Vae Pira by AliceTheDemonPlz on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The third and the last spawn of Sir Pentious and my OC Crimson, is finally colored!~ cx
Love my Vae chan a lot honestly. She's my beautiful baby. :heart:

Name: Vae Pira
Age: Stops physically aging when she turns in her early 20s
Genger: Female.
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian.
Relationship status: Shipped with Helsa Von Eldritch.
Relatives: Alastor (Grandfather.) Devika (Grandmother.) Amber (Aunt) Crimson (Mother) Sir Pentious (Father.) Rosella ( Older sister ) Asper (Older brother.) Eggboi #47 (Uncle?) All the other eggbois (Somewhat brothers?)
Specie: Cobra (65%) Succubus (35%)
Powers: Unknown, but she's weaker than her brother. For now only hypnosis, teleportation, venamous bite, inhuman strength, inhuman speed, and sensing heat or a soul's presence is known for now.

Main theme:…


Prideful, often acts rude to people if they flirt with her or she sees them as weak or pathetic, easily annoyed, has a temper as big as Pent's, flirtagious, caring, loving, sweet, blushes easily, prankster, loves annoying random people sometimes, but mainly loves to piss them off, thinks she's a queen and loves being treated that way, respectful and kind, sassy and savage, careless.

Friends/people she likes: Helsa (Her beloved she loves so much and would do anything for her.) Her parents (She loves and respects them a lot and will kill you if you dare hurt or upset them in anyway. ) Tom Trench (Bestfriend.) Amber (fine with her, but she often annoys her.) Asper (She loves and supports him. He is her favorite sibling. Rarely do they argue. ) Alastor. (She loved and adores him so much. Out of all her family members, she loves and trusts Alastor best. And she wishes to sing with him on stage together someday.)

Enemies/people she hates: Rosella (These two constantly fight, and Rosella annoys her A LOT. Vae loves her, and will protect her and help her when in trouble.. But when not.. She doesn't stand being very near her. Rarely do they get along. ) Charlie and Vaggie ( Hates it when they fight and mess with Helsa. She also finds Charlie weird, a little annoying, childish, and finds her idea for the Hotel stupid, for she doesn't believe in redemption and finds it rediculous. ) Angel Dust ( She likes his sense of humor and sass, but she hates him for the fact that he is fighting her father at Turf wars with joy.. ) Cherri Bomb (Lol. Duh!) Katie KillJoy. (Hates her with a passion as a person and for the fact that she keeps bullying and abusing Tom. Vae loves pulling pranks on Katie, humiliating her, and 'putting her in her place' by destroying her standarts, status, and pride. Tom enjoys this a lot, which is how he and Vae became friends. Through their hatered towards Katie. )

Likes: Helsa, The 20-40s style, singing and dancing, performing, being treated like a queen, applauded, compliments, her fans, performing, herself, jewelry, fancy clothing, making those she loves happy and loved, humiliating her enemies and those who annoy her. Her sister losing to her in anyway, mainly in fights, winning, spending time with Helsa, playing the piano and organ with her parents, pink, jazz and electro swing, pop. Looking good, being the center of attention.

Hates: When he dad forces her to wear something less 'revealing' fighting with her sister. Her parents, siblings, and grandparents, being stressed or upset, Turf Wars, perverts, those who push their luck, people trying to touch her without permission or knowledge (Out of surprise.), the public throwing stuff at her if they don't like her performance or singing. Helsa being upset or angry, people stealing from her. Those who mess with her family (Only she can mess with them. )

Talking/speaking voice: #6 cat woman on 1:20… Singing voice:… Demonic voice: Unknown**.**


She is a lesbian but for now, only she knows of it, she is scared shitless to tell anyone, because she REALLY doesnt want her father to find out. She's scared that he'll stop loving her, and might reject her for that. She loves him so much, and doesn't want to lose his love for her.

She loves wearing dresses in the 20-40s style. She doesn't like wearing pants, she prefers skirts.

Her favorite color is pink (Obviously.)

She loves cats.

She and Rosella fight all the time for the smallest things. Rosella often starts the fights.

She is a good fighter, Crimson trained her.

She knows nothing about machinery, but she knows how to use lasers and guns, her father taught her.

She is a well skilled dancer.

She loves anime more than cartoons. No one knows, but her favorite animes are those that contain Hentai. And she's super embarrassed to tell anyone about it.

She's a good gambler, she has her mother's luck when it comes to gambling.

She sings Jazz and Electro Swing mostly, but she loves singing Pop also, ( similar pop music like the KDA one. )

She loves special effects and lightshows, and often she has those when performs.

She's a good artist when it comes to drawing.

She is very close to Alastor, and she shares most of her secrets with him and asks for advice, she also loves spending time with him and going on adventures with him.

Vae loves Devika but finds her boring or uninteresting.

She is similar to her mother and brother. She can't control her sexual desires well, she's worse than her brother. But unlike her brother, she doesn't seek prostitutes to use when horny, she uses her own hands or sex toys like her mother did and does when Pent ain't a mood. She's jealous of Rosella that she can control herself well. However, she doesn't now that Rosella doesn't feel shit nor can she.

She adores pulling pranks on anyone. Her family get the more harmless ones, while everyone she doesn't know get annoying and possibly slightly humiliating ones, her enemies get dangerous and very humiliating pranks pulled on them.

She has a massive crush on Helsa, but will probably hardly tell her, or anyone else about it due to her fear of her father rejecting her for being a lesbian..

She secretly sends Helsa small Valentines presents or poems each V-Day, she sents her gifts on christmass and her birthday too. Helsa doesn't know who is sending her the gifts and poems however, because Vae does it anonymously.

She lies that she is Aromantic to avoid men and to make her father shut up about getting a boyfriend.

If she were like Asper who would pay prostitutes to have "Fun" when horny, Vae would pay women. She also finds dicks REALLY gross, so not even out of curiosity will she fuck a man, not even once.

She is the "Bitch of a sister" in the family. For she is prideful, has an atitude, a temper and such.

Vae is a lot like her father, but less of her mother.

Vae has her father's hands and claws.

She is goofy like her father and has a similar sense of humour as both her parents and Alastor's.

Vae loves horror movies and sad romantic ones.

She is more nicer to you if she gets used to you and gets to know you better, and then she'll be very loyal and respective towards you. Tom Trench is someone she got to really like rather quickly.

Vae doesn't care with who she is friends with, as long as they are nice and respective towards her and and her family.

Vae is the type who will try to ruin your life is she hates you very strongly. Similar to Crimson, if she hates you a hell lot..

She has one rule, when it comes to her family and it's "No one messes with my family but ME!" Break it, she breaks you.

She loves warm baths where there are aroma candles being the only thing lighting the bathroom. It relaxes her a lot and calms her when stressed or upset.

She treats the eggbois with a lot of love, even if they annoy her sometimes, she never loses her temper on them. They are her little and big brothers.

She buys those she loves nice presents, while those she doesn't like, she doesn't care about them and buys them nothing no matter who they are.

Her inside of the hood is not peach/yellow like her father's. It's all pink and purple like Crimson's hair. So that's why she is not yellow like her dad.

She can't wear headbands, because they constantly fall off whenever she opens her hood/hair, And she hates it when that happens. So she wears hair clips. The feathered hairclip is a gift from Alastor to her.

Her name is a play word for the word 'Viper' but also a pun for 'vampire'

Vae is good at doing one's make up and hair. Whenever someone from her family wants their makeup or hair done for Halloween or something, she does it, and she has fun with it, and she does it well too.

Police :icondonotuseplz::iconmyartplz: Police
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