Heathcliff - Obscure Cartoon Characters { 1 } by Aisudi on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

First drawing of my new series of drawings! :la: Every so often I'll post drawings of cartoon characters who are hardly recognized or almost totally forgotten by many people. And the star of today's drawing is Heathcliff, an orange cat (of probably the same breed as Garfield) who's the main character of the animated series titled... simply "Heathcliff".

I remember liking it as it was broadcast on TV in my country usually on Sunday afternoons (long time ago...), yet personally I wouldn't say it played a big part in my childhood. I used to enjoy watching it, but it wasn't the absolute favorite of mine - as opposed to my boyfriend who absolutely loved it and remembers it as his favorite cartoon from childhood.

BTW, the show consists of two segments - the first one shows adventures of Heathcliff and the second one is about a group of stray cats (The Catillac Cats) who live in a junkyard probably in the same city as Heathcliff and I must admit I prefered the second segment to the first one. :meow:

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Heathcliff (c) DiC Entertainment.