Get into the spirit by AlishaSpankMe on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Jack: Sara Halloween is for kids why do you get into it so much you are acting childish.

Sara: Jack you are such a party pooper, plus this witch outfit is super cute and I got some fun accessories at the second hand store.

Jack: I am not answering the door this year, we only get college kids Sara! plus slutty and cute are 2 different things, maybe when you are done handing out treats you can get on your knees over here and give me one while I watch the game.

Sara: Stop it! pout This is cute not slutty

While walking away Sara adjusts her hat and sits at the table to flip through the old book she got to set next to her while handing out candy. One page has the title: getting into the spirit. Sara rubs the amulet that came with the book and follows the instructions.

Sara: now what attributes do I want changed, well , pleasant, bubbly, eager, wanting to please others, sexy wouldn’t be bad nibbles her lip maybe a little naughty too. closes her eyes I wish this would work.

Sara hears the clacking of heels and sees a sexy orange encased sissy smiling at her.

Sara: Jack!!

Jack: giggle curtsey hi sweetie , I’m just so happy it’s Halloween, I know we only get college kids but I love putting a smile on their face.

ding dong

Jack: oh that must be the darlings now.

Sara sees it’s a large group of frat brothers.

Sara: Maybe we skip this group the boys can get a bit handsy.

Jack : Oh nonsense they deserve a happy Halloween

Jack minces to the front door and bounces down to meet them to wolf whistles and leering eyes.

Jack : Happy Halloween boys

Boys : Trick or treat

Jack: Oh treats all around … hmmm I seem to have misplaced my candy bowl is there anything else I can do to put a smile on you faces.

Boys: I think so honey come with us to the frat house across the street

Jack: Batting his eyes and giggle of course sweetie

With a smile Jack goes with the boys happy to put smiles on their faces.

Sara: giggle I guess someone will end up on thier knees today