Sketchy Saturday { 9 } by Aisudi on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

GoodCaptainClack , thank you so much for suggesting a character! :hug: :D

It's winter where I live, so I thought why not sketching Lady in a winter outfit? :meow: A great opportunity to practice drawing clothes. :aww:

The pose is quite basic, cause I decided to put focus mostly on the outfit.

Wanna see it in color? Let me know in a comment! ^^

(Also, sorry for being late... :C)

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Some previous "Sketchy Saturday" drawings:

Sketchy Saturday { 8 } by Aisudi Striking news! { Sketchy Saturday 6 } by Aisudi

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cute watch Don't hesitate to watch me if you like my art! Meow :3 It won't cost you anything and you will give me motivation to improve and show your support which I always appreciate! Heart

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Lady (c) Me.