The Gem Crewww [OUTDATED] by 0-P-A-L on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This deviation is now outdated! The most current version of the gem crew is here: The Gem Crew Vol. 2! by 0-P-A-L


its... gained some new members.. `: D
(earlier lymerikk said they'd die for Sphene and I agreed so i made her for die-for-able)

See more of them here!

:Mint-orb:Mint Pearl :Mint-orb:
An intelligent pearl which was abandoned accidentally by her Sapphire. After she was found by the Crystal Gems, she found friends in Howlite and Sphene. Here she became stronger and more calm, peaceful and emotional.

Fun Fact: Misses her Sapphire very much, because she was very kind to her.

Theme - Cold - existence (Was changed on 1.9.20)

Mint Pearl's Page

Violet-orb Rhodolite (1.3.18) Violet-orb
A cocky but sweet gem with a firm fist and a bit of a saucy attitude. She's an off-color variant of a Hessonite, and thus was able to do all the things that a Hessonite was, but because of her off color for her high rank, she was cut off and thrown out of Homeworld. She managed to steal the prism which was created with her, deformed as it was. She wandered in the underground tunnels until escaping with Rose Aura Quartz, Cuprite and the rest of the undercover rebels.

Design by ONlONS | Adopted from Lil-WiFi

Fun Fact: Her prism usually hides in her hair when she's not using it. She brushes and grooms out it's glitches every once in a while to relax.

Theme - Halley labs - information[Patreon]
Studio Killers - Party Like It's Your Birthday

Rhodolite's Page

:Black-orb:Howlite :Black-orb:
An Era 1 Howlite (my headcannon of how Howlites look) which was almost too smart, thus contradicting and arguing with her diamond, white diamond leading to her being sentenced to shattering. She escaped with ease, taking Sphene with her.

Fun Fact: Enhanced sense of smell because of the placement of her gem

Theme - Halley Labs - heated swimmer[Patreon]

Howlite's Page

Orange-orb Brown Agate Orange-orb
An awkward and uncoordinated Agate who used to belong to a "Chocolate Emerald". Because of her inability to perform her 'Agatorial'
duties, she was sent instead to fight alongside the footsoldiers. After fleeing from battle, she found herself at the end of Howlite's blade. From there, she, Sphene, Howlite and Mint pearl became great friends.

Fun Fact: Is a clean freak

Theme - Toby Fox - It's Raining Somewhere Else

Brown Agate's Page

Pastelpurple-orb Amethyst Pastelpurple-orb
A Beta-kindergarten-amethyst no more than a few centuries old, who was cooked to perfection, but failed to form upon Peridot request. She was left in the cliff-face until an explosion caused the cliff face to crumble and expose her to the open air, allowing her to finally take form. She wandered alone admiring Earth for a while before finding a rebel base and making herself at home.

Fun Fact: Is deathly afraid of cliffs, but not heights.

Theme - The Noisy Freaks - Cheer Song

Amethyst's Page

Fire-orbSphene Fire-orb
A strong, broad rebel with a big spirit. As a special soldier to Yellow Diamond, she felt morally cruel and ambiguous, as her duties required her to destroy innocent creatures and shatter gems. She escaped with Howlite and joined the rebellion, the two becoming fast friends.

Fun Fact: Doesn't sink in sand...?

Theme - Halley Labs - Mainlife.wav[Patreon]

Sphene's Page

:DarkRed-orb:Cuprite (6.18.18) :DarkRed-orb:
A gentlemanly gem, but has a short temper. Poofs easily by things like swords and hammers, but has good defense when using a shield or other weapon and can block most attacks fairly competently. Cuprite shares origin with Rhodolite, being an off-color garnet which formed when copper from the surrounding kindergarten soil was absorbed into his forming gem. Because of this, the two became good friends and escaped from Homeworld together. He and Azurite are extremely close. He sometimes feels inadequate or of no worth, so overcompensates by overexerting himself and having extreme skill in combat and evasive tactics. This is because of his weakness of poofing, and because he was told he was worthless by every homeworld gem who evaluated him, including peridots, Pink Diamond, and other garnets.

Theme - Mayhem - I am the Tower
The Living Tombstone - Shade Man's Stage Theme(Remix)[Mega Man 7]

Cuprite's Page

Rainbow-orb Fire Tanzanite Rainbow-orb
Created as a terraformer, she can lift the ground and shape it, including magmatic materials, steam and bursts of fire and lava. She is some form an "off-color" or "undercooked", her wild and extravagant hues having been obtained from coming out of kindergarten early, before the deep blue hues of regular Tanzanite had a chance to manifest. She speaks rarely and seldom emotes.

Fun Fact: Flusters and embarrasses very easily, if you know what embarrasses her (SPOILER it's friendship respect and LOVE)

Theme - MODR - rejectrave[Patreon]
Lazerhawk - So Far Away

Fire Tanzanite's Page

OpalPink-orb Rose Aura Quartz OpalPink-orb
A ditsy, odd gem with a cute laugh and a big heart. She's the most "off-color" of any of them, the aura of her gem having been received when platinum and gold inclusions in the soil of her particular section of the Rose Quartz kindergarten interfered with her natural growth. When her gem was first seen, her aura was deemed as "undesirable" by the Peridot whom had formed her, thus discarded and bubbled before even forming. Later, her bubble was popped, allowing her to form for the first time and escape with a few undercover rebels.

Fun Fact: Loves doing hair

Theme - C2C - Delta
マクロスMACROSS 82-99 - NEW DAWN

Rose Aura Quartz Page

Pink2 Orb Spinel Pink2 Orb (8.20.18)

Spinel is kinda cocky but mostly just confident and comes on strong. He's very friendly and tends to think that everybody's personal space bubble is as lax as his (which is to say it really doesn't exist). However, once told something, he'll never go past a certain boundary again and is very respectful of everyone's personal behavior and preferences and makes it a point to remember how others like to be treated, since nobody did the same for him when he was under the Diamonds.

Fun Fact: Excellent ballroom dancer, only even ballroom dances when fusing

Design by the lovely XombieJunky <3

Theme - Propeller Heads - Velvet Pants

Spinel Page

Magenta-Orb Galaxy Quartz (1.31.19) Magenta-Orb
Galaxy Quartz is kinda new to the whole “Crystal Gem” thing, being practically a baby compared to her fellow gems. She’s very chill and laid back, but isn’t really sure what she wants yet. She formed almost accidentally, when the other Gems were exploring a decrepit kindergarten and a gem injector with some material still left accidentally jammed into the ground. Every day after, Howlite, along with her other friends (Rose would come almost every day, and all the other gems occasionally) would come and see excitedly if the brand new baby gem was going to form yet. Until one day, she did. At first she formed with a Pink Diamond soldier uniform, awfully confused and conflicted about what to do with herself. It took all the gems working together to warm Gal up to Crystal Gem life, and to be comfortable with herself and her love of her new friends. She and her group is proudest of her finally forming her new personal outfit.

Original Design by UltraOof

Fun Fact: Her skin sparkles in the sun like sand, but the sparkly freckles on her face and arms always stay there.

Theme - Sim Gretina - Far From Home
Andrew Huang - Sunlight

Galaxy Quart'z Page

Indigo-orb Azurite (4.27.18) Indigo-orb
Not very social, though is very kind and sweet. He is made of an undercooked Lapis Lazuli and Era 1 Aquamarine. The Aquamarine took pity on the weak, bullied Lapis and protected him from the blows of his cruel fellow Lazulis. In the process, Lapis clung desperately to the aquamarine, resulting in Azurite forming for the first time. In panic, the fusion escaped into the off-color ravines of Homeworld. Later, during a rebel raid, the two fell in line with the crystal gems, truly falling in love with eacother and refining their fusion. They are now more powerful together than ever.

Fun Fact: He was accidentally poofed in the 1920's, found by humans and put on display in a jewelry shop, put inside an extravagant necklace. Not more than a week later, during an exposition, the necklace was stolen by what witnesses described as: "A tall woman with long black hair and a cat nose", who slyly slipped the necklace into her purse and dissapeared without a trace.

Theme - AdhesiveWombat - Oui

Azurite's Page

Pink Orb Dusty Rose Quartz (2.14.20) Pink Orb
Dusty is a recently reformed Rose Quartz who's just trying to find ways to relax and get back to being her normal self. She was always secretly on the side of the rebellion, and would often discuss their progress with other quartzes behind closed doors and lead small rebellions and charges of her own. However, now she finds that she more values relaxing and not getting involved with drama most of the time. However, every once in a while her old sensibilities will come back to her, and she'll either start a spectacle or finish a fight. Her presence is extremely commanding, and though she's usually respectful, she will put you in your place if you're being rude or unreasonable towards any of her newfound family.

Design by Hantabe | Adopted from GalacticKarma

Fun Fact: She loves jazz music and mood lighting when calm, and rock and electronic music and neon lights when she's energetic. She loves trying things that humans do to destress.

Theme (when calm) - Men I Trust - Morse Code

(when rebellious) - Chemical Brothers - Go