Rayna by AlaskanAlpaca on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

//weeps I've been going through some old designs that I never finished and I came across this girl. After quite a bit of debate I decided to keep her! She's my February custom.


-Born to an ancient family of assassins to the royal family of Laosia, Rayna was pressured from a young age to be the very best she could possibly be, despite having a coat that was about as inconspicuous as it could get. Her neon colours and loud nature made it difficult for her at first to be good at hiding, but her stubborn desire to follow in her family's footsteps won out. Now she's the best assassin the royal family has ever had.

-Best friends with the Fluff Squad, especially Kasukan.
-Kasu and Ray get into so much trouble together, they are both mischievous as can be
-One of few who get along well with Aira, actually the two are good friends and bonded over, idk something
-Berin and Ray are also good friends

-Stubborn, Loud, but extremely stealthy when she wants to be, Violent natured, outgoing, but bad at making new friends(keeps those she has very close), extra protective, (kinda like a mama bird)

I love her