rape (original) (raw)

Another scandal! Yes folks, for the fourth time in the past two or three weeks, hipster journalists and fake metal fans are shocked and appalled that a black metal musician has done something immoral. Despite black metal being a music genre for 30 years, smelly neckbeard losers and dreadlocked trust fund crusties are figuratively (though literally in some cases) throwing their own feces every time they catch a mid-tier black metal musician doing something not socially acceptable. This time, the horrific act came from Marduk, whose purchasing of German World War II merchandise from a sketchy online retailer made them too evil for a fest called Stockholm Slaughter (who apparently think slaughter is cool, but just not when it pertains to 1940s Europe).

Because millennials are too dumb to learn any history that doesn’t involve student loans, let’s quickly look back and see if any criminal or immoral things were done by the original black metal bands. Maybe there’s something that we can learn from that fateful 1990s Norwegian scene:

Band Criminal/Immoral Act

Burzum Murder, violating parole with a shitload of explosives, arson, Nazism, white supremacy

Dimmu Borgir Using the N word in an interview/proclaiming the desire to genocide Africans

Emperor Hate crime murder of a homosexual, arson

Gorgoroth Rape, battery and torture, violation of Poland’s animal rights laws, homosexuality

Immortal Arson

Mayhem Murder, 2nd degree murder, arson, public mutilation, trashing hotels

Satyricon Rape, arson, rape

Thorns 2nd degree murder

I’m sorry to break this to everyone living in a liberal bubble, but a painfully obvious truth exists: black metal musicians are bad men.



Tags: antifa, arson, bad hombres, Black Metal, burzum, crime, Deus Vult, dimmu borgir, emperor, future of metal, hipsters, immortal, Inquisition, live music, marduk, mayhem, murder, Nazism, norway, Norwegian Black Metal, rape, satyricon, sjws, Taake, Templar, Thorns, watain

On March 29th, 2014, I was booked on a conceptually enticing extreme metal show in San Antonio, TX. It was held in honor of Christophe Szpajdel, the infamous “Lord of the Logos” who designed the logos for a good amount of the most relevant black metal bands over the last few decades. Headlined by Abazagorath, every band on the bill had a Christophe-drawn logo. Christophe himself was flown across the Atlantic to be present to draw logos for concertgoers on the spot. But thanks to the abomination that is Facebook, Christophe never made it out of the airport.



Tags: abazagorath, Beast of Revelation, Cambridge Analytica, christophe szpajdel, data mining, decline of western civilization, Disney, donald trump, facebook, Foo Fighters, isolation, logos, lord of the logos, Mark Zuckerberg, metal, metal logos, metal shows, misery, pop music, rape, Rhiana, social media, Trump Derangement Syndrome

In just one week, the nauseating disease that is liberalsim has managed to shutdown the tour of a black metal/shock rocker and breakup a black metal/crust band. While this is to be applauded in this instance as crusty black metal is paradoxal and live black metal is outright cringeworthy, it is atrocious that there are so many happenings of metal being bent over and embarrassed by an ideology as frail and useless as liberalism. But contrary to the voices of life dropouts, the solution won’t be found in neckbeard occultism, Paganism, or other extensions of fatalism. This disease may only be obliterated by THE TEMPLAR and their mercilessness opposition! This means unapologitic masculinity, the re-institution of theocratic imperial order, the abolishment of atheism and materialsim, the cruel shaming of sodomites, and the complete annihilation of individualism and its atrocities. The only true freedom is in complete submission to the LORD, who unleashed these plagues on a Western world that turned away from his divine order in 1789, closed their ears to his commands in the 60s, and completely fled his divine law in the last decade. If you don’t soon take up the cross you’ll see your precious metal scene completely overrun by masculine women, post-emo beta-males, and neo-commies who will erase your metal heroes and replace them with emasculated champions of diversity! DEUS VULT OR DIE


Tags: antifa, beta males, canceled tour, Crust Punk, death metal general, Deus Vult, dmg, Liberalism is a mental disorder, Max Cavelera, metoo, Nazism, news, Newsweek, rape, sepultura, sjws, snowflakes, soulfly, Taake, virgin-tier, Young and in the Way

Hipster celebrity and accused tattoo gun rapist Wrest from Leviathan returns with a new sidekick in an attempt to restore some underground credibility. This is a common gimmick used in rap music whenever an artist has faded from the mainstream but wants to continue making money off the young kids consuming the underground’s newest flavors. Unfortunately for Leviathan, they were never respected in the underground and Crawl displays very little potential to make any sort of impact. The split is one twelve minute song from each artist that both manage to be terrible but for very different reasons. Wrest promised “Aural Mizery” and has ironically maintained that promise.



Tags: 2018, Black Metal, burnouts, Crawl, doom, dsbm, gimmicks, hipsters, Leviathan, one man bands, one man metal, rap, rape, review, shoegaze, split, suicidal black metal

2017 was a shit waste of a year when it came to metal music. Yet with a whole generation of useless neckbeard millennials frantically trying to pursue a career in metal journalism via a desperate pursuit of vindication from that $40,000 of communications-degree student loan debt we have hundreds of “best metal albums” lists every year.



Tags: Altarage, byzantine, Code Orange, Cvlt Nation, decibel, fake metal news, fake news, fake news awards, hipsters, incineration, metal hammer, MetalSucks, paradise lost, rape, rolling stone, sadistic metal reviews, The Contortionist, Trump

As I predicted a few weeks ago with 100% accuracy all charges of rape, kidnapping, and sexual assault have been dropped against the four members of Decapitated. The collateral damage done to the band is going to remain however as this news (published on a Saturday when little mind is paid to the news cycle) will surely receive significantly less buzz than the breaking story of their arrest, or the subsequent leftist metal media narrative that a guilty plea should be expected based on a ridiculous interview with some dingbat attorney who had absolutely no access to any of the evidence. This will therefore result in many of the fans who have disowned them to continue believing them to be heartless rapists. The band can expect extradition back to Poland soon, having very harshly learned a tough but important lesson. This story is an important lesson to metal concertgoers and even more so to young metal musicians who will be touring or playing shows soon. Let’s briefly examine how this story was treated by the liberal MSMM (mainstream metal media) and its fans, take a deeper look at the takeaways that can be learned from this unfortunate experience, and conclude with an open letter to the members of Decapitated I once shared a bottle of vodka with some years ago…


Tags: crime, death metal, deathcore, decapitated, liberals, metal, metalgate, MetalSucks, metoo, progressive liberals, rape, sjws

2017 was a year of total war and, culturally, a year of victory. What it lacked in quality metal it made up for in illuminating many of the harsh truths about metal’s business side, the narcissism of metal musicians, disloyalty of metal fans, and the desperation of metal journalists to fit in with flavor-of-the-weak liberal hysteria. Outside of metal, conservatism has won almost every battle and leftism continues to be on the defensive. With the death of Antifa in America, the complete meltdown of liberal journalists in and outside of metal, and endless infighting and cannibalization within the left, 2017 has been perhaps the most amusing and fulfilling year in recent memory.

Yet as great as this last year was, we must keep our eyes on the future with maximum alertness as the war continues. Therefore let’s leave the crystal ball reading to the crazy cat lady witches running Cvlt Nation and instead make some logical predictions on where the world of metal may be headed in the next year:



Tags: 2018, conservatives, death metal, hipsters, liberals, metal, MetalSucks, pedophile, rape, toilet ov hell, transgender, triggered

Tortured deathcore idols Decapitated have been freed from prison and await trial for the alleged kidnapping and rape of a female attendee of one of their concerts. Denied by the liberal metal scene they have heroically slaved their lives on the road to please, the group had already faced unfathomable torment a decade ago when a tour bus crash saw a former member killed and another with crippling retardation. Although his metal condition is fortunately not as severe as that of Decapitated’s fans, the bands suffering remains unrelenting nonetheless. (more…)


Tags: anus, death, death metal, deathcore, decapitated, false accusations, kidnapping, metal, news, rape, sex assault