franklin azzi architecture: lille 3000 (original) (raw)

‘lille 3000’ by franklin azzi architecture image courtesy franklin azzi architecture

french firm franklin azzi architecture have just sent us in images of their latest project ‘lille 3000’. located in lille france they transformed the former saint sauveur station into a cultural center. the building consists of a cinema, restaurant, pub and spaces for exhibitions, concerts and flea markets. in the yard there are also areas where people can play various sports such as hop scotch or soccer.

franklin azzi architecture: lille 3000 ‘lille 3000’ restaurant image courtesy franklin azzi architecture

franklin azzi architecture: lille 3000 ‘lille 3000’ by franklin azzi architecture image courtesy franklin azzi architecture

franklin azzi architecture: lille 3000 plan of barimage courtesy franklin azzi architecture

franklin azzi architecture: lille 3000 lighting in restaurantimage courtesy franklin azzi architecture

franklin azzi architecture: lille 3000 cinemaimage courtesy franklin azzi architecture

franklin azzi architecture: lille 3000image courtesy franklin azzi architecture

franklin azzi architecture: lille 3000 yard of ‘lille 3000’image courtesy franklin azzi architecture

franklin azzi architecture: lille 3000

franklin azzi architecture: lille 3000 floor plan of ‘lillie 3000’image courtesy franklin azzi architecture