Titania by Amamidori on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Amamidori on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/amamidori/art/Titania-804721121Amamidori

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Amamidori's avatar

Published: Jul 7, 2019


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800x389px 583.83 KB

Hello I work in a small company that we have created in texas right now. Were going to launch our tcg in late october with the first wave that is 2 starter decks 1 booster box with displays banners mats etc etc. Were going to have our playable mobile app to play the card game have internet announcements with our cinematic crew with after effects etc etc and to start a first episode of an anime with the launch of the card game and we saw your art and would like to know if your willing to let us use the art of yours For our card game and we will give you credit for it in our webpage also a link where people will see. your art and follow you and your artist name on the box of each booster set and pack..Let me know here is a link of our web page as well: dynastycardgame.wixsite.com/official