Acrinn45 - Hobbyist, Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LiteratureFor the Soul of the Star-FarerGiving the greatsword one final flourish, Steve Hannigan grabs the hilt in both hands and brings it down on the training dummy and cleaves it in two. There's a slow clap from behind him, and he turns to find Orion leaning against the wall of his house. “Wow, you really showed him who’s boss. You’re shaping up to be a grand paladin.” “Damn right.” Steve laughs as he sheathes his greatsword. “Now, what brings the ‘legendary pirate’ to my backyard at this time of morning?” Orion looks up to the sun. “Would you believe me if I said I’m here for guidance?” “Not for a minute.” “C’mon, man.” “Look, I like you, and I like to think that we know each other fairly well by now, yeah? You have never, not once in the entire time I’ve known you, entertained the idea that anyone could tell you what to do.” The young male human picks up the broken dummy and chucks it over by the shed, on top of a pile of other broken dummies. And Orion knew he had a good point. “Hell, I had to literally use myAll

LiteratureFor the Soul of the Star-FarerGiving the greatsword one final flourish, Steve Hannigan grabs the hilt in both hands and brings it down on the training dummy and cleaves it in two. There's a slow clap from behind him, and he turns to find Orion leaning against the wall of his house. “Wow, you really showed him who’s boss. You’re shaping up to be a grand paladin.” “Damn right.” Steve laughs as he sheathes his greatsword. “Now, what brings the ‘legendary pirate’ to my backyard at this time of morning?” Orion looks up to the sun. “Would you believe me if I said I’m here for guidance?” “Not for a minute.” “C’mon, man.” “Look, I like you, and I like to think that we know each other fairly well by now, yeah? You have never, not once in the entire time I’ve known you, entertained the idea that anyone could tell you what to do.” The young male human picks up the broken dummy and chucks it over by the shed, on top of a pile of other broken dummies. And Orion knew he had a good point. “Hell, I had to literally use myFeatured

Original Stories


LiteratureLaughter in the Darkness (prologue)The manager leads the new night guard to his office in the back. "And here it is! Your own little office! It's not much, I know, but it's got enough space that you can outfit it as you please! The desk has several monitors that regulate things in the building, there's controls for the security cameras, and there are small lights you can control from the panel next to that one. The door's key is in the top drawer, and your partner's getting their key tomorrow. But I'm sure you already knew that, right?" Orion Silkash grins and tosses his work bag in the corner of the room and takes off his jacket, revealing a purple night guard outfit underneFanfics

LiteratureStay-In Valentine's Day (an OrioKat short)"Well, the outside world's not safe today." Orion flops face-up onto Kat's bed, staring at the ceiling. Kat rolls her eyes. "The world is still just as safe as it's always been, Orion. Yeah, it's weird to see so many hearts everywhere, and pink and red are all over the place...but I wouldn't exactly call that dangerous." Sitting up, he exclaims "But the gushy romance! It was oozing out of nearly every corner and from every person we saw! Cuddling and making out and..." He shudders, which get's a laugh out of Kat. "Says the charmer!!" She smirks and lays next to him on her side. He rolls onto his side and looks at her. "There's a differencOrion Stories

LiteratureAfter-Hours Pre-Final OrioKat Short #2: Gifts"So, what's with the box, Kat?" "Ugh, we've only had a couple sips! Can't you stop asking until after we've at least had ONE drink?" "Fiiiine..." Kat shakes her head, a playful smirk on her lips as she takes a sip of her drink. Thanks to a certain cat, she was now hooked on the Luke-Warm Pretzel, the drink Orion shared with her when they first met a couple months ago that she FINALLY remembered to ask the name of. "'s hard to think that we've known each other for a couple months already. It still feels like it was just the other day!" Orion chuckles. "Probably because we spent about half of it going in and out of the hospital." HiCommissions

LiteratureFright Night Frenzy - Pt. 2"Ta-daa!" Stepping out of the changing stall, Jenny's clad in a very intricate priestess costume, complete with high-quality imitation gemstones. She gives a quick twirl, showing off her hard work. Paul gives a quiet golf clap while Tyler grins. They have no problem admitting that they were both outdone in the costume department. With a flourish, Jenny giggles and strikes a pose before leading the way out toward the food vendors. Tyler steps up and wraps his arm around her waist, planting a light kiss on her cheek. "Man, you really weren't kidding when you said you were planning something big, huh?" She smirks in response, glad that Tyler thRandom

Sentinel Armor TahuBionicle

For the Soul of the Star-Farer by Acrinn45, literature

Fresh Hell by Acrinn45, literature

Confessions of the Damned by Acrinn45, literature

Intense Non-Color by Acrinn45, literature

Awkward Non-Silence by Acrinn45, literature

Confronting the Facts by Acrinn45, literature

Roommate Adjustment by Acrinn45, literature

Clarity of Thought by Acrinn45, literature

Dimension-Hopping (FT Spin-Off) by Acrinn45, literature

Legacy of Fire Soul (Intro Piece) by Acrinn45, literature