What the 3 candidates running for Iowa's 4th Congressional District say about abortion, guns (original) (raw)

Three candidates are competing to represent Iowa's 4th Congressional District, which includes Ames, Council Bluffs and Sioux City in the northwest portion of the state.

Incumbent Republican Randy Feenstra is running against Democrat Ryan Melton, a Nationwide Insurance supervisor, and Liberty Caucus member Bryan Jack Holder in the redrawn district.

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To help voters, the Des Moines Register sent questions to all federal, statewide and Des Moines area legislative candidates running for political office this year. Their answers have been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Early voting begins Oct. 19 for the Nov. 8 election.

Who is Ryan Melton?

Age: 38

Party: Democrat

Where did you grow up? Omaha and Laurens

Current town of residence: Nevada

Education: Bachelor of science, history and political science, Iowa State University; master of arts, U.S. history, Kansas University

Occupation: Supervisor, Nationwide Insurance

Political experience and civic activities: Caucus chair — Bernie Sanders 2016; former treasurer of a Story County Board of Supervisors candidate in 2018.

Who is Bryan Jack Holder?

Age: 49

Party: Liberty Caucus

Where did you grow up? Crescent

Current town of residence: Council Bluffs

Education: Associate of arts in communication, Iowa Western Community College, 1993; bachelor of science in psychology, Bellevue University, 1995; law degree, Creighton University School of Law, 1998.

Occupation: Videographer and citizen journalist

Political experience and civic activities: Four-time candidate for Iowa's 3rd Congressional District, two-time candidate for Iowa House, two-time candidate for Iowa Western Community College Board of Trustees, Pottawattamie County Libertarian Party former Chair and current Co-Chair, former Libertarian Party of Iowa State Central Committee member. I have assisted others with securing ballot access and with providing media coverage of their campaigns.

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Who is Randy Feenstra?

Age: 53

Party: Republican

Where did you grow up? Hull

Current town of residence: Hull

Education: Bachelor's degree in business communication, Dordt College; master of public administration, Iowa State University; doctorate in business and healthcare Administration from Northcentral University.

Occupation: U.S. Representative for Iowa's 4th District

Political experience and civic activities: Congressman, Republican Main Street Partnership, Republican Study Committee, former Iowa state senator.

What is the most important domestic policy you would champion in Congress?

Melton: Saving our democracy.

Holder: The most important domestic policy I would champion is to re-establish truly representative government in the U.S. House. The population of the USA has tripled over the past 100 years while the size of these congressional constituencies has increased exponentially. One representative per 800,000 constituents makes the representation itself nearly meaningless. The time to divide the congressional districts into smaller ones is long overdue.

Feenstra: With gas prices still at historic highs, I would champion policies that increase biofuels production in Iowa, lower gas prices, make our country energy independent again, and end our reliance on foreign oil. In Iowa, every other row of corn and soybeans go straight to ethanol and biodiesel production. In other words, our solution to sky-high energy prices is growing in fields across our great state. By utilizing homegrown biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel, we can lower emissions, support Iowa farmers, and offer Iowa families a cleaner, cheaper option at the pump.

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What is one specific piece of bipartisan legislation you would advocate for in Congress?

Melton: Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents alike in my district are opposed to the use of eminent domain to take people's hard-earned land away to lay carbon capture pipelines. I've been in opposition since Day 1. I would target the 45Q Tax Credit program to reduce or eliminate the credits a corporation can receive for carbon capture pipelines, as it's a failed technology that marries us to the status quo. That's the last thing we need as we're facing an existential threat with climate change.

Holder: When elected I will introduce the "Iowa Compromise" to divide the congressional districts into smaller ones so that every citizen can participate in the process of self-government. Smaller districts will result in better representation, more candidates to choose from and will ensure our representatives are closer to us and accountable for their decision-making. Dividing these districts is just one way to ensure the survival and success of Liberty.

Feenstra: Along with Sen. Grassley and my House colleagues, we are working together to pass our Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act in the House and the Senate. The Big Four meatpackers control 85% of the cattle marketplace, squeezing independent cattle producers in Iowa and leaving many of them financially insecure. Our bipartisan legislation addresses this issue head-on. It ensures that our independent producers receive a fair, market-based price for their quality products and brings transparency back to the cattle marketplace.

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Iowans are struggling with rising costs and inflation. What can Congress do to help them make ends meet?

Melton: Pass a windfall tax on excessive profit in vital industries during times of extreme inflation. Promote more competition in industry to mitigate the effects of corporate consolidation. Fund child care so more who wish to work can, helping to boost our supply chain strength. Fund education so we don't have so many labor shortages in our professional fields. Promote a culture that celebrates innovation and expertise instead of vilifying it. Build a more robust public health infrastructure that allows us to be more resilient in the face of pandemics.

Holder: Congress can begin by restoring fiscal sanity to Washington, D.C. Billions of dollars for bombs and bullets in the Ukraine doesn't make Iowans physically safe nor financially secure. The disbursement of taxes through domestic social programs should always take priority over proxy wars in foreign lands. Congress has a duty to provide oversight to agencies receiving tax money & must root out all corruption. It's OUR money, not theirs. Auditing the Federal Reserve should be a first step.

Feenstra: The record inflation that Iowa families, farmers and small businesses are facing is the direct result of wasteful, reckless spending in Washington. I have consistently warned that injecting trillions of dollars into our economy would cause prices to spike, and that’s why I have voted against every wasteful government-spending package proposed this Congress. Instead of wasting taxpayer dollars, we need to enact a balanced budget amendment at the federal level like we have in Iowa and end wasteful spending. As a strong, fiscal conservative, I am committed to get our fiscal house in order and combat inflation caused by failed economic policies that hurt our families and main streets.

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Congress passed a bipartisan gun safety law this summer. What further action, if any, should Congress take to address gun violence?

Melton: An assault weapons ban. Further action to promote red flag laws. Universal background checks. Addressing the disproportionate influence of corporate money on Congress, which makes it less responsive to the desires of the people.

Holder: Congress has spent decades passing gun control measures which have little to no effect upon gun violence. The root cause of gun violence is violence itself. Prevention of violence must begin in the home. Policies that promote healthy family formation and the peaceful resolution of conflict are more preferable than draconian restrictions on the ownership of firearms. To characterize the recent legislation as "bipartisan" is a stretch as most Republicans are opposed to further gun control and only a handful of GOP members of Congress were in support.

Feenstra: Senseless acts of violence in our country are tragic, and my heart breaks for families who have endured unthinkable loss. Nobody should feel unsafe at school, church, or any public setting. That's why I have helped introduce legislation to prioritize mental health treatment, fund active shooter response training and keep our kids safe at school. I also voted for the Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act, which expands mental health resources for our families and schools. I'll continue to work to deliver mental health resources for our communities and protect our children from unspeakable tragedies while also protecting Iowans' constitutional Second Amendment rights.

Should Congress pass federal legislation addressing abortion, either to restrict the procedure or to preserve access?

Melton: Yes, Congress should codify reproductive rights protections and the right to choose. Congress should do its part to pass the Equal Rights Amendment, which would codify reproductive rights protections.

Holder: The recent U.S. Supreme Court opinion is a shining example of the complexity of this issue. According to their opinion, the issue of abortion will now be determined on a state-by-state basis, as have other issues like gun control and mandatory vaccinations. Nationalizing the issue of abortion only benefits those who want to impose their personal preferences across the entire country.

Feenstra: My faith teaches me that every person is created for a purpose and a reason, and that every person — both born and unborn — deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. As a father and a Christian, I support lifesaving legislation that reduces the number of abortions in our country and protects the unborn. I will always be a strong voice for the voiceless because there is nothing more fundamental and sacred in our Constitution than the right to life for all.

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What policies would you advocate for including in the next farm bill?

Melton: Transitionary aid to help us build an agricultural system focused on sustainability. More diversification of crops, more focus on soil and waterway health. A move to next-generation renewable fuels beyond corn ethanol at some point. Working with farmers to gain more price control by giving them more tools to own the processing and sale of their crops and products. Giving farmers more right to repair their own equipment. Leveraging anti-trust legislation to combat corporate consolidation.

Holder: Empowering the individual farmer should be paramount while recognizing the reality of corporate agriculture and their control of the markets. Congress should promote fair competition among domestic producers while at the same time protecting American consumers from predatory pricing and monopolistic collusion. Foreign markets for Iowa's products should continue to be sought and current markets made more secure.

Feenstra: The Farm Bill is critical for our farmers and rural communities. Serving on the House Agriculture Committee, I'll play a pivotal role in drafting the next Farm Bill and including priorities crucial to the success of our farmers and their families. Our producers want fairness in the cattle marketplace, greater access to foreign markets for their goods, and solutions to the supply chain crisis that’s preventing their product from reaching the market. I am working to increase biofuels production in Iowa, protect crop insurance, ease WOTUS regulations, maintain step-up in basis and like-kind exchange, and create a safety net for producers.

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What is your appraisal of the work of the Select Committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol?

Melton: So far so good.

Holder: The Select Committee has largely used this opportunity to promote themselves and their political viewpoint. I expect they will conduct further investigations into former President Trump and his supporters in an effort to influence the upcoming midterms and the 2024 presidential election. Further polarization of the electorate will be the end result.

Feenstra: I have been clear that violence is never warranted in our republic, but I am focused on delivering real results for Iowa’s 4th Congressional District. From lowering costs to expanding domestic energy production, I will continue to work hard to accomplish priorities important to our farmers, families, small businesses, and rural main streets.

Correction: An earlier version of this article contained an incorrect description of the 4th Congressional District. It covers the northwest section of Iowa.