Emote Seasons by a-kid-at-heart on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
a-kid-at-heart on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/a-kid-at-heart/art/Emote-Seasons-288197452a-kid-at-heart
Deviation Actions
Daily Deviation
March 3, 2012
Emote Seasons by *upsguy1997 is an outstanding emote filled with life and energy. The detailed pixelling and smooth animation are amazing. The best part, arguably, is how he made each emote have an individual walk. It's such beautiful attention to detail.
Published: Mar 2, 2012
56K Views1 Collected Privately
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EDIT: Holy Cow! I finally get some rest and come back to 6100 notifications! That is so awesome!! The feedback is SOOO appreciated. Thank you very much to stuck-in-suburbia (our newest CV!) for the DD feature and the suggesters: catluvr2, spring-sky, seapuppy and Nice-Spice! All of you in the Emote Community are an awesome bunch!
So many comments and favs! I can't answer them all. Please know I read and appreciate every one of them!
685 Frames
8220 Total Layers created
A shitload of individual leaves (I refuse to count them)
Over 100 hours
fav.me/d4rly3p fav.me/d4sr06z fav.me/d4v3ioc fav.me/d5pfay5 fav.me/d5y90ih
Image size
100x100px 2.28 MB