Toruk - Lion - Adopt? by AlieMey on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Moved from my old Account: A-lie134
Original Date of Submition: February 8, 2010

EDIT: I got Him!! :woohoo:

Trying to adopt from :icondeluxedesigncenter: [link]

Name: Toruk
Nickname: everyone calls him Taruk
Age: 5 year
Gender: male
Species: Asiatic Lion
Height:1,35 m at the shoulder
Weight: 233 kg
Special trait:
- symmetrical markings around the eyes
- some lichter hair in the tip of his tail
- his facial expression looks like he is always angry, but it isn't the case
- bright green eyes

loner/ brave/ loyal/ carefull

Taruk is a lonely lion, that wanders around the Asian grounds. He don't want to join a group of lions permenantly, he do join them sometimes, but only because he want some compagny. Though the young cubs present in those groups get easily scared by him and he don't want them to be scared like that so he prefers to not stay longer then wanted.

He doesn't have problems to catch his food, being that huge he has a lot of strength and can easily get any prey he wants. He does have a little preference for the asian antelope and fish.

Taruk is easily recognized among other lions, because of his green eyes and brown facial mask. Though he is very hard to be seen, since he got a very dark fur colors.

He keeps wandering around the plains, jungles and moutains until he will find the place to stay ...

Future: Will meet his mate, a female red tiger and will have little ligers cubs.

Funny Fact:
- he got scared by a mouse when he was a cub and since then he won't stay at some place where there are mice near, he will chase them until the are gone or he will leave the place XD
- when he smell something new, he will sneeze 2 times
- he learned how to swim so he could catch one of his favourites dish: fish


:meow: I seriously love this guy, isn't he cute
I wanted to create some time ago a Liger-cat, but with that I wanted to have the parents and since also wanted to creat a female red tiger, I just needed the lion-father :meow:, besides I really like to draw them, they are somewhat easier then regular felines ...

Anyway, about the picture, helped me with some pictures from a book.
The picture with only the face looks kind of weird to me, and his ears are a little too large :hmm:, oh well he's still cute :D

(name explanation: was supposed to be "Toruk" like the big Ikran beast in Avatar XD, but I kind of switched the "o" and became a "a", I didn't even realised it until now -_-; , I can't believe I can't remember such an easy, specially after seeing 3 times that movie XD, oh well ;p)

Enjoy guys, and I hope I will get him :meow:

Art © Me