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Castle Plan 35 (Vol Two Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 36 (Vol Two Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 37 (Vol Two Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 38 (Vol Two Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 39 (Vol Two Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 40 (Vol Two Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 41 (Vol Two Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 42 (Vol Two Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 43 (Vol Two Japanese Castles)

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内裏之図 (Map of the Imperial Palace)

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上御霊社 (Kamigoryo Shrine)


The Kamigoryo Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Kyoto, Japan. The shrine is historically significant and is associated with the protection of the Imperial family and the city of Kyoto.

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相國寺 (Shōkoku-ji Temple)


This refers to Shōkoku-ji, a major Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. It is part of the Rinzai school of Zen and has historical significance, being founded in 1382. The temple is known for its beautiful architecture and gardens.

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妙満寺 (Myoman-ji Temple)


his refers to Myoman-ji, a temple belonging to the Nichiren sect of Buddhism. Located in Kyoto, the temple is known for its beautiful garden and historical significance.

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醍醐寺 (Daigo-ji Temple)


This refers to Daigo-ji, a famous Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is known for its beautiful pagoda, gardens, and historic significance in the Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism.

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法華寺 (A group of important temples) 大應寺 報恩寺 妙蓮寺 千宗室宅


法華寺 (ほっけじ, Hokke-ji Temple): A Buddhist temple, historically significant in Japan, especially in relation to the nuns of the Nara period. 大應寺 (だいおうじ, Daiō-ji Temple): Another Buddhist temple, though there are several temples with this name in Japan. 報恩寺 (ほうおんじ, Hōon-ji Temple): A temple dedicated to the principle of gratitude (報恩 means "repaying kindness" or "gratitude"). 妙蓮寺 (みょうれんじ, Myōren-ji Temple): A temple of the Nichiren sect, located in Kyoto, Japan. 千宗室宅 (せんのそうしつたく, Sen no Sōshitsu Residence): Refers to the residence of Sen no Sōshitsu, the head of the Urasenke school of tea ceremony, an important figure in Japanese tea culture.

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軽々の橋 名の懸けて 古の街に 草履の音 音ならして


"A light bridge, with a famous name, in the old town, the sound of straw sandals, echoing as they walk." This seems to be a poetic description of the scene, where a bridge in an old town is associated with the sound of straw sandals (草履, zōri) worn by passersby, evoking a traditional and nostalgic atmosphere. The "light bridge" could refer to the structure depicted in the illustration, possibly famous or historically significant.


水火天神 (すいかてんじん, Suika Tenjin): This refers to the Suika Tenjin Shrine, a shrine dedicated to the Tenjin deity, which is associated with water and fire protection. "Suika" means "water and fire," suggesting the shrine's role in offering prayers for protection against disasters related to these elements. 瑞光院 (ずいこういん, Zuikō-in): This is a temple name, likely referring to a Buddhist temple named Zuikō-in. The image likely depicts the Suika Tenjin Shrine and Zuikō-in Temple, important religious sites in the area shown.

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石像寺 (Sekizō-ji Temple" (Stone Statue Temple))


This is the name of a temple, which can be translated as "Stone Statue Temple." The temple likely gets its name from stone statues that are significant to its religious or historical background. The image most likely represents the layout or an illustration of Sekizō-ji Temple and its surrounding grounds.

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越州院 (Esshū-in Temple)


Esshū-in is the name of a temple. "In" (院) typically refers to a temple or monastery, while "Esshū" (越州) could refer to a region or historical connection. The image most likely depicts the layout of Esshū-in Temple and its surrounding grounds.

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針金を入れ織り、 絹と合い絡む、 針金重ねれば風に てらてらと光り、 錦織なり。


"They weave in metal threads, entwining with silk, as the metal threads layer, they shimmer in the wind, becoming brocade." This passage describes the process of creating nishiki-ori (brocade), a luxurious textile that involves weaving metal threads (such as gold or silver) with silk to produce a shimmering fabric. This seems to explain the process depicted in the illustration, which shows artisans working with traditional weaving tools.


誓願寺 (せいがんじ, Seigan-ji Temple): This refers to Seigan-ji, a Buddhist temple. It may refer to a temple of the Jōdo Shinshū sect, though there are several temples with this name throughout Japan. 大超寺 (だいちょうじ, Daichō-ji Temple): This is another temple name, likely referring to a Buddhist temple named Daichō-ji. The image likely depicts these two temples and their surrounding areas, showing their layouts and locations.

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清華院 (Seigai-in Temple) 南禅寺 (Nanzen-ji Temple)


Nanzen-ji is one of the most important Zen Buddhist temples in Kyoto, Japan. It is part of the Rinzai school of Zen and is renowned for its beautiful gardens and historical significance. The image likely depicts these two temples, Seigai-in and Nanzen-ji, along with their surroundings, possibly as part of a guide or depiction of notable religious sites.

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下御霊社 (Shimogoryo Shrine)


This refers to the Shimogoryo Shrine, a Shinto shrine in Kyoto, Japan. It is known for its historical significance and association with protecting the spirits of those who suffered injustices.

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妙満寺 (Myoman-ji Temple)


This refers to Myoman-ji, a temple of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism located in Kyoto, Japan. It is known for its beautiful gardens and religious significance.

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本能寺 (Honnō-ji Temple)


This refers to Honnō-ji, a famous Buddhist temple in Kyoto, most well-known for its connection to the Honnō-ji Incident in 1582, where the warlord Oda Nobunaga was forced to commit seppuku when the temple was attacked by Akechi Mitsuhide's forces. The text simply identifies this temple as Honnō-ji.

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高田 専修寺御坊 (Takada Senshū-ji Temple)


This refers to Senshū-ji, a Jōdo Shinshū (Pure Land Buddhism) temple. "Gobo" can refer to a Buddhist priest's residence or an affiliated temple.

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稱念寺 (Shōnen-ji Temple)


This refers to Shōnen-ji, a Buddhist temple. The specific temple could belong to the Jōdo Shinshū sect (Pure Land Buddhism), as there are several temples with this name throughout Japan.

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三条大橋 (Sanjō Ōhashi" (Sanjō Great Bridge))


This refers to Sanjō Bridge, a historic bridge in Kyoto, Japan. It is an important landmark, serving as one of the major bridges across the Kamo River and is known for its cultural and historical significance.

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夕立や (Evening rain) 法善 かけて 阿弥陀 堂 長廊


This image likely depicts a scene of people caught in the rain. The people are using umbrellas and coverings to protect themselves from the heavy rain as they walk along a street, likely near a temple or shrine, given the architecture. The roofs of the buildings appear to have intricate designs, and there is a sense of movement as people hurry through the rain. The scene captures daily life in an Edo-period town, emphasizing how people adapted to sudden weather changes. "Sudden evening rain, falling on Hōzen-ji, and the Amida Hall, along the long corridor."

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六角堂 ("Rokkaku-dō" (Hexagonal Hall))


This refers to a famous Buddhist temple in Kyoto, known for its hexagonal-shaped main hall. The name "Rokkaku-dō" literally means "Hexagonal Hall." The text identifies this as Rokkaku-dō, a notable temple often associated with the origins of ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement).

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錦天神 (Nishiki Tenjin Shrine)


This refers to Nishiki Tenjin Shrine, a Shinto shrine located in Kyoto. "Tenjin" refers to the deity of scholarship, Sugawara no Michizane, who is enshrined here, and "Nishiki" refers to the area or the market street where the shrine is located.

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圓福寺 (Enpuku-ji Temple)


圓福寺 (えんぷくじ, Enpuku-ji Temple): Enpuku-ji Temple, a Buddhist temple. 鰐楽師 (がくらくし, Gakuraku-shi): This likely refers to a title or position related to music, possibly indicating a person or a group involved in temple ceremonies. 東式部 (とうしきぶ, Tōshikibu): Likely refers to an official or a title related to court or ceremonial duties. 端竿梅軒 (たんかんばいけん, Tankan Baiken): This could be a person's name, possibly a scholar, priest, or someone affiliated with the temple. The text provides the name of Enpuku-ji Temple along with references to certain officials or persons, likely related to music or ceremonies.

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誓願寺 (Seigan-ji Temple)


This refers to Seigan-ji, a Buddhist temple. There are several temples with this name in Japan, often associated with the Pure Land (Jōdo Shinshū) sect of Buddhism.

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"In ancient times, people who were ordinary mortals with forty karmic debts, through their accumulated good deeds, received this realization. At this place, after practicing for three kalpas and a hundred aeons, they immediately save sentient beings."


This image appears to depict a religious or ceremonial scene involving a Buddhist monk and a group of people. Here’s a breakdown of what might be happening: The Monk: A Buddhist monk stands on a platform, likely addressing or interacting with the people below. His posture suggests he may be offering a blessing, instruction, or religious guidance. His elevated position and traditional robes imply his role as a figure of authority. The People: The group of people in the image seems to be reaching out towards the monk. Some are raising their hands, possibly in prayer or as a gesture of receiving blessings. Others appear to be holding offerings or objects, perhaps as part of a religious ritual. The group is diverse, including men, women, and children, all in traditional Japanese attire. Setting: The setting includes elements of nature, such as a blossoming tree, suggesting the scene might be taking place during spring, possibly around the time of a religious festival. The structure the monk stands on seems to be part of a temple or sacred building, given the architectural style. Symbolism: The act of the people reaching towards the monk may symbolize devotion, spiritual yearning, or the receiving of teachings. The scene captures the relationship between the religious leader and the followers, typical in Buddhist contexts where monks play a key role in guiding laypeople in religious practices. In summary, this image likely represents a moment of Buddhist ritual or public sermon, where the monk provides guidance or blessings, and the people express devotion through gestures of reverence and offering. The natural elements and attire suggest it may be tied to a seasonal event or celebration.

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Right Panel: "Passing through the sound of Kiyomizu and crossing Sanjo Bridge, the whispers of the entrants gather, as they pass through the mountain path, hidden in the mist, with the sound of the waterfall at Nachi echoing. The sense of the mountain village is such that even its silence is overwhelming. The beauty of the scenery is striking and clear."


The text seems to describe a pilgrimage or journey through various famous temples and locations, including Kiyomizu, Sanjo Bridge, and Nachi Waterfall. It also references Kūya Shōnin, a famous wandering priest known for spreading Buddhist teachings during Japan's Heian period. The travelers are making their way through these significant religious and natural locations, reflecting on the sights and sounds they experience, such as the ringing of temple bells and the beauty of the landscape. The references to major temples and natural landmarks, combined with the imagery of travelers, suggest this is a depiction of a religious pilgrimage, which was a common practice in Edo-period Japan. The text highlights the spiritual and sensory experiences of the journey, blending religious reverence with appreciation for nature's beauty.

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神泉苑 (Shinsenen)


Shinsenen is a historical garden located in Kyoto, Japan. Originally part of the Heian Imperial Palace, it was used as a garden for the imperial family and is now a Buddhist temple garden known for its tranquil pond and historical significance.

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不来手薬師 (Konute Yakushi)


This refers to Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of healing, often called the "Medicine Buddha." The term "Konute" could be a specific reference to a location or an epithet related to this particular Yakushi Buddha. This text identifies a figure of Yakushi Nyorai, known for healing and medicinal powers, potentially indicating a temple or location dedicated to worshipping this Buddha.

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View: Morokoshi Meisho Zue. (Illustrated Description of Famous Sites of China)

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View: Morokoshi Meisho Zue. (Illustrated Description of Famous Sites of China)

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午門朝参之図 (Depiction of the Morning Visit at the Meridian Gate)

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日基嘉量之図 (Depiction of the Measurement)

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午門内九重殿門之図 (Illustration of the Gate of the Ninefold Palace Inside the Meridian Gate)

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午門内九重殿門之図 (Illustration of the Gate of the Ninefold Palace Inside the Meridian Gate) (con't.)

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午門内九重殿門之図 (Illustration of the Gate of the Ninefold Palace Inside the Meridian Gate) (con't.)

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午門内九重殿門之図 (Illustration of the Gate of the Ninefold Palace Inside the Meridian Gate) (con't.)

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大朝會之図 (Illustration of the Great Imperial Audience)

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大朝會之図 (Illustration of the Great Imperial Audience) (con't.)

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銅鶴銅龜寶鼎品級山之図 (Illustration of the Mountain with a Bronze Crane, Bronze Tortoise, and Sacred Tripod of High Rank)

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除日保呂殿宴外藩蒙古 (Banquet for Outer Vassals and Mongols at Horoden Hall on New Year's Eve)

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御纓笠文華殿 (Hall of Literary Elegance with the Imperial Tasseled Hat)

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乾清宮千宴 (Thousand Banquets at the Palace of Heavenly Purity)


This likely refers to a grand banquet or a series of ceremonial banquets held at the Palace of Heavenly Purity, an important historical structure. It suggests a formal or imperial event of great scale.

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御花園 (Imperial Flower Garden)

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重華宮小宴之図 (Illustration of a Small Banquet at the Palace of Repeated Splendor)

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西花園 (Western Flower Garden)

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慈寧宮 (Palace of Compassion and Tranquility)

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皇太后皇后朝會行粧之圖 (Illustration of the Imperial Dowager and Empress's Attire for the Court Ceremony)

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皇太后皇后朝會行粧之圖 (Illustration of the Imperial Dowager and Empress's Attire for the Court Ceremony) (con't.)

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壽安宮之圖 (Illustration of Shou'an Palace)

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Castle Plan 1 (Vol One Japanese Castles)


Date estimated. This is likely Obama Castle based on the preceding text.

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Castle Plan 2 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 3 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 4 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 5 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 6 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 7 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 8 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 9 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 10 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 11 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 12 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 13 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 14 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 15 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 16 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 17 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 18 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 19 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 20 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 21 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 22 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 23 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 24 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 25 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 26 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 27 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 28 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 29 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 30 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 31 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 32 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 33 (Vol One Japanese Castles)

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Castle Plan 34 (Vol One Japanese Castles)


[Linnaeus, Carl (1707-1778), Giseke, Paulus Diet.]

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Tab. I. Praelectiones in ordines naturales plantarum


[Linnaeus, Carl (1707-1778), Giseke, Paulus Diet.]

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Tab. II. Praelectiones in ordines naturales plantarum


[Linnaeus, Carl (1707-1778), Giseke, Paulus Diet.]

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Tab. III and Tab. IV. Praelectiones in ordines naturales plantarum


[Linnaeus, Carl (1707-1778), Giseke, Paulus Diet.]

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Tab. V., Tab. VI., Tab. VII. Praelectiones in ordines naturales plantarum


Philips, Caspar Jacobsz

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No. 1 Verzaameling van alle de huizen en prachtige gebouwen langs de Keizers en Heere-Grachten der stadt Amsteldam


Philips, Caspar Jacobsz

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No. 2 Verzaameling van alle de huizen en prachtige gebouwen langs de Keizers en Heere-Grachten der stadt Amsteldam


Philips, Caspar Jacobsz

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No. 3 Verzaameling van alle de huizen en prachtige gebouwen langs de Keizers en Heere-Grachten der stadt Amsteldam


Philips, Caspar Jacobsz

Full Title

No. 4 Verzaameling van alle de huizen en prachtige gebouwen langs de Keizers en Heere-Grachten der stadt Amsteldam

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