Run by AdrianMata26 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

:bulletblue: Twitter: @ImpalaXTwiSpark
:bulletwhite: Tumblr:
:bulletblue: #RainbowDash #DaringDo #Run
:bulletwhite: #Impala2013

Light up, light up,
as if you have a choice!
Even if you cannot hear my voice,
I'll be right beside you, dear...

Louder, louder,
and we'll run for our lives!
I can hardly speak, I understand
why you can't raise your voice to say...

Snow Patrol, Run

This one took almost a week to finish because I was unsure of its composition and how I would work with it. Originally, I wanted to have some sort of a futuristic setting, but after watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (during my 8th grade field trip to my local TouchStar Cinemas theater), I felt I wanted to do away with the fog - "I'm gonna put in some grass and a few rocks to make it look real" - it fell into place with ~dadio46's shard brushes and ~redheadstock's cloud mist brushes. Several layers of grass were put in front and behind Rainbow Dash and Daring Do (kindly provided by ~craftybrony), which could partially explain the large file size. The movie affect Photoshop action (from =fraggedICE) was soon applied to give it feeling that it was actually from a movie (which isn't!)...

I'm gonna leave it up to you to interpret what's going on in that scene... what's going on there? Why are Dashie and Daring running? Write a short fanfic if you need to!

A little note about the vector used
Daring Dashie by ~craftybrony was made as a wallpaper; however the AI file had Daring Do and a partially recolored Rainbow Dash that I could use for this one. The latter pony had to be recolored back to her original colors and minor modifications were made to the vectors for accuracy. The wing bandage and Daring Do's explorer outfit on Rainbow Dash stays, though.

Songs listened to during the making of this wallpaper
:bulletblue: #Beautiful by Mariah Carey featuring Miguel
:bulletwhite: Run by Snow Patrol
:bulletblue: Think of Me by Sarah Brightman (from The Phantom of the Opera)
:bulletwhite: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring

Created in Photoshop.
Rainbow Dash and Daring Do from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro, Inc. / DHX Media / The Hub / Discovery Communications.

Daring Dashie by ~craftybrony.
Brushes by *s1088, =charfade, ~redheadstock, and ~dadio46.
Photoshop actions by =pstutorialsws and =fraggedICE.
Time: ~1 week.