Multimedia (original) (raw)
Interactive Experience:
Art of the Shot
They're not dumb grunts, and hitting the target requires more than good aim. Set your sights on discovering what snipers do, and how they master their essential, exacting, lethal art.
Interactive Experience:
Sensors, Receivers and Ordnance, Oh My! Drones Carry It All
Unmanned systems help U.S. service members gain realistic training experience, test equipment and so much more. Can you pass this quiz on military drones with flying colors?
Interactive Experience:
Where Military Mountaineers Are Made
Mountaineering has long been a necessary skill for U.S. service members in battle and at the Army Mountain Warfare School, they learn from some of the best.
Interactive Experience:
Military Units: Space Force
The Space Force structure is unique. While it is a separate and distinct branch of the armed services, it is organized under the Department of the Air Force.