Pixel Markimoo! by aileenarip on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Iva inspired me and kinda encouraged me to do some pixel art and here it is! :D
I've wanted to do pixel from a while now but I wasn't entirely sure >u<

Anyways I did this markimoo as a test and I really like ow it turned out at the end! :D :dummy:
So I'll probably do more I haz pizza

Ps: sorry I haven't been active on this past few days but I've having some Sel-artist-confidence issues//ya know, thinking I'm not good enough and such// but I think I'm dealing well with it, I sit to read your comments and they make me smile and feel more confident, it helps, so thank you guys!! you're truly amazingHeart bum :heart: rvmp

Ps2: still not sure about my artstyle haha xD

Ps3: If you feel to use this as an icon or I don't know something feel free to use it ^^//just don't remove my signature please :meow: