Alice-WhiteRabbit User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Jak X: Enough

"Keira's quite a mechanic," Sig said, admiring his car. "Always has been," Jak replied, lounging on one of the chairs in the garage. Daxter sat on his shoulder, sipping at a beer. It wouldn't be long now before he'd be smashed for the night. "Still, for someone her age, it's amazing. I'll be damned if you could find someone better." Jak nodded, smiling; his face blanched once Daxter laughed and spoke. "You don't have to tell Jak twice, ain't that right buddy?" His voice was was faintly slurred; he swayed ever so bit on top of the blonde's shoulder. He took another swig of beer. Sig cocked an eyebrow at Jak, who's face had become the sligh