The Forest God (Tenebris Archive) by Alexpeaceful345 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The Forest God, also known as the Forest Creature, is a mysterious predatory being and a dark entity from the "Other World", known in some religious circles as Hell itself. An evil, supernatural demonic entity, believed to be the descendant and prominent warrior of Satan himself, Lucifer, the fallen archangel, which reigns in some forests of North America and Canada. The Forest God preys on humans, unsuspecting outsiders and tourists who trespass into his domains, and devours their souls as well as their bodies, slowly consuming them. The Forest God appears in the fan creepypasta "Something in the Woods" which is part of the Great Dawnfall universe.


The Forest God has a grotesque, hideous, terrifying appearance, looking like a huge moose-like monster with an antlered skeletal head, withered, weathered, rotting skin, and empty black eyes that stink of death. It has long, elongated four limbs that end in hooves, but it can take any shape, such as taking the form of a small creature or growing arms that end in long claws, for easy hunting and capturing of its prey.

It does not appear to have jaws or teeth, but like the snake it can open its mouth wider and swallow its victims whole, where they die in slow, painful agony as their digestive systems digest both their souls and bodies. The creature has dark, supernatural powers, able to manipulate its environment and the terrain around it, as well as the minds of humans, forcing them to become cultists who will do anything for the Forest God. Those whose minds are under his control, or ritually sacrificed, are slowly transformed into his own form by the Forest God, and turned into similar, rhodhoid-skinned, abomination, antlered humanoid beings, and used to break into the houses of nearby villages and snatch his chosen prey for him. They can also shape-shift, mimic any living creature, and can take on their voices and human speech to easily trick and trap their victims.

The creature has telekinetic and telepathic abilities, able to control forests to draw away unsuspecting wildlife, outsiders and tourists with its tree tendrils and roots. A master of lurking and stealth, he watches his prey patiently from a distance in the trees, waiting for the right time when he is most vulnerable to his potential prey. He can also turn invisible by tricking people into thinking he is invisible, so that his victims can only see him when he wants them to. He can create a dark dense fog and Nightfall throughout the forest to intimidate his victims and keep them from finding their way out of the forest.

The Forest God is extremely sadistic in nature, and extremely cunning, intelligent, able to manipulate his prey, achieved through physical and psychological damage, to make his victims not fight or flee from him, and to make them mutilate themselves. They induces various nightmares, hallucinations and visions in order to paralyse his prey, and he also makes his victims mutilate themselves, thus weakening them. They is able to take control of their minds to force them to do anything he wants, including kidnapping, murdering or ritually sacrificing other humans to the Forest God.

The Forest God, the Wendigo himself according to some North American indigenous legends, and the offspring of Loki in Norse mythology, the Jotünn. Some believe that creatures also exist, such as the Forest Creature, which may come from the "Other World". Some theorise that it may come from one of the 12 dimensions and similar creatures, entities and anomalies that may originate in Dante's Inferno, one of the 9 circles of Hell, which are under the control of Satan himself.

The Tenebris Archive of the Tenebris Organization reveals that Jonathan O'brien, a local hunter, collected evidence and information about the Forest God in 1987, which emerges from a series of notes in his own diary, after people began mysteriously disappearing from the small local town. Following O'brien's mysterious disappearance, the Tenebris secretly took over the case from the local authorities and sent agents to locate and eradicate the creature/creatures and secure and clear the area. The creature is found to be vulnerable, as O'brien described that when he wounded the creature, it came out with inky, sticky black blood, which is thought to be related to Black Sludge Disease. The whereabouts of the diary's author are still unknown.
