54godamora - Student, Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LiteratureBakugon, Cyber-Anteater Terror BeastDrawn by , colored by me. Not too long ago, we covered a Terror Beast that was made using the corpse of a ground sloth, Moguranda. Today’s profile is on a different Xenarthan that is made into a cyborg, the anteater. Despite their somewhat goofy appearance- long, toothless snout, and a bushy tail- along with a diet of colonial animals. You would think that the giant anteater wouldn’t be a threat. You would be wrong. At least 3 people have been killed by one, all out of defense. There’s even a case of a fight between a giant anteater and a jaguar, and both died! This is because their claws are designed to rip into the concrete-hard clay castles of ants & termites. Going through flesh is much easier. So imagine one scaled up to Kaiju size. Enter Bakugon, Formicavoro pyronychus- the “Fire Claw anteater”. Unlike Moguranda, which was made from a corpse, Bakugon was an existing kaiju found asleep in a cave somewhere in the Pampas. Captured, the Kaiju was augmented with GarogaAll

LiteratureAmhuluk, Diseased DracoliskBy far some of the most dangerous threats to humanity aren’t the Kaiju; instead it’s the exact opposite: disease. Ranging from the Black Plague that killed a third to half of Europe’s population during the Dark ages to the now extinct smallpox, and the ever present malaria. So what happens when both are combined- kaiju being carriers for disease? Enter “Dracoequus morbidus” The Diseased Dragon Horse. Designated as Amhuluk. Located in Northwestern Oregon, this horse-like reptile is one of those oddities. . . at first. For starters, where it falls in the Animal Kingdom. Samples of DNA taken from Amhuluk are extremely hard to identify due to Amhuluk’s toxic nature. Currently, he’s placed as an Archosaur, closer to Pseudosuchians than to Ornithodirans. He’s also one of two members of the Dracoequus genus. The other is Dracoequus sinensis, otherwise known as Dodongo. Amhuluk resides in Memaloose Lake, around 50 miles from Portland, Oregon. The area around this lake is practically deadFeatured

AoT Nick Dodge GorosaurusAge of Titans

LiteratureBakugon, Cyber-Anteater Terror BeastDrawn by , colored by me. Not too long ago, we covered a Terror Beast that was made using the corpse of a ground sloth, Moguranda. Today’s profile is on a different Xenarthan that is made into a cyborg, the anteater. Despite their somewhat goofy appearance- long, toothless snout, and a bushy tail- along with a diet of colonial animals. You would think that the giant anteater wouldn’t be a threat. You would be wrong. At least 3 people have been killed by one, all out of defense. There’s even a case of a fight between a giant anteater and a jaguar, and both died! This is because their claws are designed to rip into the concrete-hard clay castles of ants & termites. Going through flesh is much easier. So imagine one scaled up to Kaiju size. Enter Bakugon, Formicavoro pyronychus- the “Fire Claw anteater”. Unlike Moguranda, which was made from a corpse, Bakugon was an existing kaiju found asleep in a cave somewhere in the Pampas. Captured, the Kaiju was augmented with GarogaAge of Titans- Data Files

Prof. Richard DarwinPalaeo World Vol 1

LiteraturePrehistoric Park. S1-03 A Mammoth Undertaking pt 2As previously stated, I’m splitting up A Mammoth Undertaking into two parts. The second one is set 150,000 years in Siberia. Specifically, in the shadow of the Altai Mts. The main reason is that today, this area is one of the last remnants of the Mammoth Steppe. Much like before, this is also during a specific season. In this case, late fall/early winter. This is when a lot of animals are either preparing for hibernation/brumation and/or already asleep for the long winter ahead. Other animals are going to tough it out. Third, many mammals will also be woolier. Especially the main target, the Woolly mammoth. As a result, the team will be extra prepared for the cold weather- insulating clothes, for starters. Going back to location, I’ve decided to cover not just the Mammoth Steppe in terms of habitats. There’s also two more locations I’ll be covering- the coniferous forests and also mountains. Why? Because there will be WAY more animals this time around. So much that I’ve decided toPrehistoric Park- Season 1

LiteratureIce Age IconAlright time I resumed work on this story! For those not in the know, my family was evicted from our home for the past 16 years. Why? The boiler in the basement died, and the church- which owns the place- decided to not pay to fix it. So we’ve been in the process of moving in with grandma. And sweet mother of paleontology, it’s tedious! Mom says that this move should be finished by the end of March but there’s still so much more left to do afterwards. So rather than wait for the move to be over, I have decided to get as much done on this as I can per day. Update: The move is finally done after 4 months! The other reason why this took so long is that I saw the eclipse a few days ago, and I was suffering the car equivalent of jet lag. And the WIFI at Grandma’s is coming & going. Without further ado, let’s begin! Where we last left the Remnant crew, they had finished their lesson Dreadnoughtus and were relaxing in the lounge room. There were some new additions. For starters, partRWBY's Prehistoric Education

Drackoid Western GeneralMy Art

Bakugon, Cyber-Anteater Terror Beast by 54godamora, literature

Goram, Alien Bounty Hunter by 54godamora, literature

Balgaras, Sphereosaur Terror Beast by 54godamora, literature

Moguranda, Cyborg Sloth Terror-Beast by 54godamora, literature

Zandora, Super Drilling Mole Tank by 54godamora, literature

Barakidon, Angry Terror Beast by 54godamora, literature

Shadorah, Umbral Terror Beast by 54godamora, literature

Shipdraw, Deformed Terror Beast by 54godamora, literature

Joro Uros, Binding Terror Beast by 54godamora, literature

Gelderah, Red-Nose Terror Beast by 54godamora, literature