The Sulkerman BIO (Updated) by A-Dreamare on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

:iconthesulker-fc: The Sulkerman has now a fanclub, go give it a look ;)
**Edit: 22/08/2016 Added Enemies, edited height after realicing he was kind of short for a male slender. Added Neutral, and a bit of explanation for what Sulker looks in Alies, Enemies and Neutral.



The Sulkerman or Sulker (beware calling him Moody, unless you want to end up stuck on the ceiling or something).


Unknown. Currently the oldest known written document that talks about the Sulkerman goes back to 1346.

Day of Birth:

Around 12ft tall more or less (can strech a bit till 15ft when full energy)

Power, skills and strengths:
Agile, fast, good at catching lies, sneaky, manipulative.

Sulkerman does not “creates” the negative thoughts or/and emotions on his victims, he just tune to their frequency, like some sort of radio, and feeds them. If the victim listen and believe to this destructive inner thoughts, Sulker influence over them will grow alongside the intensity of the “voices”.
What the voices say depends on the person, everyone hears different things and can’t hear what the other is listening to.
The only way to “save” yourself, is to ignore the negative thoughts and keep going, to not hold to this destructive inner voices.
Just as Slenderman has the so dreaded static, upon approaching Sulkerman voices or whispering will be heard, the intensity depends on Sulker mood.
When things are bad, really bad, the whispering can turn into a choir of screams.

Bad mood, if agitated might stuck himself, which will only put him in bigger bad mood.
Hunger puts him on edge and might be harder to deal with him. He is constantly looking to feed himself, feeding on humans plagued of negativity makes him stronger and apparently allows him to produce the black goo. In order to keep using the black substance he is constantly hungry and forced to satisfy it.

Goo or Black venom:
The thing that covers his tentacles and slips out of his mouth. This goo or “black venom” as some of his proxies call it, is capable of curing any known decease. It can also slow down aging, immunity to sickness, gives a bit more physical resistance and with time and practice the person can develop some interesting abilities. But it makes the consumer body highly dependable of it, do not confuse with addiction, that’s not a symptom.
(More on Sulker proxy guide)

Short temper and usually in a bad mood (there´s why the nickname). Highly irritable, just a matter of minutes or less. Also gets frustrated with ease. He´s not the sociable type at all and kind of hates hipper people, but that doesn´t means he can´t stand being around some company, as long as they are not annoying him particularly (as you can guess, he’s not a big fan of Splendor, but stands the guy just because he’s a slender too).

Dark sense of humor, sarcastic, witty and very bad loser but can recognize when he has been defeated by a worthy foe. Easy to get in his bad side, but is possible, very hard but possible, to get on his good side.

-It is unclear if he’s part of the Slender brothers (as they seem to be commonly referred to) or just a random slender being. He hasn’t shown much interest into providing an answer to this.

-(Now next is based on the theory the Sulender beings made each other somehow). His only confirmed relative is the slenderchild Crescenderchild or Crescendo. Sulkerman created her by accident, so he's tecnicaly the responsible for her existence. Sulkerman is quite bitter about it and got rid of Cresceno as soon as he was able too. (I'll probably make something about that in the future).

Notable physical features:
White skin and clothes are usually a bit stained with black, result of the strange sticky goo that pours out both mouth and eyes when agitated.

Mostly of the time he has only 6 tentacles visible. The two upper ones are the strongest, thick and shorter. Middle ones half-length and half-strength. Finally the lower ones are the longest, but not so strong, just enough to pick up a person. Can be used as whips.

Mouth rips open when mad, annoyed or hunting. Eyes are almost never seen and when they are, they are hardly visible due the goo that pours out.

His tentacles are not made of the black goo, this is just a substance that covers them as soon as they out. Without it, the tentacles are heavily mutilated, missing parts of flesh, deep cuts, some are barely holding up. Color is a faded black with some grey zones. Without the goo as cover, they are weak and fragile, hence it’s strange to catch Sulker with his tentacles uncover.

Aside having a good human meal, he enjoys giving others challenges, testing someone abilities, pushing them to the limit. Making deals/trades with other beings and slenders.

Hyper people, being called Moody, disrespectful people, broken rules unless there´s a good reason behind. Disrespectful proxies. Owing favors.

Short History:
A very old Slender creature, but probably not as much as the elder Slender and better known, Slenderman. Currently the oldest known written document that talks about the Sulkerman goes back to 1346, among the beginnings of the Black Plague or Black Death. Roughly, it’s spoken about a doctor that appeared during night at the sick ones doorstep, offering a cure in exchange of service. It describe him all as abnormally tall and thin, covered with a heavy black leather tunic that covered him from head to toe. It’s also mentioned wearing a cape of the same material that covered his torso up the elbows and a wide-brimmed hat that covered his features. While the cure is described as a charcoal black, sticky and dense substance.
The ones that accepted his terms recovered miraculously, but most of them disappeared shortly or started acting suspicious before disappearing as well.

Sulker discovered a pleasure in having his victims walk right to him instead of chasing them down. With the centuries, he learned to enter and poison fragile minds, intensifying all that negativity, until the weak ones, followed the path straight to their own doom, finding this self-destruction all so much more satisfying. Feeding this way, he became more powerful and sneaky, until becoming what he is today, a strong but shadowed creature that enjoy mind tricks and studying how much a mind can take before giving itself to the negativity inside everyone.

Current Sulker proxies:…


(Sulker accepts almost nobody as his ally, so I'll be very strict about this one. Please understand if I don't accept your Oc as his ally.)

- Crescender food-haunts-people18.deviantar…
Even if he hates her, she is the only other slender that has a bit of sulker trust.

-Joy (… (c) AK-47x)
It's just strange and an unexpected alliance. Can't say Sulker trusts her, but finds Joy powers very interesting and useful, plus her dark sense of humor is always welcome. On the other hand he can't stand much her happy side, but it's more beareable than other slenders.


(Sulker knows almost no in-between ally or enemy, you are either one or the other. You can ask to be added, however please understand if I don't accept your Oc as his enemy. Sulker only sees as enemies other powerful creatures, if he considers them weak, he won't even pay them attention. This are other slenders or creatures powerfull and that can get in his way for different reasons.)

- Mother *Rosalia (… (c) TheScarletCrow)

Mother is just overly nice, innocent and kind in Sulker opinion, and if that wasn't enough, no matter how rude he is, or how much he shows his despise for her, the slender being keeps treating him nicely... That's it, until her patience runs thin and ends up smacking him. Every time Sulker finds himself nearby her domains, he'll drop some of his nocive black goo in rivers, on plants and even animals just to angry her.

- Faceless Hunter (purpleguythekiller.deviantart.… (c) PurpleGuytheKiller)

- Doodleman (… (c) steampunk112)

(Beings Sulker doesn't really cares about, but deems them as "useful". They are usually powerful or influential in some way, but Sulker does not considers them a threat, hence he leaves them alone. On the other hand, he doesn't trust them enough to be consider allies, but might do deals now or then if it's very beneficial for him.
Ask to be added, same as the two above. Mostly slender beings that are not interested in getting into Sulker way, but could consider a deal with him now or them. Think of it as a professional thing? Also other supernatural creatures. No humans, sorry, Sulker only sees them as food)

\-The Scorch Lady ([…]( (c) Me)

Sulker found this slender while she was still in her cocoon tree. Young at the time, before finding the black venom power, Sulker felt weak compared to other slenders and in a blind jealousy fit, he lit up Scorch tree on fire. The action made him feel superior and powerful if just for a few moments, staying to torture Scorch a bit more when she tried to escape. He left then, giving her for dead, but much to her surprise, the slender woman found him a century later. Now he finds amusement in fighting Scorch, knowing he is still stronger and responsible for her pain.


Can I make a Sulkerman proxy? What are the guidelines for Sulekrman proxies?
Sure! Just follow the instructions written here…

As almost all my oc’s, yes, you can ship with Sulkerman as long as it is a crackship, aka, a ship for fun. I’m not planning on shipping Sulker canonnly. Also don’t fight over ships.

Can I draw him?
Of course, go ahead. Just give me credit for Sulkerman and tag me so I can see it~ :D

More questions? Don’t be afraid to ask, I’ll answer them as soon as I can.

Hope you all like the few changes and updates I made to Moody!!! Can't believe I manage to get enough time to make this today x_x

The Sulkerman (c) :icona-dreamare:

Crescenderchild (c) :iconfood-haunts-people18:


Slenderman (c) Victor Surge