941 -- 1942-1955 -- 1955-1968 / Herman R. Friis, National Archives and Records Service; compiled from the official records and publications in the National Archives, Washington, D. C. 1968.


Three historical maps representing Antarctica, featuring voyages of exploration from the Untied States, from 1819 to 1968. Maps show the routes of explorers, ice shelves, bodies of water, coastlines and islands. Maps include legends, as well as a scale statement. Presented with Azimuthal Equal Area Polar Projection. Colored lithograph. Together, maps are 42 x 31 cm, on sheet 49 x 35 cm. Accompanying descriptive text on page 129. Maps appear in Special subject maps section, subsection History.


[Andree, Richard, Scobel, Albert]

Full Title

Sudpolargebiete. Bearb. v. Dr. E. Ambrosius u. E. Umbreit. (Flachentreue Azmut-Projektion). (insets: nebenkarten) Sud-Shetland-Inseln und Graham-Land ; Victoria-Land.


Full color map with 2 insets on 2 pages, showing South Polar Region. Relief shown by hachures, shadings and spot heights. Depth shown by gradient tints and soundings. Prime meridian is Greenwich.


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]

Full Title

Queen Maud Land


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]

Full Title

Princes Elizabeth Land


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]

Full Title

Australian Antarctic


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]

Full Title

Ellsworth Land


[U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Army Air Forces]

Full Title

Composite 42 - 43 Sheets. South Pole

Full Title

Northern Regions. Southern Regions. Published by G. W & C. B. Colton & Co., No. 182 William St. New York.


Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington D.C. Map showing Arctic and Antarctic Regions.

Full Title

(Index to) Antarctica, Zenithal Equidistance Projection, Meridional Scale: 1:15,000,000.


Uncolored index map.

Full Title

Antarctica. Edited by John Bartholomew, M.C., LL.D. The Geographical Institute Edinburgh. Copyright, John Bartholomew & Son, LTD.


Full color map. Boundaries of international claims are shown in red. Relief shown by gradient tints and spot heights. No. 1591, and Jul. 57, marked on the lower corners of plate. The Times Atlas on the upper left corner. Prime meridian is Greenwich.


USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

Full Title

248-249. The Arctic, The Antarctic. The World Atlas.


The Antarctic at a scale of 1:40,000,000.


USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

Full Title

250. Antarctica. The World Atlas.

Full Title

Antarctica. The isolated continent of Antarctica surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. (copyright) G.P. Ltd. (inset) Atlantic Ocean which stretches from the shores of Greenland to Antarctica.


Relief map and text. Relief shown by gradient tints. With 2 views.


[Bory de Saint-Vincent, M. (Jean Baptiste GeneviFve Marcellin), 1778-1846, Desmarest, Nicolas, 1725-1815, Vincent]

Full Title

Carte des glaces, circompolaires australes. Grave par Berthe. (A Paris, Chez Mme. veuve Agasse, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue des Poitevins, no. 6. M.DCCCXXVII)


Engraved map. Shows routes of Cook, Furneaux and Bouvet, 1738-1780. David Rumsey Collection copy has annotations in pencil.

Full Title

Arctic Ocean. 9471. Antarctica. Pacific Ocean. 2426.


Routes of exploration shown. Pacific Ocean map at scale 1:37.867,000.


Faden, William, 1750?-1836

Full Title

Southern Hemisphere. London, published by W. Faden, Geographer to the King and to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Charing Cross, May 1st, 1802. B. Baker sculpt.


Hemispheric map. Full hand col. by continent. Relief shown pictorially. David Rumsey Collection copy imperfect: portion of imprint cropped off. "4" on verso.


[Bartholomew, J. G. (John George), 1860-1920, John Bartholomew and Son]

Full Title

South Polar regions. The Edinburgh Geographical Institute, John Bartholomew & Son, Ltd. "The Times" atlas. (London: The Times, 1922)


Col. map. Depths shown by hypsometric tints; soundings in fathoms. Shows limit of pack ice, explorers routes with dates, etc.


Bradford, Thomas G.

Full Title

Northern Hemisphere. Southern Hemisphere. (to accompany) A Comprehensive Atlas, Geographical, Historical & Commercial. By T.G. Bradford. Boston: American Stationers' Company. Entered ... 1835, by Thos. G. Bradford ... Massachusetts.


Hand color map. Relief shown pictorially.


[Instituto Geographico di Agostini, Bayer, Herbert]

Full Title

Regioni Polari Artiche. (insets) Spitzberg; Stretto di Bering; Ie. Diomede; I.D. Orsi; Arc. Franc. Giuseppe; Isfjord (Spitzberg). Regioni Polari Antartiche. (insets) Sandwich Austr.; Orcadi Austr.; Ie. Pr. Edward; Ie. Crozet; Ie. Heard; Kergurlen; Georgia D. Sud; Ross Ice Shelf; Edsel Ford Ranges.


Relief shown as combined hachures, shaded relief, and hypsometric tints; bathymetry also tinted.


[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A.]

Full Title

Sud-Polar-Karte von A. Petermann. (Maasfstab 1:40,000,000). Gez. v. Ernst Debes. Gest. v. H. Alt. u. Stichart. Gotha: Justus Perthes 1875.


Southern polar projection in full color with two small additional polar projections showing the extent of each ocean. Thirteen small inset map surround the large map, all showing islands in the area. Antarctic expeditions are traced with the appropriate dates.


Bradford, Thomas G.

Full Title

Northern Hemisphere. Southern Hemisphere. (to accompany) A Comprehensive Atlas, Geographical, Historical & Commercial. By T.G. Bradford. William D. Ticknor, Boston. Wiley & Long, New-York. Entered ... 1835, by Thos. G. Bradford ... Massachusetts.


Outline color map. Relief shown pictorially.


[Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832, Picquet, C.]

Full Title

Mappemonde en deux hemispheres. Dressee par A. Brue, Geographe du Roi. Revue et augmentee par Ch. Picquet, Geographe du Roi et du Duc d'Orleans. A Paris, Chez Ch. Picquet, Quai Conti No. 17, pres du Pont des Arts, 1842.


Hand colored engraved map. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian: Paris. In embossed seal: Propriete acquise en 1835.


[Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832, Picquet, C.]

Full Title

Mappemonde projetee sur l'horizon de Paris et sur son antipode. Mappemonde sur la projection polaire. Cartes dressees par A. Brue, Geographe du Roi. Revue et augmentee par Charles Picquet, Geographe du Roi et du Duc d'Orleans, Quai Conti No. 17, pres du Pont des Arts. Paris 1842.


Two hand colored engraved maps. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian: Paris. Contents: Hemisphere sur l'horizon de Paris -- Hemisphere sur l'horizon de l'antipode de Paris -- Hemisphere boreal -- Hemisphere austral. In embossed seal: Propriete acquise en 1835.


[Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832, Picquet, C.]

Full Title

Carte generale de l'Amerique Meridionale et des iles qui en dependent. (with) Iles Galapagos. (with isles Pierre I and Alexandre I). (with) Iles Shetland et Orcades Meridionale, d'apres le Capne. Weddell en 1825. (with) Archipel de Sandwich. (with Isle St. Paul). (with Isle de la Trinite). Dressee par A. Brue, Geographe du Roi. Augmentee et rectifiee pour des limites par Ch. Picquet, Geographe du Roi et du Duc d'Orleans. Paris, 1839. Chez Ch. Picquet, Quai Conti No. 17, pres du Pont des Arts.


Hand colored engraved map. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian: Paris. In embossed seal: Propriete acquise en 1835.


[Stieler, Adolf, Pertermann, A.]

Full Title

Stieler's Hand-Atlas No. 11. Sud-Polar Karte. (insets) Various Islands.


Johnston, W. & A.K.

Full Title

(Frontispiece) South Pole Chart. Mar. 1911. Engraved, Printed and Published by W. & A.K. Johnston, Limited, Edinburgh & London. Frontispiece.


Legend. Full color. Shows land cover, relief, political boundaries, and submarine telegraph cables. South polar projection.


[Faden, William, 1750?-1836, Jefferys, Thomas]

Full Title

Southern Hemisphere. Engraved by Faden & Jefferys, Geographer to the King. London, publish'd according to Act of Parliament, 29th May 1775, by Jefferys & Faden, the Corner of St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross.


Engraved map. Outline hand color. Relief shown pictorially. Illustrated cartouche.


Greenleaf, Jeremiah

Full Title

Southern Hemisphere.


Polar projection. Engraved. In full color by land mass. Meridian Greenwich.

Full Title

Northern & Southern Polar Regions.


Cook, James, 1728-1779

Full Title

A chart of the Southern Hemisphere; shewing the tracks of some of the most distinguished navigators: by Captain James Cook of his Majesty's Navy. Gulielmus Whitchurch, sculpsit; Anno. 1776. Published Febry. 1st., 1777 by Wm. Strahan in New Street, Shoe Lane & Thos. Cadell in the Strand, London.


Engraved map. Includes "tables containing latitudes and longitudes of the islands lately discovered in the South Pacific Ocean as they are laid down on this chart."


[Cook, James, 1728-1779, Hodges, William, 1744-1797]

Full Title

The Ice Islands, seen the 9th. of Janry. 1773. Drawn from nature by W. Hodges. Engrav'd by B.T. Pouncy. No. XXX. Published Febry. 1st., 1777 by Wm. Strahan in New Street, Shoe Lane & Thos. Cadell in the Strand, London.


Engraved view of icebergs. Shows men in boats using a pick ax on ice and shooting, ship and sea birds.


Cook, James, 1728-1779

Full Title

Chart of the discoveries made in the South Atlantic Ocean in his majesty's ship Resolution, under the command of Captain Cook in Jany. 1775. J. Russell sculp. No. IV. Published Febry. 1st, 1777 by Wm. Strahan in New Street, Shoe Lane & Thos. Cadell in the Strand, London.


Engraved nautical chart. Relief shown by hachures; soundings in fathoms. Covers area between South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Shows ship's track. Oriented with north toward bottom.


[Cook, James, 1728-1779, Hodges, William, 1744-1797]

Full Title

Possession Bay in the Island of South Georgia. Drawn from nature by W. Hodges. Engrav'd by S. Smith. No. XXXIV. Published Febry. 1st., 1777 by Wm. Strahan in New Street, Shoe Lane & Thos. Cadell in the Strand, London.


Engraved view. Includes snow capped peaks, clouds, etc.


[Cook, James, 1728-1779, Roberts, Henry, Lieut.]

Full Title

A general chart: exhibiting the discoveries made by Captn. James Cook in this and his two preceding voyages, with the tracks of the ships under his command. By Lieut. Heny. Roberts of his Majesty's Royal Navy. W. Palmer sculp. (London, G. Nicol and T. Cadell, 1785)


Engraved map. Shows tracks of Cook's ships with dates, place names, notes on discoveries, etc.


Mitchell, Samuel Augustus

Full Title

The World on an equatorial projection. Map of the Eastern & Western hemispheres. The World on a polar projection. Map of the Northern & Southern Hemispheres. (with) Map of the most recent Antarctic discoveries. Entered ... 1839 by S. Augustus Mitchell ... Connecticut.


Two engraved double hemisphere maps, with inset. Hand colored. Includes text "Recent Antarctic discoveries."

Full Title

Southern Regions.


[United States Exploring Expedition (1838-1842), Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877]

Full Title

Chart of the Antarctic Continent Shewing the Icy Barrier Attached to it. Discovered by the U.S. Ex. Ex. Charles Wilkes Esq. Commander. 1840. Eng. by Sherman & Smith, N.Y.


Map without color. The tracks of the VinCennes, Peacock, Porpoise and Flying Fish are shown. Map includes five views of the Antarctic continent.

Full Title

Peacock in contact with ice-berg. A.T. Agate pt. M. Osborne sc. (Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard. 1845)


Engraved view, b&w showing the expedition's ship Peacock. Agate's name crossed out and replaced in pencil with "Guillow."


Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877

Full Title

Vincennes in Disappointment Bay. From a sketch by C. Wilkes, U.S.N. C.A. Jewett sc. (Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard. 1845)


Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877

Full Title

View of the Antarctic Continent. From a sketch by C. Wilkes, U.S.N. Eng. by Jordan & Halpin. (Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard. 1845)


Engraved view, b&w, showing ship, men, flag on hill, dog, etc.

Full Title

Northern Regions. Southern Regions. Published by G. W & C. B. Colton & Co., No. 172 William St. New York.


Prime meridians are Washington D.C. and Greenwich. Map showing Arctic and Antarctic Regions.


Burr, David H., 1803-1875

Full Title

Southern Hemisphere. Engd. & Printed by Illman & Pilbrow. Entered ... by Illman & Pilbrow ... New York.


In full color by region.


[Covens et Mortier, L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726]

Full Title

L'Hemisphere Meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Australes. Par Guillaume de l'Isle de l'Academie Rle. des Sciences. A Amsterdam, Chez Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier, Geographies. (with) Plan et vue des terres du Cap de la Circoncision ... Plan en Gezigt van de Landen van de Caap der Besnydenis ... (1742?)


Hand colored engraved map. Relief shown pictorially. Includes text.


Marzolla, Benedetto

Full Title

Carta generale del Polo Antartica. Benedetto Marzolla, Napoli 1842, esegui col pennello su pietra, Real Litografia Militare.


Hand col. lithographed map. Shows explorers' routes. Includes table and note. Prime meridian: Paris.


[Schrader, Vivien St Martin, L.]

Full Title

Regions Polaires. Carte 80. Dresse par M. Chesneau et Ch. Bonnesseur. 2-31. Imp. Dufrenoy. Librarie Hachette. Grave par R. Lobrot. La lettre par A. Rabin.


Five views of the polar regions represented at various scales. Number and title also on outside front of sheet. Lithographed. Folded. Full color. Relief shown by shading and hachures. Meridian Paris.


Clouet, J. B. L. (Jean-Baptiste Louis), b. 1730

Full Title

Mappe-monde suivant les nouvelles observations. Par Mr. l'Abbe Clouet. 1786.


Abbot Jean Baptiste Louis Clouet (c. 1730 – 1790) was a French cartographer active in the mid to late 18th century. Clouet held the post of Royal Geographer of the Academie des Sciences de Rouen, he had offices in Paris and Cadiz. Clouet’s most important work is his Geographie Moderne, which was published in various editions from 1776 – 1793. Clouet also produced a series of stunning and highly decorative wall maps depicting the various continents. He followed in the footsteps of Jean-Baptiste Nolin and other French cartographers, reissuing these grand wall-maps in the latter part of the 18th century to decorate the houses of Paris and more unusually Spain.


L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726

Full Title

Hemisphere Meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Australes par Guillaume Del'Isle de l'Academic Rle. des Sciences. A Paris, chez l'Auteur sur le Quai de l'Horloge, avec Privilege Juillet 1714.


Engraved map in outline color. Relief shown pictorially. Shows routes of Magellan, Medana, le Maire, Dampier, Tasman, Halley and others.


Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz, 1788-1874

Full Title

Erd-Karte in der Globular-Projektion. Zu J. Meyer's-Handatlas gehoerend No. 1. Entworfen u. gezeichnet vom Hauptm. Radefeld. Stahlstich, Direction v. Kleinknecht, aus der Schweinfurter Geograph. Graviranstalt des Bibliographisches Instituts zu Hildburghausen, Amsterdam, Paris u. Philadelphia, (1860)


Hand col. double hemisphere engraved map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows explorers' discoveries with dates, etc. Ancillary maps: Sudliche-Halbkugel -- Nordliche-Halbkugel -- Erd-Flache in Deutschen Meilen, Hochste Gebirgsspitzen, Zeichen -- Vertheilung der Continente ..., Verhaltniszahlen des Hoch und Tieflandes, Die ganze Land-Flache -- Grosste Landmasse -- Grosste Wassermasse. Prime meridian: Ferro. "Meyer's Handatlas No. 1."


Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856

Full Title

Neueste Karte vom Sud-Pol. Stahlstich, Druck u. Verlag der Geographischen Graviranstalt des Bibliograph. Instituts zu Hildburghsn., Amsterdam, Paris, u. Philadelphia, (1860)


Hand col. circular engraved map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows explorers' discoveries with dates, etc. Prime meridian: Ferro. "Meyer's Handatlas No. 26."


Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz, 1788-1874

Full Title

Sudlichster Theil von America enthaltend Patagonia, Feuerland & Falklands Gruppe, 1844. Entworf. u. gez. v. Hauptm. Radefeld. (with) Das Antarctische Continent. Verlag des Bibliograph. Instituts zu Hildburghsn., Amsterdam, Paris u. Philadelphia, (1860)


Engraved map. Boundaries hand col. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale of inset map (ca. 1:120,000,000). "Meyers Hand Atlas No. 13." Prime meridian: Ferro.


[Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856, Renner, L.]

Full Title

Die Oestliche und Westliche Halbkugel der Erde. Gezeichnet von Leutn. Renner. Stich, Druck und verlag der geographischen Anstalt des Bibliographischen Instituts zu Hildburghausen. (In upper margin) Meyer's und Groschen Zeitungs Atlas. (to accompany: Meyer's Zeitungs und Groschen Atlas aller Lander und Staaten der Erde).


Engraved double hemisphere map. Outline hand color.


[Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856, Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz, Adam, Jean]

Full Title

Die Sudspitze von Sud America mit Patagonia.1853. Entworfen u. gez. v. Major Radefeld. Jean Adam sc. (In upper margin) Meyer's Groschen Atlas. (to accompany: Meyer's Zeitungs und Groschen Atlas aller Lander und Staaten der Erde). (insets) Insel Georgia. (with) Die Sud-Schetland und Orkney I.n.


Engraved outline hand color map. Relief shown by hachures. Depth shown by isolines.

Full Title

Northern Regions. Southern Regions. Published by G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co., No. 172 William St. New York.


Map showing Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Prime Meridian is Greenwich. Printed in black and white.


Garnier, F. A., 1803-1863

Full Title

Patagonie, et Detroit de Magellan, Terres Australes. Atlas spheroidal & universel de geographie dresse par F.A. Garnier, geographe. Vve. Jules Renouard, Editeur, Rue de Tournon, no. 6, Paris. 1860. Sarazin, imp., r. Git-le-Coeur, 8, Paris.


Full col. Relief shown by hachures. Shows tribes, etc. Covers also Falkland Islands and a part of Uruguay. Inset: Carte des Terres Australes. Prime meridian: Paris. On globe in cartouche: Sphericite de la terre.

Full Title

Oceana Or Pacific Ocean. Published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. (above neat line) Tanner's Universal Atlas.


In full color by county of possession. Engraved. Relief shown by hachures.


[Bouvet de Lozier, J. B. Ch., 1705-1786, Buache, Philippe, 1700-1773, L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726]

Full Title

Carte des Terres Australes, comprises entre le Tropique du Capricorne et le Pole Antarctique. Ou se voyent les nouvelles decouvertes faites en 1739 au Sud du Cap de Bonne Esperance. Par les ordres de Mrs. de la Compagnie des Indes. Dressee sur les Memoires et sur la carte originale de Mr. de Lozier Bouvet ... Par Philippe Buache de l'Academie Rle. des Sciences, gendre de feu Mr. Delisle, P(remi)er Geographe du Roy de la meme Acad. Augmentee de diverses vues physiques &c. 1754. Delahaye sculps. (with) Plan et vue des terres du Cap de la Circoncision. A Paris, sur le Quay de l'Horloge du Plais ... 1739.


Engraved hand col. hemispheric map. Surrounded by text "Extrait du voyage aux Terres Australes." "53."


Buache, Philippe, 1700-1773

Full Title

Carte physique de la Grande Mer ci-devant nommee Mer du Sud ou Pacifique; ou se voient les grandes chaines de montagnes qui traversent les parties les plus orientales de l'Asie et les occidles. de l'Amerique; et leurs continuations dans le fond de la Mer, indiquees par les isles, bancs &c. Avec la representation de ce que l'on conjecture sur la Mer Glaciale Antarctique. Dressee et presentee a l'Acad. des Sc. le 5. Septbre 1744. Par Philippe Buache. Publiee sous le privilege de l'Academie du 4. Septbre. 1754. Grave par Desbruslins, Pere, 1757.


Engraved hand col. map. Relief shown by hachures. Inset: Carte de la Mer Glaciale Antarctique. "45."

Full Title

The Polar Regions. George Philip & Son, Ltd. The London Geographical Institute. (1922)


Color lithographed double hemisphere map. Contents: Arctic Regions -- Antarctic Regions. Depths shown by layer tints. Shows explorers' routes, ocean routes, etc. Ancillary map at 1:2,500,000 scale: West Spitsbergen. Ancillary maps at 1:10,000,000 scale: Northern Greenland and Ellesmere Island -- Spitsbergen and Franz Josef Land -- The Bering Strait and Lower Yukon -- South Shetlands and Graham Land -- Victoria Land.

Full Title

Atlas des ganzen Erdkreises in der Central-Projection entworfen von C.G. Reichard. Sechste Tafel. 1803.


Engraved hand colored map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows settlements, rivers, continents and islands in outline color (South America in full color), etc. Prime meridian: Ferro.


[Bayer, Herbert, Container Corporation of America]

Full Title

North Polar Regions. South Polar Regions.


Includes brief history and description of regions' features. Relief depicted by hachures and hypsometric tints.


Rand McNally & Company

Full Title

Rand McNally Popular map of Polar Regions. Copyright by Rand McNally & Company, Chicago. Made in U.S.A.


Full color map, outline color by regions. Shows exploration dates and explorers. Relief shown by spot heights. No 90123456 on the lower right corner of the map.


[Gross, Alexander, Geographia Map Company]

Full Title

South Polar Region. Copyright "Geographia" Map Co. (Produced by) Alexander Gross, F.R.G.S. (to accompany) "Geographia", Atlas of the World : Comprising 33 pages of colored maps, 10 pages of black and white maps, and 8 pages of useful information. Produced under the direction of Alexander Gross. F.R.G.S. Fellow of the Royal Geographical, Royal Economical, Royal Statistical, royal Meteorological and royal Aeronautical Societies. Copyright 1935 by "Geographia" Map Co., 11 John St., New York.


Full color map. Shows railways, and explorers routes. Relief shown by spot heights. Prime meridian is Greenwich.


McGraw-Hill Book Company

Full Title

Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand.


Shaded hypsometric relief.


[U.S. Geological Survey, Alpha, Tau Rho]

Full Title

Oblique Map of the Ross Sea Continental Shelf, Antarctica.


[Martova, K. B., Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

73. Otkrytiya i Isslesovaniya Antarktiki s 70-x gg. XVIIIv. do serediny XIX v. mashtab 1:40,000,000. (to accompany) Atlas Istorii Geograficheskikh Otkrytiy i Issledovaniy. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MVD SSSR. Otvetstvennyi Redaktor K. B. Martova. 1959.


Includes inset and legend.


[Martova, K. B., Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

74. Issledovaniya Antarktiki s kontsa XIX v. po 1917 g. (to accompany) Atlas Istorii Geograficheskikh Otkrytiy i Issledovaniy. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MVD SSSR. Otvetstvennyi Redaktor K. B. Martova. 1959.


[Martova, K. B., Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

75. Razvitie Geograficheskikh Predstavleniy ob Antarktike (Skhemy kart). (to accompany) Atlas Istorii Geograficheskikh Otkrytiy i Issledovaniy. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MVD SSSR. Otvetstvennyi Redaktor K. B. Martova. 1959.


[Martova, K. B., Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii]

Full Title

80. Issledovaniya Antarktiki posle 1917 g. (to accompany) Atlas Istorii Geograficheskikh Otkrytiy i Issledovaniy. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MVD SSSR. Otvetstvennyi Redaktor K. B. Martova. 1959.


Color map on two pages. Includes legend, and two insets.


[Andree, Richard, Times (London, England)]

Full Title

Polynesian Groups: Fiji Islands. Sandwich (Hawaii) Islands. Samoa or navigator Islands. (inset) County of Rutland. South Polar Regions. (insets) Kreguelen Island ; Victoria Land. (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1900).


4 color maps with insets on 1 sheet. Shows towns, inhabitants, etc. Includes explanation and abbreviation. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridian is Greenwich.


W. & A.K. Johnston Limited

Full Title

South Polar Chart.


[Wenschow, Karl, Denoyer-Geppert Company]

Full Title

Nordpolargebiet Sudpolargebiet, Wenschow-Reliefkart.


Date is estimated based on explorers' dates listed at the South Pole. Suitable for use in a standard classroom; viewable up to 40 feet. Language(s): German. Map is paper on muslin. Mounted on wood rods. Prime Meridian is Greenwich. Projection is not specified. Length of rolled wall map is 180 cm. Topics include: topography, hydrography, internal/external political boundaries, bathymetry. Department of Geography, University of California at Berkeley, Call Number 30-A-1.


[Justes Perthes, Kosack, Han-Peter]

Full Title



Date estimated. Suitable for use in a large lecture hall; viewable to and beyond 40 feet. Language(s): German. Map is paper on muslin. Mounted on wood rods. Prime Meridian is Greenwich. Projection is not specified. Length of rolled wall map is 211 cm. Part of a series entitled, 478. Topics include: topography, bathymetry, hydrography, ocean currents, political boundaries, major cities. Department of Geography, University of California at Berkeley, Call Number 32-A-4.


[Haack, H., Stieler, Adolf]

Full Title

4. Sudpol. Antarctic Pole. (insets) (Various Southern Islands).


[Gaspari, Adam Christian, Gussefeld, Franz Ludwig]

Full Title

Sudliche Haemisphaere (Southern Hemisphere).


[Pinchon, J.P., Perpillou, A.]

Full Title

(Text Page with Map) Regions Polaires.


Text and corresponding map with lavish vignettes of historic events, activities, crops, modes of transportation, structures, etc.


[Annand, George, General Foods Corporation]

Full Title

Authorized map of the second Byrd Antarctic expedition. George Annand. Copyright 1934, G.F. Corp. 939 Litho. in U.S.A. (insets) Route of expedition and path of the broadcast. (with) The Bay of Whales.(with) Detail map of Little America.


Colored pictorial map, with the list of explorers from 1911-1929. Shows named physical features (mostly along the coast and in the Ross Sea), and indicates areas unexplored. Includes drawings of animal life, and other Antarctic scenes. Title in decorative cartouche, with portrait of Byrd above title . Note below title refers to a two-way broadcast from and to the expedition. ... celebrating the groundbreaking radio broadcasts to and from the second Admiral Byrd Antarctic Expedition. Hailed by leading authorities as an important contribution to radio science, this series is made possible by General Foods, makers of Grape-Nuts.


[Annand, George, General Foods Corporation]

Full Title

Authorized map of the second Byrd Antarctic expedition. George Annand. 922. Printed in U.S.A. (insets) Route of expedition and path of the broadcast. (with) The Bay of Whales.(with) Detail map of Little America.


Uncolored pictorial map, with a note: "Directions for coloring map: This map is not like the ones in your geography books ... Should be colored more brightly than ordinary school maps ..." Map shows named physical features (mostly along the coast and in the Ross Sea), and indicates areas unexplored. Includes notes, list of explorers from 1911-1929, drawings of animal life, and other Antarctic scenes. Title in decorative cartouche, with portrait of Byrd above title . Note below title refers to a two-way broadcast from and to the expedition. ... celebrating the groundbreaking radio broadcasts to and from the second Admiral Byrd Antarctic Expedition. Hailed by leading authorities as an important contribution to radio science, this series is made possible by General Foods, makers of Grape-Nuts. See our 8132.000 for the full color version.


[Geographisches Institut (Weimar, Germany), Weiland, Carl Ferdinand, 1782 -1847]

Full Title

Die suedliche und nordliche Halbkugel der Erde. (Northern and Southern Hemispheres.)


Gaspari, Adam Christian (1752-1830)

Full Title

II. Suedliche und Noerdliche Halbkugel der Erde nach den neuesten Entdeckungen. (Southern and northern hemisphere of the earth according to the latest discoveries.)


Quad, Matthias, 1557-1613

Full Title

81. Chica sive Patagonica et Austalis terra (Straits of Magellan, Patagonia, Antarctica).


Moll, Herman, d. 1732

Full Title

A New and Correct Map of the World, Laid Down According to the Newest Discoveries and from the most Exact Observations. By Herman Moll, Geographer.


Foldout. Hemispheric projection.


[Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667, Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1703)]

Full Title

Mappe Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre. (World Map or Description of Terrestrial Globe.)


Hemisphere projection.


[Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667, Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1703)]

Full Title

Les Deux Poles: Arcticque ou Septentrional, et Antarcticque ou Meridional (Two Poles: Arctic and Antarctica).


Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724

Full Title

Planiglobii Terrestris ... Mappe-Monde.


Lotter, Mathieu Albert

Full Title

Mappe Monde - Carte Generale de l'Univers.

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