Images from U.S. Civil War - David Rumsey Historical Map Collection (original) (raw)

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Henry, Edward Everett

Full Title

The Red Badge of Courage. From A Story of the War Between the States by Stephen Crane.


[Lloyd, H.H., Schonberg & Co.]

Full Title

Lloyd's New County Map of the United States And Canadas showing Battle Fields, Railroads, &c. Compiled From The Latest Government Surveys & Other Reliable & Official Sources. Published by H.H. Lloyed & Co. 81 John St. New-York. 1863. Drawn And Engraved By Schonberg & Co., New York. Entered ... 1863, by H.H. Lloyd & Co. ... New York. Published By H.H. Lloyd & Co. ... B.B. Russell, 515 Washington St., Boston, R.R. Landon, 88 Lake St., Chicago ... (inset) California, Oregon And The Territories Of The United States ... (inset) Part Of Florida.

Full Title

Map Of The Field Of Shiloh, Near Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn. Shewing The Position of the U.S. Forces under the Command Of Maj. Genl. U.S. Grant U.S. Vol. And Maj. Genl. D.C. Buell U.S. Vol. On The 6th And 7th of April 1862. Surveyed Under The Direction Of Col. Geo Thom. Chief of Topl. Engrs. Drawn by Otto H. Matz, Asst. Topl. Engr. Lith. by Chas. Robyn & Co. cor. Chestnut and 3d St, St. Louis Mo.

Full Title

Map Of The Battle Fields Of The Wilderness May 5th 6th and 7th 1864. Showing the Field of Operations of the Army of the Potomac Commanded by Maj. Gen. George G. Meade U.S.A. Surveyed under the orders of Bvt. Col. J.C. Duane ... By Bvt. Maj. C.W. Howell 1st Lieut. of Engineers. Assisted by Messrs. L.C. Oswell, L. Bell and R.B. Talfor. Topographical Engineers. Instruments Used Schmalcalder Compass Odometer and Tape-Measure, Time 3 days. J. Bien, Lith. 24 Vesey St. N.Y.


Comstock, Cyrus B.

Full Title

Plan and Sections of Fort Fisher Carried by assault by the U.S. Forces, Maj. Gen. A.H. Terry Commanding Jan 15th, 1865. Head Qurtrs. U.S. Forces Fort Fisher, Jan. 27th 1865. Forwarded to Engineer Dept. with letter of this date. C.B. Comstock, Lt. Col. A.D.C. & Brvt. Brig. Gen. Engraved in the Engineer Bureau, War Dept. E. Molitor, lith.


Schultze, Otto Julian

Full Title

Sketch of Vicinity of Fort Fisher surveyed under the direction of Brvt. Brig. Gen. C.B. Comstock Chief Engineer by Otto Julian Schultze Private 15th N.Y.V. Eng. Engraved at the Engineer Bureau, War Dept. Ft. Fisher Feb 9th 1865 Forwarded to Engineer Dept. with letter of this date. C.B. Comstock, Lt. Col. A.D.C. & Brvt. Brig. Gen. E. Molitor, lith.

Full Title

East Tennessee North of Loudon Prepared Under The Direction Of Capt. O.M. Poe Corps of Engineers & Chief Engr. Mil. Div. of the Mississippi, From Data furnished principally by Capt. O.M. Poe & Prof. J.M. Safford. 1864. S. Geismar Lith. Issued at Office U.S. Engineers, Head Quarters Mil. Divn. of the Mississippi. W.L.B. Jenney. Capt. A.D.C. U.S.A. In Charge.


Packer, Thomas (1825 - 1896)

Full Title

Stannard & Dixon’s Birds Eye View of the North & South States of America, Shewing the Seat of Revolution, Projected from the Ordnance Surveys of the United States.

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Southern Mississippi And Alabama Showing the Approaches To Mobile. Edw. Molitor Lith. Coast Survey Office, A.D. Bache Supt. 1863.


Andriveau-Goujon, E.

Full Title

Carte Generale Des Etats - Unis Et Du Mexique Comprenant L'Amerique Centrale Et Les Antilles. E. Andriveau-Goujon, Editeur. Paris, Rue Du Bac, 21. 1862. Dressee par A. Vuillemin ... (with four inset maps).


Stanford, Edward, 1827-1904

Full Title

Stanford's map of the seat of war in America. London: Published by Edward Stanford, 6 Charing Cross, Oct. 1st. 1861.


Hand-colored engraved military map of the eastern United States, including states bordering on west side of Mississippi River. Shows topography, lakes, drainage, bays, coastline, railroads, cities and towns, as well as political boundaries, emphasizing the delineation between "slave states" and "free states" during the Civil War. Relief shown by hachures. Includes laitudinal and longitudinal lines, a legend and a bar scale. With two inset maps: Southern part of Florida -- General map of the United States. "Sheet 1" in upper right corner. Segmented into 48 sections, mounted on folded linen. Map is 122 x 100 cm, on sheet 132 x 113 cm, folded to 22 x 15 cm. Verso has advertisements for "New atlases" and "New maps for general use" by Stanford.

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NW Sheet Lloyd's American Railroad Map, Showing the Whole Seat of War.

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NE Sheet Lloyd's American Railroad Map, Showing the Whole Seat of War.

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SW Sheet Lloyd's American Railroad Map, Showing the Whole Seat of War.

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SE Sheet Lloyd's American Railroad Map, Showing the Whole Seat of War.

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(Composite map of) NW, NE, SW, SE Sheets Lloyd's American Railroad Map, Showing the Whole Seat of War


Minard, Charles Joseph, 1781-1870

Full Title

Carte figurative et approximative des quantités de coton en laine importés en Europe en 1858 et 1861 [Quantities of cotton and wool imported into Europe in 1858 and 1861].


Folds into covers with label "1858-1861 Importation du Coton." Robinson, no.30. Signed by Minard. "The map entitled 'Carte... des quantités de coton en laine importés en Europe en 1858 et 1861' shows two flow-maps of the Atlantic trade in wool and cotton, three years apart. The time period covers the beginning of the American Civil War, which was sparked by the slavery policies of the Lincoln presidency. By January 1861, seven of the southern states had seceded to form the Confederacy. The war between the Confederacy and the states who remained in the Union lasted until 1865, and had a devastating effect on American exports. The seven separatist states are marked on both maps. A line graph in the upper right corner shows the yearly export amounts of wool and cotton for America (blue). There is a sharp drop in exports from 1860, when the issues provoking the Civil War came to prominence. Comparing the two maps gives an even clearer picture of the change; by 1861 the amount of cotton and wool imported into Britain from the East Indies (yellow) had almost tripled, whereas the amount imported from America (blue) had only risen by a paltry 16,000 tons. Britain was then re-exporting the excess to other European countries (pink), at a rate three times higher than before the start of the Civil War." (Crouch).

Full Title

Lloyd's New Map of the United States, the Canadas and New Brunswick, From the latest Surveys showing every Railroad & Station Finished to June 1864, and the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.


Color. Has a pasted-in sheet which provides a legend relating to map colors and areas of Unioin and Confederate control in the American Civil War as of October 4, 1864. Also includes a note warning customers of a substandard series of maps being sold under the brand "Lloyd's Maps".


[Bachelder, John Badger, 1825-1894, Warren, G.K., Humphreys, A. A.]

Full Title

Map of the battle field of Gettysburg, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd 1863. First day battle. Published by authority of the Hon. the Secretary of War, Office of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Army. 1876. Positions of troops compiled and added for the government by John B. Bachelder. Topography engraved by Julius Bien, 16 Park Place N. Y. Position & lettering by Louis E. Newman, 36 Vesey St., N.Y. Printed by Endicott & Co., New York.


First map of the battle field of Gettysburg, July 1st, 1863. Relief shown by contours, form lines and spot heights. Scale:1:12,000. 1 in. represents 1000 ft. Shows Gettysburg environs, place names, the position of the troops by color and signal stations Includes notes. "The survey was ordered by Brevet Major General A.A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, and conducted under Brevet Major General G.K. Warren, Major of Engineers."


[Bachelder, John Badger, 1825-1894, Warren, G.K., Humphreys, A. A.]

Full Title

Map of the battle field of Gettysburg, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd 1863. First day battle. Published by authority of the Hon. the Secretary of War, Office of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Army. 1876. Positions of troops compiled and added for the government by John B. Bachelder. Topography engraved by Julius Bien, 16 Park Place N. Y. Position & lettering by Louis E. Newman, 36 Vesey St., N.Y. Printed by Endicott & Co., New York.


Second map of the battle field of Gettysburg, July 2nd, 1963. Relief shown by contours, form lines and spot heights. Scale:1:12,000. 1 in. represents 1000 ft. Shows Gettysburg environs, place names, the position of the troops by color and signal stations Includes notes. "The survey was ordered by Brevet Major General A.A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, and conducted under Brevet Major General G.K. Warren, Major of Engineers."


[Bachelder, John Badger, 1825-1894, Warren, G.K., Humphreys, A. A.]

Full Title

Map of the battle field of Gettysburg, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd 1863. First day battle. Published by authority of the Hon. the Secretary of War, Office of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Army. 1876. Positions of troops compiled and added for the government by John B. Bachelder. Topography engraved by Julius Bien, 16 Park Place N. Y. Position & lettering by Louis E. Newman, 36 Vesey St., N.Y. Printed by Endicott & Co., New York.


Third map of the battle field of Gettysburg, July 3rd, 1963. Relief shown by contours, form lines and spot heights. Scale:1:12,000. 1 in. represents 1000 ft. Shows Gettysburg environs, place names, the posi+tion of the troops by color and signal stations Includes notes. "The survey was ordered by Brevet Major General A.A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, and conducted under Brevet Major General G.K. Warren, Major of Engineers."

Full Title

War Map of the Middle States : Balloon View of Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee and parts of Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Boston, Lithographed and published by J.H. Bufford, 33, Washington Street. Paris & London. Published by Goupil & Co. New York. Pub: M. Knoedler, 772 Broadway.


Colored rare bird’s-eye view of the theatre of conflict at the opening of the American Civil War. The view extends from Chesapeake Bay in the foreground to encompass the Appalachians and the watersheds of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Shows topographical features, cities and towns, roads and railroads, and areas of elevation and waterways, in an unusual oblique view that captures a larger amount of landscape than appears in other Civil War views such as the Bachmanns (see our copies).. Relief shown by shadings. Tables in the left and right margins show distances by rail between Washington, D.C.; Cairo, Illinois; St. Louis, Missouri and other parts of the country. The map tracks the Mississippi as far south as Memphis. The whole is centered on Louisville Kentucky and the Ohio River Valley.


[Grant, M. B., Howell, R. H.]

Full Title

Map of the seat of war. Published by T.A. Burke, Morning News Office. Compiled & drawn by M.B. Grant C.E. Lithographed by R.H. Howell, Savannah.


Hand color map, with place names in Virginia peninsula. Shows roads, railroads, forts and fortifications. Cover eastern Virginia (mostly Manassas and vicinity) and part of Maryland. Includes table of distances.

Full Title

(Composite of) Panorama of the Seat of War. Birds eye view of Florida and part of Georgia and Alabama .. North and South Carolina and part of Georgia .. Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. John Bachmann, Publisher, 115 & 117 Nassau St., New York. Entered ... 1861 by John Bachmann ... New York. Drawn from Nature and Lith. by John Bachmann.


Composite map image from three separate issues.

Full Title

Panorama of the Seat of War. Birds Eye View Of Virginia, Maryland Delaware And The District Of Columbia. John Bachmann, Publisher, 115 & 117 Nassau St., New York. Entered ... 1861 by John Bachmann ... New York. Drawn from Nature and Lith. by John Bachmann.


1st issue; a 2nd issue shows smoke at Manassas. This view joins with the North and South Carolina view and the Florida and Georgia view to form one continuous panorama of the east coast of the Confederacy. Full color. Bound in black leather covers 38x3

Full Title

Panorama Of The Mississippi Valley And Its Fortifications. Published by C. Magnus, 12 Frankfort Street, New York. Eng. by F.W. Boell.


Date is Stephenson's; there is no date on map. Four vignettes; attractive hand-painted color. Map includes table of distances to various points on the Mississippi from St. Louis to New Orleans.


[Bruff, J. Goldsborough, Disturnell, John]

Full Title

(Covers to) Army Map Of The Seat Of War In Virginia, Showing the Battle Fields, Fortifications, Etc. on & near the Potomac River. Drawn by J.G. Bruff. Published by J. Disturnell, New York And Hudson Taylor, Washn. D.C. 1862. Entered ... 1861, by John Disturnell ... New York. Lith. of P.S. Duval & Son, Philada.


[Bruff, J. Goldsborough, Disturnell, John]

Full Title

Army Map Of The Seat Of War In Virginia, Showing the Battle Fields, Fortifications, Etc. on & near the Potomac River. Drawn by J.G. Bruff. Published by J. Disturnell, New York And Hudson Taylor, Washn. D.C. 1862. Entered ... 1861, by John Disturnell ... New York. Lith. of P.S. Duval & Son, Philada.


2nd edition, 1st was 1861. A beautiful production by Bruff, very detailed and well done. Major battles (Bull Run, etc.) near Washington are shown as well as fortifications around the capital. There is a list of 34 U.S. forts in the lower right. Map is folded into red cloth covers 15.5x11 with "Seat of War on the Potomac" stamped in gilt.


[Spangenberg, Charles, Matz, Otto H.]

Full Title

Map Of The Siege Of Vicksburg, Miss. By the U.S. Forces Under The Command Of Maj. Genl. U.S. Grant, U.S. Vls. ... Surveyed and constructed under the direction of Capt. C.B. Comstock ... by Major Otto H. Matz ... Chs. Spangenberg ... Drawn by Chs. Spangenberg ... Engr. on stone by J. Schedler No. 120 Pearl St. N.Y. Head Qrs. Of The Dept. Of The Tenn. Vicksburg Miss. Aug. 20th 1863. C.B. Comstock ...


Signed in facsimile by C.B. Comstock and dated Aug. 20, 1863, Vicksburg, Miss. Beautiful, highly detailed black and white map showing the topography around Vicksburg, with five profiles, six cross sections of batteries and one cross section of a "rebel rifle pit." Illustrated in Stephenson, this is one of the most striking of the Union War maps. Plate 36:2 in "Atlas to Accompany..."

Full Title

Military Map showing the topographical features of the country adjacent to Harper's Ferry Va. including Maryland, Loudoun, and Bolivar Heights, and portions of South and Short Mountains, with the positions of the Defensive Works, also the Junction of the Potomac & Shenandoah Rivers, and their passage through the Blue Ridge. Surveyed from August 3d to Sept. 30th 1863 Under The Direction Of Capt. N. Michler, Corps of Engrs U.S. Army By Major John E. Weyss, Principal Assistant, Engineer Department, Army Of The Potomac ...


Striking map of Harper's Ferry, illustrated in Stephenson. Weyss went on to make a second Harper's Ferry map that appeared (with fourteen other maps by Weyss) in 1867 in the Military Maps to Illustrate the Operations of the Armies of the Potomac and James. Stephenson lists the ms original as 699. Map is without color. Plate 42:1 in "Atlas to Accompany..."

Full Title

Plan of the Naval Attack And Capture of Port Royal By the Federal Fleet under Com. S.F. Dupont - November 7th, 1861. To whom the above work is respectfully dedicated by an Officer of the U.S. Navy. Entered ... 1862 by J.H. Bufford ... Mass.


This exquisite map of Port Royal Sound with two small views of Forts Walker and Beauregard is not in Stephenson or any references. It shows the famous naval battle of November 7, 1861 and the capture of Forts Walker and Beauregard by Union forces. It is printed in color lithography. It is copyrighted in 1862 by J.H. Bufford, but the title indicates it was drawn by "an Officer of the U.S. Navy." Scarce.


[Hall, E.S., Lloyd, H.H., Waters & Son]

Full Title

Military Portraits. Glossary Of War Terms, Maps, Arms, Etc. (Map of) Maryland, Virginia, Chesapeake Bay, Etc., Etc. Published by H.H. Lloyd & Co., 25 Howard Street, New York. Agents wanted to sell this and many other Charts for the times. Entered ... 1861, by H.H. Lloyd & Co.


A very decorative Civil War chart showing military uniforms and dress, 10 portraits of prominent Union Officers, and a map delineating battles around Washington.


[Haskins, Charles, Lloyd, H.H., Viele, Egbert L.]

Full Title

H.H. Lloyd & Co's Campaign Military Charts Showing The Principal Strategic Places Of Interest. Engraved Expressly To Meet A Public Want During The Present War. Compiled From Official Data By Egbert L. Viele, Military and Civil Engineer; and Charles Haskins. Published Under The Auspices Of The American Geographical And Statistical Society. Entered ... 1861 by H.H. Lloyd & Co. H.H. Lloyd & Co's Military Charts. Sixteen Maps On One Sheet.


An early Civil War map. A compilation of 16 maps on one sheets of harbors, rivers, and a general map of the U.S.

Full Title

(Covers to) Panorama of the Seat of War. Birds Eye View Of Virginia, Maryland Delaware And The District Of Columbia. John Bachmann, Publisher, 115 & 117 Nassau St., New York. Entered ... 1861 by John Bachmann ... New York. Drawn from Nature and Lith. by John Bachmann.

Full Title

Johnson's Map of the Vicinity of Richmond, and Peninsular Campaign in Virginia. Showing also the Interesting Localities along the James, Chickahominy, and York Rivers. Compiled from the Official Maps of the War Department. By Johnson and Ward.


In full color by county. Shows roads, railroads, settlements, and swamps. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington D.C. Relief shown by hachures. Depth shown by soundings.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Appendix to Johnson's New Illustrated Atlas. Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). Showing at a Glance its Rise and Progress, and a Correct and Concise Account of the Victories and Defeats, Triumphs and Disasters, Successes and Reverses, of the Army and Navy of the Union. Carefully Compiled from the Most Authentic and Trustworthy Sources.


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

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(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

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(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

(Text Page to) Chronological History of the Great Rebellion (American Civil War). (Continued).


Chronology beginning November, 1860 and ending December,1863.

Full Title

Johnson's Map of the Vicinity of Richmond, and Peninsular Campaign in Virginia (American Civil War) ... By Johnson and Ward.


In full color by county. Shows roads, railroads, settlements, swamps and water depth soundings. Meridians Greenwich and Washington D.C.

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