Lost Memories by Aikurisu on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

“Away with you, doomsayer. Take your vain premonitions with you into exile. There they won't trouble this glorious civilisation anymore.”

Legend has it that the great civilisation of Eres, once home to the first generations of the nelri who lived along Estyria's western shores, was home to a creature that had prophesized its time of ruin. Her name was Vera, a nymph among them who had long been concerned about the hedonistic ways her people embraced. She was considered the blood of a fallen angel, an aeluri, who was gifted with foresight; a gift that passed on to her children and was believed to have ended with Vera’s mother, whose close relationship with one of the last ruling warrior princes of Eres begot Vera from a night of adulterated pleasure. Nevertheless, Vera showed little sign of her mother’s gift, till one night when she awoke in tears after receiving a vision by the Creator that all she knew was doomed to perish in a great sundering of Estyria. It was this dream, this vision, that caused Vera to try and warn her people; begging them to cast aside their sinful lives to starve off their Lord’s impending wrath.

It didn’t end well. Vera’s vision was not well-received by her people, who criticised her as a lonely heretic seeking to undermine their way of life. Her concerns even fell on deaf ears with her father, whose pride allowed the high priests of the Avatar of Lust to persecute her unjustly and physically humiliate her in public before she was sent away into enduring exile, into the eastern wilds of the Forgotten Mountains. It was there Vera was forced to survive and witnessed from their peaks n horror as her vision became reality and saw much of Estyria, the very first civilisation formed by the nelri, obliterated from the face of the world. No creature there survived, leaving Vera the only one to witness the fall of Eres and with it the end of the nelri’s main cultural presence in Estyria, forevermore.

Thousands of years on, Vera still lived. She became a creature of the wild, living a primal existence that over time stripped her of her memories of her once cultured life and even her native language. She became free from the trappings of mortal sin and lived on the pure bounties of the evermore, the fruit of life. With it she never aged and only grew stronger, keeping as nimble as a hearty feline, always staying one step ahead of those that saw her as prey, and realising the forests of Estyria were no longer fit for anything but the beasts that lived among it. They taught her how to survive.

Yet some things were not meant to be forgotten. The lifeless civilisations of ages past left their mark throughout the realm. Silent they were now. Stubborn they were to disappear into nothingness. And Vera, who was perhaps the stubbornest of them all, being the last Eresian to live in the flesh. Although, unlike her long forgotten brothers and sisters, her place among the living still had purpose. A destiny that would change the world once again for the better, many centuries on. A destiny as well that founded hope for her that an ancient bloodline as strong as hers would create new life...


And I could write more on that, but that’s enough lore for today. =P

So who is Vera? Well, I actually drew her years ago... once, so she’s by no means a new character. In some ways she’s one of my oldest designs that for the longest time was neglected for her story being a heavy spoiler in my world... but nevermind. And nope, she is not the same chick from: [link] Though they do happen to live in the same era at one stage. Vera’s diet of native fruits and berries would not really paint her as the huntress type so much... though she does like her fish a lot, so I guess that counts. Anything else is probably too cute for her to kill for food or anything really. XD

Artwork // Vera // Lore - © Kristopher P. Love