Transformers Shattered Glass Wheeljack 2 by Aarion23 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I know it says Slicer and I assure you I am NOT False advertising, Shattered Glass Wheeljack disguised himself as a G2 Decepticon Slicer from the future to get in good with G2 Slicer. It is heavily hinted at in the 3rd paragraph of the main bio.

Shattered Glass Wheeljack 1 here:…

Shattered Glass Grimlock here:…

All Shattered Glass Bios here:…

I DO NOT OWN THIS, I DID NOT MAKE IT, I am merely posting this as an archive so that no one has to go through the trouble I had to go through to find the Transformers Shattered Glass Bios. I AM NOT PROFETING IN ANY WAY! Nore would I ever want to. These are free to access and free for the public archive.

All Copyrights to the respective owners.