Our Lives are not Our Own by aberry89 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

aberry89 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aberry89/art/Our-Lives-are-not-Our-Own-359236256aberry89

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aberry89's avatar

Published: Mar 13, 2013


Think I drew this after seeing "The Cloud Atlas" when it came out. Really incredible and ambitions movie, you can always count on a Wachowski film to be philosophical and thought provoking. It was amazing after the first watch, but it really becomes magnificent after several viewings. These are not characters from the movie, just inspired by them.

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3300x2550px 1.25 MB

AlwaysReal4U's avatar

Wow Its amazing! I love the movie (and the book) Your art style is really beautiful.