Search Results: Subject equal to 'Ottoman Mapping' (original) (raw)

Full Title

خريطهء ولايت حلب فرقهء اصلاحيه ده جودت پاشا طرفندن باشلاتدير بلوب اركان حربيه معرفتيله پارجه پارجه ياپد يزرق يله ادنه و مرعش و قوزان و پياس [Map of the Vilayet Aleppo, Initiated by the Reform Office [i. e. Fırka-i Islahiye] of Cevdet Pasha and Made Piece by Piece by the Military Survey Office. The Sanjaks of Adana and Marash [Kahramanmaraş] and Kozan and Piyasa [prob. Cebel-i Bereket] in the time of the governor of early sanjaks Hussein Hüsni Bey. And Aleppo and Urfa and Deir [Az-Zor]. The Aspects were Corrected and Drafted by Said Efendi, One of the Captains of the 4th Cavalry Regiment, of in the 5th Imperial Army, located in Aleppo, and after that the Map was Improved in Istanbul … and its Surface was Corrected and Reversed, this Time in the [Imperial Military] School. It was Printed in Lithography in the Imperial Military Office]


Istanbul: Imperial Military Office 1285 [1868 or 1869].


Ministry of Justice Turkey

Full Title

جريدهء عدليه [Cerîde-i Adliye also Cerîde-i Adliyye]


The image is the cover of an Ottoman-era calendar or almanac. Here is the translation and explanation of the elements present in the image: Translation: Title (Top Left): جریده عدلیه (Jarida Adliyye) - This translates to "The Justice Gazette." Top Right: سنه ۳ (Sene 3) - "Year 3" صادق ۲۸ (Sadık 28) - Likely refers to the specific date or edition number, "Sadık 28." Central Text: The text in the middle of the circular chart appears to be the Shahada (Islamic declaration of faith), commonly used in Islamic art and manuscripts. Labels around the circle: These are dates and years of the Ottoman calendar. Bottom Right (Legend): واحده (Wahde) - "Unit" بنگله جوز کوک فهمننده (Bengleh Joz Kuk Fahmenende) - This text is not entirely clear, but seems to be referring to some units or symbols explained further. صادقه (Sadık) - "Sadiq" or "Sadiqah," which might refer to a trustworthy or truthful measurement. Explanation: This cover represents a detailed calendar or almanac used during the Ottoman period. The circular chart in the middle might be depicting a timeline or various astronomical events, with blue and yellow circles likely representing different dates, events, or celestial bodies. The intricate lines connecting the center to the outer circle represent the connections or timelines of these events or dates. The content suggests the publication's focus on timekeeping, astronomical observations, and possibly religious or governmental matters, indicated by the presence of the Shahada in the center and the meticulous recording of dates. Visual Elements: Center: Arabic calligraphy, possibly religious text. Outer Circle: Alternating blue and yellow circles representing different time units. Connecting Lines: Indicative of connections or significant events between the central and outer elements. This cover reflects the rich tradition of scientific and religious scholarship in the Ottoman Empire, emphasizing the importance of accurate timekeeping and astronomical observations.


Ministry of Justice Turkey

Full Title

جريدهء عدليه [Cerîde-i Adliye also Cerîde-i Adliyye]


The image is another cover of an Ottoman-era publication, likely a continuation of the previous calendar or almanac series. Here is the translation and explanation of the elements present in this cover: Translation: Title (Top Left): جریده عدلیه (Jarida Adliyye) - This translates to "The Justice Gazette." Top Right: سنه ۳ (Sene 3) - "Year 3" صادق ۲۹ (Sadık 29) - Likely refers to the specific date or edition number, "Sadık 29." Under the Title: کانون اول 1340 (Kanun-i Evvel 1340) - This translates to "December 1924" in the Gregorian calendar. Central Text: The circular text around the chart seems to say: "موثقونج وچكومه حنكه من خزفه اونديكه افلامو" (This is a bit unclear, but seems to be an introduction or explanation about the chart inside the circle). Explanation: The central part of the cover contains a circular chart with various elements that seem to indicate different astronomical or time-keeping data: Central Graphic: The middle of the circle contains a diagram that looks like a sundial or an astronomical chart with various lines and curves, likely representing celestial movements or timelines. Yellow Segments Around the Circle: These segments are labeled with the names of the months in the Ottoman Turkish calendar, written in Arabic script. Left Side (Legend): This section contains a legend explaining different symbols or colors used in the central chart: مردون (Mardun) - Likely indicating a specific unit or time. شبات (Shabat) - Another time unit or measurement. ازلان (Azlan) - Possibly indicating another measurement or unit. عموذون (Umudun) - Another measurement or unit. The cover's design reflects the detailed and intricate work involved in time-keeping and astronomical studies during the Ottoman period. The presence of different colors and symbols suggests that this chart provides a multifaceted view of time, perhaps indicating different types of events or celestial observations. Visual Elements: Top Half: Title and publication details in a red semicircle. Middle Circle: A detailed astronomical or time-keeping chart with colored segments and lines. Legend on the Left: Explains the various symbols and colors used in the chart. This cover, like the previous one, emphasizes the importance of accurate and detailed astronomical and time-keeping records in the Ottoman scholarly tradition.


Ministry of Justice Turkey

Full Title

جريدهء عدليه [Cerîde-i Adliye also Cerîde-i Adliyye]


The image is another cover of an Ottoman-era publication, "Jarida Adliyye" (The Justice Gazette). Here is the translation and explanation of the elements present in this cover: Translation: Title (Top Center): جریده عدلیه (Jarida Adliyye) - This translates to "The Justice Gazette." Top Right: سنه ۳ (Sene 3) - "Year 3" صادق ۳۰ (Sadık 30) - Likely refers to the specific date or edition number, "Sadık 30." Top Left: کانون ثانی 1341 (Kanun-i Sani 1341) - This translates to "January 1925" in the Gregorian calendar. Central Text (around the map): "مستقبلجنایت دایره ترکومغ در اسکنوف" (Mustaqbil Jinaayat Dayira Turkomaf Dar Askanuf) - This seems to be a phrase related to future crimes or judicial matters within a specified area, though the exact meaning is unclear due to the complex script and context. Map Labels: The map in the center appears to be an old map of a region, likely the Ottoman Empire or a part of it, with various cities and areas marked. "فنا دادگاه" (Fana Dadgah) - This could be interpreted as "Court of Fana" or a specific region under judicial oversight. Explanation: The cover features a map in the center, surrounded by text and a crescent shape that might symbolize the Ottoman Empire or an Islamic symbol. The map itself likely details various judicial or administrative regions, possibly with an emphasis on future planning or criminal jurisdictions. Visual Elements: Top Half: Title and publication details. Central Map: Detailed map with various regions marked, possibly judicial regions or administrative boundaries within the Ottoman Empire. Bottom Table: A table with columns and rows, likely representing a calendar or a schedule of events, activities, or judicial cases. The red and black text within the table indicates different types of entries or important dates. This cover emphasizes the administrative and judicial aspects of the publication, with a detailed map highlighting specific regions and a calendar or schedule that organizes important dates or events. It reflects the meticulous record-keeping and regional governance that were key aspects of the Ottoman bureaucratic system.


Ministry of Justice Turkey

Full Title

جريدهء عدليه [Cerîde-i Adliye also Cerîde-i Adliyye]


The image is another cover of the Ottoman-era publication "Jarida Adliyye" (The Justice Gazette). Here is the translation and explanation of the elements present on this cover: Translation: Title (Top Center): جریده عدلیه (Jarida Adliyye) - This translates to "The Justice Gazette." Top Right: سنه ۳۱ (Sene 31) - "Year 31" صادق ۳۱ (Sadık 31) - Likely refers to the specific date or edition number, "Sadık 31." Top Left: شباط 1341 (Shubat 1341) - This translates to "February 1925" in the Gregorian calendar. Central Text (above the building): "آخرت ده دروست انصاف عدليه سلاملوک" (Akhirat da Durust Insaaf Adliyye Salamluk) - This phrase is likely related to the concept of justice and integrity in the afterlife, emphasizing the values of the publication. Central Graphic: The central part of the cover features an Ottoman-style building, which might represent a courthouse or a governmental building, symbolizing justice and administration. Text within the graphic (middle): Arabic calligraphy, likely a religious or judicial phrase, signifying the importance of justice within the Ottoman framework. Two Circular Labels: Left: "باجات مخصوص به دولت صادره دو 37491" (Bajat Maksus be Devlet Sadira do 37491) - This translates to "Specific taxes issued to the state 37491." Right: "باجات مخصوص به دولت وارده دو 37491" (Bajat Maksus be Devlet Warde do 37491) - This translates to "Specific taxes received by the state 37491." Bottom Text: "عدليه نینگ حقایق احتياجاتى دو 8 مؤرخ 37491 ده ويريلىردور" (Adliyye Ning Haqa'iq Ihtiyacati do 8 Müverikh 37491 de verilirudur) - This phrase likely refers to the publication or distribution of judicial facts or needs on a specific date (8th of the month) in the year 37491. Explanation: The cover features an illustration of a building set against a landscape, symbolizing the seat of justice or a governmental institution. The presence of greenery and an architectural structure highlights the importance of a stable and just administration in the Ottoman Empire. Visual Elements: Top Half: Title and publication details, along with an illustration of a courthouse or governmental building. Middle Graphic: An intricate design featuring Arabic calligraphy and symbolic elements, possibly representing various aspects of governance and justice. Two Circular Labels: Representing taxes issued and received by the state, reflecting the economic aspects of governance. Bottom Graphic: Detailed information related to judicial matters, possibly a calendar or schedule related to judicial activities. This cover emphasizes the integration of justice, governance, and economic administration in the Ottoman Empire. The detailed illustrations and symbolic elements highlight the importance of these aspects in maintaining a just and well-organized society.


Ministry of Justice Turkey

Full Title

جريدهء عدليه [Cerîde-i Adliye also Cerîde-i Adliyye]


The image is another cover of the Ottoman-era publication "Jarida Adliyye" (The Justice Gazette). Here is the translation and explanation of the elements present on this cover: Translation: Title (Top Center): جریده عدلیه (Jarida Adliyye) - This translates to "The Justice Gazette." Top Right: سنه ۳۲ (Sene 32) - "Year 32" صادق ۳۲ (Sadık 32) - Likely refers to the specific date or edition number, "Sadık 32." Top Left: مارت 1341 (Mart 1341) - This translates to "March 1925" in the Gregorian calendar. Legend (Top Center): The colored circles represent different categories or metrics within the chart. علامه صادق (Alame Sadık) - Orange circle, possibly meaning "Accurate Marks" or "True Signs." اجرا صادق (Ejra Sadık) - Gray circle, possibly meaning "True Execution" or "Faithful Implementation." بیگنه صادق (Bigane Sadık) - Green circle, possibly meaning "Innocent True" or "Not Involved." Explanation: The cover features a detailed statistical or calendar chart. It appears to be a detailed record, possibly of judicial or administrative matters, categorized and organized in a tabular format. The chart is divided into columns and rows with colored circles indicating different data points or metrics. Visual Elements: Title and Publication Details: Positioned at the top, indicating the name and date of the publication. Legend: The colored circles and their meanings are explained in the legend at the top center. Statistical Chart: The main body consists of two large, curved tables filled with colored circles. These tables are likely representing data over a period of time or across different categories. The categories are listed on the left and right sides of the chart. Left Side Categories: Each row represents a different category, possibly related to judicial cases, administrative matters, or other metrics. Right Side Categories: Similar to the left side, with categories corresponding to the data points in the chart. Bottom Text: "هرآ ﻓﺼلین وقایع حادیث" (Hara Faslın Vaqayi Hadis) - This phrase likely means "Events of Every Chapter," indicating the periodic nature of the data being recorded. This cover reflects the meticulous record-keeping and statistical analysis that were important in the Ottoman administrative and judicial systems. The detailed tables and color-coded data points indicate a sophisticated method of tracking and analyzing various metrics, showcasing the advanced bureaucratic practices of the time.


Ministry of Justice Turkey

Full Title

جريدهء عدليه [Cerîde-i Adliye also Cerîde-i Adliyye]


The image is another cover of the Ottoman-era publication "Jarida Adliyye" (The Justice Gazette). Here is the translation and explanation of the elements present on this cover: Translation: Title (Top Center): جریده عدلیه (Jarida Adliyye) - This translates to "The Justice Gazette." Top Right: سنه ۳۳-۳۲-۳۱ (Sene 33-32-31) - "Years 31, 32, 33" صادق (Sadık) - This likely refers to the specific date or edition number, "Sadık." Top Left: مالس - حزيران - تموز 1341 (Mars - Haziran - Temmuz 1341) - This translates to "March - June - July 1925" in the Gregorian calendar. Legend (Left): موردور (Mordor) - 1326 (Yellow) واردەی (Warda) - 1290 (Green) صادرەی (Sadra) - 1346 (Red) دورروان (Dorruan) - 1291 (Black) Explanation: The cover features several circular and linear charts representing different categories or metrics within the publication. These charts are likely statistical in nature, showing various data points over time. Visual Elements: Title and Publication Details: Positioned at the top, indicating the name and date of the publication. Legend: The colored circles and their meanings are explained in the legend on the left side. Circular Chart (Top Center): A detailed circular chart with concentric circles, each representing different categories or metrics. The center of the circle contains a numerical value, likely indicating a central metric or key figure. The circles radiate outward with labeled segments, showing various data points or categories. Linear Charts (Bottom): Several curved and linear charts showing different metrics or data points. The labels on the left side of these charts represent various categories, such as: جنایت (Jinayat) - Crimes حقوق و مزایئد (Hukuk ve Mazayid) - Rights and Interests صلح و مرافعت (Sulh ve Marafiat) - Peace and Litigation حقوق و مصرفیات (Hukuk ve Masrafiyat) - Rights and Expenses جنب و مزایئد (Cenb ve Mazayid) - Side and Interests صلح و مرافعت (Sulh ve Marafiat) - Peace and Litigation This cover reflects the advanced statistical and analytical methods employed in the Ottoman administrative and judicial systems. The detailed charts and color-coded data points indicate a sophisticated approach to tracking and analyzing various metrics, showcasing the comprehensive nature of the publication.


Ministry of Justice Turkey

Full Title

جريدهء عدليه [Cerîde-i Adliye also Cerîde-i Adliyye]


The image is another cover of the Ottoman-era publication "Jarida Adliyye" (The Justice Gazette). Here is the translation and explanation of the elements present on this cover: Translation: Title (Top Center): جریده عدلیه (Jarida Adliyye) - This translates to "The Justice Gazette." Top Right: سنه ۴۰ (Sene 40) - "Year 40" صادق ۳۷-۳۸-۳۹ (Sadık 37-38-39) - Likely refers to the specific dates or edition numbers, "Sadık 37-38-39." Top Left: آغوست - ایلول - تشرین اول 1341 (Ağustos - Eylül - Teşrin-i Evvel 1341) - This translates to "August - September - October 1925" in the Gregorian calendar. Explanation: The cover features detailed bar and line charts representing different categories or metrics within the publication. These charts are likely statistical in nature, showing various data points over time or across different categories. Visual Elements: Title and Publication Details: Positioned at the top, indicating the name and date of the publication. Bar and Line Charts: The main body consists of several charts, including vertical and horizontal bar charts and a line graph. Left Side Chart: The left side features a line graph with data points representing different metrics. The labels on the left represent various categories or data points. The central text in yellow reads "المجموع" (Al-Majmu'a) - which means "Total" or "Sum." Top Right Chart: This chart features vertical bars of different colors, each representing different categories or metrics. The labels at the top and bottom likely indicate different time periods or other measurements. Bottom Right Chart: This chart also features a combination of bar charts and line graphs, with data points and labels indicating different categories or time periods. Detailed Breakdown of Elements: Left Side Categories: These categories, written vertically, might represent various judicial or administrative metrics. For example: بغداد (Baghdad) - Baghdad حلب (Aleppo) - Aleppo دمشق (Damascus) - Damascus بيروت (Beirut) - Beirut And several other locations or categories. Charts and Graphs: The various colors and lengths of the bars in the charts indicate different values or measurements for the respective categories. The specific numerical values and scales provide detailed statistical data. This cover reflects the advanced statistical and analytical methods employed in the Ottoman administrative and judicial systems. The detailed charts and data points indicate a sophisticated approach to tracking and analyzing various metrics, showcasing the comprehensive nature of the publication. The use of bar charts and line graphs helps in visualizing the data clearly, making it accessible for analysis and interpretation.


Ministry of Justice Turkey

Full Title

جريدهء عدليه [Cerîde-i Adliye also Cerîde-i Adliyye]


Dated on cover: November 1340 (1924)


Ministry of Justice Turkey

Full Title

جريدهء عدليه [Cerîde-i Adliye also Cerîde-i Adliyye]


September 1340 (1924)


Ministry of Justice Turkey

Full Title

جريدهء عدليه [Cerîde-i Adliye also Cerîde-i Adliyye]


Date estimated from cover.

Full Title

Erzurum, Van, Bitlis vilâyetleri ile bunlara civar olan Trabzon, Sivas, Harput, Diyarbekir, Musul vilâyetlerinin bâzi kisâmi [i.e., The map of Erzurum, Van, Bitlis vilayats and adjacent to these places such as Trabzon, Sivas, Harput, Diyarbakir and Musul].


Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-1850

Full Title

Carte Generale de la Turquie D'Europe En XV Feuilles Dressee sur des materiaux rassembles par Mr le Lieutenant-General Comte Guilleminot, ... et Mr. le Marechal de Camp Baron de Tromelin... ; par le Chevr Lapie, officier supérieur au Corps Royal des Ingenieurs Geographes . . . 182


[Zacharia, Captain, Ziya, Captain, Mahir, Captain]

Full Title

(Sheet 1) بحرسفيرد ارشيپل دكزى [Bahr-i Sefid. Arşipel Denizi / The White Sea. The Sea of Archipelago]


[Zacharia, Captain, Ziya, Captain, Mahir, Captain]

Full Title

(Sheet 2) بحرسفيرد ارشيپل دكزى [Bahr-i Sefid. Arşipel Denizi / The White Sea. The Sea of Archipelago]


[Zacharia, Captain, Ziya, Captain, Mahir, Captain]

Full Title

(Composite chart of) (Sheets 1-2) بحرسفيرد ارشيپل دكزى [Bahr-i Sefid. Arşipel Denizi / The White Sea. The Sea of Archipelago]


BINBASI HALIL IBRAHIM EFENDI, (Mekâtîb-i Fünûn-i Harbiye-i Sahâne'de topografya muallimi muavini)

Full Title

Üçyüz onüç senesi Serez'de zuhûr olan Yunan Muharebesi'nde Yanya Redif Taburu Binbasi vekâletini ifâ eylemek üzere Yanya Kolordu-yi Hûmâyûnu'na i'zâm edilmis olan Mekâtîb-i Fünûn-i Harbiye-i Sahâne'de topografya muallimi muavini Binbasi Halil Ibrahim Efendi tarafindan 1/50000 nisbette olarak istiksâf usûliyle yeniden ahz ve tersîm edilen ve Yanya Vilâyeti'nin kism-i cenûbîsini mufassalen irae eyleyen isbu harita Mekâtib-i Fünûn-i Harbiyye-i Sahâne sinif-i muhtelîfesi sâkirdânina tedrîs edilmekte olan Fünûn-i Askeriye tatbîkâtinca isti'mâl edilmek üzere Meclis-i Maârif-i Askeriye tarafindan kabûl buyurularak mekteb-i mezkûr matbaasinda tab' olunmustur. Def'a-yi Saniyye, Sene-yi Maliyye 1318.


Lapie, Pierre M., 1779-1850

Full Title

Carte De La Turquie D'Asie, De La Perse De L'Afghanistan, Du Belouchistan Et De La Grande Boukharie.


[Lapie, Pierre M., 1779-1850, Orgiazzi, J.A.]

Full Title

Carte de l'Empire Ottoman en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique, Avec Les Pays Limitrophes... 1828


Inset map of Instanbul at scale 1:46,000


Lapie, Pierre M., 1779-1850

Full Title

Carte De L'Empire Ottoman, En Europe Et En Asie.


Lapie, Pierre M., 1779-1850

Full Title

Carte de l'Empire Ottoman en Europe, Asie et Afrique Dressee en 1816... 1828


First edition was 1816.


اركان حربيه عموميه دائره سنك بشنجى فن شعبه سنده FIFTH DRAFTING DEPARTMENT OF THE GENERAL MILITARY OFFICE].

Full Title

يمن ولايتى خريطة سى [Yemen Vilâyeti haritasi / Map of Yemen Vilayet].


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

(Covers to) Box1 (Manuscript World Encyclopedia)


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

توفاندان حيجرتا كادار تاشاكل يذان حوكوماطَ مبين جاتواليدير. حكومتلرك طهوى و انقسر اضنى كوسترر انهار التوارٰيخ نام مصنع بر توع تاريخ عمومى (Tufandan Hicrette kadar teşekkül eden hükümat-ı mübeyyin cetvelidir.) [Hand-Written Text on the Sides:] A Chart of the Country Names from the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyāmah] to Hegira; [Time Chart:] River of Time.


A photographic reproduction of a time chart in Ottoman language in the middle depicts the history from the times of antique to the early 20th century. The chart is based on the 19th century Western examples of the time charts, representing the world history through streams of colourful rivers, marking various cultures, merging and disappearing through the horizontal lines of time zones. The juxtaposed hand written text in the margins represents the history of the world from the perspective of the Muslim calendar. Listed are countries and nations and their important events from the Day of Ressurection [Yawm al-Qiyāmah], with the earliest historical events starting around the year 4100 Before the Hijra, to Hegira (Arab. الهجرة‎, also Hijra or Hijrah), the year of Muhammad's departure from Mecca to Medina, in 622, the epoch of the Islamic calendar.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

مسرَ كاديم هيييروءليفلير (١١٠) يشبو جدوللر هيييروءليفليرڭ هروف هجاسني گوسترير Mısr-ı Kadim Hiyeroglifleri. (110) İşbu cedveller hiyerogliflerin huruf-u hecesini gösterir. Old Egyptian Hieroglyphs. These Symbols Show the Hieroglyphic Alphabet


The folding plate is composed of hand colorued collages, depicting hieroglyphs, Hebrew alphabet and cuneiform, of manuscript, partly highlighted with coloured pencil, and a hand-drawn cartouche with gilt details.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

خطوطـ كديمه Hutut-u kadime. Ancient Letters. Hieroglyphs


The text describes ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

خطوطـ كديمه. ءبرانـ Hutut-u kadime. İbrani. Ancient Letters. Hebrew


The text describes the Hebrew alphabet, Cuneiform and Sumerian language.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

[Continuation of:] خط ميخى و سمارى Hattı mihi ve sümeri [Continuation of:] Cuneiform and Sumerian


Continuation of the text on the Cuneiform and Sumerian language from the previous page.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

(Map of the Ancient World)


Appears to be a printed map with annotations in ms below.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

كورهَ ارض و اهوالَ تابييسي [Later title: Kürre-i Arz ve Ahval-i tabiiyyesi] [World and Cosmography. Later title: The Scientific Form of the Sphere and the Earth]


The folding plate with seven images represents the zodiac, centered around the sun, the solar system with the armillary sphere, a folding image of the globe, covering the three dimensional image of the Earth, a compass and lunar phases. The composition is a compact source of information on the astronomy. The author combined various media, such as collage of printed images, drawings, manuscript, hand colour and gilt highlights to represent the diversity and dimensions of the Earth and Space.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

كورهَ ارض و اهوالَ تابييسي [Later title: Kürre-i Arz ve Ahval-i tabiiyyesi] [World and Cosmography. Later title: The Scientific Form of the Sphere and the Earth]


The folding plate with seven images represents the zodiac, centered around the sun, the solar system with the armillary sphere, a folding image of the globe, covering the three dimensional image of the Earth, a compass and lunar phases. The composition is a compact source of information on the astronomy. The author combined various media, such as collage of printed images, drawings, manuscript, hand colour and gilt highlights to represent the diversity and dimensions of the Earth and Space.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

كورهَ ارض اسوال تبءييسي. جعرافيا. كورهَ ارض.هط و داره Kürre-i Arz Usul-ü tabiiyyesi. Coğrafya. Küre-i Arz. Hat ve daire. The Scientific Form of the Sphere and the Earth. Earth.


The text describes the basics of the astronomy about Earth.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

كورهَ ارضين اسوال تبءييسي. دا'ره افاق.نصيف ارض Kürre-i Arz Usul-ü tabiiyyesi. Coğrafya. Küre-i Arz. Hat ve daire. The Scientific Form of the Sphere and the Earth. The Circle and the Earth's Half


The text describes the basics of the astronomy about Earth.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]


Description of the Earth's Rotation.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

حرم شرفين حدوديله مقياصي Harem-i Şerif'in hududuyla mikyası. The Distances of the Border of the Haram esh-Sharif [Mecca]


The five maps represent the earliest period of the Islam. The central map showcases the ancient borders of the city of Mecca and the roads leading to it. The three smaller in-set maps of the Arabian Peninsula in margins illustrate the spreading of the Islam in the years 9, 10 and 11 after the Hijra, with the year 11 marking the year of Muhammad’s death. The last years of the life of Muhammad were crucial for the development of the religion. In 622, or in the first year of the Hijra, Muhammed moved to Medina, making it with the constitution (Constitution of Medina) the 1st Islamic state and the religious center under his leadership. After the prophet died in the 11th year of Hijra and the Islam spread in the neighboring areas, the leadership was divided between four men: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali. The four leaders are also known as the Patriarchal Caliphs and the period as the Rashidun Caliphate (الخلافة الرّاشدة). This part of the history is only acknowledged by the Sunni Islam, as the Shia Islam only recognizes Ali as a legitimate successor of Muhammad. The three in-set maps of the Arabian Peninsula on this sheet mark the last years of the life of Muhammad, before the division into the Rashidun Caliphate. The golden dots on our in-set maps represent the Islamic States or Groups (Daulat-i-Islamia or here marked as: دولت يسلاميه) in the last three years of Mohammad’s life and the red lines their migrations to the other parts of the Arabian Peninsula. The first map in the upper right corner represents the migration of the Islamic groups from Medina in the year 9 AH (630 AD), the picture below the distribution of the groups in the following year. The last image (in the upper left corner) shows the locations of the Islamic Groups in the year of Muhammad’s death. The drawing in the lower left shows the graves of Muhammad (marked with gold dots), Umar and Abu Bakr in Medina, housed in the The Prophet's Mosque in Medina (Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, المسجد النبوي). The original mosque was built in 622 by Muhammad and it measured 30.5 m × 35.62 m (100.1 ft × 116.9 ft). Today the graves are covered with a Green Dome, built in the 13th century.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

دور سعدت بعد الهجرة. طقوزنجي سنهَ هجريه وقعيي. تربلر Devr-i Saadet ba’del Hicret. Dokuzuncu sene-i Hicriye vekâyii. Türbeler. The Age of Happiness that Prophet Muhammad Lived after he Migrated. It is the 9th Year after the Prophet Muhammad's Migration from Mecca to Medina.


The description of the years between Muhammad's migration to Medina in 622 AD and 630 AD.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

تربه علي بن ابا طالب Türbe-i Ali bin Abi Talib.


Description of the tomb (türbe) of Ali bin Abi Talib (601-661), a cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and according to the Shia Islam the only legitimate successor of Muhammad. The location of his final resting place is today still disputed by various religious groups.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

[Continuation of:]تربه علي بن ابا طالب Türbe-i Ali bin Abi Talib.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

توپراكلر تاشلر بازالت Topraklar, taşlar, bazalt. Soils, Stones, Basalt.


Images of 33 various types of stones, taken from a French publication with pencil annotations in Ottoman.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

بازالت Bazalt. Basalt.


Description of basalt and other rocks.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

چاكل كوم تاش Çakıl, kum, taş. Gravel, Sand, Stone.


Descriptions of gravel, sand, stone and other rocks.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

اسفالت پترول Asfalt, petrol. Asphalt, Petrol.


Descriptin of asphalt and petroleum.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

مكة مكرمه ده كي حاترَ شريفه. كءبَمءزامه مسجيدآاهرام Mekke-i Mükerreme'deki hatıra-i şerife. Kabe-i Muazzama, Mescidü’l-haram. The Great Mosque inside Mecca. Kabaa, The Great Mosque


The sheet is composed of a hand drawing with original colour and gilt highlights, representing the city of Mecca, a hand coloured engraving, three photo-reproductions on cards and two black and white lithographs. The central image represents as many other images in this collection the navel of the narrative and the other images should be read from right to left. The central image showcases Mecca with its surroundings, as the city looked like in 1883 (1261 AH). Marked are 32 parts of the city including the suburbs and the camping areas for pilgrims. The other images represent the history of Mecca and showcase the following scenes: - Black and write lithograph on the right (قصى ابن كلاب دورنده مكه معظمه شهر. بك حصوله كلان هيئشدر. دار الندوه ابنيه سندر): The image represents an important moment in the history of Mecca, when Qusai ibn Kilab ibn Murrah (circa 400–480), a King of Mecca, a trustee and guardian of the Kaaba and an ancestor of Islamic Prophet Muhammad reconstructed the Kaaba from a state of decay and encouraged the Arab people to make a settlement around it. He is also known to be the first one to build the central office, what would be today close to the town hall in the Arabian Peninsula. - Engraving in the upper right (مكه مكرمه نك منظره عموميه سى): View of Mecca. - Black and white photograph in the lower right (مكه مكرمه حرمشريغك داخلا كورونشى): Mecca as the location of the Sacred Shrine. - Black and white photograph in the upper left (جبل عرفاتك منظرهء عموميه سى): Mount Arafat on the outskirts of Mecca. The hill is visited as a part of the Hajj and is the is believed by some, that Mohammad delivered the Farewell Sermon from that location. - Black and white photograph in the lower left (مينانك منظره عموميه سى): View of Mina (or Muna), a tent city on the outskirts of Mecca. The location can host up to three million pilgrims. - Black and write lithograph on the left(مسجد الحرامك جهات ثلاثه سى كوستر يله رك باب النعوش طرفندن آلنان رسميدر): View of the Kaaba in Masjid al-Haram. This image and the accompanying lithograph on the right-hand side come from the work Mir'atü'l-Haremeyn, a 5 volume work In Ottoman language on Mecca, Medina and the Arabic Peninsula. It was authored by Eyüb Sabri Paşa and published in Istanbul in 1884.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

مكهَ مكرمڭ اسملري Tufandan Hicrette kadar teşekkül eden hükümat-ı mübeyyin cetvelidir. Names of Makkah al-Mukarrama


The text lists various names for Mecca, their origins and interpretation. The Quran mantiones Mecca with five names, all of which are listed here.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

مكأ مكرمه كءبَمءزامه مسجيدآاهرام Mekke-i Mükereme, Kâbe-i Muazzama, Mescidü'l - haram


Description of Mecca, the Kaaba and the Great Mosque of Mecca.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

مكهَ مءزامه شهرينين تاَسيسي Mekke-i muazzama şehrinin tesisi. The Foundation of the City Great Mecca Deascription of the history of Mecca


Deascription of the history of Mecca


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

زمزم شريف هكنده مءلومات Zemzem-i Şerif hakkında malumat. Description of the Zamzam Well


The Zamzam Well is a well, located inside the Great Mosque of Mecca, believed to be a miraculously generated source of water from God.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

زمزم شريفڭ يسمَ مشكورهسي Zemzem-i Şerifin ism-i meşkuresi. Beautiful Names of the Zamzam Well


The Zamzam Well is a well, located inside the Great Mosque of Mecca, believed to be a miraculously generated source of water from God.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

احوال عالم ٣٠٠ ٤٠٠. دردنجى عصرده ظهور ايدن حكومات اسلاميه. سكال Ahval-i Âlem 300-400. Dördüncü asırda zuhur eden hükümet-i İslamiye. Sikkeler. [Title under the central map:] Map of the World 300-400 [AH]. Islamic states in the Fourth Century. Coins.


The plate, combining manuscript maps and a collage of printed images, represents the territories governed by the Islamic dynasties in the 4th, 5th and the beginning of the 6th century of the Hijra calendar (10th, 11th and a part of the 12th century of the Christian calendar), expanding from Spain and North Africa on the west, Sicily on the north of the Mediterranean Basement to Pakistan and parts of India on the east. The image is composed of a large central map, four maps on its left and right side and mounted images of coins in the left and right panel. The central map represents the Islamic world and the neighboring territories between 300-400 AH, which would mark the time of the late 10th and early 11th century in the Christian calendar. The key in the lower left part lists the Islamic rulers of the time with their names, time of their reign and the locations of their seats. The Islamic cities are heightened in gold, as the non-Muslim capitals and larger cities are marked with red. The accompanying maps show in detail four important areas, riled by the Muslim dynasties: - Map on the upper right (ال بويه دولتى ٣٢١ ٤٤٧) showcases the Persian Gulf with what is today Kuwait, parts of Saudi Arabia with Qatar in the southeast, parts of Iran and embraces the area of today’s Iraq and Syria with Aleppo on the West. The map represents the areas ruled by the Shia Iranian Buyid dynasty (also called the Buyids or Āl-e Būya) from 934 to 1062. In the 10th and 11th century the Buyids were the most powerful and influential dynasty in the Middle East with their territory expanding from large parts of the Arabic Peninsula in the south, to the parts of today's Turkey in the north and all the way to Pakistan on the east. - Map in the lower right (غزنويه دولتى) embraces the territory ruled by the Ghaznavid dynasty with larger parts of today’s Iran, Bukhara, Uzbekistan, on the north and Pakistan with western parts of India in the east. The Ghaznavid dynasty governed larger parts of this territory between 977 and 1186. - The map on the upper left (افريقيا و مغربده) represents North Afrika and Maghreb in the time of various rulers the time from 4th to 6th century AH (from late 9th to mid 12th century of the Christian calendar). - The map on the lower left (بن اخشيد دولتى (٣٢٠ ٣٥٧) بلادا اسلاميه) showcases the territory under the Ikhshidid dynasty. The dynasty under the leadership of a Turkish mamluk soldier Muhammad ibn Tughj al-Ikhshid was ruling the area of today’s Egypt, Levant and parts of the Arabian Peninsula between 935 and 969. The map marks the center in Levant with a large purple dot. The mounted images in the left and right panel illustrated coins from the time and territories, illustrated on the five maps.


[Anonymous, Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi]

Full Title

[Without Title. Geological Structure of the Earth, Fossils and Evolution of Amimals]


The image with a subject of the geological structure of the earth and the evolution of animals is composed from a colour drawing and two hand coloured black and white photographs. The central image represents the earth’s structure and is partly based on the broadside اراض و صنوف مختلفه صخورك جدول عهق ملسى [Presentation of Various Soils and Types of Rocks], an Ottoman colour lithograph from circa 1900, issued for educational purposes. The image remains unfinished in the lower corners. The left side panel represents fossils and dinosaurs and the right one the evolution of animals though geologic periods. Both images are photographic reproductions of illustrations from publications, hand-coloured by the author and accompanied by hand-written annotations.

Full Title

جغرافياى عسكرى و عثمانى درسلرينه مخصوص سوريه قطعة سى. حجاز دميريولى كذركاهى [Part of Syria for Specific Military and Ottoman Geographical Operations/ The Route of the Hejaz Railway].


Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667

Full Title

Estats de L'Empire du Grand Seigneur des Turqs ou Sultan des Ottomans en Asie en Afrique, et en Europe


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (1)


Celestial chart of the stars seen from the North Pole. Chromolithograph with indigo night sky and stars in white. Chart is 22 x 24 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive note in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Facing page features the inverse image, showing the stars in indigo and connected by lines representing constellations, labeled with Arabic names. Within first series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (2)


Celestial chart of the stars - as constellations with Arabic names - seen from the North Pole. Chromolithograph with stars in indigo. Chart is 22 x 24 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive text in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Facing page features the inverse image, showing the night sky in indigo with the stars in white, and without constellation drawings. Within first series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (Composite)


Composite of celestial charts featuring the same stars. Chromolithograph with indigo night sky and stars in white on left page, with inverse image showing the stars in indigo and connected by lines representing constellations - with Arabic names - on right page. Charts are each 22 x 24 cm, on sheets each 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive text in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Within first series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (1)


Celestial chart of the stars. Chromolithograph with indigo night sky and stars in white. Chart is 20 x 24 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive note in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Facing page features the inverse image, showing the stars in indigo and connected by lines representing constellations, labeled with Arabic names. Within second series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (2)


Celestial chart of the stars - as constellations with Arabic names. Chromolithograph with stars in indigo. Chart is 20 x 24 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive text in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Facing page features the inverse image, showing the night sky in indigo with the stars in white, and without constellation drawings. Within second series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (Composite)


Composite of celestial charts featuring the same stars. Chromolithograph with indigo night sky and stars in white on left page, with inverse image showing the stars in indigo and connected by lines representing constellations - with Arabic names - on right page. Charts are each 20 x 24 cm, on sheets each 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive text in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Within second series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (1)


Celestial chart of the stars. Chromolithograph with indigo night sky and stars in white. Chart is 22 x 26 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive note in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Facing page features the inverse image, showing the stars in indigo and connected by lines representing constellations, labeled with Arabic names. Within third series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (2)


Celestial chart of the stars - as constellations with Arabic names. Chromolithograph with stars in indigo. Chart is 22 x 26 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive text in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Facing page features the inverse image, showing the night sky in indigo with the stars in white, and without constellation drawings. Within third series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (Composite)


Composite of celestial charts featuring the same stars. Chromolithograph with indigo night sky and stars in white on left page, with inverse image showing the stars in indigo and connected by lines representing constellations - with Arabic names - on right page. Charts are each 22 x 26 cm, on sheets each 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive text in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Within third series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (1)


Celestial chart of the stars. Chromolithograph with indigo night sky and stars in white. Chart is 22 x 16 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive note in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Facing page features the inverse image, showing the stars in indigo and connected by lines representing constellations, labeled with Arabic names. Within fourth series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (2)


Celestial chart of the stars - as constellations with Arabic names. Chromolithograph with stars in indigo. Chart is 22 x 16 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive text in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Facing page features the inverse image, showing the night sky in indigo with the stars in white, and without constellation drawings. Within fourth series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (Composite)


Composite of celestial charts featuring the same stars. Chromolithograph with indigo night sky and stars in white on left page, with inverse image showing the stars in indigo and connected by lines representing constellations - with Arabic names - on right page. Charts are each 22 x 16 cm, on sheets each 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive text in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Within fourth series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (1)


Celestial chart of the stars. Chromolithograph with indigo night sky and stars in white. Chart is 21 x 16 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive note in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Facing page features the inverse image, showing the stars in indigo and connected by lines representing constellations, labeled with Arabic names. Within fifth series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (2)


Celestial chart of the stars - as constellations with Arabic names. Chromolithograph with stars in indigo. Chart is 21 x 16 cm, on sheet 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive text in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Facing page features the inverse image, showing the night sky in indigo with the stars in white, and without constellation drawings. Within fifth series of charts.


Yüzbasisi, Güverte

Full Title

  1. [Celestial chart]. (Composite)


Composite of celestial charts featuring the same stars. Chromolithograph with indigo night sky and stars in white on left page, with inverse image showing the stars in indigo and connected by lines representing constellations - with Arabic names - on right page. Charts are each 21 x 16 cm, on sheets each 26 x 34 cm. With descriptive text in Ottoman script (Old Turkish in Arabic letters). Within fifth series of charts.

Full Title

سايه ترقياتوايه حصرت پادشاه اعظميده مكاتب (The Balkans)


Date estimated. With Mss. additions dated 1323 [1907].


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Celestial Charts)


Andreas Cellarius was the likely source of these celestial charts.


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere)


For the source maps by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(World on Mercator Projection)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Greece, Turkey and the Levant)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Western Mediterranean)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Southern Europe and Turkey)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Greece, western Anatolia and the Aegean Sea)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Belgium and Luxembourg)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Coastal France and the Channel Islands)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(France at the time of the monarchy)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(France at the time of the republic)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Lithuania, Poland, Prussia)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(Turkey in Asia)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]


Unlike the other maps, this map of Egypt does not appear to be sourced from Faden's map of Egypt but rather from the 1765 map of Egypt by Anville, "Egypte, nomme dans le pays Missir," which might have been added to the Faden atlas copy that Efendi used as a source. See


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(North and South America)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(United States)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(The Coast of Guyana)


For the source map by Faden see


[Raif Efendi, Mahmud, Faden, William (1749-1836)]

Full Title

(The West Indies)


For the source map by Faden see


مطبعه عثمانيه [Matbaa Osmania]

Full Title

مفصل اوقيانوسيه حريطه سى [Detailed Map of Oceania]


[اركان خربيه عموميه مطبعه سى, [Erkan-i Harbiye-i Umumiye Matbaası / General War Printing Office]]

Full Title

مصر خريطه سى [Map of Egypt]


اركان خربيه عموميه مطبعه سى [Erkan-i Harbiye-i Umumiye Matbaası / General War Printing Office] 1330 [1914].


شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(Covers to) (Atlas of the World)


Dimensions are sheet size.


شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(Rivers of Europe)


Dimensions are sheet size.


شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(Political map of Europe)


Dimensions are sheet size.


شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


Dimensions are sheet size.


شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


Dimensions are sheet size.

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